



7 Years
07-30-2014, 10:27 AM

Hercules is up for adoption, he was just born and hasn't been played yet.

A similar personality to what is there is encouraged, but please write at least 150 of your own words to describe his personality and a 100 word appearance description.

You may keep the same ref/appearance.


Appearance: 100 words
Personality: 150 words



4 Years
07-30-2014, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 05:14 AM by Elli.)


The boy that will grow to be large is distinct with a dark auburn or a rustic brown colored fur covering the vast majority of his body. The rest of the distinct man will be a dark grey color that could easily be mistaken as black. His deep chocolate brown eyes tie the entire look together with his stocky frame and squared shoulders. His head rests upon wider shoulders to compliment him. As he grows he will undergo an intense training program to build up his leg muscles to give him the upper hand when it comes to strength in a fight. He will grow to be a warrior of 36 inches from his paws to the tip of his ears. Hercules will be a force to be reckoned with.


His determined face is one that can be seen often as he tries to make his way in the world as a heroic man. His caring side and his determination lead to him being more like a vigilante then anything and his shy-brave conflict often gets in the way of taking credit for the work he has done. He is an intelligent boy and rather clumsy all the same as he often finds himself making a fool of himself. Rejection is a major worry for him as him and his feelings are very sensitive.

He is not often terrified because he tries to find the roots to problems and he likes to take control of dangerous situations to try and resolve the conflict. Above all, he is an honest and respectful gentleman. Even if it a cold and hard truth, he will not hesitate to tell it because it is wrong to lie. He sees liars as criminals for this reason. He is a kind and somewhat happy-go-lucky kid at times while other times he is a honest and determined hero running around to save the next wolf he meets.


07-30-2014, 03:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2014, 03:15 PM by Zozton.)


I'm gonnna give all my secrets away...

APPEARANCE a titan, a god of great power and force. muscles ripple all over his massive bodice like fur upon a wolf's frame. especially in the dear limbs, which are very long and carry such a masculine beast. such a godly beast. tons of fur is carried upon the shoulders of the red monster...alongside his weight that he also is forced to carry. the boy doesn't even have much weight added to his frame anyhow. the brute refuses to eat too much...and he only feasts himself when he is really hungry. never when he is bored, or just slightly concerned with his hunger...this long, beautiful fur envelops him in everlasting warmth...and though it can get a bit irritating in the season of spring, in winter, it's very useful.
this fur is painted a glorious red. a rust color. it cloaks his masculine bodice like a blanket or a jacket and it makes him look a lot like his beloved father. but of course, like every other one of his dear siblings, there is also a difference in him. a difference in comparison to his parents. sheer ebony socks coil around each on of his four long limbs. the insides of his ear lobes are also a neat ebony black- along with his fore chest. this had obviously been inherited by his mother, who is dipped in nothing but ink. finally, the man's eyes are a darkly shaded mocha brown.


user posted image

Template by Ninette on SoulsRPG



08-11-2014, 09:15 PM


As an adult, Hercules will stand at thirty-six inches and weigh around one-hundred and forty-five pounds. He will be well toned, many training sessions morphing his body into that capable of handling battle. Large, well built and battle ready. Because of these he will be a bit slow against those smaller in size or lighter in weight, their speed a plus for them however his strength is what matters. He will continue to train, trying to improve his agility, but there is only so far one can do with their body. This he understands. He takes pride in his stature, and so he will always be seen walking proudly. His eyes display it as well, his deep and knowing, yet fiery orange eyes watching all that goes around him.

When it comes to this male's coloring, he seems to have taken on colors from both of his parents. A majority of his body is covered in an auburn brown base, appearing a chocolate brown in dark lighting and an almost reddish brown out under the sun. Ebony socks work their way up from the boys toes and cuts off midway up his forelegs, stretching up about an inch or two towards the front. As for his hindlegs the ebony marking stretches up till his ankle before it thins out and rims the front of his hindlegs, stopping where the leg connects to the rest of his body. The last two spots this darkness covers is his chest, stopping just a bit behind his forelegs and stretching up his neck as well as covering the inside of his ears.

PERSONALITY; if family is active

Hercules will love his family to death, there is no doubt about that. That is why he will often put them before his own needs or friends, because to him you are bonded by blood to your family and so you will always be connected and hard to be forgotten unlike friends who can drop you like nothing and continue on their merry little way. And so he will make sure to stick around them, backing up their judgements and helping them out anyway he could. There are times where he will show affection towards them, and also times where he will stand up against them should he feel they are doing the wrong thing. Unafraid to bring the hurt if it is needed, but not out of anger, simply to remind them of where they stand, never holding a grudge.

