
go chase yourself (festival spar)



2 Years
08-08-2014, 11:24 AM
Signy Lasair

Signy's excitement was evident, her tail and head held high in confidence. She had volunteered her name when the Ebony alpha had asked for anyone who wanted to compete in a sparring competition, and the alpha had actually accepted it! No "oh you're too small" or "you're too young to fight", no, she'd actually given her a partner! Another young wolf not a year old yet, but he was a hulking big thing and a lot closer to adulthood than she was. Sure she had only been paired with him because there weren't enough adults but still, she was going to actually compete!

She was feeling pretty cocky as she found a clear spot to spar and turned to gesture to the big, bright red boy to follow her. After all, she had already been on the battlefield and fought a grown up and won and could this boy say the same thing? Though come to think about it he did look a lot like the two pups that she'd met when Erani lost Valhalla... there couldn't be a whole lot of families out there with that bright colored fur so he must have been their brother. She wanted to ask a thousand questions, but instead she just grinned enthusiastically and dropped into a tail-waggling crouch. "Well come on then," she taunted. "You scared or something? If you weren't so red I'd say you were yellow!"

Signy vs Vivek - Festival Spar

Round: 0/?

Defenses: n/a

Attacks: n/a

Injuries: n/a

Out Of Character Notes: Probably going to be the most hilarious spar in history... Signy's about 19" or so this point.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



2 Years
08-20-2014, 04:06 PM
Sparring competition? Well, the bulky boy was bored enough, he wasn?t going to say no to that. This festival or whatnot was a good way to let off a little steam while he waited for his mother to have those damn kids. Besides, he was more than a little competitive at heart. The chance to be called a winner? To be seen as the best? He definitely wanted that. The red boy would be a little disappointed when he realized he wouldn't be fighting the real warriors - but he would agree to the alpha?s offer with a shrug, and follow the dark girl to her chosen place to fight. As she turned to him with a grin on her face, he would study her expression - as well as study her. Her coat might have been dingy, boring even - but she had peculiar eyes and a gold crescent on her face that redeemed her from being a complete waste of his time.

Such a tiny thing, he expected for her to be afraid of him - he had quite a bit of height on her, honestly she made him feel pretty damn massive. ?I don?t think you?re in a position to taunt, shorty.? He would snicker back to her taunting, looking down at her crouched positioning. At thirty five inches inches tall, he had nearly a foot and a half on her, but if this was the fight he needed to get through in order to win this tournament then he would do so.

His stomach would clench in anticipation, his eyes narrowed and his ears pinned. His hackles would raise along his neck and spine - despite his opponents diminutive size, this was still his first real spar and he was excited. Red jaws would drop as he lowered his head over his throat to look down at his opponent, his tail lashed behind him, ready to be used as a rudder alongside his attack. White toes were splayed and his nails dug into the ground for traction, and his shoulders were pushed forward out of instinct to protect the sides of his neck as he anticipated her first move and also tried to plan his attack.

Looking the tiny thing over again, he decided strategy could be thrown to the wind for this one. Holding back a snort he would try and approach the girl head on and slightly from the right in an attempt to bowl her over. He would try and knock his chest into the right side of her chest and shoulder while his legs would attempt to wrap around her back and chest. He was trying to get in close so that he could possibly throw his weight around a bit more. Sharp teeth would aim to bite at the girl?s right ear, but he made note not to rip or tear at the appendage - maiming wasn't something he wanted to do.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head lowered over throat, jaws agape, tail positioned for balance, toes splayed, nails digging into ground, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, stomach clenched

attacks: attempting to knock Signy over, attempting to bite her right ear

injuries: none

Round 1 of 2

ooc: omg she?s so little!