
A Day To Remember (Demonio)


03-17-2013, 06:47 PM

Recovery had been a slow and tedious process, her leg had been barely functional once the scabs began to form. At Demonio's insistence she had cleaned the appendage in the river daily, with his help of course. By the second week she was up and walking and by the third, all that was left of the injury were a few scars, and even they were slowly being covered by her fur to join countless more that she carried beneath her pelt.

Demonio had rarely left her side, to do his own duties for the packs, and to hunt. She caught to know her beloved a great deal more, mainly through gentle words and soft whispers of both love and devotion, they both seemed to have a horrible time when they weren't practically glued to the other. Separation anxiety seemed to fit them perfectly. He so much as meandered to the other side of the den and Desdemona's heart wept at the loss, her body screaming for his warmth to return to her. When he was dragged away from her side her mind was plagued with thoughts of his smile, his warmth, his touch.

Today was one of those days, she had woken up alone. She knew not where her beloved had ventured off too. For a hunt? Had Kaien called him away? or had he ventured out for his own reasons? Desdemona yawned, her jaws splaying wide as she rose to her pads, arching her spine like a cat as her joints popped into place. She shook out her ivory pelt, maroon and ebony orbs peering into the abandoned den, his scent hung here, everywhere and she breathed it in like the oxygen her body required. She frowned as heat pooled in her abdomen and suddenly her thoughts were redirected, she did not wish for him to return to cuddle her and bathe her in sweet kisses. She wanted him in every way. His body, his love, his desire, she wanted them all.

She moved to the mouth of her den and down the short incline to the stream, lapping up her fill, she could scent other males upon the wind and while her body would be willing to accept any of them, her mind reeled at the thought. No male would touch her. She belonged to Demonio. She was his to take and to seize, his to conquer. Her body yearned for him and only him and as she lifted her maw from the stream, she did not think it was strange her heat had returned to her so quickly, she only thought of her beloved and how badly she wished for him to take this burning, aching need from her. She wanted him with a fierceness she had never felt before. He best return home soon or she swore she would hunt him down herself. She trailed back to their den, unable to stand the burning ache between her legs. Lifting her maw to the heavens a howl erupted from her jaws, pouring his name to the heavens, praying he would hear her.



03-17-2013, 07:30 PM

Her recovery had taken some time. as he had expected it to, given the severity of her wound to the forelimb. He'd known how frustrating it had been for his woman to simply lie around in their den, having to rely on him for basically everything, from food to the daily wound cleansing in the river he had insisted on. He would've give herbs to speed up the healing process but he had never had the need for them or the need to learn about them, so it would make sense he wouldn't know. He would've found a healer but he didn't know any of the wolves in Tortuga that were healers and his king appeared to be extremely busy with pack business and so the ivory brute did not ask the lord for help, instead choosing to just make do with what he did know. It had taken a few weeks for Des to heal, but when she finally did Demonio was more than relieved.

During the healing process the two had had alot of time to themselves, most of it cooped up in their den as Desdemona's body slowly began to knit back together. They had begun to get to know each other much better, discovering that he wasn't the only one who felt as if the world were collapsing in on him whenever he separated himself from her for even a moment. It had brought comfort to his heart to know that she felt exactly the way he did; it was more than clear that they truly were soul mates. The anxiety at being separated from her was unlike anything he had previously experienced in the past. Even in his time with his family, he had never had a problem wandering away from his family, no matter the time. But now with his mate, there was just no way he could willingly bring himself to leave her side. Since the accident the ever constant worry of something happening to her was ever present in his mind. The worry would always be there, a constant reminder that they were never safe.

Today the alabaster brute had awoken with a burning in his massive frame that he had never known before. It had roused him from his sleep suddenly, his bi-colored gems fixating on the beautiful woman lying asleep beside him. As he'd watched her the burn in his body intensified, sending him reeling confusion. He'd staggered to his feet, somewhat still half asleep as he'd stumbles out of the den and into the cool morning. Not entirely sure where he was going but just needing to move, Demonio had gone. Down the hill and over the small river and into the forest. As the chill breeze of the frigid morning attacked his senses, slapping him awake, he had begun to figure out what was the reason behind the intense burning inside of him. Though Desdemona had just come off her recent heat, her intoxicating scent still lingered about her, stirring a beast inside of him that he had previously not known the existence of. He was surprised at its appearance, thinking that this sort of thing would come up some time down the road, not so soon. The male had panicked, fleeing the scene in an attempt to control his beast and make sense of things. He had no right to feel this way yet. Sure they both shared the same idea of starting a family, but those kinds of things should come later on, right?

