
Go Far Kid

Vesta I


1 Year
07-22-2014, 06:21 AM
Sin, Arietta, Enigma, and/or Forsaken
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

She wasn?t the one to go out of a folly or a whim. She had been rather graceful with every step but vicious all the same as soon as she could stand. She would purposefully wake her brothers up from their sleep if she had the chance just to try and get them to fight her for the victory of their mother?s milk. She would race out of the den that fine and crisp morning to watch the sun rise into the sky so she might begin her day. She knew what she wanted that particular day. She wanted her father to take her somewhere or maybe her mother could do it. She wanted to go exploring and she wanted to learn all she could about her surroundings.

?Father?? She called out in the softest coo as her feet grazed over the ground to find herself moving around to look for the white man with strange markings. Her soft, silk white fur ruffled softly in the breeze as she moved around. It was barely sunrise but she had a trouble sleeping when there was so much more that she could be doing! She hadn?t been in the den long enough to take note of where her brother?s even were let alone if they were still asleep in the den. She probably should have checked to see if her father was in there too but she hadn?t. She had quite literally opened her eyes and ran out without a second look in an eager search for him. Oh she had a lot to learn. No, this was something she had been plotting out for a few days now. She was going to spend some quality time with him and hopefully get a few pointers.

Her eyes gazed around the mysterious voyager that she stood upon. This was her home, all she knew it to be, and she wanted to learn more about it. Next time, she would dominate her brother?s in a fight. Sure it was just for fun, a playfight, but she found it was more fun when she was winning and so that was what she planned to do. A small smile started to find its way to her face as she looked around before heading a little closer to the den once more. Surely he would be hanging around there?

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada


07-23-2014, 04:44 PM

Light blue eyes would open, finding that not all were present inside the den. Vesta?s absence, as well as Forsaken?s, were immediately noted. Her children were full of spunk, energy, and strong wills. Vesta was one who definitely showed potential, not wanting to be shown up by her brothers. They all fought for Sin?s attention and love, and though Arietta would rise, padding outside of the den and seeking her daughter?s form. She luckily wasn?t far, and Arietta would pad up to her, light blue gaze looking out over the deck.

?You?re doing very well thus far, Vesta. I?m proud of you, and I?m sure your father is as well.? She could hold her own against Forsaken, encouraging the little male just to push himself harder. Even if it was play now... They were building some skill for when they began true training. She would lick her daughter?s head, a smile on her face. ?What do you think? Shall we go down for a walk on the beach while we wait for your father?? She definitely had the lighter side of those in her family... But it could hopefully teach her children to love each other.

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
07-23-2014, 05:13 PM
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

The strong voice of her mother would flood her ears from behind as she turned gracefully on her paws. Her mother was proud of her and she even stated that her father would be quite proud of her too. She beamed at the compliment as the woman who had given birth to her towered over the girl who would grow fast to combat the height of her father. There was an offer to her to go on a walk on the beach while they waited for her father to return and she gave the faintest smile. She would like to do any maybe she could talk to her mother about what she had wanted to learn about. She could feel the combat stirring up her bones and she felt empowered.

?Sure mother, we could walk while we wait for father.? She said in a rather proper way as she started towards the beach. She next posed a question she wasn?t sure her mother would be able to answer. ?Do you think I am stronger than them mother. Do you think I could beat Forsaken and Enigma?? The question was one that Vesta held in high regard. She wanted to be the best fighter. She wanted to one day be better than her father. ?I want to be able to beat father one day. But first I must be able to defeat my brothers.? She explained further as she headed towards the beach. It was peaceful that day and she was alright with that.

Her pure white fur ruffled slightly as a wind blew past them. She still stood tall and with pride. She was Vesta Armada and one day she would be the best for it was written in her blood.

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada


07-25-2014, 02:34 PM

The woman would give a nod, a smile given at the proper way her daughter spoke. She was a respectful child, and already so educated for her age. She was a beautiful creature, a product between her and Sin. Her daughter, much like her boys, sought to be strong in their own right. It was in their blood, their calling, to make their mark upon this world. At her daughter?s question the femme would consider the answer as she made her way towards the plank that lead down to the beach. Was she strong enough to beat her brothers?

