
This is Goodbye



07-26-2014, 02:44 PM

Things were changing. Dayton didn't feel safe in his home anymore. The boundary of Tortuga was separating him from Pacifica, a woman he was beginning to have feelings for. The weather was getting on his nerves. All of it. Everything was pushing him away.

Dayton felt another sigh wrack his frame as he treaded toward the lake. This place had been his home for all of two seasons, but still it hurt him to leave. They had taken him in when all hope was lost, when he could hardly make it through the day without thoughts of his father. But that abuse was long forgotten, swallowed up by the other joys and pains of life. Tortuga had healed him, prepared him for a better life. But that life was not meant to be spent here. This was a temporary home, and only that.

So the male would find himself standing near the lake, front feet submerged in the chilling spring water. He drew in a deep and shuddering breath, raising his head to the sky, and sent a call forth. Anyone was welcome to arrive and see him off, but this meeting was meant for one of his alphas. Roman, or Qanik. Dayton let the call ring mournfully through the trees. He could feel his sorrow and apology in every note. He would miss this place. But it just wasn't home.



07-27-2014, 09:57 PM

She was deeply angered by the state of things. Fury was tightly controlled inside of her, desperately seeking an outlet. When she heard a rather sad call of Dayton, she heeded to it quickly, wondering what had the male upset. She moved quickly towards the lake, trying to push the darker thoughts that had plagued her mind in the last couple of days. She halted, about four feet from him, her expression neutral as she looked at him. "You called?" She inquired, her tone soft- perhaps too soft. She waits then- to see what the male has to say, her ear flicking back to catch the murmurs of Greek upon her back. "What does he call for, m'lady?" Greek whispers and she lets out a sigh, her shoulders rolling slightly. She didn't know, only her gut told her it wasn't good.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



07-27-2014, 10:31 PM

Dayton would stare at the ground between his feet, a million things moving through his mind. There had been a change inside him, and he didn't know what it would grow into yet. But he just didn't belong here anymore. Admitting it to himself wasn't the hard part, though. The hard part was announcing his departure to one of his alphas. Somewhere in his mind, he had hoped for Qanik. She seemed... More patient than Roman. More motherly somehow. And Qanik was the first one he had met when coming to Tortuga for the first time. Didn't it only seem suiting that she should be the last one he saw as well?

But alas, destiny did not agree with his twisted version of poetic tragedy. It had its own tragedies to throw at him soon enough. Little did Dayton know that Pacifica was gone, never to be heard from again. Perhaps she was dead. Perhaps she had lost her mind to grief. Perhaps that would happen to the russet brute soon.

Whatever the case, Roman came to him soon after his call had sunken into the trees. She had understood his mournful tone and her face portrayed it. The worry, the heavy sadness, all of it. Something told him that there were other members deciding to leave. Dayton was a good man, and he didn't want to upset the lovely woman. But he was becoming a proud man as well, with confidence growing every day. He needed to stand up for himself. With a deep breath, the boy spoke. "Yes, my queen. I called you here to share some disheartening news, I'm afraid." He would shuffle his weight with discomfort. "Tortuga gave me a home when all hope was lost. For that I am eternally grateful. You carved me into a better man, gave me confidence and strength. These gifts are priceless to me, please know that."

He would sigh, one last time, the air passing through his lips and into the open spring air between them. His amber eyes soaked up the image around him. The lake, finally thawing in the middle of spring. The sky, a bright and hopeful blue. Then Roman, beautiful and confused, the pain and anger boiling just under the surface. Somehow it brought tears to his eyes. "But I believe this is goodbye," he breathed. "If you'll let me, I wish to travel elsewhere and find the life that is meant for me. Because while I love Tortuga and it's members, it is not my permanent home. Can you ever forgive me, Lady Roman?"



07-28-2014, 07:27 AM

She listens as he begins to speak. At first, she thinks these are merely words of gratitude, and she's confused by his demeanor and some of his words. Perhaps, Dayton has found his calling in Tortuga? But why is that bad? Then he goes on, and her heart plummets further. Her eyes narrow, and Greek bristles, moving on her back, and his claws dig into her shoulders. She sighs, a slight breath leaving her. Is she supposed to be forgiving? Is she supposed to feel as if she isn't being betrayed? Left? She shakes her head slightly at his last question. "I am not the forgiving type, Dayton- but I wish you well in your pursuits." She says releasing him from her rule- her pack, and her family. She turns slightly, ready to dismiss herself- and return to her duties. Giving him one last look, she turns completely and pads away quietly.

-exit romanloman-

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



07-28-2014, 08:07 AM

There was no fighting back, no argument to be had. But somehow Dayton imagined that would have been a more merciful way to go. An angry goodbye, something that would reassure him of his right decisions. Perhaps even a fight to tear his heart away from this wonderful home. But not this. Anything but this. Dayton felt his heart bleeding again, as if it had any blood left, when he heard Roman's reply. She would not forgive him, but she would let him go. Wishing him well in his pursuits as she began to turn away. Some of the pain could have been erased then and there, had she simply turned and walked away as if the brute meant nothing at all to her. But then she paused, and her brilliant eyes gave one last look. Then his beautiful queen was gone.

Dayton felt a rush of air leave his body as she vanished, and he began to breathe rapidly in and out. His heart was breaking again, if that was possible. But he had to leave now. The doors were open, and he had to run before he changed his mind.

So the small brute took off, sprinting as fast as he could through the red forest, past the waterfall, leaving all of it in a blurry wake. You would think that as the air whipped past his face it would dry his tears. But destiny hated him, so why would it spare him of that humiliation? Dayton tried not to let the sobs leave his chest as he passed unceremoniously over the border of Tortuga. He was never looking back again.

-exit daytonlayton-