
Come see about me



3 Years
Extra large
07-22-2014, 06:44 AM

It had been a while now since Kismet had spent time with his family and so after a brief period with Warja he set his path back for the North. He still wasn't sure he trusted their safety, so close to Glaciem and within a pack that not only allied with them but had an alpha bearing the Armada name. Perhaps he was being prejudice but so far in life the boy had only seen the bad in the Armada family. The journey would take longer than he cared for, a part of him certainly wishing that Covari and Tortuga were closer to make it easier to keep in touch with all of those he cared about.

A part of him certainly hoped that perhaps Sarak had finally showed his face though if not then Kismet would likely find himself starting to lose faith in the man, he had missed the birth, the early stages of their life. He may have missed the same in his and Soren's lives though he wasn't really their father his efforts had been nice but not required, these kids ought to have him there. They'd probably grown a fair amount from the tiny bundles he'd helped bring to Tortuga, truth be told he was excited to see how they were growing and hoped of course that they at least vaguely remembered him, he didn't want to be some unknown figure in their lives not as their father currently was.

Kismet would pause at the borders, certainly not daring to cross into the lands given he wasn't part of the pack. There he would stand and wait as he would let out a howl for his family. Who would show, he wondered. He certainly hoped some of them would and in fact wouldn't have minded too much if Roman showed her face as well, standing here now waiting he found himself with a request he wished to ask of the woman and certainly wished to spend a little more time with her himself, to find out why his mother apparently trusted this Armada. His family would certainly take priority for now though, it felt like too long had passed since he'd last seen them.



6 Years
07-22-2014, 06:59 PM

Azalea's breath came out heavy, still leaving a mark in the air as the north slowly thawed from winter. Blood tinted her chin with a smudge on her right cheek as well. Her meal was long gone, dropped at the den for the kiddos to go to town.

Her attention was grabbed by the familiar sound of her son. Not the one who had stayed, but the one who had went. Kismet. The boy had developed a more nomadic nature, picked up from Azalea, surely. Hell, even before Azalea, Soeil had embarked on her own. Sure, she was quicker to settle, but still it seemed to run in the family, the need to wander.

She came a happy little howl in response, picking up her already brisk pace to a run. She jogged at an even pace, already tired from finding food for little hungry puppies.

"Kismet!" She called, as she drew near, her tail already wagging and her eyes lit up. She was healthier now, happier. Sarak at the back of her mind as her children consumed every other part. "Seriously, do you just get bigger every time I see you or am I crazy?" She reared up, wrapping her paws around his neck. She nuzzled him, forehead to forehead with her eyes closed. When she drew back she gave the boy a quick lick on the cheek. Azalea stepped back to get a look at him and couldn't help but wonder what he thought of her now.

Wild with wide eyes inherited from her mother, Azalea was a small creature with a thick coat and currently smeared in blood.



3 Years
Extra large
07-28-2014, 12:06 PM

Kismet wouldn't need to wait too long at all. Before he knew it his mother was running towards him, calling out in greeting as she closed the distance. She looked unharmed, well enough and certainly happy to see him once more and a smile would spread across his own features, pleased to see she was ok and of course simply glad to see her once again in general. How he wished that Tortuga and Covari were closer to one and other, it'd make the time apart shorter and the visits much easier.

His smile would grow once more at her comment though, his size seemed natural to him of course though it seemed he towered over many in his life. It had of course been a little odd at first the time apart from his mother meaning he had gone from looking up to looking down on her though the growth didn't startle him as much as it did Azalea any more it seemed. "I don't think I can answer that question." He'd respond lightly, he didn't think he'd grown but he certainly wasn't going to call his mother crazy.

"It's good to see you again." He would comment happily, nuzzling her in return before she stepped back each of them carefully looking over the other once more, likely both ensuring the other was definitely ok. "So how is everyone? Still ok here?"



6 Years
07-28-2014, 05:25 PM

"I don't think I can answer that question." Azalea couldn't help but give him the stink eye. Was he saying without actually saying that he thought she was crazy? Azalea mentally had an "oh god" moment as she realized that would make her Soleil, the crazy mother type.

"It's good to see you again." He nuzzled her warmly and as they both stepped back Azalea cocked a coy smile to see him looking her over just as she did him. They needed to see the proof that they were each well. "So how is everyone? Still ok here?" She nodded fervently . "Yes, your siblings are all well. They're little wildlings, all over the place!"

"What have you been up to?" She was curious to know what he had been doing, what his plans were.



3 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 07:59 AM

He wouldn't have actually called his mother crazy in all honesty, hence the avoidance of answering the question in the first place. Past that little obstacle however they were swiftly moving onto better conversation as each checked the other and at last began to catch up on what they'd missed in each others lives as of late. Kismet knew he'd likely missed a fair amount, whereas his own life hadn't had any significant changes yet.