?As of right now, Vesta, I would say that the potential lies in besting them. What you and your brothers are able to do now are only play fights, preparing you for the training that lies ahead. It will be when your training spars begin that your true strength will be tested. Until then, my daughter, you must train your hardest... You must not slack in any aspect of what is asked of you when it comes to it. If you keep both your mind and body set on your goal you will not only surpass your brothers but many others as well. Perhaps even, one day, you will best your father in a spar. It all will depend on how much you focus and apply yourself.?

Arietta was no warrior... No one truly special in her own mind. But the woman did hold some wisdom, and the will to see that her children prospered in this life. That lay in making sure her daughter and sons did nothing short of their very best. As paws touched the sand she would take a breath of the coastal air, ears perking. ?Now Vesta... There is much more to this world than simply being able to beat any other wolf in battle. It is still early in your life... So you don?t need to answer this now... But consider what you wish to do with your strength and achieve. Keep this question and answer in your heart at all times... And never let it leave you. Let it be the flame that fuels your actions.?

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
07-27-2014, 10:35 AM
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

The course sand rubbed harshly against her paws as they walked along the beach and her amber eyes held a need or a want. She wanted something but she couldn't quite place what it was. In her heart she knew what it was but she couldn't form a word for it. She wanted power, integrity, and honesty. She wanted power because she found that it was a pretty cool thing. She wanted integrity but more specifically honesty so she could live up to her promises. She might have the wrong promises or the wrong kind of power but she wanted it all and she would take it with fire and blood if she had to.

When her mother's words hit her ear drums she frowned slightly. Was that what her mother thought she wanted? "I don't slack mother and I'm offended that you think that I might." She informed her as they walked and then her mother started to speak again, that time about her potential and some stuff like that. "I don't want to beat them just for the sake of beating them mother. I want to be able to beat them because wolves are going to challenge me at some point in my life and I need to be ready for it." The proper femme gave her mother a soft smile. "I appreciate the concern though."

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada


08-09-2014, 10:45 AM

Her daughter was taking her advice the wrong way. What should have come as motherly advice, understanding, seemed to come to the child as an insult. Arietta would let out a deep sigh, coming to a stop and staring at the sand at her paws. "I was not saying that you did Vesta, or implying that you would... you are thinking too far into things..." Which was exactly what she was afraid of. Her daughter was too strong willed, stubborn, ambitious... so many things for her young age. What was she to do? What could she do? She was not the sort to help feed her daughter's desires... to be able to provide her with all she needed. The woman would look to her daughter again, ears lowered.

'She's trying to grow up too fast...' The woman felt her heart clench. "Not all wolves are warmongers, Vesta... there may be a time you are challenged... but... there is a time for everything... even training... and you are not there yet. I know you want to be, that you understand your path to greatness is written in your blood, but a pup is still a pup. A child. You are not physically capable yet of doing all the things you want to do. I fear you're going to get into something bigger than you are ready for." Arietta would shake her head, turning away. "Vesta... please just try and be safe... I love you with all of my heart and... I don't want to see you hurt." There was hurt in her eyes. How could she make these kids understand? With a sigh the woman would turn, heading back towards the ship.

She wasn't sure what to do or say to them to make them understand.

-Exit Arietta unless stopped.-

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
08-09-2014, 10:53 AM

Her mother had tried defending her words, saying that she was just a pup and she was trying to do more than she could handle and she sighed. Her mother wasn't understanding her thought processes and Vesta wondered if she ever would. Still, her mother being upset was a bit of a weak point for her, and she felt really bad for making her feel that way. Her mother started to walk away from Vesta and the white ghost did call out something to her mother. "I promise mother if you promise to not try and protect me forever." The words came out in a heartbeat and she turned and walked away from her mother along the shoreline. She wouldn't be long, not really. She had a lot to think about so she would stop at the point where the water would wrap around her feet at the tide. She stared out into the water, lost in the thought of all that was, all that is, and all that could be.

-End unless Keno wants to put in an Arietta response to the speech.-