And then the silence around him was shattered, Desdemona's voice breaking his chaotic thoughts. Her message was clear; she wanted him. And now. At the sound of her voice the burning shifted to his loins, burning with an intensity that was nearly unbearable. All his rational thoughts fled from his mind and Demonio only had one thing on his mind and one thing only; Desdemona. Without hesitation the knight broke into a full gallop, bounding over obstacles with ease as he retraced his steps back to his beloved, the fire in his loins spurring him on faster. With a powerful bound he cleared the last set of foilage, bursting onto the scene. Massive frame came to a sudden half, nostrils flaring wide, tasting her sweet, tantalizing scent on the breeze; she was back in heat. But how was that possible? He didn't question it because at the moment, it didn't matter. Right now he wanted her, her body, her entire self. She was gorgeous and he wanted to show her just how much he truly loved her by joining their bodies as one. Dual-colored gems were fixated on his woman, his attention fully hers as he stood frozen, awaiting her next command.

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03-17-2013, 07:51 PM

She stood at the entrance to their den, awaiting her knight to arrive. Onyx and crimson scanned the territory, seeking her beloved, tasting him upon the winds. Her hind end trembled in anticipation for what would surely be a long and pleasure filled day. Her ivory soon-to-be-lover best make haste returning to her, Desdemona had never been known for her patience, especially where her beloved was involved. Today, she would become his mate in every way, shape and form. He would fill her with himself, gift her with pups that would be created from his and her love and she would demand from his this sacred act time and time again until she was certain that she would soon swell with his liter. She wanted him and this anticipation, this waiting, was slowly killing her. She burned for him, craved him like the air she breathed. She wanted him... now.

Finally her ivory knight appeared before her, a familiar visage. Burstinng from the trees and impressive muscles dragging him to a halt as he stopped before her at the base of the ravine. She only now noticed the rigid muscles that bulged against his flesh, the thick coat of ivory that glittered in the sunlight, the expressive eyes, one the color of ice and one the color of flames. He was stunning and poweful and beautiful and all hers. Possessiveness crippled her as she thought of how this stunning male was soon to be hers entirely. There would be no other for him and their certainly would be no other for her. Desdemona would kill anyone who dare interfere.

Without a sound, without a word, without hesitation she paced forward, darting down the steep incline and approaching him swiftly. She spared no time for speech. She reached him smoothly, the scent of him driving her into a frenzy. She wanted him to dominate her, she wanted him to claim her, she wanted him to make her forget anything and everything other than a stuttered groan of his name. Her ears swooped backwards, tongue trailing across his cheek and up and around one ear. A snarl that was nothing but dripping lust vibrated through her larynx as her teeth found the lobe of his ear and pulled harder than was necessary.

She coiled her neck around his own, pressing her chest against his own and laving his spine with kisses. She wanted him to dominate her, but he would have to work for his prize, she would not make this so easy on him. She wanted to make sure he would never dare leave her, that her name would be the last name he spoke in pleasure. She would be his one and only, no matter how much it tortured her as well.

"Take me Demonio. Make me yours. Claim me before all of Tortuga, all of Alacritis. Show them who I belong to, show them what they can never have. I want your body, your love, your passion, swell my belly with your pups. I want you my Demonio." She growled against his flesh in a seductive purr.



03-17-2013, 11:13 PM

He had never done something like this so one could expect him to be rather?nervous about the whole situation. To put in simple terms, he was a virgin. Never claimed a woman and hardly had enough to say that he had been with one. Sure, he?d flirted when he was younger, but things had never gotten past flirtation. Call him old fashioned, or maybe it was just the way his parents raised him, but when he finally gave his body, he wanted it to be with the one woman he knew for a fact that he would spend the rest of his life with. He didn?t want to delude himself into thinking someone was the one, have that happen and then it turn out they never spoke to each other after that. Demonio wanted to be with his wife, his true love, his soul mate when he did that and Desdemona was exactly that. She was his, and he was hers and this was the ultimate testament of his love.

He stood frozen like a statue, his gaze fixated on his woman at the entrance to their den, her beauty mesmerizing and putting him in something close to a trance. The way her eyes danced over his figure, soaking him in, it made goosebumps ripple across his frame and the fire burn hotter in his loins. What was this? Lust? He wasn?t sure what the word for it was, only that her body was the only cure to his insatiable fire burning inside of him. He watched her as she made her way down from the hill, her hips swinging delicately behind her making his heart stutter in his chest. How could such a beautiful creature want to claim him? Surely with her experience came that of having had a previous mate? Perhaps a family? None of that mattered right now; it was of little importance. Desdemona?s heavy, pungent sweet scent wafted around his nostrils, consuming his senses and his mind, barring all other thoughts that didn?t pertain to her away. He wanted her and there was really nothing that would stop him from having her; except her of course.

She didn?t walk; she glided across the earth. Her movements were as smooth as silk, effortless and more graceful than he had ever seen on anyone else. The closer she got, the narrower his vision became. It was like everything around her, trees, their den, the ravine, wasn?t there. He had tunnel vision, his icy and maroon eyes only able to see her angelic figure as it sashayed its way towards him. Crown rotated slowly, gaze tracking his mate?s every movement as she came up beside him ears pinned, her now sinful tongue tracing a wet line across his cheek and around one ear, her daggers taking hold of it, tugging it roughly, unlike the other gentle times she?d done it before. It brought a groan from deep inside his chest, his abdomen clenching in response, her lusty growl only fueling his already hot fire. Damn, she really knew what she was doing. He did nothing in retaliation, allowing her to tease him for as long as she wanted, painfully trying to ignore the flames that ate at his loins, screaming at him to take her then and there, foreplay be damned.

Yet Demonio held himself in place, fighting his urges as his woman coiled her neck around his, her chest pushed up against her as he tongue traced the figures of his spine, making his stomach rise up into his throat. Audits rotated forward with attention as his woman began to speak, her voice a sweet seductive melody against his flesh, telling him to take her, to claim her, to make her his. He was more than willing to comply. A hearty swallow was taken first, pushing away at the lump in his throat before he spoke. You needn?t ask twice Desdemona, as always your wish is my command my beautiful goddess. he murmured huskily, pressing his muzzle into the crook of her ear, ghosting a kiss across her ivory fur, a touch barely there, only enough to leave her wanting more.

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03-18-2013, 03:52 PM

Her mate was silent and still, a beast of muscle and power that had seemingly become a stone, a pillar of strength but nothing more. She did not wish for him to take commands, she wanted him to command her. She would be his, not the other way around. he was the other half to her, her heart he held within the confines of his chest, her soul he completed, she knew he was hers in every way, shape, and form, but she wanted him to know that she was his. She would not break just because he claimed her in such a fashion. She wanted him to be just as comfortable with her own body as he was of his. She wanted to know him inside out.

He turned his crown, ever so slightly, placing the barest of kisses upon her, but she would not have this timid creature. Her Demonio was not timid or afraid. She would feed him every ounce of confidence he had ever bestowed upon her and slowly, languidly, she pulled back from him. Her own eyes of onyx and crimson meeting his own rubied and sapphire orbs. She remained silent, communicating without words how much she loved him, she had already claimed what she wished from him... but would he give her as such?

A sly, coy smile, curled the edges of her maw, her crown tilting just slightly to the left. "Need I run for you to break your stance of stone or shall you claim me sometime this year?" Her tones were light teasing, but her body quivered, her body ached for him to claim her, fill her, do something, anything. He was killing her, just standing there and she was not sure how much longer 'control' would be a word amongst her vocabulary.



03-25-2013, 12:47 PM

It was incredible how such a brute of his strength and power had been basically rendered useless and somewhat mute. Demonio always had something to say; he wasn?t someone to who held back what he were thinking and yet as Desdemona made her way down towards him, he found his voice box to be useless. How could he find the right words to tell her just how freaking amazing and unbelievable she was? That he was honestly truly lucky that she had chosen him above anyone else to become her mare and to become the father of her children. He?d never thought upon leaving the lands of his birth that he would find his true love, his perfect soul mate and yet he was standing here, watching her make her way towards him, her heady, heated perfume a welcome intrusion for his senses.

