
Lets make this whole world new



2 Years
07-25-2014, 11:06 PM

A great deal had happened since Vi had left and had asked him to move off her lands to create his own so that those who wished to stay in the old and familiar lands could do so without him. However those that still wished to be apart of this pack, to join in the creating of the new Covari, the Solstice pack could follow him to new lands where he would start anew. After leaving Vi and taking his time considering all things through he had finally made a plan. He tried to pass on the word before leaving Covari and making his way to the Weeping Woods ? it would be here that he created his new home. He would let out a call, his voice loud and clear bellowing out from Weeping woods and into old Covari lands so they would know where to go.

He called for them, those old members of Covari and waited to see who would arrive. He knew Sib was already a definite, she had in fact followed him here to these lands and stood beside him now. He just wished Twig was here as well and knew he would soon need to get news to her about this change. He smiled at Sib, insanely grateful that their friendship had been rebuilt as he waited for the old members to arrive and to join with him


07-25-2014, 11:27 PM

She couldn't help the smile that toyed on her scarred lips. He had gone off and created his own pack. Not only had he offered her a place within the pack, but he had offered a place of authority. It was total surprise. Not in her wildest dreams had she expected such a thing, especially after all they had been through. Perhaps it was a peace offering? His way of wanting to mend their friendship and start fresh. No matter what, she would take it. She had taken the position without question and now sat beside him. He had called old Covari members, calling to those who wished to join. It was surprising that Vi had handed off the pack without telling anyone, especially her. Part of her was hurt, but she was far to excited to worry about it now, she would seek the woman out later and talk it out. For now her attention was on the new arrivals of wolves that would seek to join their pack. Her tail would thump against the ground before calming and curling quietly around her. She would sneak a glance at Cru, unable to wipe the grin off her face. Nervous excitement settled in her belly, it hadn't been that long since she was Queen, and she was more than thrilled to be back in a position of power. Verdant gaze would search for Ekko, waiting expectantly for the small woman to come rushing to her side.

Talk like this


07-25-2014, 11:45 PM

It was a long journey with her little family, her children quickly growing tired and needing to be carried. But they would arrive within the confines of the forest. She would approach the group, a pup hanging from her jaws and Ares at her side. She would set her child down, smiling at Crucifx. "Its good to see you again. This is my mate Ares, and our children, Phim and Daitaro." She would gesture to each according, nodding the russet woman who sat beside him. She would sat a seat, though no one else had gathered just yet, some how they had managed to be the first ones to arrive. With kids between her and Ares, they would sit and wait, her tail curling around, keeping her children close. While she knew Crucifix, she didn't know anyone else that would arrive, nor did she trust them around her precious kids. She would smile up at Ares, hoping that he would be happy here, that they would all be happy here. This was a new pack, a new place, and a new start, one that hopefully would not involve Artemis, but the pale bitch seemed to find them wherever they went. She would not allow the wench to ruin her mood, she would keep her spirits up with the prospect of a new life for her children.



3 Years
07-25-2014, 11:47 PM
The brute had never really known the previous alpha - had never really cared to get to know her. But Sibelle's presence would be what he followed to yet another pack. This one though, would be led by the brute that she had slept with before he had - and it irked him, for some reason. Yet the brute would force his hackles to smooth along his neck, and he would look to the russet woman and the cross bearing man. A nod was offered for the two, but seeing Sibelle his lips would twitch into a smirk. Would she be a queen once more? It seemed that the crimes this brute had made against her had been forgiven, and she had once taught him that she would give faux acceptance if it got her what she wanted. But was that what she was doing with this brute here? He would stand her, unabashed in letting his shoulder brush her own - but gentle in his touch, giving her room to shy away if she saw fit. No longer did Aeron feel nervous about having a place in her life - she wouldn't have been so close to him if she didn't want him here. And so if she was going to be a part of whatever group was in the making, he would to.



