
Slinking Shadow



5 Years
Extra large
06-09-2014, 09:08 PM

Moving with the slinking gait of an escaped convict, Laufey slid along ravine's west wall. He stuck to the shadows; not because he needed the cover but because it suited his mood. The darkness enveloped him, blotting out the light and making, in his mind, the exterior match the interior. Vahva was dead, his moms were gone and he had no idea where his siblings were. Maybe they were gone too. Maybe they were dead.

The boy sat down hard. He hoped they weren't dead. Wherever his mothers were, as angry as he was with them, he hoped they weren't dead either. Seeing Vahva so empty looking had shaken him to the core. Of course he knew that the sickness was serious--why else would he hide in a den for weeks on end--but finding Vahva after she'd been claimed by it had made it all too real and so that, mixed with a desire to be alone, had forced Laufey to abandon his Valhallan bunker and take up wandering.

Lifting his face to the sky, Laufey stared up at the stars. Maybe it was silly, but he believed one of those was Vahva. Even though he wasn't 100% honest with himself in his reasoning, he knew believing it made her death easier to handle. Slowly his gaze returned to the path ahead. He could dwell on his surrogate's death all he wanted, but it got him no closer to where he wanted to be, and where he wanted to be was lost.

Standing, he shook out his coat and continued down the ravine, awash in shadows.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


06-13-2014, 08:09 AM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



The edge of the ravine was a fitting perch for the sable demoness. She lived a life very much on the edge. The edge of sanity, the edge of conflict, the edge of despair. Liste was curled around herself at the very spot where forward movement would send her plunging into its depths. With her eyes closed there was naught but the sound of her steady breathing to make her noticeable within the darkness. Unless, of course, she decided she wanted to be noticed.

Sleep did not claim her, so she did not dream. Instead her mind was clear, thinking only of her desires and nothing more. She had not been sated in some time and they were beginning to creep back up on her day by day, tempting her to maim and feed. Part of her continued to reject the drama though, being in no mood to deal with others in any capacity. Despite her maniacal tendencies and distaste for company, Liste had wondered recently if she should seek out a pack for her survival. That thought remained avoided entirely this evening, however, as her wants began to consume her.

Approaching footsteps caught the attention of the female's perked ears and she slowly opened her eyes to reveal only slivers of golden light. They focused on the outline of another wolf, too light in color to be hidden completely within the night's shadows. Without moving her nose from beneath her tail she gave a warning growl and nothing more, the only opportunity the creature would get to avoid a painful encounter.



5 Years
Extra large
06-14-2014, 01:10 PM

Laufey paused to nose at the ground, his snout trailing the scent markings of an small, unfamiliar creature. How things managed to live between these empty rock walls was beyond him. He had yet to see any water and unless you were a predator, the only source of food appeared to be whatever had peed on the ground before him. There was nothing green here, just varying shades of red as far as the eye could see. In a way, the ravine was beautiful. It had a barren, cold feel to it, but its beauty was unmistakable. Such were the thoughts of a romantic, which he was not, and so with a rolling of his eyes, Laufey banished such silly thoughts. Beauty, in his mind, was a useless thing. It didn't feed you or keep you safe. Really, there was no point in appreciating the aesthetics of an inanimate object. Now wolves? Maybe. But that was an argument for his later years.

The boy took up slinking again, stopping only when a rumble from the opposite shadows reached his ears. Grumpy to begin with, the warning only served quip his anger. This wasn't pack land or anything; the grumbler had no claim to the ravine and so, Laufey reasoned, he was perfectly within his rights to cavort about it if he chose to. It would be one thing if he was invading their space, but he wasn't. There was plenty of room between them. Irritably, he snapped, "The hell is your problem?"


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


06-20-2014, 07:43 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



How dare he? How dare this pompous little ass not only ignore her warning, but question her? Where the demoness had been somewhat content moments ago, she was now angry. She was consumed with the desire to teach the child a lesson he was clearly much in need of. She stared at him through narrow slits for a long moment, letting a tense silence fall between them, before rising slowly to her feet. She took her time to shake out her pelt and loosen up her numbing legs before making her way over to the boy at a leisurely pace.