It was good to hear that they were all well, a part of him was tempted to ask if Sarak had made it yet, though he figured such an event would be noteworthy and Azalea would bring it up on her own. He'd keep his mouth shut and instead focus upon the topic of his siblings. A small smile would cross his muzzle as she described them as wildlings, he himself had likely been described as such once. "Not as quiet as Soren then." He would comment. "How is Soren?" He was a little worried about his brother.

His own life though, of course that question was bound to come up. The most important thing he supposed was that he had found Warja once more and even found himself meeting a few members of her family. There really was little else to tell beyond that however. "I found Warja again." He kept himself from telling his mother just where he had found the girl, he wasn't keen on the idea of them being in Covari as it was, the last thing he needed was his mother interfering in anyway. "I actually met a few members of her family as well, including her mother, Alamea." It'd been a name his mother recognised previously, he thought it worth letting his mother know that the other woman was well.



6 Years
07-29-2014, 09:23 AM

"Not as quiet as Soren then." She smiled a bit as she was pretty sure ALL wolves were rowdier than that boy. "How is Soren?" And now her smile turned to a frown as Kis asked how Soren was. She licked her lips, sad to have to disappoint her son. "Strangely absent."

She fully expected him to throw a fit for her not going out and finding Soren, but they were big boys now and could do whatever they pleased.

"I found Warja again." Kismet would tell of his own adventures. She nodded, her eyes a bit wide. The boy must be in love, did he realize that? Why else would he continue to seek out the same little she-wolf? "I actually met a few members of her family as well, including her mother, Alamea." "Oh!" The red headed mother wolf would sit down, a coy smile on her face. "So you really fancy this Warja."

"When do I get to meet her?"



3 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 09:41 AM

To be honest it would be incredibly hypocritical of the boy to get mad for Soren's absence or for Azalea not bothering to look for him. Kismet after all hadn't even considered staying in Tortuga really and when he'd gone would have actually been a little irritated had Azalea attempted to follow him, she had the other children to look after now, and as she'd rightly thought herself, he and Soren were big boys now, they didn't need their mother running around after them everywhere they went. No the main concern would simply be that evidently things still weren't right with Soren.

Evidently yet another talk with his brother would be necessary at some point. Kismet struggled to understand him sometimes, he could be infuriating to put up with but he was his brother and true to that promise he'd once made, if Soren needed him then Kismet would be there for him. He had no idea if the same offer would ever be made by Soren, though he'd never thought about it before. Clearly demonstrated from these trips he was willing to make back and forth from either end of Alacritia he cared more for family and Warja than he did for himself.

The topic would move onto Warja at that moment now, Azalea clearly far more at ease with the topic than she once had been, though Kismet wasn't entirely sure he liked the smile now spreading on his mother's face. What was she thinking?

Fancy her? Kismet was honestly speechless. He cared a great deal for Warja that much he knew though he'd never thought of anything beyond that really, even when his mother had first assumed he'd gotten himself a girlfriend. She'd been appalled by the idea then though now apparently was taking great pleasure in winding up her son. "She's my friend." Was all he could say on the matter. As for meeting her? That one could be tricky, both females were part of packs after all and at either end of Alacritia. "I don't know." He responded simply and to be honest there was certainly a part of him currently debating about the answer being 'never' with the way she was currently acting.



6 Years
07-29-2014, 10:17 AM

The Tortugan Adravendi had shocked her son speechless and she would help but release and airy giggle. She really did doubt he even knew how he felt (or rather how it would appear to anyone with the curiosity to look). He had chosen to go see this mysterious girl when he had been freed from his evil father's clutches and now he had found her again.

She had a hold on him and Azalea could only hope she was one of the good ones.

"She's my friend." His tone was clipped and Azalea gave him a look that said "oh, really?" Her next question left him with another short reply, "I don't know." Now Azalea narrowed her eyes. "Well, why not? I can't meet your friends?" Over emotional as always, Azalea found herself offended.

She stood up, walking a bit away, along the pack line, and then came back. "Explain why you can meet her family but she can't meet yours?"



3 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 10:53 AM

Kismet was clueless. The only love he'd known was the love for his family and whilst he'd seen the romantic kind he certainly didn't understand it at all for himself yet nor had he even considered his heart really in the long run of things. Aside from family, no one had ever been anything more than a friend to him and as far as he was aware the same of course stood for Warja, they were friends, best friends. He hadn't considered the possibility of more with her or anyone else though as his mother was speculating, it was likely to be Warja over any other girl in Alacritia.

Azalea had taken it more of a Kismet's choice for Warja not to meet her than anything else and now he was in trouble it seemed. "I just meant because you're here with children to look after and she's with her family." Fortunately he didn't make the mistake of pointing out her family were in a pack and Covari of all packs. "I just don't know when a meeting will happen."

Of course she could leave them and visit, he had a feeling that the suggestion was bound to come along now considering he constantly left to visit her. "I hadn't planned on meeting them anyway, they followed her." And that was the time to kick himself if there ever was one, practically an invitation for Azalea to follow him next time he set off to find the girl.



