
Dripping with Sin



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
07-21-2014, 01:23 AM

The male was beyond fuming. His mother having taken off without a single word, dragging his new little sister off too. His fur bristled at the memory, especially when he thought about Zaria...his sister had died. The only ones left were him and Senka, but even she had been absent lately...Maija's children were distant from him as well, even his stepmother didn't seem to think of him as any sort of related. He was pissed that his father had left...he was feeling the weight of it all. Icy gaze was hardened, the boy having made his way to a nearby island to take out his frustrations on the world. Teeth snapped at empty air, his paws soon carrying him from a slow gait, to a lope, to a full pelt run.

He would seem to run for hours, sand flying beneath his paws as his heart raced. He held within him, endless energy. His mass a train ready to smash into anything that got in his way. After what seemed like another long time, he would begin to slow...body heaved, the boy panted. He was not tired, though his muscles screamed for him to stop. His mind wanted to keep going, he would not give in to weakness. A growl at his own body would seem to erupt from him, cut short, however, by an intruding scent. Immediately, his head would raise and his ears would lift. The boys nostrils flaring to take in the scent that wafted towards him. Narrowed eyes would gaze into the distance, a form he had not seen in a while entangling his vision. Bristling, he stalked forward on stiff legs. Lips curled as he confronted her. "Where the Hell have you been?!" He would snap, stopping mere feet from her position.

He was pissed. Angry. That she had abandoned him, abandoned them all. Had she any idea that the white trespasser had taken from them, the lands his mother once ruled?


Swing Life Away Feat Kellin Quinn (Rise Against Cover) by Machine Gun Kelly on Grooveshark

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


07-23-2014, 10:18 PM

She had been minding her own business, preparing to return to the mainland when a shadow charged towards her. Defenses immediately fell into place but would relax would she recognized her son. And he was a ball of fury. He kept several feet between them, but his words snapped at her like teeth. Lips would curl to reveal fangs, no matter how angry he was, he would not disrespect her. A growl vibrated in her throat. "Right under everyones nose." She would snap back at him, her crown lifting above her spine as she peered at her son through a slightly narrowed gaze. She knew how he must have felt when she left without a word, leaving the pack to a stranger, but she had little choice, she needed to leave. But she hadn't gone far like everyone expected. She had been hiding right under their noses, waiting for the opportune moment to grace them with her presence once more. And now that time was upon them, all that was left was to make the swim back to the mainland. There were a few key wolves she wanted to see, starting with Vi. Tail curled around her hips, her gaze remaining fixed on her son.