He watched with quiet anticipation as she slowly uncurled herself from around him, pulling back a step or two, her ruby and noir eyes meeting his own maroon and icy ones, her lack of speech telling him everything he needed to know. He didn?t think words were possible for the two to truly express how they felt for one another, but he knew at least on his part he would never give up trying to find just the perfect words to explain to her just how much she truly meant to him. She appeared to be waiting for him, as if for him to make this first move. Were he a much more experienced male he would have already gotten ahead with it but being the virgin that he was, he was rather hesitant to admit that he honestly didn?t know what he was doing. A small part of him felt rather ridiculous at not knowing how to proceed; he was the man in the relationship after all. But hey, Des was his woman and he was completely comfortable around her. He didn?t care if she knew more than him; didn?t seem to bother him. And she was pretty sexy taking charge after all.

A coy smile curled her lips as teasing words fell from her lips, causing an involuntary chuckle to burst from his maw. And that was all it took for the ice to break. His frame loosened up and the fire eating at his loins reached an all-time high at her suggestion. Having to chase her down to start their dance of love? That sounded like the perfect way to get things started. You wont get very far my love and no bush is thick enough to hide your beautiful body from me. He growled huskily, his own lusty and mischevious smile breaking his kissers apart, muscles coiling in anticipation for their love making session.

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04-01-2013, 02:04 AM

She had waited for him with barely restrained patience, she could not restrain herself much longer, she was healed now, her leg had repaired itself, good as new. A few scars, a few lingering spots still devoid of her fur but more than capable of handling her own weight...and his. When finally he appeared it seemed he had done so in awe. He would not look away from her, would not divert his eyes from her bodice as she sauntered towards him. He was stunning her mate of ivory, his pelt to match her own, but she was in no mood to love him slow, she wanted his force, his power and her tongue traced along his spine enticing him, begging him to play. Her words would fall with heady seduction.

Her body coiled around his, brushing the length of his body, twining her tail around his like a vice, before releasing him, when she drew towards the front of his body, her tongue caressed his cheek, coiling around his ear and tugging it down. She would hum, a gentle thrumming sound, enticing, tempting, she released him trailing around to his front, allowing him to be surrounded by her scent, her musk and finally when she drew her bodice before him she spoke her taunting words.

"A chase beloved is what you desire? A chase you shall have." [/color] Just to taunt him, just to set fire to his tightly knit control she purred into the shell of his ear. "My heat calls to many but my heart and body will take only you... try to keep up beloved." With one last, languid lick, Desdemona was gone. Powerful legs eating the ground beneath her as her ivory pelt shot through the trees and up the side of the mountain. Powerful and nimble her strides were short but quick, propelling her far and fast. He would have to work for his prize.



04-16-2013, 02:04 PM

It had taken a while, but Desdemona?s leg had finally healed. There were still some few scars left over from the incident, but her beautiful ivory fur was working just well to cover them right up. In a few more weeks perhaps those lingering scars would be completely gone and his love would be back to her original beauty. He wasn?t saying if the scars did last they would make her less beautiful, no; she would always be perfect in his eyes, always a goddess, one any female would be jealous of. Despite her injury being still somewhat recent, his mate was just as vivacious and full of energy as always. The prospect of their love making seemed to pump fresh energy into her veins as she curled herself around him, seducing him with her sinful tongue, teasing him, tantalizing him with the promise of her body.

Her tail twined with his, gripping it tightly for a moment before releasing it, her body slithering its way towards the front of his own, her daggers locking around his ear, tugging it down forcefully, causing his hips to give an involuntary thrust of their own, the fire in his loins hotter than anything he had felt before. Lust was slowly creeping in and Demonio wasn?t sure he wanted it to leave just yet. Her heady scent wafted around him, seeming to stick to his own fur, to invade his nostrils and firmly plant itself there, refusing to be gotten rid of, promising him the sweet release that his body so desperately needed and yearned for.

Her purr of a voice drifted into his ears as she slithered forward for a moment, whispering her lustful words in his ear, causing a low rumble to vibrate in his massive chest as she presented him with a last lick before bolting off, her exquisite body seeming to float above the ground as she began the chase. With a lusty growl, the ivory knight was off, hind limbs pushing him forward powerfully after his mate, his claws eating up the earth as he closed the distance between them, her plume of a tail inches from him muzzle. The brute reached out and snapped at it playfully, a tease to his woman that she wasn?t going to get away that easy.

