
Free At Last!!


05-09-2013, 08:21 PM
She was free! Free from her mother's overbearing ways. Free from her father's constant talks about responsibility. Free from it all! Her paws hit the ground in a rhythm as she padded into the new land. Oh how good it felt to be far away from her family. It was almost instantly that the smells of blood and other wolves hit the young femme. Her ears laid back slightly, not sure how to handle the smell of the blood. Sure she had smelled blood before. Plenty of times as she hunted with her pack... But this was different.

Her body language full of caution, as she did not want to get in trouble with an alpha Tasha moved forward. her honey colored eyes inspected everything. There was lots of paw prints everywhere, clearly belonging to many different wolves. Well, at least she was in the right place. Though after traveling for so long she decided it was time to take a break. About that time she spotted a pond. Ah, perfect! She could rest and get a drink before continuing on to find a suitable pack.

(ooc: it will get better i promise)


05-10-2013, 09:39 PM

Oxia walked upon the battle fields once more, this time he was looking for potential members of Glaciem. His ears twitched as he scanned the lands for anyone. He inhaled and the scent of another came to his nostrils, a female, how wonderful. He made his way in her direction and soon the dame had came into his view. A young thing she was, by the look of her not even two years of age.

Oxia walked closer to the female and gave a slight bow for a greeting.
"hello there, i am Oxia the Beta to the Pack Glaciem. I can only guess that you are looking for a pack." He paused and smiled at her so kindly. Oxia wanted to make her feel comfortable as much as he could.

His deep blue eyes landed on her once more before he spoke again.
Glaciem is located in the cold Tundra, so a thick coat is well needed. We are a close nit pack, we treat one another with kindness, and respect. We all work as a team, and try to give everyone the feeling as they are welcome and safe. That is a bit about the pack"

Oxia spoke he looked at the Dame who had wondered into such a blood stained land. He stood there and waited for her to respond, He hoped that she would choose this pack,and that this pack is suited for her as well.



05-10-2013, 09:47 PM

Luana darted across the land, paws carrying her with ample grace. Bounding over obstacles, leaping over fallen debris! She was a spitfire ball of youth and excitement! Her sandy pelt, tarnished by no blemishes gleamed in the flickering sunlight. Laughter poured from her maw in a kaleidoscope of color, inordinately happy with the world as a whole. It seemed the dame could not be brought to her knees, she was a bubble of optimism and excitement, regardless of where she wandered.

Bounding over the bushes and skidding to a halt the dame would lock eyes with another. Golden orbs would blink, surprised and mildly caught off guard before a wide smile would blossom across her maw, tail waving animatedly back and forth, tongue lolling from her mouth. She barked a soft hello trotting up to the dame without fear, tail waggling behind her animatedly... she didn't seem to have a care in the world and knowing Luana, she probably didn't less Jupiter or Cetotorah were in trouble... then she cared considerably, but since they weren't and the dame and the male before her seemed rather timid she didn't think she was in much danger.

"Hello!" She quipped excitedly, bright, friendly, open. "My names Luana! Whatcha doin all the way out here in the battlefield?" She would cock her head to the side in curiosity, a curious bird as she awaited the womans response.



05-12-2013, 08:27 PM
She had barely lowered her muzzle to the cool waters when her ears twitched backward, listening as another wolf approached. Honey colored eyes took in the strangely marked wolf as he spoke. "hello there, i am Oxia the Beta to the Pack Glaciem. I can only guess that you are looking for a pack." She smiled and nodded kindly. "I am looking for a pack to call home.." She listened quietly as he went on talking about the pack that he was a Beta in. She tried to keep her attention on him, not wanting to be rude. However the approach o another wolf caught her attention as well.

A sandy white wolfess came this time, and looked to be around her own age. Her eyes lit up with a slight sparkle. "Hello! My names Luana! Whatcha doin all the way out here in the battlefield?" So that was what this place was called. "I'm new around here. Mister Oxia here was just telling me all about his pack." Here she smiled again, trying to respect the Beta while glad to see another that was her age. Sure the Beta himself looked closer to her age as well, but eh. She needed more friends, no matter what pack she eventually when home to.