Upon reaching him, Liste stood still for a long moment before suddenly striking. With the agility of a snake her head shot toward him, jaws parted, in an attempt to land a bite on his face. She wanted to punish him, but maybe even more so she wanted to know what the little shit's blood tasted like. He was just tempting her far too much.



5 Years
Extra large
07-07-2014, 09:26 PM

An eery silence followed his words and as the seconds ticked by, it occurred to the boy that he'd been a bit brash. The silence stretched on and slowly the form before him would rise. On silent paws the wolf would creep towards him and Laufey would quietly begin setting defenses. His heart pounded in his throat and he was beyond scared stiff, but it was too late to take his words back. He thought about apologizing, but in the end decided to hold his ground. He had as much a right to be there as she did.

Widening his stance so that his weight was distributed evenly, Laufey's head lowered until it was even with his shoulders, which he rolled forward to protect his neck. For once he was thinking ahead. If this was going to turn into something then he was going to be ready. His eyes narrowed and his ears pressed flat against his skull. Shifting his weight form paw to paw in anticipation, Laufey splayed his toes out in the hopes that they'd offer him better balance, the combined actions giving him the appearance of a kneading cat. Faking bravado, the boy's lips curled into a sneer and his hackles lifted; inviting the wolf to do her worst. When at last the wolf stopped before him, Laufey went still, his hold body tensing in anticipation of an attack.

Even though he was expecting it, when the attack came Laufey found himself not quite prepared for it. She was fast, much faster than he'd anticipated. The wolf's jaws snaked towards him and the boy barely had time to react, jerking back on his haunches in the hopes of avoiding her teeth. His attempt was unsuccessful and the pup felt teeth dig into the center of his chest, her fangs penetrating the layers of skin and fat to sink into the muscle between his forward shoulders. He yelped, briefly stunned by the pain that blossomed across his torso.

In a flash Laufey's jaws shot towards the back of Liste's neck, his teeth aiming to grab the point where her skull met her spinal column. At the same time, his front paws darted forward in the hopes of encircling the fae's upper neck, cutting off the vital flow of blood to her brain or at the very least giving him more control of the situation. Pain stemming from the wound on his chest radiated down his limbs, but adrenaline fueled him on. He wouldn't give up so easily.

Fight for Dominance


ATTACK: Attempting to bite the back of Liste's head/neck while wrapping his paws around her upper neck in the hopes that doing so will give him more control and/or put her in a headlock and choke her out.

DEFENSES: Widened stance, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, eyes narrowed, ears flattened, toes splayed, lips curled, hackles raised, body tensed

INJURIES: Moderate bite wound to his upper chest, below the slope of his neck.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


07-10-2014, 03:12 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



The child was agile and reacted quickly to her approach, settling his defenses even before she lashed out and moving out of the way just in time to avoid damage to his face. As her head snaked forward, the demoness lowered her own body slightly; raised her tail, tightened her abs and widened her stance for balance, bending at the knees and focusing her weight somewhat toward her spread toes for quicker movements. Her eyes had been narrowed from the moment she had laid them upon the boy, but her ears now fell flat to accompany them. As her teeth made contact, her shoulders rolled forward to give added protection to her neck.

She felt the breaking of flesh and tasted blood on her lips and was suddenly energized. The flavor excited her in ways she could never truly understand and didn't try to. Wanting more, Liste pushed her body backward, releasing her grasp on the child's throat and moving away from him. Her head lowered and chin tucked to protect her own fragile throat, but not quickly enough. The creature retaliated, landing his strike, but not at its intended location. Because of her backward motion his teeth came down hard on her forehead and sank deep, just above her eyes, and his paws missed their mark, being that her neck was now out of range. Liste attempted to pull her head loose, hoping that their lack of flesh to hold onto would make her escape easier.

At the same time, the sable woman tried to swing the hind part of her body to her right to leave her standing perpendicular to the brute?s neck and attempted to push off of her hind legs and jump, aiming to wrap her jaws around the skin on the left side of his neck. She would mimic his attempt somewhat and raise her paws, hoping to hit the side of his neck with enough force that she could affect the speed of his next attack, or at least add a few scratches. He was much taller than her, but a child nonetheless. She was certain she could get the better of his inexperience by using her light weight and agility. Perhaps then she would take more than the glory of defeating him and the taste of his blood, but his innocence as well.