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04-24-2013, 02:19 PM

Desdemona was riddled with scars beneath her pelt, this new one would add nothing to her. Her lover had seen some of the wounds, had glimpsed upon some of the faded pink abnormalities that bathed her flesh, her coat did a fine job of hiding such from view but when she lay still and he would bury his nose amongst her fur, he would find the tiny patches of raised scar tissue. Sometimes inquiring how she had received it, other times bathing the mark in a tender kiss. He was beautiful, her lover. Her twin in appearance and her soul mate in heart. She would bask in his nova's glow for the remainder of her days if only he would let her. He was the only solid rock she would ever need. He had so quickly become her reason to draw breath. Her abdominal muscles quivered, her eyes melting into liquid desire as a fire burned through her core. She yearned for his body, the touch of his teeth against her nape as he held her still, his length plundering her waiting depths, her muscles clenched in eager anticipation. She was almost too stricken to sprint.

Words oozed from her maw, dripping from her tongue like a potent aphrodisiac. Her heat demanded she be taken, her heart demanded that he love her. That he make her a part of his soul for the remainder of his days. She could not bear the tantalizing taste of his scent. He called to her like a sailor to a deadly siren and she was helpless but to obey, she only prayed he would not forsake her now that she was his slave. God did she love him. Her teeth and tongue tempted his lust, beckoned to his desire, she wanted him to claim her, she wanted him to take her, and yet she would continue this heady seduction until he grew confident that she wanted him and only him. He would kill her, if he did not do something soon, surely.

When she had enraptured him, entrapped him within her lust, she offered a last kiss a lingering promise of what was sure to come and then... she was gone. Pads drumming the earth with reckless abandon. The mountains of Tortuga were nothing to her. She flew over the mountaintops at a ferocious gait, feeling her lover gain ground upon her. Laughter, sweet and filled with love drifted back to him, his teeth snapping at her plume. The sensitive nerves shot desire straight into her core and a gasp of pleasure pulled itself from her larynx. She slowed her pace almost minutely, not enough for him to notice, but enough for him to gain those last few steps. She could wait no longer, she wished for him to take



05-08-2013, 03:43 PM

She was a seductress, a sexy siren, lust in its most raw and powerful form; his woman. She was a temptress, wrapping the knight around her paw like a silly child. He was at her beck and command, to do whatever it was that she wished for him to do. She was unlike anyone he had been with before. None of the young girls he had flirted around with back in his much younger years could not compare with the woman he had now. She had experience under her belt; the knowledge of how to bring a much less experienced brute like himself, down to his knees. And he would do just that, anything really to pleasure the beautiful goddess attempting to outrun his grasp.

Despite never having been with a woman before, the ivory knight knew what she wanted. He could smell it in her heat, how her body was begging for the touch of his, for him to fill her with his warmth and proclaim his ultimate love for her. He could see it in the way she moved, how her curvaceous hips swayed seductively, even at a run like this, how they beckoned for his hips to cover hers. She was poetry in motion; the most divine creature on the face of the planet. She was the embodiment of perfection. How someone so divine as her could choose someone as dark as him was beyond him. None of that mattered now. They were involved in a delicate dance of love and Demonio was about to put his moves to the test.

A single kiss and then she was gone like the wind, racing towards the tortugan mountains, her heady, pungent heat almost like a physical pull for his body, his paws stirring beneath him almost of their own accord as he began the chase with his beloved. Their surroundings were quickly changing, morphing into rockier and steeper terrain. Why Desdemona was taking him up here he wasn?t too sure, but wherever she went, he would follow regardless. There was no place on this earth that he wouldn?t go to for his beloved woman. Audits rotated forward to attention as her laugh, the most musical and butterfly inducing sound in the world, bubbled into the atmosphere, causing his own joyful chuckle to burst in response. His teeth gently clamped around the tip of her tail, nipping it with the lightest touch, a gasp of pleasure his reward. His smiled mischievously to himself, muscles coiling in anticipation. He waited a moment before taking a huge leap, clearing over his woman?s body, coming to land right in front of her, bracing himself for the impact of her body against his, his intention to tackle her once they crashed and pin her, an interesting start for their love making.

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06-01-2013, 12:02 PM

He thought her to have a great deal of experience, he thought her to be an alluring siren, but he was wrong. She had bred too only once and while she had loved him and he her, it hadn't been pretty and it hadn't been kind, at the time her personality had still been to callous, to cruel to make love. She had been a wretched demon back then and it was Demonio that had saved her from such a cruel fate. She had no experience in the realm of love, none. She did only what her instincts spoke of, and out of a passion to want to make this experience special for him. She wanted his body, his touch, his love, craved it with the same desperation that she craved the air around her. It was such a heady thing her love for him, she could not place the things he did to her with naught more than a look into words. There were no words she knew of to describe how powerful her love for him was.

Her legs ate the earth beneath her, ivory fur glistening in the brightening sun, he would take her in broad daylight, in the light of the sun would come their union, it would be glorious, beautiful, breath-taking. Her muscles clenched at the thought of his length within her body, claiming her, taming her, branding her once and for all as his. She wanted his love in every way, wanted him to know her, wanted to know him in all ways. She wanted his love always, this would be the final act to cement them together for all of eternity. She had to bite back the moan that threatened to fall from her maw, this would be a day she would never forget, the consummation of their marriage, the final bond to seal the other half of her soul to her for all of eternity and the rest of her life. She trembled at how deep that thought struck her, head careening around to glance at him, she needed to see him, needed to know he was still there, hell, she just needed him.

She had slowed her gait only slightly and he had taken advantage of it, nipping at her tail in retaliation, a shiver of utter lust and a wanton moan fell from her larynx, before his heavy bodice, bounded before her and she allowed herself to crash into him. Forelimbs wrapping around his chest, she rolled with him, his scent drowning her, suffocating her and making the juncture of her legs burn with want for this wonderful, beautiful man beneath her. They finally rolled to a halt, her flat on her back, her lover, resting upon her in a mess and tangle of limbs. She craned her head up to kiss the underside of his jaw, nipping playfully at the tip of his chin. "I love you."



06-01-2013, 01:18 PM

He could remember the story that his parents would tell him about how they met. It was love at first sight for them, much like it had been for Demonio and Desdemona. They had known instantly that they were going to be together for the rest of their life and his father had wasted no time in letting his mother know. His parents had been happy together, always loving, always caring for each other. He?d admired them so much for their commitment to each other. They?d been together for so long that Demonio had lost track. He?d always wanted to be like his parents. He wanted to find that woman that he would know instantly would be the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. After Luna?s death, he didn?t see the future in store for him. How could fate reward him with his soulmate after he had practically killed his baby sister? And yet, that was exactly what had happened to him. He?d stumbled across the warrior woman, their first encounter bordering on a fight before he had revealed his peaceful intentions. And slowly they had begun to talk and he realized that they weren?t that different from each other. His feelings from her came suddenly and powerfully and the ivory knight couldn?t ignore them. He waited at first, needing to see if they were reciprocated and when he noticed they were, he went for it. He had nothing to loose. His effort paid off. Desdemona, his soulmate, his wife, his everything was now at his side, to remain there until they took their last breaths. How much luckier could he be?

This was it. He would never forget this day. He would remember how brilliant the sun was, how it shone down on his wife?s back, illuminating her beautiful body, a golden halo surrounding her, revealing the angel inside. The beat of his heart matched the frenzied pounding of his paws as he galloped after Desdemona, her heat bringing him into a crazy, lustful daze. He wanted to claim her, to make her body yield to his. She was his wife but this moment in time, this union between them would be the defining factor of their marriage. He would give his body, his heart, his soul, absolutely everything he had to show her just how much he loved her. Had someone told him, right after Luna?s death that he would find his soulmate, marry her and bond himself to her, he would had never believed him. But life was full of surprises wasn?t it? He wasn?t sure if there was a god, but if one existed he thanked him vehemently for having given him the most precious gift in the world; Desdemona.

At his nip to her tail the most lustful moan escaped from her beautiful lips, his body trembling with want as she careen straight into him. His limbs went limp as he allowed himself to roll with her, their bodies entangling in a flurry of limbs and fur. He wasn?t sure where they were rolling, but one moment he was ontop and the next she ontop of him until they finally came to a halt, Demonio securely ontop, his wife pinned beneath him, her body exposed to him. His bi-colored occulars skimmed her frame, starting from her breath-taking eyes, down her chest, to the dip between her haunches and back up again. She was his. His woman. His wife. She was going to become the mother of his children if this coupling worked out right. An unconscious smile curled his lips as he felt a kiss touch the underside of his jaw, daggers gently nipping at the edge of his chin. His gaze returned to her eyes as she spoke three simple words. I love you. For a moment the lust was forgotten, replaced with the raw honesty of the moment. Tears brimmed in the brute?s eyes as his tender gaze stayed rooted to the very reason for his existence. I love you so much. He whispered, a single tear trickling down his cheek as he lowered his head, burying his face into her neck, breathing in her scent. God, could his life get anymore perfect?

