



07-25-2014, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2014, 07:35 PM by Enola.)
crappy starter /:

Face would scrunch up in displeasure, ears giving a small twitch every few moments. It was something she liked about her old home, the land was flat, open except for the small forest their den had been in. Peaceful, she could hear everything around her. That's why she was getting frustrated while sitting a bit down from the falls, the noise was too much, she couldn't even focus on Pluto just across the small river. "I can't do this Pluto, I can't even hear you anymore!" She called out in a gentle, yet annoyed voice. She folded her ears back against her skull, head lowering and turning to the side as her shoulders hunched. She was trying real hard but it wasn't doing anything at all.



07-30-2014, 05:33 PM

He found himself wandering, searching for something to entertain himself with in Ludicael. He had filled into his adult body, and F?licien felt a bit of pride in what he had become. He had gotten sick, so horribly sick, during the epidemic. He had pushed through it and survived. He padded along, his bi-colored eyes bright. He was happy in his life, working towards some place in his pack. He didn't know what would become of him... but he wanted to keep moving forward.

Head would lift slightly when he saw an unfamiliar form up ahead by the falls. He would watch her as he got closer, curiosity flicking within his gaze. What exactly was she doing? Ears would twitch as she spoke, a frown on his face. Pluto? He'd look around, not seeing another wolf. What was going on now...? F?licien would approach her, not yet realizing he was dealing with a blind wolfess. "Um excuse me... what seems to be the problem? You sound as if you're having trouble..." It was rude to eavesdrop but well, he couldn't help but make sure she would be okay at least.



07-30-2014, 07:42 PM

Caught in her own frustration, Enola would fail to catch what she was here trying to hone in on in the first place. Somebody had managed to walk up on her without her noticing, well, till they spoke of course. An unfamiliar voice suddenly speaking up near her caused the girl to jump, eyes opening and head swinging around towards where it came from while legs expanded beneath her to send the girl back and away from this unknown person. Her breathing had sped up a bit by the surprise, but she would try to control it, there was no reason for her to get scared anymore. After all, she sniffed the air carefully, he had that pack smell like Faolan.

Cautiously, Enola would lift her head, sniffing more at the air to gather the strangers scent. ?No trouble... just...? She paused, voice soft. Her head would turn away to the side, as if looking across the stream from where she had been sitting moments ago. ?Can't hear my friend.? She finished, turning back to the unknown person who she would label as a fellow Ludicael member. She didn't really want to be questioned, especially in detail for she had no idea who this person was. But she wondered, would he possibly be able to help her?



08-30-2014, 08:06 PM

When she spun towards him, eyes wide and revealing to F?li something he hadn?t noticed about the other before. Her blindness. The boy would frown deeply, brow furrowing with this new information. She looked frustrated, and understandably so. The handicap of blindness was a hard one to overcome. He would shift some as she gathered herself from the surprise of his approach, taking in his scent before she would answer. His bi-colored gaze would shift across the water and then he would look back to Enola, frowning deeply.

?You?re friend...?? Once more the young male would look out across the water, ears tilting back some. Had they abandoned the other? That wasn?t right... But he would push that thought away, deciding to speak to the older femme again. ?Well... Maybe I can help then? My name is F?licien... I?m a member of Ludicael, and by your scent you are too, right? Can you tell me what exactly you and your friend were trying to do??



09-15-2014, 09:47 AM

?You?re friend...?? He questioned, to which the female gave a single, slow nod of her head. Pluto had been her friend since the moment Enola and Faolan had run into him back when her mother still had Seracia, and ever since then he had become more. He was her eyes, her protector, her guide, the gate that welcomed her to the rest of the world she could not see with her own two eyes. Ears were held tightly back against her skull while still in the presence of this individual, unsure of what she should do, or even say. So she just stood there, waiting in silence.

The male asked if he could help, said his name was Felicien, a member of Ludicael. Maybe he could, but the girl wasn't too too sure about it. Or maybe Pluto was just hiding someplace, giving the girl a challenge, something different to help her try to focus harder than usual. He asked if she was apart of the pack too, so she would give another, but more confident nod of her head, tail raising the slightest in a nervous swing. Ears would carefully raise, lids blinking over those milky grey eyes of hers.