Liste v. Laufey for Dominance/Possible Rape? :O (entirely up to you xD)
Round 1 of 2(?)

Attacks: Attempt to swing perpendicular to Laufey and bite the left side of his neck, while attempting to hit it with her paws and slow him down.

Defenses: Eyes narrow, ears flat, tail raised, head lowered, chin tucked, knees bent, widened stance, toes spread, shoulders rolled forward, tightened abs, pushed body backward away from Laufey.

Injuries: Deep puncture wounds to her forehead above her eyes.



5 Years
Extra large
07-12-2014, 10:37 AM

The shadow released him, her teeth leaving his skin in a flash of pain the radiated through his chest. His attempt to seize her neck was unsuccessful, missing her entirely as she moved away, but his fangs struck flesh. They skidded down her forehead, peeling back skin and coating his tongue with blood as she pulled away. Even though it had been his intention to inflict harm, his success in this area surprised him. However, there was no time to dwell on it.

She swung to his left and then was on him again, coming at the side of his neck. Instinctively Laufey rolled his weight forward so that it was centered over his front paws and then swung his rump to the right so that the rest of his body was pulled with him, his tail flying out behind him for balance. She was fast, but instincts on his part undermined her attack. Laufey's response put them almost head on. Her speed was the greatest threat to him; Liste's teeth struck him above and to the left of her previous bite mark, her fangs driving in like daggers. In quick succession, her paws struck his lower chest, but Laufey was solid. Here his greater weight would serve as an advantage. When he'd swung around to face her, the boy's weight had been almost entirely over his front half so when she struck him the blow was largely absorbed. Still, it was enough to pull a grunt from him, his breath leaving him in a forced huff.

Once more they were in the same position; the shadow biting his neck and the boy standing before her. This time Laufey aimed to use his weight against her. Gathering his back legs under him, the pup sprung forward, turning his left shoulder in as he did so. The idea was that, since she was hanging onto him, she wouldn't have time to release him and move out of the way, instead getting hit in the face with the full force of his weight. He hoped so, anyway. Simultaneously, Laufey twisted his head to the side (the left, following the motion of his turned in shoulder) and down, aiming once more to bite the back of her neck.

Fight for Dominance/Possible rape (pending pm response)


ATTACK: Jumping forward (left shoulder leading) in the hopes of ramming Liste in the face with his full weight while attempting to bite the back of her neck.

DEFENSES: Widened stance, shoulders rolled forward, eyes narrowed, ears flattened, toes splayed, hackles raised, body tensed, tail up

INJURIES: Moderate bite wound to his upper chest (below the slope of his neck), bite wound to the left side of his neck


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.


07-14-2014, 07:18 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



As she had thrown off his attack, he did hers, moving so that her teeth would land near to the spot she had only just removed them from and her paws would feel an impact with his chest that was sure to leave her sore later. Her hind feet found the ground behind her as she made contact with him and she immediately released her grip on his neck ? despite how fantastic it tasted ? in order to drop her front two paws to the ground. The boy moved simultaneously in an effort to use his massive weight against her and latch onto the portion of her neck he had previously made an attempt for.

Unable to move quite quickly enough to dodge, the demoness reacted the best way she could think to. Eyes still narrowed, ears still flattened, tail still raised, Liste widened her stance again and spread her toes for balance. She tightened her abs again before she rolled her shoulders forward and dropped the front half of her body to the ground, pushing her body forward with her back legs, lowering her head, and tucking her chin against her throat as she went. His chest made contact with the upper part of her head as they both moved and she felt a bruise immediately begin to blossom. She was certain to have a mild concussion afterward, but she paid it no mind now.

Her rump remained in the air as she flung herself forward and down, aiming to position herself beneath him. His teeth would find purchase there as she moved forward and he did the same, sinking into the upper side of her right hip. She twisted her body as she moved anyway in an effort to wrench herself free of his grasp and flip onto her back so that she could attempt two attacks. First she would move to extend her neck to try to bite quickly into the soft skin of his underbelly, but would release immediately in order to attempt her second strike. She would then attempt to thrust all four legs upward in an effort to knock the brute from the air, using his mass against him and letting gravity pull him back to the earth where the viper could strike again.

Liste v. Laufey for Dominance/Possible Rape/Seduction
Round 2 of 2

Attacks: Attempt to drop on her back below Laufey as he jumps to bite his belly and kick him out of the air.

Defenses: Eyes narrow, ears flat, tail raised, chin tucked, head lowered, widened stance, toes spread, shoulders rolled forward, tightened abs, dropped to the ground and pushed body forward under Laufey to avoid getting smashed in the face and avoid him biting her neck, twisted to release her body from his bite.

Injuries: Deep puncture wounds to her forehead above her eyes, deep puncture wounds to rump/hip area, bruising on head and possible mild concussion.

I shall post in judging, GL!

The Judge


07-26-2014, 10:08 AM

Laufey v Liste for Dominance/ Rape

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 'in the hopes of avoiding her teeth' How close was she? -2 'encircling the fae's upper neck,' more to the left or right? Right at the top of just above the centre?

6 for powerplaying. -2 for for not readjusting balance after so much movement with limbs. -2 you'd have to tilt his body slightly to be able to grab her neck and put paws around her, you didnt mention the movement.

8 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for aiming jaws to bite neck, +2 for paws wrapping around neck +1 for trying to control the wolf.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Laufey Total: 36/50


3 for clarity- -2 'on her forehead and sank deep,' is it more to the side or dead in the centre? -2 'bite on the left side of his neck.' nearer the bottom or top? -3 'hoping to hit the side of his neck with enough force' which side of the neck? Left or right? Where abouts on the neck? The centre?

1 for powerplaying. -2 'moving away from him.' you cant assume she was successful with moving away, put in an attempt. -3 'and his paws missed their mark, being that her neck was now out of range.' its pretty hard to miss the mark, if his jaws where able to get her forehead surely his paws would atleast briefly hit her neck, muzzle or face.-2 'to leave her standing perpendicular to the brute?s neck ' you need an attempt to get into this position, or else its classed as powerplay. -2 when she was moving to become perpendicular and then jumped is far to much movement, fights happen very quickly.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for attempted bite +2 for shove with paws

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Liste Total:29 /50

Round 2


1 for clarity- -2 'coming at the side of his neck.' which side? -3 'Laufey's response put them almost head on.' You cant assume that he was successful with becoming nearly head on, make sure to add in an attempt. Also what do you mean by almost? He angled a little more to the left or right? -2 'Liste's teeth struck him above and to the left of her previous bite mark,' be a lot more specific, was it on his shoulder? top of neck etc. -2 'bite the back of her neck.# where abouts?

5 for powerplaying. -2 'the pup sprung forward,' he went forward for liste- you need an 'attempts to spring forward' -3 dont presume would could happen to your opponent, thats for them to decide.

2 for defenses. You cant just list them, you need to add them in your posts!

6 for attack. +3 for ram +3 for bite

7 for injuries. -3 to bite wound on left side on neck

Round two Laufey Total: 21/50


0 for clarity- -3 ' the demoness reacted the best way she could think to.' you dont actually specify. -3 'Her rump remained in the air as she flung herself forward and down,' this doesnt really make sense, -2 'His teeth would find purchase there' wheres there? -2 'bite quickly into the soft skin of his underbelly, ' where abouts on the underbelly? the centre? more to the left or right?

4 for powerplaying. -2 'the demoness reacted the best way she could think to.' this is also classed as powerplay, you didnt say the damage which was made. -2 'as she moved forward and he did the same' you cant assume she was successful with move forward. -2 ' but would release immediately in order to attempt her second strike.' by saying this you assume that the bite to the underbelly was successful.

10 for defenses. Notes

5 for attack. +2 for attempted bite, +3 for trying to knock him of balance

5 for injuries. -2 for bruising -3 for punctures to hip area

Round two Liste Total: 24/50


Laufey: 57/100

Liste: 53/100

And the winner is...

Laufey! Liste must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Laufey- Bites will take 2 ooc weeks to heel

Liste- Bruising will take a few ic days. Minor bites 2 ooc weeks to fully heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Laufey_
Make sure to add in atleast 8 defences in each post, but apart from that you did well! Just keep practising

For Liste
Watch your powerplaying and clarity, make sure to read over your posts atleast twice in order to make sense, there was a few moments i had no clue on what was going on.

- By [Luisiana]