7 Years
07-25-2014, 11:59 PM

Ekko was not as happy as her master seemed to be. She saw the looks exchanged between the two wolves, Sibelle and Crucifix, and she hated it. It was the look of love, the very emotion that destroyed souls. On one paw, she was happy to see Sibelle smile once more, she was glad that her russet queen seemed to be in a more euphoric state. But that silver brute, she didn't care for him at all. He was the reason why her sweet master had been sad, and angry. Hell, she even went to attack him because of those feelings that they shared. But of course she had followed Sibelle faithfully, because that is who she was.

The small girl had fallen behind in the march to where ever they were going. That stupid male had offered her lady a high rank, and she scoffed at it. Sibelle was a Queen, not somebody's lower. No, the red hued dame was a born ruler, and needed to lead her own pack. So she had fallen behind in her steps, not looking forward to this at all. She did not wish to sit idly by to watch her mistress be second best. With a soft huff she finally appeared at the dames side, leaning slightly upon the taller dame. Her pale blue eyes remained downcast, her fur slightly on end. Of course the silent dame said nothing, but when did she ever speak?

[Image: 5bf48143-5932-47f9-aae7-2ae6fa3f1e16_zps...1414622125]



07-26-2014, 10:08 AM

Song would slowly make her way to the boy's call. She had matters to attend to with him, she wanted to take the other Destructions back to the East. She'd talked with them minimally, but still she would desire them by her side. She felt changed since staying in Covari, and she would begin to feel ready to take back the crown from her parents. As her scarred from would enter the clearing she would come to stand by Crucifix, she would nod to him in greeting, "Crucifix, if I may have a word. I desire to bring my kin with me back to Ludicael." It was really a whisper, she didn't know him well and she didn't really know anyone else so well either. However she would only ask for those wolves to follow her, she could never force them.

"Speech" Think "You"

Twig I


07-26-2014, 10:33 AM

They'd finally decided to make the journey back to the mainland, the news Alpine had brought back to her was more than she could have imagined. Valhalla was gone, and Crucifix was who knew where. All the girl knew was that she needed her brother, she needed to see him she wanted him to hold her, and he had to meet his niece and nephew. They were already so big, she could hardly believe such little time had gone by. They made it with no trouble back to the place they had once called home, but they'd kept walking. Niflheim didn't seem quite the place to raise her two innocent babies. So she they would search for the boy she called brother.
It was lucky that they'd catch his call, he was not where he had been the last time Alpine had sought him out. Still as she heard the voice Twig would bolt, leaving Alpine to bring up the rear with Faun and Coal. Slate covered paws would carry her quickly to Crucifix's side, her eyes only for him as she barely skidded to a halt before him. Her smile would dance over her features as she pushed her head under his chin. "Oh, Cru I've missed you. What is going on?"



07-26-2014, 01:25 PM

It had been quite some time since the brute had seen his friend here in the Weeping Woods. Ahmose had continued living his life, preparing himself for what Crucifix had promised would happen. Even now, the fighter was expanding his den beneath the root of the largest willow. His paws were covered in dirt and his nose was full of the stuff. He was deep within the confines of his hole when he heard something.

The deep and familiar tones of Crucifix' howl rang through the still air of the woods, calling for his friends. Ahmose's silver auds would swivel in the direction of the call and his limbs would freeze. Was it finally time? Would they finally be able to begin the pack that was so long in the making?

Golden eyes would aim firmly in the direction of Crucifix and the scent that was reaching him on the wind. He would pull out of his den and propel his silver body towards the gathering that he already sensed would be large. As he finally reached the clearing, he could see that many wolves had already gathered before his strangely colored friend.

Smiling, the large man would approach Crucifix slowly, not wanting to alarm the other members as he was strange to them. "Crucifix," He began, dipping his head to his friend in respect and constant gratitude. Then his golden orbs would rise to meet those of the youth who held so much authority. "Is it time? Have the gods finally graced us in granting you your vision?" He asked him, feeling that he already knew the answer. Cru had gathered so many followers...It seemed his dreams had become reality.


