
Lights Out



3 Years
06-20-2014, 09:28 PM
Away from home, to explore an area unknown to her. The young woman moved with purpose, head held high, ears perked, one facing forward and the other towards her surroundings as she walked along. The plains she found herself in were a bit father from her new home than she was used to going alone. But that was fine. She was getting older, and her goal was to become stronger, to sharpen her skills. Even if it meant going the distance to find new challenges. Someone, or something, worthy of her time.

Green eyes would look around the terra, nose to the air as she went through the scents. Younger wolves... Older ones... Ones that lived here. But they were not a pack, and that was good. Perhaps it was here she might find an interest. Shoulders would roll forward, not wishing to make a call to bring them to her, but rather seek them out on her own. Arisu was ready for a challenge, and she hoped whomever these wolves were they proved to be, at the very least, entertaining.

...and thus the hunt was on. The russet femme would lower into the grasses, searching as she crept along.


06-29-2014, 09:19 PM

When Hel noticed that there was another wolf in her family's home, the female went on the prowl. She was small still, though she was beginning to pack bulk onto her frame, and was growing swiftly despite her lack of a mother. She hardly thought of Imena nowadays, her 'second mother,' whom Aksel had latched onto so strongly. Hel had simply assumed that she'd abandoned them, and her father's words had only served to support this. This had effectively sealed her off from those outside her family - they all seemed to leave, didn't they?

Whatever. Hel didn't need them. And she was on the hunt for this stranger, this wolf who walked in her family's lands. The Frosts and her uncles owned this place, even if they didn't officially own it. "Hello?" Hel called out, raising her thin voice to carry as well as it could. She wasn't sure if the stranger was nearby, but Hel rather hoped so. She kind of wanted to see someone from outside her family, for all that she had thought mere moments ago that she didn't need anyone other than her father and her siblings.

Ears swivelling, Hel peered about, stretching onto her toes to try and look over the grass. No one was going to sneak up on her!


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'



3 Years
07-10-2014, 06:53 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

A voice called out, and Arisu would lift her head slightly, ears swiveling in the direction it came from. Another girl, young, perhaps around her age. The dark femme would smirk some, coming away from the direction she was heading to circle back around. She would make out something, a dark girl peering out over the grass. Perhaps seeing her own figure slinking through it. The girl would rise, emerald orbs shining as she strode boldly towards the other girl. She would tilt her head to the side, a small smirk playing on her lips.

?Why hello there. Are you perhaps one of the wolves that live here?? The femme would ask, playing it off sweetly for the moment. Arisu would start to circle around to the other girl?s right side, tail swishing a bit. ?What is your name?? She wouldn?t give her own just yet. No... It was better to learn who you were dealing with first.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


07-11-2014, 07:54 PM

Hel sunk back on her haunches as her own emerald gaze settled on the russet creature that approached her. Another pup, perhaps close to Hel's own age, and certainly not one of her family. No, this girl carried a pack's scent - and not Valhalla, the only pack that Hel had come into contact with. "I do live here," Hel began cautiously, though she continued easily moments later, "My aunts and uncles and my father and sisters and brother all live here." She clarified after a moment. Hel did have a lot of family in the area, didn't she? And yet, she cared only for her father and siblings - she was rather partial to them. Family was all you needed in life.

Craning her head to keep up with the girl's slow circling movement, Hel let her tail wag just slightly "My name's Helena Frost - but you can call me Hel, if you want." Her family name would likely mean nothing to the stranger, but Hel liked that it tied her back to her family. It wasn't her father's last name precisely, but no one but her siblings were Frosts. It meant that they belonged somewhere, that someone still wanted them even now. "And what's your name, stranger?" Hel asked casually, her ears swivelling to keep at least one sense locked onto the other as she turned her head back to the front.


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'



3 Years
07-13-2014, 03:24 AM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

So this other girl lived here, and with quiet the large family it seemed. Oh how interesting. The words were said in her head, and not with true intrigue. No, there were dark intentions for such knowledge. The girl would play nice for now, however. The other would follow her with her head, until finally Arisu made a full circle and came to sit before the other. She would sit neatly, with head lifted and pose holding the stance of one who was proud of who they were. The other would give her name easily as well... it was clear she was of the 'light' side of the spectrum. At least, as far as Arisu was concerned. This was not completely satisfactory, but it would do.

"My name is Arisu Sovari, one of the daughters of the Covari Queens." The other bore no pack scent, however she would know well enough the meaning if she hadn't figured it out by now. She was a pack wolf, and a royal one at that. But Arisu would not flaunt her rank. Oh no, not at all. She would move on, brushing it off as if it was nothing. Really it wasn't even a rank so it may as well had been nothing. She held no title in her pack right now. The girl would keep one ear facing her surroundings as she spoke, keeping her guard up in these lands that were full of so many other strangers.

"I am not familiar with your family name. Are you all new to the lands?" Feign friendship. Feign kindness. Manipulate. Twist things and make them bend to your will. That was the way. That was her way.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'


07-24-2014, 07:49 AM

Arisu, huh? It was a kind of weird name - not that Hel had any room to say anything. She liked her name better than Arisu, though she might have been a little bit biased there. The gray and black youngster twitched her ears casually, letting her emerald gaze wander across Arisu's russet frame. "Nice to meet ya, Arisu Sovari." Hel spoke at last, her voice as cheerful as ever. Arisu was no family member - not her father, not one of her siblings, but she was decent enough, Hel supposed. A good way to the pass the time at least. And maybe her father would get worried and come to check on her - she wasn't holding her breath though.

For a moment, Hel hesitated, unsure of how much to tell the stranger about her strange family. Of course, she didn't know that much about it either - there were more secrets than Hel could even properly begin to comprehend just yet. "Well, some of my aunts an' uncles are, but most of 'em have been here for a while..." Hel paused, frowning a little. "Their last name is... uh..." She took a long moment to call it to the forefront of her memory, before at last Hel spoke triumphantly, "Hroovitnisson! You mighta heard of them?" Hel's family was pretty interesting and they did a lot of things. Maybe Arisu had heard of at least one of them. It wouldn't surprise Hel.

"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'



3 Years
07-25-2014, 05:51 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Hroov--what now? What kind of last name was that? She had remained quiet up until then, with only a nod given to Helena when she said it was nice to meet her. The girl would raise a brow at the last name. No, she certainly hadn?t heard of any Hroovy?s or whatever it was that they liked to call themselves. Honestly, at least you could understand her last name. But no, for now she kept up that nice act. ?I actually can?t say that I have. None of them have crossed paths with Covari anyway.? The girl would look around, ears perking some.

?Must be a big family though. The only ones of my family I know of live with us in Covari, except my uncle. No idea where he is though.? She spoke the words as if they were more a distant thought before looking back to Hel, taking a step closer to her. ?You sound rather proud of your family, and that?s good. You seek to honor them... Don?t you?? Her words were sweet, but there was definitely the hint at something darker there. Her emerald eyes would fix upon Hel?s own, flashing her little smile.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'