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06-01-2013, 04:01 PM

Desdemona couldn't remember her parents, her siblings she had killed upon her six month anniversary to the day of her birth. Bathed in the blood of her kin, she had roared, her voice not yet developed fully, raspy and still shaky, the rest of the pack had roared their approval, hoisting her high and welcoming her into the fold. From there she had trained ruthlessly, without love, care, or remorse. Such things didn't exist for her, they were nothing but words to be scoffed at and disapproved. Love didn't exist, kindness was a myth, affection a laughable token. She had thought that her first love had shown her otherwise, she thought she had understood how wonderful these emotions could be, she thought she had been saved, cured, only to be thrown back into the darkness head first. Joining Valhalla, the volcano, wandering alone, she had thought she had been sliding back to the darkness of her past... but she hadn't been. In all reality, she had never left. Yes she had been taught kindness and a form of love... but then she met Demonio.

And everything she had ever known to be truth had shattered.

Demonio had grabbed her in that dark place and flooded her with so much light, so much laughter, so much utter joy, she had thought at first she might have died, surely it was a sin to feel this good all the time. he blindsided her, destroying everything she was and rebuilding her into something fantastic, something wonderful, something that would crave him day in and day out. He was her soul, the very core of her being, the reason she drew in oxygen and the reason she expelled carbon dioxide. She could not survive without him, her body would break down, her mind would falter and die and her emotions would seal themselves away from the rest of the world. There was no life without her lover. There was nothing if he was not here. He was her everything and he always would be.

He would catch her and they would tumble, she sealed her eyes away from the world because with his body so tightly pressed against her, with his scent drowning her in its musky desire, the world didn't exist, nothing else mattered, just the heat of his body and the beat of his heart. The world could plunge to hell for all she cared so long as he would never leave her, never stray from her side. She would bathe him in her love, in her affection. She would drown in his desire and she could think of no place else she would rather be, she would submit to him because he was hers. Now, forever, always. His tears would slip, vanishing into her fur and she would raise even farther, to swipe her tongue at the moisture that had gathered upon his maw. In happiness or depression she never wished to see him cry. "Always, I am yours." She relaxed beneath him, entirely submissive as she caressed his maw with kisses. She slid out from underneath him and widened her stance, her head careening back to gaze at him, as her tail coiled around her flank, moving out of his way. "Love me Demonio."



06-01-2013, 04:24 PM

He had always thought true love was something that only existed in stories. His mother would tell him how she had fallen in love with his father and how she had known that he was the one for her the moment she laid eyes on him. Back then, as a pup, Demonio had thought that was how all parents were. They all fell in love and had kids. How could they not when his parents had been a physical representation of it? After their death and the death of his sister, the ivory knight had come to the cruel realization that life wasn't how he had always pictured it. Just like ther was good, there was also bad. But it was so much worse than he could have ever imagined.

He'd come to terms with the fact that sometimes fate just wanted to knock you down and pummel you into the ground until you wished you were dead. That's how he was living after leaving he land of his birth. That's how he'd continued living even once he'd arrived in Alacritis. And it would've been the way he would've continued living had fate not decided to have mercy on him and give him the hope that he needed to restore his faith in life; Desdemona. Fate knew what she was doing when she presented him with his warrior goddess. She scarred, physically and mentally, and yet that took nothing away from her perfection. She understood him like no one could and he her. There was a mutual understanding that though their pasts shadowed them, they could help each other. And that's what they did. Just how they did it perhaps no one would know, but the connection between the two healed them. Their past would always remain, but it was something that would no longer define them. Their love for each other and their future together was now what they were.

So much pain and so much loss only to be rewarded with something beyond his wildest dreams; a soulmate, a wife. And now he was being given the opportunity to truly love her, to demonstrate how committed he was to her, how he would give everything up to her because he never wanted to spend a day apart from her. He could feel her rising farther up against him, her warm tongue lashing against his visage, swiping at the tear that had managed to slip through. Good lord, how he loved this woman. How would he ever explain to her just how much he did? Her body became relaxed beneath his as she bathed his jaws in kisses, slipping out from beneath him to stand before him, limbs splayed, plume curled away. Her beautiful face turned to gaze at him, asking him to love her. His heart leapt into his throat, the fire burning white-hot in his loins. He stepped forward, nuzzling her haunches, nipping her gently as he made his way around her bodice, starting from her right side, kissing and nipping her along the way until he reached her ear. I won't stop until you ask me to Desdemona. He whispered huskily into her ear, tugging at it gently as he continued his circling around her until he was behind her once more, dual-colored gems flickering from her haunches to his wife's eyes. He wanted to mount her and have his way with her right then and there, but this was something special. Something that couldn't, wouldn't be rushed.