Ares 1


07-27-2014, 06:10 PM

He'd trot along beside Devya with a pup in his jaws, the gentle weight bumping his chest rhythmically. This was a big change. He didn't know Crucifix, or any of the pther wolves here but he had faith in Devya's decision. This was a brand new beginning and he was certainly excited to start it. At the approach of the cross marked man he would dip his head respectfully but keep the pup within his jaws. He would sit protectively around them as he watched the rest of the wolves trickle in. He hoped they would be able to earn his trust, hoped they would be able to integrate themselves into the pack. He wanted a good future for his offspring, and would hope this was where to find it.

Talk like this

Orchid I


5 Years
07-27-2014, 11:04 PM

Orchid had heard the call of Crucifix and made her way out of the dying lands of Covari, it seemed everyone was leaving here and that Crucifix was trying to make something of the remaining members of Covari in a different land. She would find herself in the Weeping Woods and was surprised at the growing group assembling before him. She too would seat herself there and wait patiently for a full explanation of what was going on. As she did so she found her eyes glancing about at the wolves she saw about her. There were some that where familiar from Covari but others where wholly new. She would let out a soft sigh, wishing this change did not have to happen, she had been very attached to her den and for the most part would have to start over with her herb collection.

The girl noticed also a total absence of her family members, this more then anything else made her agitated and she needed her claws in the ground for a moment as she fretted over where they might be. She was becoming a great deal more independent as the months rolled along, but she wasn't sure she could do it wholly alone, she wanted her brothers.

Walk "Talk" Think



07-27-2014, 11:14 PM

The family would hear the familier call of Crucific ring out on their way to Covari and Twig would bound forward. He watch her for a moment with a smile, how graceful she appeared with her light step and it struck him suddenly how healthy she looked and that more then anything told him that the beach retreat had been a life saver for the whole family, and together they had made Twig whole again. He smiled down at his children, they had seen Cru one before when they had still been tiny and the brute had come to visit them, but they where old enough to understand who he was. ?Your going to meet your uncle Crucifix now, Twig's brother. Come along Solor, Faun? he said with a fond smile, gently nudging Solor with his nose before continuing on himself, keeping the kids firmly in front of him and in his view the whole time, there was the scent of a lot of wolves about and he wasn't leading his babies out of his view.

They would breach the area Cru had set up and there would be Twig, gracefully reuniting with her brother and a crowd of wolves about them, Alpine's brows furrowed as he looked about the crowd, keenly watching for any potential threats as he ushured the children to a seating place to the right of the crowd as he waited for Twig to rejoin them and to find out what was happening


07-28-2014, 11:35 AM

The babe could feel excitement singing in her veins as the call came toward them. Her mother reacted instantly, bounding off toward the source of the sound. Faun tried to follow just as quickly, scrambling to her paws and preparing to run, but then Alpine spoke to his children in turn. She paused to listen to his gentle voice, telling them that they were going to meet their Uncle Crucifix, who was brother to Twig. Viridian knew by now that her mother's name was Twig, so she was able to piece all of this together pretty quickly. Still, it was confusing. Faun had never met this man before. Who was he? Was it his voice that was echoing all around them?

She didn't have any more time to think it over, because then Alpine was ushering them along with a firm and yet tender touch, moving forward while staying behind them at a steady pace. The babe trotted eagerly toward the meeting, straying to the side a bit so she could bump her brother with her hip. She grinned at Solor, white teeth shining against an ivory pelt. "Are you excited too, Solor? I want to meet Uncle Crucifix!" she exclaimed, little rump wiggling as her tail swung quickly behind her. The girl was growing more each day, becoming slightly larger than her brother for the time being. That was exciting too. Everything was exciting to the pup. The world was limitless, and everything was perfect. Childhood was a blessing that she would not take for granted. Somehow she was already wise enough for that. So Faun gave her brother a little kiss on the cheek and galloped onward, her giggles filtering straight to the sky. Soon they rejoined their mother in the crowd, and little Viridian would be momentarily confused by all the activity about her. Her brow would furrow as she looked back at her father. "What's happening, Daddy?"




