
Be strong like stone, but swift like the wind.


08-08-2014, 03:30 PM

Here she was again, lost in her mind and drifted miles before she came to.Her tail swayed gently as she halted her advancement in to this land. Such a pleasant area, a place that at first glance seemed nice. It could almost make someone feel like they were safe; that they had nothing to fear. Oh how wrong they would be on this topic, so far off the goal, that there effort would not even matter.On the surface things may look peaceful, that is if one dose not truly look. Growing up a loaner you learn these skills, you learn how to see everything at once. You learn to have a complete awareness of your surroundings, to always know what is going on. Yet sometimes you do zone out, not often, but when you do be ready for encounters that you were not prepared for. The wind started to blow gently upon this land, it was indeed something of pleasure.

Roseletta closed her eyes to take in the moment she had to her self. She dose enjoy being a loaner,getting to go where ever you want; to not have a pack to worry about, or standards of your rank, or other ranks. She may not have been in a pack at all in her life, yet she encountered those who have and learned a few. The idea of settling down made Roseletta laugh greatly, she had to roam, she had to keep moving. It is what makes her happy; Opening her eyes she spotted a rabbit being hunted by a fox. The chase was on, and Roseltta just took a seat to watch the outcome. The rabbit had swiftness and agility over the fox, yet the fox had brains, and with his wits could counter up plans on the spot. Her right ear stood facing the two creatures, while her left scanned for different sounds. Her eyes were focused on the fox and rabbit, she watched as the fox made his move. With in seconds the rabbit was off, and the chase had begun. Back and forth, back and forth. They seemed to chase one another for minutes.

Interested on the outcome, Roseletta could see that this one the rabbit might win. It seem to be getting a decent distance from the fox; That is until a second fox came out of hiding and tackled the rabbit. Roseletta's ears shot foreword with interest.'They hunted in a team, no, that was not it.' She thought as she watched the smaller one pin it down and kill the rabbit.When the larger fox came up to the kill it looked like it was praising it.'so that is what it was, a training session. A mother and her offspring, how wonderful.' Roseletta then came to her paws, stretched a little, then decided to go on her way. One quick shake to remove any dirt that was looely stuck on her fur, and she started to move. Her pace was a slow stroll, after all this place was just to nice to rush through it. Roseletta took one look back at the foxes, just a quick glance, and then regained her focus back in front of her."As much as that rabbit was fast, it was not fast enough for a team effort. I guess you win some, and loose some. Yet loosing is not always the best option."



08-08-2014, 06:58 PM

What was she to do? Sin had disappeared with the boys, leaving her with a rebellious daughter who sought strength and interdependency before her own time. Arietta was exhausted, trying to care for the girl and keep herself sane. It was only through Vesta meeting some of her aunts and uncles that Arietta found any time to herself. She wasn't sure what to do anymore, lost, completely lost without the blood stained male by her side. What had happened to Sin? Why had he left them? She had loved him. Their daughter had been their firstborn child. Part of her understood being left behind... she was weak... without any proper training or skill. But Vesta? She was of his own blood, his greatness!

Paws lead her on, head lowered, eyes shining with a deep sadness. She was forsaken, as such was her son's name. It wasn't until she heard a voice up ahead that she was drawn from her thoughts. Body would freeze, head snapping up as faded-blue eyes sought the form of the one who had spoken. A female, alone, with not a pack scent upon her coat. Arietta wouldn't relax, however. Experience had shown her not all wolves were kind, and truthfully neither was her mate, at least not the hero she believed him to be. But so much stress and mental illness could alter a vision on such a man.

Arietta took a step back, trying to regard the female and decide if she was a danger or not. She wouldn't speak yet, words caught in her throat, pondering what choices now lay before her.

Speech, Thought


08-08-2014, 07:15 PM

The scene that rested just moments ago was still on her mind. Roseletta had never seen foxes work that way before, or was it that she did not care to watch them in the past. She sighed as her ears soon flipped backwards, the sound of another seemed to consume her ears.She came to a stop her tail swaying slightly as she just listened to the other. Roseletta spoke in a calm, neutral tone; one that held no hostility in it. "You know it is quite rude to walk up to some one and just stop. I would assume that one would say a greeting or such." She spoke as she started to turn around to see whom had come in to her presence. Her eyes focused upon a female, smaller then her which was a shocker to Roseletta. Her expression switched from content to curious; this female held a posture of submission, or was it fear, and cushion. Roseletta did not know but what ever it was, she knew that it was not a good thing to hold out here. She walked slowly up to the other female, her posture was neutral, non threatening.

She knew that this individual was not from one of the packs, that made her stance even more concerning. "I am Roseletta nice to meet you. I see you are not pack oriented, for some one like you i would think you were. Considering you show off submission traits, and well there are tons of others out here will take advantage of that. " She spoke as she took a seat upon her haunches, her red-pink eyes scanned the female over. She was indeed a cute one, but not as cute as her. Roseletta has a high self image, and it can make her feel like she is the most stunning of all. In reality she knows she is not,yet she still loves to think that. She curled her tail around her paws and looked the female in the eye, or well tried to that is.She sighed slightly and spoke once more "After all you do not want to end up someones slave do you."



08-08-2014, 07:51 PM

When the other woman spoke there was no hostility, yet it was a clear, calm tone. Her words, though likely not meant that way, were scolding. A greeting, some acknowledgement of her presence. The young woman would lower her gaze, trying to force out some sort of apology. Yet she expected some sort of punishment for failing to do so. She could hear the other stranger approaching, her movements slow, yet in some part of her mind it had Arietta screaming, trying to warn her of something... or tell of her of something past. She couldn't shake the feeling, even when she tried to force it away. Gaze would lift back to the other, tail tucked between her legs.

The question the other asked at the end truly made something stir. Slave... was... was that what she had been to Sin? How he was able to leave so easily? "I..." She shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts and her words. "You're right. I'm sorry. I am... Arietta." She swallowed, making herself look at the other. "I guess you could say I would be easy to make a slave regardless... I have no fighting skills... and barely enough hunting skills to keep me and my daughter fed now that my mate has disappeared with our sons..." Her voice would get low, a bit more distance as she said the last bit. Why. That question gnawed at her.

"...Forgive me... I should not be pouring my problems on you... I can... I can leave if you wish..." Her gaze would lower again. She was lost. Truly lost without Sin. Yet all she had ever been in the end was a slave. Perhaps that was all she was destined to be.

Speech, Thought


08-09-2014, 07:02 AM

Roseletta sat there just watching the small female,she could not understand the way this one worked. How can someone be so fearfull of everything, was it because she was small. If that is the case it would be silly, Roseletta was also small, only a few inches taller then Arietta here. Roseletta's eyes moved from Arietta's face to gaze at the tail between her legs. The female apologized to Roseletta,This was very confusing more because Arietta did nothing to apologize for. Roseletta did feel some sympathy for Arietta,she knew the dangers of living out here far to well.Having confidence is a huge key to surviving on your own. Roseletta just listened to Arietta speak, She had no fighting skills? That was utterly odd to say the least. Roseletta knew that everyone had at least a little fighting skills. Her ears twitched as the words daughter and sons filled them,to follow that she stated that little hunting skills to keep her and her daughter alive.

Roseletta was stunned as to how Arietta is still alive, did she have someone that protected her at one point. Coming to her paws Roseletta listened to the last bit that the other female had to say. She smiled at her, kindly and warm."Arietta, what a beautiful name, to a beautiful soul. See Arietta no one is destined to be a slave, everyone can become something. Everyone can become strong in their own way." She walked towards the spot that she once was watching the foxes, they were still there,just napping. She turned to look at Arietta,after all Roseletta just walked a few steps."I know the challenges all to well being small and on your own. I never lived in a pack, and i never will, personal things i suppose that is. Anyway, I do not fully believe that you have no fighting skills,even a new born pup has at least some fighting skills, after all you needed to fight with siblings, or even your own mother to get food right." She spoke tail swaying gently.

Roseletta felt sorry for the smaller female, she needed some help here. It seems like she had lost everything that she could ever have in this life, or well close to it. Roseletta sat down once again just looking at the fox family napping after a hunt. "I am not sure if you saw that hunt against the rabbit and fox earlier Arietta. It was a true show of the strength one can gain with a little help. See that fox pup there was clearly smaller then the rabbit, so the natural thought would be that he could not take it down, right. "She said as she gazed over to Arietta,"Yet he managed to take it down on it's own, with a little help from his mother, all she did was chase the rabbit to him. That little fox took the opertunity and took down that rabbit.He was able to do such a thing, because he knew that he was stronger then he believed he could ever be."



08-09-2014, 11:02 AM

Her words were so warm, so kindly. Who was this woman, who offered her such kindness? Sure Roseletta had given her name... but Arietta didn't understand where she had come from. To become strong in her own way... was such a thing still possible? From her earliest days Arietta didn't understand strength... nor was there need or energy to fight. It was a struggle just to survive. Quietly the fox-like girl would follow after the slightly larger woman, gaze questioning and yet, a light of gratefulness lit her eyes. Perhaps... perhaps it really wasn't too late? She was not yet on the right path, but maybe she could turn things around... if given the chance. But the words the woman spoke, of fighting for food against siblings and parents, it made Arietta's blood run cold.

"No, actually..." The fae could remember bits and pieces of her puppyhood. It was hardly... happy. "I never knew my father... and my mother was sick. The only sibling I ever knew passed away around three moons I suppose. Mother was weak... it was hard for her to hunt for us or teach us anything. We didn't fight... we were fighting so hard just to survive... there was no room for hurting each other... we all wanted the same thing. To live... but... I am the last of that part of my family." Gaze would lift now to the foxes that were napping after their meal. It made her heart ache hearing the story. If she had someone who had been able to help her learn... would she be stronger now? Would she have been able to face things? Something again stirred in her mind, and Arietta would close her faded blue eyes.

"It is natural for a mother to teach her pup things... regardless of species... You seem to think they will have some sort of skill on their own... but it will never be honed enough to be truly useful without being taught..." Arietta would open her gaze, looking at the female with a sad gaze. "I'm sorry... I'm just wasting your time here. You don't need to try and help me you know... you are not bound to me in any way." Yet the look in her gaze begged for help. To have a friend who could help coax her out of this darkness. To help her take control of her life once more.

Speech, Thought


08-11-2014, 10:25 AM

Roseletta listened to Arietta, who spoke with suck words that Roseletta knew she needed someone. The response she got from her first statement about fighting with siblings. This female started to tell her a story from her past, it seemed that it was a personal one at that. Roseletta did not understand fully as to why she was telling her this, yet Roseletta sat there and listened to every word that Arietta spoke. Her mother was sick, and she lost her only sibling. That was something Roseletta never had that type hurt to experience. Her pink-red eyes focused on Arietta as she soon responded to Roseletta's comment on the foxes below. Only natural for a mother to teach her child things, well yes that is true. Roseletta did not say anything just yet she wanted to wait for Arietta to finish.

The last bit from her was a comment, well saying that she was just wasting my time. That last part Roseletta chuckled a little at, she then stood up and walked a little closer to Arietta."Hey, Arietta listen, everyone has a past, whither it be a pleasant one or a negative one. Well all have a past. We all can become more then what our past defines us. Though, it won't come to you if you do not try. It is never to late to take that extra push to help your self." She paused to take a breath and to clearly come up with what she was going to say next. "You know it is alright to ask for help, or take someones help. After all everyone cannot do everything on there own. Yes they do need to be shown some things, but natural talent is with in everyone, training just enhances that. I am sure you seen young pups before, just watch them, see how they jump and pounce and bite on everything they see. That is them showing there natural talent to hunt, or even gather stuff. Yes with that fox there the mother was teaching it some things, after all you don't know everything. