



4 Years
07-21-2014, 09:52 AM
The small delicate fae in all her beauty was playfully trotting through the large expansive forest which was quite the wonderous site for her to behold with a playful smile crossing her maw as she could feel her muscles start to tire out. She didn't know just how far into this place she was but that didn't matter as it was a place of sheer beauty like those places that were told through her mother's songs when she just a wee pup. With a sudden pause in her movements she decided to rest against one of the most amazing trees she's seen thus far which could only be described in one word... enchanting.

The thought of singing to herself was rather promising and so thus with that a gentle breath in and a gentle breath out she let out a resonating hum escape from her lips for a few minutes changing the pitch and the length of each hum over the course of time before letting loose the lyrics she was thinking of

?Toki wa, sekai no ōkami ni de-fū no sakebi no uta wareware wa ushinawa re, torinokosa rete kita hito-tachi ni watashitachi jishin no kyoku o utau yō ni. Karera wa watashitachi no doryoku de watashitachi o mimamotto shite, watashitachiha sekai ni watashitachi jishin no suteppu o toru... ? (?When the songs of the wind cry out to the wolves of the world as we sing our own songs to those whom we have lost and left behind. We take our own steps into the world as they watch over us in our endeavours...?)

however all the lyrics weren't there just yet but she vowed to herself that she would eventually finish this song that her mother sung to her after her father passed on to the next. The song brought tears to her own eyes as they slowly slid down her dark brown fur and onto her paws.

Her voice took a rather haunting tone each time she repeated the lyrics after her series of hums. Her own song was causing her to cry so thus she stopped singing but continued humming to the tune of it. Letting her forest green eyes rest she slowly closed her eyes for a moment before opening them again with a deep breath of the forest's air she looked around more. There had to be something here to inspire her to think of a more upbeat and playful song or at least something of a different beat than what she just sung.
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


07-21-2014, 07:14 PM

Let's come together, singing song and harmonia.

His muscles just ached slightly from being folded for a long period of time spent enduring a fierce flurry of icy wind. The summer child was so grateful for the ending of the storm, even though his pelt had become thick and plush to fight the frostbitten world the Tortugan pride thrived in. His stride was full of bravado and pride as he would patrol the borders, resetting those that may have been lost in the flurry. Honey-dipped gaze would shine, clear, bright, and alert. Russet orange auditories would lie flat against a mocha colored crown, to prevent the frosty winds from biting too hard upon the skin. His plush banner would sway behind him, never trailing in the snow for too long. He trekked for many kilometers about the territory until the sight of a small and delicate female would come to chocolate colored nostrils. A song of foreign tongue would reach orange auditories, it's rhythm and tempo echoing within his ears. She was beyond the borders, a gleeful sight to behold in her song. His head would bob just gently as his shoulders rolled, his bodice moving in a rhythm to the vocals of the delicate tempest. Hopefully the tempest would not notice a pack wolf in the background dancing to her music, tempo vibrating through his bones. In his orange ears soon would the vocals fade, to a complete and utter stop, finding the gentle sound of sobbing.

We are so different, but the same inside our hearts.

His mocha coat would stop rolling, as his motion ceased, instead transforming into an entirely different series of movements, one of a careful stride toward the tempest, gently humming to the tune of a song... one he had heard be sung by his only parent?Summer?as a child. So little thoughts of her were spared, but now, he would give a gentle hum to the tempest, before his vocals would sound, quiet, steadily rising in pitch. "Beautiful colors as far as you can see, ya. Open your wings, fly when you hear the call." He would lose control of his bodice gently beginning to bob, the tune rising in his bodice, music filling his bones. What was this feeling in his heart? "Let's celebrate, for we are beautiful creatures. Come spread your wings and dance and sing songs about freedom." His heart thumped to the rhythm of the song playing from inky lips, his bodice now bobbing up and down, side to side, forward and back. Perhaps the tempest would catch on and continue the song...

Song: Beautiful Creatures - Barbatuques



4 Years
07-24-2014, 02:12 PM
The fae turned her head, eyes scanning over the land to see where the song was coming from she spotted a rather entertaining wolf. The fact that she could be on or near pack lands didn't come to her mind as she watched the brute. Nona didn't know the song and thus remained quiet as she watched. Her tear filled eyes quickly dried as she couldn't help but show what would be a grin and then slowly but surely without fully realizing it herself there was a smile. Perhaps this wolf wasn't here to cause her harm but who knew. Nonetheless he cheered her up but without hesitation she couldn't help but ask the brute ?I'm terribly sorry but I don't recognize that song at all... may I ask you what it is?? Nona couldn't help bob her head about to the tune. The brute before her was a rather handsome fellow to say the least and even then handsome couldn't quite cut it to describe how he looked to her.