Another question, she pricked up her ears. The boy was asking what her and her friend were doing, was he really going to help? Enola cleared her voice softly, paws kneading the ground while her head swung to the side like she had a few moments ago. "We... he was trying to help me." She began, voice quiet but still clear. "My eyes, they are no good... so my friend is, was testing my ears." Brows furrowed at it, trying to figure out why the skunk had gone silent. He wouldn't possibly leave her behind like that... would he?

"I don't think he left... maybe just... distracted" As much as the girl wanted to believe that, it was clear that she was uncertain. Head lowered, milky eyes shifting towards the spot between her paws.

"enola speech" "pluto speech"


09-17-2014, 05:37 PM

As she spoke, things started to make sense. F?licien would furrow his brow, taking note now that the girl was, in fact, blind. He had been thrown off, but now F?li could see that her orbs held no sight. He felt sad for her, but she was at least a pack member. She didn't seem completely helpless either. Her friend was testing her ears as well, and the male would pause. He would scent the air, noticing that there did seem to be another strong scent here. But... it wasn't that of a wolf. That was what really got F?licien wondering, and he would smile gently."I think I know why I can't see him. Your friend... isn't a wolf, is he? That's why I don't know where he is." He spoke softly, looking around as he pricked his ears up. "So he probably is around here... a skunk, right? I can scent that most strongly." Gaze would turn back to the blind wolfess, hoping he was right. If not, well, he was going to be pretty confused.



09-18-2014, 09:22 PM

Ears perked up when Felicien spoke about why he wasn't able to see her friend, asking if it was correct that the person wasn't a wolf., that is why he didn't know where he was. To this she nodded her head shyly, tail slowly swinging behind her small frame. It was try, Pluto was in no way a wolf, he was smaller and of a completely different species. Next he would speak of how he was probably around here, questioning if he was correct in it being a skunk by the scent he was picking up. Once again Enola nodded her head with a small smile, her head tilting slightly to the right.

Taking a small step forward the girl's head would slowly move from left to right, ears twitching as they swiveled around in an attempt to catch any sounds that may have been created by Pluto. "A skunk yes, his name is Pluto." Voice was soft, delicate as it slipped from between her lips. Though they were in no way useful to the young girl, Enola would taking in a deep breath, sorting out the smells that her brain processed to try and find one that belonged to her friend, the freshest. The only issue, what she was picking up was pretty much all fresh, useless.

It was then that it had hit her clearly, the male had given his name and she had given her companion's name, but not her own. Oh how silly of her. This realization made Enola chuckle lightly, her head turning back towards the male and small smile reforming across her lips. "I'm sorry, I never gave my name." She finally spoke, the embarrassment clear in her voice. "I am Enola Mathias, Faolan's..." She had to stop there, what was she exactly to the silver haired boy? A friend, crush, girlfriend? "Good friend." She finished after a couple seconds of hesitation, giving a small shake of her head to dismiss any unnecessary thoughts about her title with the boy.

"enola speech" "pluto speech"


09-27-2014, 07:41 PM

The boy was glad that his guess had been right. He would have felt quite silly if it hadn?t been a skunk. Not only did he get the answer right, but he also got the name of the girl?s companion as well. Pluto. Her voice too was soft, and F?li couldn?t help but wonder how it was for her, not being able to see. At least she had a kind companion to try and help her get around. A good friend, certainly. But it seemed that the other member of Ludicael was getting a bit frustrated. He honestly felt bad he couldn?t do more for her... Or even grant her sight. But that miracle was something only the gods could do.

F?licien would gently smile as she would give her own name, giving a light chuckle. ?It?s really quite alright, no need to worry about it. Enola is a nice name. It rolls off the tongue.? The boy wasn?t hitting on the she-wolf or anything, just being nice. He would glance around again, sniffing the air. ?Faolan... Is one of the healers in training, right?? F?licien had an idea of who the other was, but wanted to make sure. Then, catching some movement off to their left in the grasses he would pause, ears pricked to make sure that if it wasn?t Pluto whatever it was wasn?t a threat.