
Fam Jam!



07-29-2014, 08:40 PM

Alpine wasn't certain what he thought of their new home, he missed the beach life certainly and the calmness about it, the peace and security that seclusion had offered his family. He could not keep them isolated all their lives however and he knew it was past time they integrated their children into pack life so that they could still learn of it well they where young. He supposed it didn't matter where they where so long as he could wake each morning with Twig as his side and their children about them. With that said, their children where growing each day and he dreaded the time when they would want their own den, and perhaps even mates of their own.. if of course Alpine didn't scare all the males off from Faun first. This thought gave Alpine a sense of satisfaction as he yawned, stretched and rose from his sleeping place. Twig was already gone from his side, meeting with her Brother he assumed. Faun and Solor where always near by, not yet old enough to stray too far from their den unsupervised.

Solor in fact was pressed up under his chin fast asleep and Alpine would give his son a gentle kiss on the forehead and moved slowly so not to wake him. He slipped free and as he passed Faun he gave her a soft kiss as well before moving to the exit of the den. The morning was late already, it seemed he had slept in. He Seated himself at the exit of the den where he could sit in the warmth of the sun and survey the world beyond. He was still edgy with the thought of leaving his children unguarded in a pack still strange to him and decided to wait here until they awoken. Perhaps they could have a family day today, there was a lake to the edge of the territory and he had already begun teaching his children how to swim on the island, that would be the place to continue their lessons.

Twig I


07-29-2014, 11:24 PM

She had spent all morning with her beloved brother, the time together had been much needed. She felt refreshed, loving the feeling of being so close to him again. Still should be be trouble by the lack of the rest of her family. Most had still not been able to meet her children. She was not entirely happy about leaving his side this time, but his duties had once again pulled him away. Next time she'd be able to take the work. A smile was set on her features still, she knew where she was going and that filled her heart with joy.
Slate covered limbs carried her home, back to the face of her true love. He was already sitting outside the den, waiting on her. The sounds of little giggles were not present quite yet, so she had to assume the children had not yet woken from their slumber. "hello my love." her voice was sweet as she moved to his side, nuzzling his neck and enjoying his newly acquired presence.



7 Years
07-30-2014, 02:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2014, 02:44 AM by Solor.)

The boy was deep in sleep when he felt his father stirring. He didn't so much as open an eye, but then his father would put his lips to Solor's forehead and the boy would pull a face as his dad moved away. He would remain in sleep, determined to get as much of it as possible until he head the sound of his mother outside. With a sigh and a stretch he would finally pull himself together and rise. He would nudge Fauns form as he did so. ?Come on, wake up! Mum and dads here, maybe we can go play!? he would say, his tone hopefully and excited. With one last pull of Faun's ear he would move towards the den's exit, weather she followed him or not. ?Mummy? he said, giving Daddy a face for the early kiss before moving to his mothers side.

He rubbed up against her leg and looked up at her with big bright eyes. ?We haven't seen the pack yet mum, cant we go and play today?? he would say.



07-30-2014, 10:02 AM

Faun slept in that morning, tucked comfortably against her father. Her face nestled into his snowy fur, so when he stirred and that warmth disappeared she was quick to notice. Still she felt groggy and half asleep, so she didn't bother to wake up or stand as Alpine left the den. One crystal blue eye would open, however, watching as he settled on his haunches outside. Faun smiled softly and slowly began to settle into sleep again. Then she felt a sharp tug on her ear as Solor tried to wake her up. "Come on, wake up!" he yelped. Mum and dads here, maybe we can go play! As the final shred of words met her ear, Faun felt her eyes snap eagerly open. Playing with her mama and her daddy? The babe couldn't imagine a better way to spend her day.

She was a beat late in hopping up, white form shaking about as she quickly cleaned her coat and stretched her little limbs. Then she grinned and bounded after her brother, mismatched eyes gleaming in the young sunlight of the morning. Twig had just arrived and was snuggling up to their daddy, causing Faun to give a small giggle. "Leave room for me!" she called out, pressing her body between the two loving parents. She would listen, excited and awake, as Solor began to talk again. Then she nodded in agreement. "Yeah, daddy! Can we, please?" Bright eyes would shift from one parent to the other, waiting for a response. She really hoped they could play today.




07-30-2014, 06:45 PM

Not much longer after he had woken and exited the den would Twig come along. He would smile up at his beloved as she came to sit before him and soon her muzzle was in his neck and all he could smell was her. The boy would let out a blissful sigh and in turn rub his head against her neck. The two barely had a moment alone before the pups would all awaken and scramble for the exit. Solor would be first of course. Alpine would gain a glare from his son that he could only put down as retaliation for the kiss. Faun however would be all over them both, pressing her little body between her parents. Alpine would draw his little girl closer and without warning would blow a raspberry onto the base of her neck. He was laughing now too, their children where still so tiny and Solors anger was just so adorable and Faun's love was unconditional to them all.

?I think where being ganged up on, my twig. What do you say? shall we take these rascals to the lake and drown them?? he offered, giving his wife a wink as he did so and turning to Solor and Faun and jokingly baring his teeth. ?If I catch you I can eat you!? he called out and gently pulling away from Faun and Twig the big boy would lunge for Solor.