
light my fire


07-15-2014, 12:17 AM

The conversation had been light and easy, she had told him some stories but mostly he had busted out stories of all his youth and adventures. Basically anything that he thought might have earned him a giggle or a smile. Some had worked, some she had simply shook her head in pity and given him a sympathy laugh but either way he had appreciated it. It was a bit of a distance before they came to the mouth of the underground caves. Again he would bump her shoulder playfully. "Have you been here before? Are you ready for an adventure?" He would ask playfuly, trotting forward a few steps before turning to cast a glance one his shoulder at her. "Come on Madame Sibelle, fame and glory don't await for the faint of heart after all," he would speak slowly, words holding a very obvious challenge. Tail was flicking behind him, obvious he was ready for adventure. Would she join him?



07-15-2014, 12:25 AM

They would walk for sometime, though it felt like no time at all. They would share stories, laughs and even moments of pity, though they were far less then the laughter. She found herself enjoying his presence even though she had just met the man. They would leave Covari behind in exchange for an unfamiliar place. She had been the area before but never here. Vivid memories flashed before her, causing her to frown briefly. These lands had opened up with the earthquake. It wasn't too far from here that she had lost her ear and nearly her life. She would shrug it off, deep baritones pulling her forward. "I'm more than ready." Stilts would carry her towards him, refusing to leave his side just yet. Eyes would narrow playfully as he quietly challenged her. She would pass him, brushing against his side as she went. "Well what are you waiting for then?" A brow would lift in her own challenge as she looked over her shoulder at him. She was ready for this adventure, she was excited to see what he had in store for them. Excitement rolled down her spine with a shiver, unable to contain herself any longer.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-15-2014, 12:32 AM

She was ready. Limbs would carry her past him and a mischievous smile would slip over inky lips as tail lashed behind him in retaliation. Her touch sent a tremor through his body and before she even could finish speaking he would bound after her. He would attempt to swing his hips around to knock against her own. Hard enough to send her stumbling a bit but not enough to knock her over. Hopefully it would be enough to allow him to gain the lead a bit. "Follow me Madame Sibelle!" He would call back, bounding and leaping for a time before the darkness would engulf them. It was dark, darker then anything else he had ever experienced but he knew from past adventures here that it would be short lived. "Do you believe in ghosts?" His voice was more musing, a soft whisper that would echo hollowly around them. He could not see her, could not feel even though he would swerve too and fro every so often in attempt to make contact. A soft glow would begin to bloom in the distance, every so often a mushroom would appear and light their path though not enough to see anything but a few inches of dirt around the small fungus. He would not stop for those. No not yet. He would not stop until they reached the cavern, light blossoming around them from the hundreds if not thousands of mushrooms that grew from the moss that lined the ground. "So what do you think?" He would ask, hopping forward to stand on the soft moss, spinning to face her.



07-15-2014, 03:05 PM

He would collide with her, causing her steps to falter with a stumble. A playful rolled off her tongue, jaws parting to nip lightly at him. He would beckon her further and she would follow, keeping close at the light dimmed into nothing. Blind, she would press against as weaved about in an attempt to find her in the darkness. His soft whisper would echo off the walls and she would laugh softly. "No, but I suppose that I could be swayed to believe." Her own tones would echo around them gently before vanishing entirely. Dim lights of blue would catch her attention as they moved, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Curiously kept her moving, but the darkness kept her glued to his side. He would not stop leading them until the reached a cavern, illuminated by thousands of glowing mushrooms. A light gasp would take her breath away as she absorbed the sight. With slow steps would move deeper into the cavern, head tipped back as she looked around, eyes bright with astonishment. Her russet form would stop in front of him, close enough that his body heat washed over her. "It's amazing." Husky tones dripped from her lips softly as her gaze would return to his. A devilish smile would curl her scarred lips, "How do you know about this place?" Her crown would tip fractionally to the side, curiosity lighting up her features. The blue glow played with her russet coloring, turning the lighter parts of her body a pale blue, tinging the tips of her fur a similar color.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-16-2014, 12:31 AM

He had successfully made her stumble and gained a bit of a lead though in the darkness he would regret this, his search for her touch ending up in vain. "You do not believe our ancestors walk beside us?" He asked, keeping tone light despite almost serious topic. He had always wished to believe it, had always hoped that maybe his mother and maybe even his father was there watching out for him. Maybe his grandparents too and his aunts and uncles. Were they even dead? Had Chaya and Forsaken made it out of the flood? Were all his siblings still alive even? If not he dearly hoped that there would be some sort of afterlife where he could see them again. But that conversation would be brushed aside, pushed off as she approached the cavern. Her eyes were alight with wonder and amazement as she walked towards him until she stood so close that her hot breath cascaded down across his neck. He would watch her as she would look around the cavern and take everything in. He had been here multiple times, had seen its beauty but nothing compared to the beauty in her eyes. Finally she would look back to him, lavished tones dripping from lips that would slowly curl into a smirk that promised so much more. "I like to explore? In my homelands my birth pack lived in the shadows of the mountains with an intricate cave system beneath. Something about this called to me when it opened up?" Shoulders would lift then fall in an easy smirk before motioning for her to follow him and he slipped towards the wall, head lowering towards the mushrooms and flashing her his charming smile. "Want to see something even more beautiful? Lick the mushroom? Don't eat, just lick?" He would encourage, eyebrow raising suggestively.



