
Dancing with The Beast.



07-28-2014, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 08:26 PM by Isardis.)

Though he had cried for her attendance, Isardis would not be granted the battle he had sought; unscathed and wholesome, the Ice King had returned through unexpected events. Utterly disturbed by how effortlessly leadership could be obtained, he is not feeling as proud as one may have suspected. What is there to conceit within, when a lord cannot boast of challenges hard won? Alas, his crown has been replaced regardless, coral toes guiding him past the boundaries of Glaciem?s rule. Cherry lips flutter momentarily as his ruby gaze remains eager; summoning not only Athena, but those who wished to join him in his endeavors to re-build a frozen empire.



07-28-2014, 08:30 PM

Long strides carry the sword towards the King, nodding her head at him in silent greeting. Argent had watched his challenge from a distance; there had been little sense in doing more that that. Isardis needs not her approval; she is a sword, she is replaceable. He doesn?t need her approval or cheering, he merely requires her loyalty. Her frame has recovered somewhat from her illness, fur not quite the mess it had once been. She is far from the ghost of glory that haunts her every day, but she does, at the very least, look functional now.
?King Isardis, I told you that you would find your muse,? she informs him briefly. ?I will go where you ask of me,? she tells the man. She is his loyal sword, after all. How could she not do such a thing? She loves her daughter, but she knows that Athena is strong enough to rule without her constant, steady hand, should that be what her ruler decides.



2 Years
07-28-2014, 09:09 PM

Fury rolled off Drashiel like frosted fog from an icy mountain. Slow and steady in a pulse of irritation that was obviously felt among many of his peers, especially Roman. At some point he heard his father howl a challenge to the crimson bitch but the lowly coward had long since fled. Her pack fading like ghosts into their haven of cowardice. Drashiel had never known such lowly beasts. They deserved to be eradicated from the face of Alacritis but alas it wasn't to be. The war they'd been hoping for was not to happen.

Drashiel scowled as he bent down to scent the earth, carefully taking in the scents that lingered, cataloguing them away in his mind should he ever run across one. The call of his father caught Drashiel's rapt attention. So Isardis was going to claim these lands? Peridot eyes focused on the direction of the howl, mind ticking away before his body moved to answer the call. Drashiel still had a strong desire to learn from Isardis and to have the opportunity to actually observe the man rule could not be passed up. Though he did feel some guilt revolving around Athena. She trusted him enough to make him Overseer. But there were perhaps greater things at stake here. And he doubted that Glaciem and this new pack would sever ties. No, they would be at her aid if she needed them.

He arrived into the company of Argent and Isardis calm and composed though his hackles were still slightly raised in frustration at their enemies frailty. How was he to prove himself if none would stand and fight him? "Father, you call and I answer."

Athena I


9 Years
07-29-2014, 06:50 PM

Of course she had heard of her father's challenge and the results there of. His missing presence always stood out like a sore thumb. It had been a worry, a small itch in the back of her mind. So many had disappeared when she had taken over. How many more would want to jump ship now that Isardis once again ruled. When she heard his call go out for her and the others here in Glaciem her ears flicked, her split-tone eyes narrowing. So he would come, letting out the howl that had seemed to pull people toward him for far too long. Well, she wouldn't hide. She would turn, loping easily in his direction. She wouldn't run, she wouldn't hurry, she would take her sweet time and make him wait.

When the Queen finally saw her father come into view, she saw her mother by his side along with Drashiel. Argent she had expected. She had chased after him for years after all. But Drashiel? That was a surprise. How many others would come? Pledging their loyalty to him despite the fact that their loyalty should already be to Glaciem? She came to a halt in front of him, glancing from Argent to Drashiel, the wolves she had trusted to be her Overseers. She hadn't gotten the chance to tell Argent herself of the promotion just yet, but since Sin's recent disappearance she was the obvious choice. Her eyes finally settled on Isardis, unsure how to feel about all of this. "I am happy that you once again have a crown sitting upon your head, father. I hope that you haven't come to dismantle my kingdom as well." She glanced at her mother, disappointed to know that even her own mother would abandon her so easily. Not surprised, but disappointed all the same.




07-30-2014, 08:27 AM

He welcomes his blade?s arrival with no more than a bristling tweak of satisfaction upon his cherry lips; coral towers shuddering as he seems so wholly tuned to the tiniest trembles of her existence, ruby gape regarding her keenly as her words seem to sink so flawlessly into position. His intellect flourishes upon her support, lungs inflating ever-so-slightly with the brimming pride she has bestowed upon him. His heart quakes with desire, lured into a physical touch by her proximities, alas he denies it?s cries for Drashiel?s arrival is barely a moments breath away. Silver and tan form appearing with hasty obedience; it seemed the pale King?s converse with the blossoming prince has not gone astray. Perhaps the boy himself is as utterly excited about the duo?s future as the albino ghoul is, himself.