07-28-2014, 12:59 PM

Dayton was following a familiar scent when the call rang out. That voice was undeniable. It belonged to his good friend, Crucifix. Even in the midst of this new depression, the russet boy was able to smile a bit as the call echoed into the distance. He stood up tall and began running toward the source of the sound.

When he arrived, he was definitely not the first one there. Many wolves had come to attend, but surely not all of them belonged to the same pack? Different scents were littered throughout the group, making it hard to identify each one. Then his eyes landed on Crucifix, and his heart heaved a sigh of relief. Not a word had been spoken and already the brute felt an amazing sense of comfort. He felt safe and secure around his old friend, and he knew that staying here would help him rebuild his life. Surely Crucifix wouldn't turn him away? The smaller male walked up slowly, trying to get his attention. He stared into those amethyst eyes and another smile formed. His tail swayed happily for a moment.

"Hello, my friend. Do you mind if I join you?"




2 Years
07-28-2014, 01:47 PM
Aeolus would follow the russet male, Dayton, around. His eyes stayed calm and composed since he now had someone to decided to take care of him and he did not have to fend for himself anymore. So, they were joining a pack for now. He had smiled over at his adopted father, his small tail swaying as all he could do was smile. Someone had taken him in, and he couldn't help but be happy that he was given a second chance.

He walked beside him as he soon stopped beside Dayton and gave a slight yawn, eyes showing tiredness as he stayed sitting down. He did not wish to fall asleep if he were to be addressed, plus, he didn't wish to make his father look bad. His eyes still shown with kindness and composure, but, they still showed that he was tired.



7 Years
07-28-2014, 08:00 PM

They had left the island home that had been the only thing Solor had ever known and continued on into the homeland. It had been an amazing adventure of course, to wonder through so many different lands, a variety unknown to the island they had been raised on. It had also been a long walk and his little paws had often grow tired along the way ? and just as often as only a pups unfathomable energy could had returned so quickly and full of life.

A call would ring out near the end of their journey and Mother would bound forward in sudden motion. Faun moved to follow and with a bound so did Solor, until their father spoke and his words brought them up short. Faun would look over at Solor now and ask if he was excited, the young boy would giggle in response. ?Me too!? he would reply, looking back at Daddy to see if he would hurry his steps to the siblings could meet this unknown uncle. Their father however would continue at a normal pace and the children would bound excitedly before him. Faun would touch her lips to Solors cheek and he would squeal and squirm backwards of of her grasp. She was bounding away now but he stopped to take a moment and shake out his coat, complaining about sisters as he did so.

He would follow after his family however and soon find himself in a clearing. There as mummy, talking to a cross marked boy that could only be his uncle ? he bore their cross too?? and would wiggle closer to his father as he realised the great many wolves gathering about. Solor had never seen so many wolves before!



2 Years
07-29-2014, 05:14 PM

Sib would be the first to stand beside him, to see the territory and voice her thoughts upon it. She had been an Alpha once herself and knew that her support would in welcome in the times to come. Next would come Devya, and with her she would bring her mate and what would be the new life of Solstice. He would smile at her, grateful that she had continued from their conversation and made it a reality by coming here. ?It's good to see you again Devya, and a pleasure to meet you all? he would say with a warm smile, watching for a moment as the family seated itself before him. Next would come a stranger who held tones of silver and black as he did but his eyes where a strange and eye catching mix. His eyes would stray to Ekko, he had a growing certain that that wolf did not like him and he hoped he could change her opinion someday.