07-16-2014, 01:02 AM

His tones were light but she could tell that the subject held some meaning to him. She would shrug, though the motion was useless in the dark. "I'm not sure, I think they watch over us from some other place, but to walk beside us, no." Her tones were nonchalant. Within the caverns, she could feel his gaze on her as she looked around. It didnt come as a surprise to know that he explored here before. But what she did find interesting was that he lived within a mountain before. He would motion for her to follow, and she would, standing beside him as he stopped before a wall that was light by the strange mushrooms. His brows would lift suggestively as he told her to lick one. Her own brows would lift suspiciously as she looked from him to the mushrooms. "You first." She would purr. She would lean towards him, allowing her hot breath to watch over him. She had never done anything like this before so she wasn't about to go first. He could lead the way just as he had been doing all day. She would wait patiently, eyeing him daringly. He must have done this before, so it should be no problem.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-16-2014, 01:15 AM

He wouldn't comment on her response, allowing the subject to drop. It wasn't something he had wanted to hear, it didn't align with his beliefs and so he would allow it to drop like a stone to the ground and be left in their wake. They had much more interesting things to do anyways, and who knew. He believed he had touched the spirit world before on mushrooms, maybe they would experience that as well. She would follow him to the mushrooms, devious and tempting in her own way as she regarded the mushrooms with a bit of reserve. "You first." She would speak and he would flash her a grin, lopsided and playful as he lifted his head and chuckled. "Promise you'll tag along?" He purred, though he wouldn't wait long for her to answer, instead dipping his skull and running his tongue from one end of the mushroom to the other. It was a lot to take but it wasn't his first time and he wanted it to last. Immediately the golden male would fall back onto his haunches and chuckle. it hadn't kicked in yet but he was prepared for his legs not to work, leaning back as he watched the russet woman to see if she would do the same.



07-16-2014, 01:25 AM

The subject would drop and she felt as though maybe she offended him. But nothing would be said about it anymore, it was left behind in the tunnels. He would flash her a grin, wanting her to promise to tag along. But before she could answer, his tongue was sweeping out against the nearest mushroom. "Promise." She would hesitate for a moment but in the end she would lean forward, jaws parting to allow her tongue to lash out against the glowing fungus. She would seat herself beside him, uncertain of what would happen next. Her verdant gaze would shift to his, a brow lifting in curiosity. Her gaze wouldn't leave his, waiting for whatever was about to happen. "Now what?" She would purr, her crown tipping to the side in question. A small smile played on her lips, excitement for the unknown bubbling in chest.

"Talk" "You" Think


07-16-2014, 01:45 AM

Her words felt like water across his fur and for a moment he would dip in, closing his eyes against their cool sensation. When he opened his eyes again she was moving back towards him, smile devilish and holding so many promises. Oh those promises that he wanted nothing more then to indulge in. "Now what?" Her words would once again wash over him and he would lean backwards against the wave of them, feeling their pressure. A smile would remain plastered on his lips, easy going and boyish. "All you can do is feel it. Just let it pull you under?" His words were soft, he could feel the silk of them brush agains the tongue and he fought against the urge to snap after them and attempt to grab them again. He would begin to lean back again, though this time it wasn't because of her words. He felt a pressure building, the light growing until it completely pushed him over. He fell heavily onto his back with a grunt and then a giggle, forepaws pulling into his chest as he finally looked up to Sibelle. He couldn't speak, didn't want to let the delicious words slip past his tonuge but he hoped his eyes would say it all. 'Can you feel it?' He would giggle again, skull flopping back as his eyes drank in the lights that began pulsating around him.



07-16-2014, 01:54 PM

A boyish smile remained plastered on his face as he gave her instructions. It seemed slightly foreign to her, but she would soon begin to feel the effects of the mushroom. The dull lights around her began to pulsate, her body felt heavy and weightless at the same time. Wavering gaze would watch idly as he tumbled onto his pack, forelimbs tucking against his chest. His giggle would echo around them, pulling her down the ground beside him. Limbs stretched long, she felt like she was in slow motion. A giggle rolled off her tongue. "I do." An unexplainable pleasure coursed slowly through her veins, relaxing her entire figure so that she leaned heavily against his side. She couldn't bring herself to speak, the quiet seemed so perfect. Her head would lower until was rested against his chest and folded limbs. Tongue would lazily lap at his chest, ruffling the fur there as her eyes tried to focus on him. For once, she felt entirely content with where she was. She had not a care in the world, nor a burden to bare. A goofy smiled played on her lips, unable to help herself. She considered the idea of taking more adventures with the man, even though she and just met him and the first thing he thought to do was get her high. She would giggle softly to herself at the thought.

"Talk" "You" Think