
Let Us Talk Of Duties And Responsibilies


07-13-2014, 03:43 PM
The world he walked in was changing, but yet... there was still that missing hole. He had been so happy when he first reunited with Haruka, seeing her face after some time. But the news she shared... it had truly upset him. But why wouldn't it? His father was dead. Siblings missing or dead... his mother bearing what were likely this other man's children. He even attempted his poor sister's life! But... try as he may to search for her when he could, there was still not a sign at all. He was worried... terrified to think that something might have happened to her. The thought that he was the problem had not arisen to his mind, though it was a possibility, wasn't it?

Then came the fact that he had been promoted. The male was both happy and a bit sad at this. Happy that he could continue to prove himself and work within his pack, providing for those that he cared for. Yet... Haruka hadn't been there to see it. What was the point of a 'Legend' if no one knew of it? A lost tale, forgotten by the world. He would shake his head, wanting to clear the thoughts away. He still needed to speak with one of the Praetors about his duties, and it gave reason enough for a distraction good as any. Head would tilt back, calling for one of the lovely women to come if they were available.



07-22-2014, 01:54 AM

In the time after the meeting, she'd been running around like she was missing a vital part of her. It had seemed a good idea at the time to request one on one meetings with everyone, but now she was nearly dropping dead with exhaustion. When Ritsuka called, she pushed herself onto weary paws and headed towards the peak- the source of his summons with a sigh of exhaustion. She wouldn't deny him counsel when she asked for him to seek one of them out. She approaches slowly, but steadily, and lets out a low bark to alert him of her presence when she arrives. "Ritsuka." She says softly, coming to a halt close to him, with a soft smile. She waits for him to ask what he needs to ask, and hopes she has the answers he needs.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


07-25-2014, 02:42 PM
One of the Praetors of the pack would not keep him waiting long, and a low bark, announcing her presence, would tell the tan man that it was lady Roman who answered his call. He would look to her, dipping his head respectfully with a smile of his own. ?Lady Roman.? She looked exhausted, though in her current state who wouldn?t be? She had asked for so many of the wolves of the pack to speak with her and Qanik privately, among other things.

?I do hope that you are fairing alright.? He would begin, letting the she-wolf know that he did indeed care about her. Tortuga was his family, his friends. Wolves he would never betray. ?I?m sorry to call you to me like this, I just wished to discuss with you what would be expected of me as Venator from here on out.? He would shift a bit. ?As well as Haruka?s absence... But one thing at a time, right?? He hoped Roman would be lenient with his sister for now... Give him more time to find her. He was sure she was still loyal to Tortuga... Something... Something had to be wrong. Some other reason for her being gone.