?I hope for many seasons to come yet, Drashiel,? lyrics are light upon his lips, rosy gfaze parting with the silvered youth only to assemble upon the coming of Athena. He has his suspicions of her wounded pride, she has shown previous suggestions of spoiled behaviour; did she truly believe men gifted to her had greater reason to stay, as opposed to follow the man who tamed them himself? Regardless, Isardis hopes it is only her youth that scrambles her wits, soon she will learn, and soon she will become a strong ally to his endeavours. He chuckles weakly, ?My darling, my daughter; your castle is merely your mansion until you have established yourself as a true Queen, and not just a Princess who has inherited a crown,? he does not intend to insult her, his brash commands are simply his way, this she should be familiar with by now; ?I take only what was mine, and only who wish to pursue; I will not rob you of your own achievements, so do not doubt my faith in you.? Harsh reality perhaps, but he treasured the babe all the same.

?The youth, Drashiel will join Indarra?s quest to greatness as Heir, and Argent?? his voice stammers upon her name, a cold shiver of unknown origin bristling the hairs of his spine; he has not thought of it much, but the title comes as though it is only natural, as though it has always been, ?Will be my Queen.? He was confident of Athena?s approval, and though he had yet to ponder what he?d do in any form of rejection, hell had yet to see the King yield when plans did not go his way. A moment was spared to glance almost cautiously towads the fiery gape of Argent, knowing that it was tender footing; she adored Athena, he only hoped her pledge to loyalty would keep her from straying from his finger tips. Emotionally, he needed her.


07-30-2014, 11:09 AM

She is not one to ignore the beckoning cry of her paladin king. Immediately she lifts herself to her paws and pivots toward the direction of the summon, and she sprints off toward it, leaving Ramses behind in their den. She had attended the kings challenge, but to their surprise his victim had not shown up to her funeral. Covari was no more, they had run for the hills with their tails tucked between their legs. Pitiful. The babe could only assume that Isardis had taken Covari's throne, and was now calling reinforcements together. Although she did not want to leave Athena completely void of her strong members, she had devoted herself to the king, and was now faced with a difficult decision- stay with Athena, or go with Isardis. She would need to speak to both Athena and Isardis before making her decision, although she sees herself aiding her king more than she sees herself following his daughter. At last the group becomes visible, and the maiden arrives in time to hear Isardis speaking. He is taking Drashiel as heir, and Argent.. As queen. The thought puts a nasty taste in her mouth, jealousy coursing through her veins although she knows she could never replace the kings silver sword. She comes to a halt a foot away from Isardis, leaving enough room between the members to keep themselves comfortable. "The phoenix rises from the ashes." She says, a mere smirk twitching her ebony lips. "But what does he plan to do with his throne? Does he seek to uphold his reign, or does he plan to hand it down once he grows tiresome?" She asks, as she does not want to follow Isardis to watch him fall back into the ashes while another Armada takes his place. If he planned to do that, she would stay with Athena.



2 Years
07-30-2014, 11:19 AM

Her heart was laced in gold; pure, and yet she felt broken. All the placid babe had wanted was for her freedom and the happiness of Drashiel, but it'd seem she just couldn't win either way. Instead, it looked as though she had lost both options; for she was now a puppet, her limbs attached to strings for his command. Her bones ached, though as soon as the call rang out her delicate body would lift from the earthen floor, following swiftly behind the russet and grey brute. What was going on? though she dared not speak, preferring for the small gathering to do all of the talking. Her ruby gaze would flick to each individual, until falling on Isardis. So it was true, he had finally come to his senses and got himself another throne? For a brief moment a smile would touch her thin lips, though still it was curiosity that led her on. She would sit silently behind Drashiel, listening to the kings speech. A heir, had the youth proven himself worthy above all of the other bloods? She knew Drashiel was an excellent fighter but perhaps in her wavering absence she had yet to see of his true capabilities, for there must be a fire within him that Isardis quickly caught. Though alas S'alkries gaze would drop upon Argent, the fallen queen who had finally risen back up it seemed. What happened to Sendoa? When Sal came to Glaciem, it had been the Merle queen that sat upon the throne. the placid babe would quickly look away, wishing to not seem as though she was staring, but the story of how Argent fell was still a mystery to the girl, and it only made her want to know more.



07-30-2014, 02:33 PM

There is another to answer the call, a silver-furred boy her mind names as Drashiel. Argent likes him well enough; he?s well-mannered, loyal, and perhaps the only way should could think better of the boy would be if he were her own son. Ears quirk, however, as her own daughter comes upon the scene. Argent hates that she will have to choose, hates that she cannot be with her daughter and Isardis at the same time, hates that her personality makes her such that she finds herself hardwired to serve the albino titan before her beautiful, silver-furred Queen.
She looks upon her, noting Athena?s disappointment. Argent understands; she wishes she could profess all her faults right now, but it is not appropriate. ?I want to speak with you later,? she tells her daughter quietly. She falls silent, however, as the King speaks. He speaks truth; Athena will need the space to grow her own Kingdom. It has been given to her, yes, but a true ruler forms of their own volition, after guidance has been revoked.

It doesn?t make the thought that she will be leaving her baby girl behind any easier. She feels a heavy lump in her throat, a twisting pain in the depths of her chest.
Ears quirk as the King grants Drashiel heir, a ruling that Argent supposes she could have predicted. Those who remain loyal and in favor will be blessed, after all. She nearly laughs at the thought; she is neither. Oh she can argue her loyalty, can tell Isardis all of her morality that she had betrayed for him, all the sacrifice she?d given for him, but he would only ever recall her one straying moment. Alas, she is shocked when he seeks to name her Queen, ruby gaze falling upon his, the look of confusion and perhaps hopefulness within her eyes. She is not na?ve enough to pretend this is a road back to where they had been, but she never expected to rule alongside him again.
She resists the urge to smirk in thought that once more, he had chosen her over Sendoa. That is something to rub in the steel woman?s face later; that the blue woman?s reign only lived when Argent?s died. Argent had ruled first, and only when she had disappeared and effectively forfeited her throne had Sendoa been able to claw into it. Now, however, it is in the hands of its rightful owner. There is no uncertainty in her eyes in her brief second of a glance, perhaps giving the King all he needs to know. She will accept, of course. How can she not? She would have accepted if he had asked any rank of her, such is her nature.

Liberty arrives, questioning the titan?s motivations. Argent shakes her head; she would not wish to see the desaturated woman with them, not when it would deprive their daughter of all her second-tier members. ?Whatever strikes his fancy, I would imagine,? the silver notes, this time permitting the smirk to come over her lips, as if there is some secret between them. There is nothing that isn?t obvious; a dark joke of the destruction that the pair of them can reap, and perhaps a brutal dig at the girl. You were but a fleeing fancy, girl. That is all any of us women are she thinks, as her gaze drips over a younger, albino child, wondering if this is yet another of her King?s children.



2 Years
08-09-2014, 09:55 AM
ooc: So sorry for the wait!

Drashiel remained silent through the exchange. The prince had nothing to add on the matter and used this opportunity merely to take everything in. To observe how his father handled such a delicate matter and how his sister Athena would react. How would this interaction weigh on their future? Gleaming peridot eyes took it all in quietly. Athena, no doubt, had already guessed that a few members of the pack were leaving but Drashiel didn't really feel any guilt on his decision. He had his own ambitions after all and the unthinkable chance to learn from a true master. Drashiel needed to become more than he was and separating from Glaciem was finally the chance to do so.

Drashiel's breathing shifted ever so slightly as Isardis named him heir. His heart thrummed in his chest with the weight of the title and the excitement it brought blossoming into his bosom. Heir. Drashiel had never expected this moment to happen even as he strode blindly in his ambitions, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Finally? things were starting to go his way. He would not let Isardis down. He would learn the art of the ruler and emerge from his roguish ways into a king that all of Alacritis would either respect or fear.

Argent was to be taken as his queen. Drashiel made note to observe her as well. Particularly the way she moved and the way she fought. He would need to excel as a fighter to defend the pack and earn the respect of his pack members, especially if he were to ever entertain thoughts of leading. There was also the likely scenario that he would have to defend his title as heir. He was not Argent's son and it was very possible that if Isardis and Argent had a litter one of their offspring might take his title.

Movement, the boy turned his head to gaze at Sal'krie as she entered the pack. He offered a soft smile, doubtful if she'd return it. He had more or less forced her to be his but they were friends! And they had loved each other once. Those bonds would rekindle in time of that he was sure. And in that time he would find what she felt he lacked.