Talk like this


06-02-2013, 02:03 AM

The darkness of her past was forgotten, she remembered it when she was alone or when a decision presented herself, she had learned enough never to forget past mistakes, but she had learned to let them go. She couldn't blame herself for the cruelties she had been raised to perform. It wasn't fair to her and it certainly wasn't fair to Demonio. he had taught her what real love actually was, he had opened her eyes to so much love so much wonder, so much beauty... there was nothing she could do to still it. He took her breath away merely walking into her line of sight. He needed to do nothing but appear before her and she was putty in his paws. So much love and adoration swirled through her heart that she feared the poor organ would merely cease to work. He blinded her in the most beautiful of ways. He was breath-taking and she was awe struck.

They tumbled and surely come morning the two would have bruises to answer for their playfulness, but for now, amongst the dirt and the rocks with nothing but his heavy bodice to keep her warm, to shield her from the outside world, nothing mattered, nothing but him. Every last one of her senses, each and every one of her senses were trained upon him. She saw every shiver that wracked his frame, she felt every breath that played about her skin, she heard every sound, every murmur that fell from his maw, she lost herself within him until her mind became nothing but a mantra of his name, repeated again and again and again as if he would vanish from her grasp if she did not know enough of him. He understood her better than anyone ever had or ever would. He was her soul mate and she believed that with every fiber of her being.

Reluctantly she would leave the warmth of his embrace to rise and stand before him, presenting herself as she never had before. Plume flickering out of his way, her eyes watched as he nuzzled her flank, trailing his kisses up the side of her body and with every press of his tongue her fire grew until her legs trembled and bowed, threatening to give out beneath her. he would tug on her ear and she could take no more of this wretched torture. With a stuttered moan her head would dip forward, a pleading look entering her dual gaze. "Please Demonio, I can bear no more, take me Demonio, I need to feel you pressed within me, surrounding me. Please my love of hearts, never stop, never cease, but have me, make me yours."



06-02-2013, 03:44 AM

A fairytale, a dream come true, his deepest desire fulfilled. That?s what his life was now. He had a home, a new family, albeit he didn?t really know many, a family none the less. But most importantly, he had Desdemona. Without her, nothing that he had would matter. He could have the biggest territory in the world, the most abundant prey possible, but without this woman at his side, what use would he have for it? In the short time they had wed, Desdemona had become such a big, big part of him. He could hardly remember the days when he hadn?t had her in his life. And in all honesty, he didn?t want to remember those days. They were of little importance to him. He had not been living during those times. He had never known the true meaning of life, never truly appreciated the gift he had been presented with until his wife had stepped before his eyes. Every breath he took, every blink of his eyes, every beat of his heart, every step of his paws was all for her. He lived for her. He existed for her. There was nothing on this planet that he wouldn?t do for her. He would go to hell and back, fight whoever he had to fight, just to keep that beautiful smile on her face. She was worth more to him than anything or anyone ever could.

As he?d made his way around her, he could see the trembling his caresses caused her. Damn, she wanted him, needed him just as much as he wanted and needed her. They were two halves of the same wolf after all. He wanted to take things slow, to make their union something truly unforgettable. But when Desdemona spoke, her angelic voice constricted into a moan, her dual jewels pleading as she begged him to take her, to fill her, to love her, to make her his, his control snapped. He couldn?t bare it anymore. Her body was calling to his and his body was done denying hers. He took the last few steps to close the gap between them, muzzle pressing into her sweetness, salmon ribbon lashing out to taste her. Good lord, how she was ready. A gentle nip was given to her right flank before Demonio hoisted himself up on his hind legs, forelimbs raising up and over her haunches. His paws were gentle as they hooked themselves around her hips, hind limbs bringing his body right up against hers. He pushed against her, testing her, once, twice, before he allowed himself to fill her. He was slow in his intrusion, allowing her body to adjust to him before he began his dance. He extended his neck until he was right beside her left ear, his breathing becoming ragged as his lips caressed her ear. My Desdemona, my beautiful, beautiful wife, I give myself to you in the most vulnerable demonstration of my love?

-FADE- (unless you wanna make one more post lol)

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