


07-30-2014, 09:08 PM

Seracia gone? A pack that overthrew them disbanded? What had happened to her home? It seemed like everything was gone, but she continued to stay in the lands that surrounded her den. Maybe she wanted to reminisce in the memories of Segar and Talon. She knew they had to be okay, she just hoped they were together.

She stood a ways from the barn structure. She had only eyed it before, but never entered it's crumbling ruins. She would stop in her tracks and give it a nice look. It seemed like it hadn't changed much, maybe some stone had fallen and lessened. But it was still hazy because she normally saw it from her old den.

She ended up sitting down, taking in the surrounds and smelling what was left of the residing wolves. Her emeralds rose to the sky trying to remember when days were happy and there wasn't a care in the world to the woman. Her chin dropped as she stared into the ground, and a tear would fall along side her. What would she do now?

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
08-10-2014, 12:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Tahlia wandered slowly through the territory, her gold and cloudy grey eyes scanning about as she took in the state of her old home. So much time had passed since she had been allowed to set foot within the Range, so much and yet still it was recognizable. If she took this path here she would end up close to her old den within the woods beside the lake. And if she took the fork in that path she would end up at the lake itself. If she kept going straight she would end up by the shed that housed the metallic monsters that once had roamed this land, a few of which whose bodies still littered the grounds closest to the barn.

And that was presently where she was headed. She had missed seeing much of the territory in her eagerness to find the old den that she had shared with Bane at the start of their marriage, as were the rest of her family, but now that they had settled in, now that they had decided to pick up their life here in familiar territory that they knew well and trusted to support them, she wanted to know how the rest of it fared. The barn, though never a great curiosity to her, had been something of a focal point to the Seracian pack, always there in the background during gatherings and meetings and, she assumed, still standing. Would it be as empty as the rest of the territory felt?

Her leisurely gait picked up a little as she saw the edge of the treeline and the fence beyond, stepping out of the woods and getting her first real look of the Range proper. There was the barn, partly destroyed as she remembered it from the horrible storm that had swept across Alacritia but no less whole and eye catching. Her gaze was drawn to it immediately, and then to the solemn figure seated beside it within the central part of the territory. The woman's steps slowed almost to a stop, worry settling in. Who was this that had decided to visit the Range? Was there any danger to her and her family? But the wolf in question did not appear to be in any mindset to cause chaos. Even from afar they looked weighted by sadness, staring downward as if in reflection.

It might have been a danger, approaching a stranger when her family was so close by, unprotected by a pack and vulnerable in their isolation, but Tahlia found herself approaching them anyway. She did not recognize the girl right away - years had passed since she had last seen her and of course time had changed them both - but there did seem to feel something strangely familiar about her. Perhaps the colors of her coat? Not wishing to encroach on her space, after all though she lived here it was still unclaimed lands and Tahlia was a stranger to the other wolf, the black and russet woman stopped still at a distance from the younger wolf, watching her with open curiosity and a vague familiarity. "Excuse me," she said quietly, not wishing to startle her company, "may I help you?"


09-04-2014, 09:53 PM

Only one more tear fell from the opposite eye when a woman's voice came upon her and she turned away almost embarrassed. She took her paw to her cheek and swept it away before looking to the dame and giving her a tiny grin. Just as Tahlia felt, Misty was completely oblivious to who she was. She had met few wolves in her entire life, all the colors being very different from each other. But she knew everyone by name. The only two she would truely recognize would be Talon and Segar, but that was only because it was her brother and father.

"I'm sorry." She chuckled a bit after. She remembered the kind woman, Tahlia, well. They may have only met once but they shared a great adventure together, at least in Misty's eyes. "I just... came back home." There's nothing you can do to help right now. She voiced in her head. She was too destroyed over the thought of her home being gone. It wasn't even Sericia that was disbanded. She would worry about her lost family later, she needed to work this out now. But she just knew that were okay.

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years
09-29-2014, 10:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Oh dear. It seemed she had caught the young woman unawares in a moment of unbridled emotion, and averting her own gaze politely Tahlia ignored the gesture the younger wolf gaze as she lifted a paw to her cheek tellingly. Whatever had been on the girl's mind had been nothing pleasant, or so she thought, though she could hardly figure out what about this place might trigger tears. True, it had seen many better days between the time she had first joined with Seracia to the present, after it had changed hands numerous times and even been inhabited by another pack. Perhaps it was something personal then, something Tahlia would likely get no chance of knowing about.

When at last she could finally present herself properly, the russet and black woman allowed her attention to divert back to her and caught the almost sheepish grin she gave. She answered it with a kind smile of her own, triggered into a moment of niceness that seemed even to veer away from simple politeness, as if there might have been more reason than the girl simply being a stranger in need of a smile to warrant it. "There is no need to apologize," Tahlia answered with gentle assurance, hoping the girl did not think herself judged simply because she had been a little emotional. Heavens knew Tahlia herself had her moments, and very recently she had started learning to be kinder to those around her, family and stranger alike.

But it happened to be the confession that came next that hooked her attention and drew a sudden curious sort of frown about her mismatched eyes, her head angling slightly to peer at the girl more wholly through her good eye. Came back home? That must mean she had lived here at some point. But...during whose reign exactly? Even more curious now - could the familiarity she felt upon seeing her actually hold true connections with a past relation from Seracia? - Tahlia ventured to ask, trying not to be overly intrusive, "You were in a pack here once?"


11-18-2014, 02:02 AM

She would clear her throat as the woman asked her a question, readying to answer with maybe too long of a response. "Yeah... Yeah, I lived here with my mother, father, brother, and sister. When I was a lot younger." Her mouth let out a burst of a chuckle and faded. More like she was nervous, or just remembering what it was like to be a kid again. "Me and my mother left. My dad wasn't around much."

But really she felt hurt for leaving. Obviously there was something wrong with her mother, she left without her son. Was it because he was deformed? Or did the voices make her believe there were only two children? In any case, she couldn't forgive herself for leaving. Not now. She could be with her father and with Talon. Isis came with them, but she was lost along the way. Or was that Ghost went off without her? Ghost also tried to attack Misty before she fell off the cliffside and died. Everything Misty had decided had gone to hell.

"I haven't been here in a couple years."

She turned to look at the barn once again, going back in the faded memories of this place. She was able to smile, thinking of that. And now she just hoped that the rest of her family was close by.

Walk "Talk" Think