Song from old Covari would come in then, but would not sit before him instead she would come over to his side and ask for a word and explain that she wished to bring her kin to Ludicael. ?Those who wish to follow you are more then welcome of course. Thank you for letting me know? he murmured back to her softly. He looked out at the crowd and the only Destruction he could see within it was Orchid. ?If you want to take her aside and talk to her thats fine, if she decided to stay I can catch her up later, if she decided to leave then the best of luck to you all? he finished. His heart twisted a little through, he had seen Orchid at work and without her didn't know if he had a healer amongst these wolves.

His worry would vanish with the face of a single wolf as Twig came bounding forward. His eyes would light up in wonder, how had she known? Last he knew she was still living in contentment on her island. ?Twig! This is Solstice, and these are the wolves willing to join? he would explain and he would look out at those before him with bright eyes. Twig was a part of what he was building here, he wanted to build a safe haven for wolves to live and grow and he wanted to Twig to find safety and love here.

Then would come Ahmose, who would move through the growing crowd and nod his head to Crucifix and voice his words. The Alpha boy would laugh softly. ?It is, Ahmose! Welcome to Solstice, welcome all of you, to Solstice? he would say then, not quite prepared to say his words yet not until he was sure the stream of wolves was at an end. It was not of course, because then Alpine would appear shepherding Cru's little Niece and Nephew and the boy got his second glance ever at his new family members. They seemed excited and tiny and adorable and already his heart melted at the sight of them.

Next would come a wolf totally unexpected, as unexpected and welcome as the sight of Twig was. ?Dayton!? he said as the boy moved towards him ?Of course you are welcome? he would tell the boy, and for a moment would pass a puzzled glance over the pup that walked with him. Then, with a deep breath and a wide smile Cru would survey the wolves before him. All of these people had given him support, they would all join his family and find homes amongst his lands and the boy could not be more happy. ?For those of you of Covari, I do not know what you have learned yet but Vi has gone and that pack is no more. For those of you who still want to stay together you are welcome to join with me in Solstice.? his eyes lingered on Orchid, Sibelle, Aaron and Ekko, for they where of that old world. ?For the rest of you, this pack starts today and we are its creators, we can build this place together and turn it into something we can love and be proud of, a place to call home. I want to say thank you for coming together and would like you to announce what ranks you want. For those of you who believe they are ready for a leadership rank I will test you in private, thank you all? he said, concluding his speech and looking out at them all, meeting eyes with each member and smiling at the children.


07-30-2014, 09:06 PM

They would filter in slowly but surely. Ekko was beside her, as always, but another familiar face would appear, bumping against her lightly. Her verdant gaze would turn, landing on Aeron, an easy smile pulling at her lips. She was still not accustom to how bold he had become in her presence, he had always been so reserved and now he was making open displays of affection. Faces blurred together until a woman rushed forward and collided with Cru. She would tense for a moment, uncertain, but would soon relax when it was clearly a happy reunion. A pang of jealousy flared in her chest until she noted the cross on the woman's shoulder. She was family. Families would trickle in as well as loners, she would wait patiently until Cru began to speak. He spoke generally, not yet diving into the specifics and asked everyone which rank they wanted. She would say nothing for now, as there was not much for her to say, she would allow everyone to speak and for Cru to continue before she would speak. Idly her thoughts drifted to the things that needed to be covered in this meeting including ranks and rules at the very least. Her gaze would constantly scan the crowd, ready to settle on anyone that spoke up.

Talk like this



5 Years
08-15-2014, 01:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2014, 01:16 PM by Phim.)

The child, dangling from her father's jaws, watched as they approached a strange wolf and others surrounded them. Her mother lowered her brother to the ground but her father did not release her, something she was quietly thankful for. She did not know these wolves and she was frightened of them, however unnecessarily. Her wide green eyes strained to look at her father behind her as she whispered, "Where are we?" She knew he could not answer without releasing her, but she asked anyway, voicing the biggest question in her mind. The stranger in front of them would address her family, however, and she offered a small, timid smile in return. She listened to the rest of his speech and suddenly her irrational fears dissipated, replaced by a loud question. "Mother, we are joining a new pack?"

Walk "Talk" Think
Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]