6 Years
07-29-2014, 11:03 AM

"I just meant because you're here with children to look after and she's with her family." Azalea snorted, ears pulled back to her skull as her white striped muzzle cringed. "A few days way never killed anyone... unless they were being stupid about it. Unless she is stuck to her mother's tit then I see no reason why she can't come north with you." If Kismet was befriending babies then Azalea would surely need to beat him for feeling that way over an infant. "I just don't know when a meeting will happen."

"I hadn't planned on meeting them anyway, they followed her." Azalea smiled wickedly now. "Oh, so I should follow you then? I mean, I can if you would prefer it that way and then I'll make it a point to embarrass you as much as possible, especially in front of your little friend." Perhaps she was being petty but Azalea wanted to be involved in his life. Those damn maternal instincts were sounding the storm warning wondering just what this Warja chick was like. Was she worthy of Kismet Adravendi?



3 Years
Extra large
07-29-2014, 11:50 AM

Of course Warja was no baby, she was probably more daring that he was at times. Kismet had simply never thought to ask her to leave her family. Unlike his own it seemed she had always been with hers, they'd travelled from Valhalla together, stayed together as rogues and then joined another pack together. His meanwhile had spent most of his life scattered and even now it wasn't just his fault that they weren't together. As far as he knew it was the Adravendi family that had done something wrong, maybe they were supposed to all stay together, Kimset simply knew he couldn't. With a part of him longing to be with his own family, he certainly didn't want to tear Warja from hers, he'd made the choice he didn't need to force her to do the same.

Azalea wasn't calming, and whilst Kismet typically had a better hold of his temper, he could feel his own rising slightly, certainly not to the levels of his mother but no longer was this the happy reunion that he had previously hoped for. "Because they are in Covari." He hadn't planned on revealing the news and certainly not like that either. "I'm a rogue, it's certainly far easier for me to travel to and from packs."

"None of them are like that red bitch though. I don't know why they're there but I'm sure they didn't realise what she was like." He certainly felt he ought to explain that fact now, his mother hadn't been amused when she'd assumed he was off gallivanting with a girl from Glaciem, Covari could surely only get a bad reaction as well. "I'm not joining them there before you bother asking, but I'm still not joining Tortuga either." He still couldn't get his head around his family being in an Armada ruled pack, he wished they'd leave though right now his longings were in that Warja and her family would leave Covari, only problem was he certainly couldn't ask her to do so.

At Azalea's comment that she followed him however he was hardly certain that was a good idea. Still though why she was so intent on meeting the girl he couldn't understand, he certainly hadn't met all of her friends and though these days he didn't really have many of his own Azalea wasn't asking to meet any others. Still the oblivious boy wouldn't see what his mother could, even after her earlier teasing. He wouldn't reply but the somewhat sour expression on his face certainly told that he would rather things were not done that way.



6 Years
07-29-2014, 04:28 PM

"Because they are in Covari." The midsized woman felt her mind go blank, processing the word that she now knew to be related to the red wench who had torn Valhalla away from her. Azalea was slowly learning not to care so much, she had better opportunities here though she wasn't going to tell her son that. "I'm a rogue, it's certainly far easier for me to travel to and from packs." She had to wonder if he was serious. Did he not know how much traveling Azalea had done before having him?

"None of them are like that red bitch though. I don't know why they're there but I'm sure they didn't realize what she was like." She shrugged. Now who was the pot calling the kettle black? "I'm not joining them there before you bother asking, but I'm still not joining Tortuga either." Now she shrugged, sitting back down as she regained her cool. "I've told you already I will not ask it of you, keep up."

Finally Azalea would roll her amber eyes, losing interest. "That dumb bitch had no right to challenge for Valhalla... but the wolf she gave it to is not bad, she's actually quite nice. You see, there are multiple sides to everything, even wolves." Perhaps he should remember that while he pined after his Covari girl, wonderstruck.



3 Years
Extra large
08-07-2014, 04:03 AM

Azalea had taken the news far better than Kismet would have expected to be honest. She'd been rather judgemental when assuming that his 'girlfriend', as she liked to assume, was a Glaciem wolf, and judgemental was perhaps being far too nice of a term for her reaction at that guess. There would be no such reaction now though fortunately and whilst he had anticipated her worrying about where he might go there was no such thing. Instead however she would point out that she still wasn't going to ask him to join them in Tortuga.

He had little to answer to that bit, cooling off himself now that his mother was also. The next part however was somewhat surprising, the comment about different sides to wolves. Obviously she'd had some friends in Glaciem but she'd been rather against him having anything to do with the pack. Equally however perhaps the comment was also solely in relation to the Armada family. He was dead set against them, even Roman who he'd never really given a chance to before. His family were all still well, perhaps he shouldn't be quite so wary of them being here in Tortuga. He meant what he said though, he still wasn't joining.