Nona stood up from where she sat to watch him taking in his appearance with her forest green eyes. Despite the frosty cold winds that were nipping at her core the song was a bit warming to hear and she wished to know the song so thus she could sing along with him and before long the words flowed from her inky lips ?Would you be willing to teach me that song?? Whenever it came to songs she wanted to learn every single one she heard so thus to expand her own musical repertoire as she asked the Mocha colored brute. Perhaps she might just get along with complete stranger to her and they could possibly sing for a little while if he would teach her that amusing song. There was no time like the present to make a friend here.
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


07-24-2014, 08:03 PM

I am e m p t y.

The tempest had noticed his vocals, and his rhythm refused to recede, his striped banner still swaying behind him, his song reduced to only a feeble hum, before his stilts would fold, the brute's bodice reclining silently. Her pearly bodice was so delicate, a fragile flower in the wake of a blizzard, so beautiful and so ethereal. A small smile would spread upon the pearly tempest's inky lips, her tears having ceased falling. Her voice was song itself, a verse of a beautiful story of life. ?I'm terribly sorry but I don't recognize that song at all... may I ask you what it is?? Her vocals did not disappoint the summer child, not one bit. For he only knew of one verse, just as the pearly tempest in the snow had. His voice would chime in it's classic tone, young and smooth. "Well, my mother sang it to me, and she called it Beautiful Creatures. But since her death and the collapse of my home... it's become just a small fragment of my memories of her." The boy would lower his russet orange ears, yearning for his mother suddenly, tears stinging at his eyes. He blinked, holding them in tightly, despite the undying desire to be at her side. From inky lips, came a gentle humming sound to the tune of 'Glass Heart Hymn' (by Paper Route), before soft lyrics would come from inky lips. "Cut like diamonds... Set aside like an ocean's island. Or a child in a field, with nowhere to go... oh, oh, oh..." Quietly, he would stand up, memories flashing through his mind of his mother and siblings in their original home. "Memories heavy as a stone..." His voice would subdue itself, a memoir of his life replaying over and over. His mother, his siblings, their home... "It's all gone now..." His voice was but a whisper...

In my end, you are my b e g i n n i n g.



4 Years
07-25-2014, 08:57 PM
Nona couldn't help but pick up on the emotion that he shown but didn't want to say anything about it listening to what started as a hum and the turned to lyrics. He did know a couple of songs she wasn't familiar with and it was another one she wanted to learn. ?It's all gone now...? that particular line which she barely caught made her curious but she would let it go for maybe there was something there in his mind that he wouldn't share with her or might upset him if she were to ask. With a gentle smile she couldn't help but open her maw and speak gently and kindly towards the brute ?You can come over by my side if you'd like, I promise to not hurt you, I might sing again with you as the inspiration but who knows... but let me introduce myself I'm Nona, Nona Seinaru Utahime? She spoke as she politely dipped her head in respect for the mocha colored brute.

Before long though lyrics quickly developed in her head and she couldn't help but let her voice be heard as she song the beginning of her song ?Kokode wa, kono samu-sa to nigai hi ni, shinrin no kaze to hauringu ki no uta no naka de. Koko de watashi no mae ni shinzoku no tamashī mo watashi wa shiranai uta o utau koto ga dekiru yōna monodesu. Kare no karada wa mushiro dōdō kabā shi, kare wa se ga takaku, tsuyoi jibun jishin o hoji shite iru sutekina moka no kegawa.? (Here in this cold and bitter day, amongst the songs of the forest winds and the howling trees. Here be a kindred soul before me one who can also sing songs that i do not know. The wonderful mocha fur that covers his body rather regal and he holds himself tall and strong.) Nona hoped that the song would bring her back to the forefront of the male's attention as she couldn't help but what she could only describe as what might be falling for this male. He looked like a rather handsome fellow but she wasn't going to risk that just yet until she got to know him a little more. For Nona didn't even know his name which was the first rule of things, always learn that first and then get to know their personality a bit more.
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-