With a caring heart the male will find himself helping somebody one way or another, whether they got injured in a hunt, a child who is lost or even an elder who can't quite make it to their favorite spot to relax. If he sees somebody down he will try to help them out, whether it is being a goof or just being that shoulder for them to lean on. This may lead to him growing feelings for an individual just because he was able to share a moment where they felt vulnerable, misunderstanding their signals and often growing hurt when somebody rejects him. Even with that however he will try not to linger on them for long, instead moving on and continuing with his little life.

Loyal and dependable, if you need backup you can count this guy in. Being fiercely loyal to his family, Hercules will often drop whatever he is doing to join them, whether its for battle, an argument or just to settle something. When it comes to the pack he is in the male will stand side by side with his leader, even if their decision may be wrong. For they allowed him to join, giving his services for their protection. And so he does not mind going into battle to defend them.

Growing up, Hercules will keep a strict schedule of both training and duties that he feels should be done within the pack. Every lesson given by a higher rank he will end up attending, not wanting to waste precious time from lazing about with no care in the world. To him, you should keep yourself on your toes in case a surprise attack is launched on your pack, always ready to defend your packmates.

A force to be messed with. He will show no mercy to those who have either harmed or disrespected his family, sure to make the culprit pay for their actions one way or another. You wanna run? He will allow you to leave like the coward you are, tail tucked between your legs. But should you ever show your face again, he will most definitely leave a mark on you in one form or another. What kind of mark he leaves depends on the crime you committed, the more harsher, the more severe your punishment will be.

PERSONALITY; if family isn't active

Hercules will slip into a lifestyle much like a Spartan man of ancient Greece. While still young he will take it upon himself to find a mentor to teach him how to fight, and if he can not find said person within his pack, he will then either visit the battlefield as much as possible or go to the nearest pack to get the training he needs. He will keep a strict schedule, planning out pretty much every second of the day so that he isn't lazing about like a freeloader. Living in a pack there is plenty to do, so seeing somebody just laying around would be slacking and disapproving.

When not practicing his fighting the boy can be found making himself useful around the pack, asking his fellow packmate if they need any assistance with something or need something done that they are unable to do. Respectful to each individual, more so towards the elder wolves and those with a high rank. If you are a disrespectful individual he will not listen to a single word you have to say, no matter who you are or what rank you hold.

Towards most people Hercules can be seen as distant and slow to anger, not really engaging with others, feeling no need to get close to somebody he doesn't wish to be close with. Brutally honest and hard to impress. He isn't exactly a jerk to others, he just doesn't like to socialize with somebody he finds either idiotic, weak or pathetic. In order to gain his attention one has to be independent, willing to work hard to achieve something and actually has to do work to rise in ranks. Somebody he can see is a good and respectful influence, somebody others would strive to be. Like a leader.

If you managed to gain his trust and friendship the man will greatly loosen up, even laughing with you. He is very dependable and loyal to both his pack and friends, stepping up to defend both when needed, and looks down upon those who flee the first chance they get. Not exactly playful, he will mess around and is just about always up to a challenge if it meant he was going against somebody else. If he is able to beat his opponent it is an improvement, somehting he strives for.

When it comes to a mate, the male won't exactly be looking for somebody to spend his life with and produce children. Women he will view as baby makers pretty much, there to pass on the strongest's genes to ensure their species continues to survive. This doesn't mean he has little respect for them, no no, he has much respect for the opposite gender for being the ones to carry life forming within their wombs and to raise them till they can go out on their own. Not being interested in the female gender as he grows, the boy will be at conflict with himself when he actually begins to have feelings for another for he will be attracted towards the same sex. Not open with this part of him the man will be very secretive when/if he discovers he prefers the same sex, viewing it as almost an abomination and completely against his belief.

Helios I


9 Years
08-11-2014, 10:26 PM
Sorry to anyone who didn't get to finish on an app, Raii and I are just chomping at the bit to get to rp with the pups and we'd both come to a conclusion so we went with it.

First off (or is it second?) All of you guys submitted awesome apps, we both really liked them! Unfortunately there can only be one.

That one is.....


Raii and I are hoping to get a pup thread up by tomorrow so we'd like to see Hercules up and running pretty quick. XD Sorry.

Also please note, Nat and Helios will more than likely be having more litters in the future, and even if you didn't get one this time we'd love to see you guys apply again. :)