


07-26-2014, 02:53 PM
no idea where fiamette is supposed to be but w/e. art was going to do this anyway during the siege so ~ also i'm liquid timing this after the allies find out about covari disappearing.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? d i s a p p o i n t m e n t ;; it wracks the insufferable chasms of the deity?s mind, adrenaline slowly ebbing away from her malevolent interior as the prospect of war dwindles before her. and how engulfed the phantom had become in her own schemes, how enraptured she had become by the prospect of victory, how ambitious she was to retain her title as a glorified paladin! -- only to have such desires vanish in a fleeting moment of cowardice. the fury { turbulent and intoxicating wrath } that had encumbered the elysius tyrant as she sailed upon her chariot of bone in procession towards her VICTIMS -- only to find a nation?s abandonment in its wake -- was insurmountable, inexplicable. { and why did all her adversaries flee? } despite her festering rage, the phantom?s plots do not wither; they prosper. she seeks vengeance -- an outlet -- and as she separates from her decadent acolytes in pursuit of solitude, she schemes.

perhaps it is the innate tendency for chaos that directs the deity to the infamous battlegrounds, blood a tantalizing fragrance and aphrodisiac to a carnage queen as she treks upon soil that has witnessed all the gore this world has to offer -- an arena and G R A V E Y A R D. yet she is none the more deterred by a land as sinful as these; this god-forsaken cesspool is but a second home to the elysius. and as her scuffed pawpads reunite with the arena?s epicenter, it is impulse which causes her skull to tip back and an urge for her adversary?s retribution that forces her proclamation to erupt from slavering jaws -- she is taking back what is hers, and she will continue to take until there is nothing left.





07-28-2014, 06:08 PM

Beachin it?

That was all she had wanted to do for the rest of her life but it seemed Alacrita was not yet done with her. Vi's head would lift slowly as she listened to the fading echoes of the howl from her new beach paradise. It was a force claim? For Fiamette. Eyes would narrow slightly and she would sigh as she pushed her forepaws up and forced herself into a seated position. It had been 6 months since Fia had been kidnapped, 6 months since this woman had last seen her daughter. Why had she waited so long to do this? Was it because Fia was a rouge now or because they had possibly seen each other since?? Fia had been wandering off a lot as of late even while In Covari. "I need you to stay here? If I'm not back by tomorrow?." Vi would sigh and look to her wife whom she was sharing the beach with, leaving it at that before standing up and shaking her pelt out. Red woman would slip from their new beach home and heading towards the battlefields where the howl had echoed from. It was a long walk, probably a few hours at the pace she was walking. Her shoulder was as healed as could be now, muscles working properly again but tendons still lagged a bit when it came to moving elbow and ankle.

She had been to this battlefield far too many times in the past few months, having claimed two packs in the past year. Paws seemed to follow a familiar path towards the centre and after a while the white tyrant would appear before her. Vi would stop quite a distance away and regard her cooly, allowing a slight smile to dance across her features. From this distance she looked like her mother but she was dead wasn't she.. Vi would remain a distance away for a while before sighing and taking a few steps forward. "Have you seen her since you kidnapped her? Do you believe she wishes to be with you instead of me?" Words were soft, slipping off her tongue with practiced ease. Fia was angry at her, that much was obvious but she was also almost one and if Fia wanted to go with this woman then who was Vi to say no to her, who was Vi to force her to do anything?? Would Fia even show up to this? Would she defend herself?


Table by Neffs


07-30-2014, 04:26 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shock riddles her interior as her abstract gaze engulfs the nubile physique of the former red queen; however, the ramifications of her surprise fails to manifest upon her visage -- an indifferent facade preserved. the phantom had been unsuspecting of her presence specifically, for did not cowards hide in shadows? yet she stands before true royalty, a beacon of negligence and unwarranted pride, come to protect her daughter from the covetous paws of a TYRANT. and the elysium queen is undeterred by the prospect of a mother?s wrath, for her own is no less strong, no less fierce. adrenaline pricks beneath pale flesh out of intense anticipation for battle against a true adversary; alas, the red woman makes no signal for violence, and chooses instead to fuel the tension with speech -- speech that artemis finds infinitely humorous.

a grin so criminal warps the deity?s countenance and her skull tilts ever so slightly with feigned curiosity as her mismatched gaze lingers upon the ex-queen?s luminescent, mischief gleaming beneath vibrant eyes. ?i don?t quite care if she does,? the tyrant responds pointedly, a shrug meeting her shoulders in a physical display of pure apathy. ?she deserves an opportunity to unleash her full potential --? she pauses, pupils briefly trailing every curvature of her foe?s body in a silent assessment, disdain heavy within her gaze. ?-- and if she remains with you, i?m afraid that potential will be tainted by negligence.? at this, the phantom shifts into her defenses, knowing full well that a fight will commence in moments -- for the purpose of fiamette or otherwise, even if the tyrant queen must initiate it.






08-05-2014, 12:52 PM
alright soooo with ala's hacking, a few posts were lost from this thread. basically, vi gave up fia to art and tried to run away. this post below is a repost.
and i still intend to give dee leeway with posting deadlines because of her absence!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? suspicion floods the mismatched violet and silver prisms of her eyes that narrow with contempt as her adversary agrees with her venomous sentiment, yet she wallows in silent apprehension as she awaits the inevitable bloodshed. alas, the red ex-queen fails to settle into a defensive stance, refuses to initiate battle -- and the tyrant feels the turbulence of wrath fester within her veins. the urge for violent retribution is too intense to ignore, and as the former covari sovereign gifts her daughter to the elysius upon a silver platter, a snarl wracks her porcelain countenance. she is appalled that the woman could be so negligent -- so cowardly! and yet, it is not the blatant cowardice of her adversary that truly instigates the desire for vehement retaliation, but the insult that follows. slander against her own kin, a dead mother of whom the tyrant queen worshipped in life, only signs the woman?s death warrant, and a strangled growl erupts from her larynx. ?whore! you will not walk away from this!? is that vow that infiltrates the tense atmosphere, is the poisonous promise that the elysius will keep.

defenses instinctively fall into place: skull and tail descending in alignment with the remainder of her serpentine spine whilst her abdomen tenses and her chin tucks against the curvature of her neck. shoulders roll forward in their sockets and her skull draws back in slight to encumber the front and sides of her neck in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat, abstract gaze narrowing and ears stitching against the contours of her lowered crown. weight shifts evenly among her grounded limbs that are spread equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, toes splayed and dulled nails grappling the earth beneath her for traction. hackles raise along the length of her spinal cord and ravenous jaws fall slack, blackened lips unfurling to unsheathe gluttonous incisors and scrunch the skin upon her face. the elysium tyrant is livid, and her intentions of allowing the former queen a leeway for escape are nonexistent. she will ensure that this woman pays in blood -- and eye.

the elysius hopes to time the beginning of her charge the moment that viridiana begins to pivot away from her, robust appendages pumping her forward in an attempt to close the distance between supremacy and subservient. the tyrant attempts to position herself at a forty-five degree angle from viridiana?s left sided ribcage, intending to approach the woman from the rear so that their bodies might form an imperfect ?V? shape. her jutting right shoulder blade seeks to forcibly slam against the exact center portion of the red woman?s left-sided ribs, hoping that the combined force of her momentum and the potential exertion of her attempted slam might break or fracture the rib bones located there. insatiable and gaping jaws tilt slightly to artemis? own right as they attempt to clamp down upon the portion of her adversary?s spine just beyond the shoulder blades -- top jaw seeking to hook around to the right side of viridiana?s spine while her bottom jaw intends to hook around the left side, hoping to crush the vertebrae between destructive jaws. meanwhile, the tyrant?s left forepaw leaves the safety of the earth and her weight shifts to support her balance upon her three grounded limbs, the left forelimb outstretching in an attempt to hook around her adversary?s own left forelimb around the ankle so that she might pull the limb back towards herself in hopes of upsetting the ex-queen?s balance. this woman -- this coward! -- will not walk away unscathed from the tyrant queen, and artemis has every intention of ensuring that her adversary never even thinks of her mother in such a negative way again.

Artemis vs viridiana


maim [ left eye ]

one of three?

attacks attempting to approach vi from the rear, hoping to align their bodies in a "V"-like shape with her body hopefully angled at a forty-five degree angle from vi's left-sided ribcage. right shoulder intending to strike the center portion of vi's ribs in hopes of breaking the bones with the potential force of her momentum. jaws seeking to clamp down upon the vertebrae just beyond vi's shoulder blades, hoping to break the bone. left forepaw hoping to hook and pull around vi's left forelimb, near the ankle.

defenses listed in second paragraph.

injuries none -- first round.



5 Years
08-06-2014, 11:57 AM

She has been sitting on the sidelines for long enough. Her mother dares to insult someone that the tyrant hold dear to her heart, and immediately the woman attempts to retaliate. Her mother attempts to turn away from the scene, but Artemis does not intent on letting her go. She charges at her mother, and the nymph aims to charge onto the scene in sync with the tyrant. She aims to place herself between the two, her defenses rising as she is prepared to take the damage should Artemis keep going. ?Stop!? She screams, volcanic orbs sliding from her mother toward Artemis. ?She is not worth it.? Her words are quieter than before, a silent plead shining within her eyes as she looks into Artemis's mismatched orbs. Viridiana definitely deserved the maim, but Fiamette couldn't bear to watch her mother be ripped apart by her suitor.


ooc- throwing fia in to stop this since dee poofed from ala

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"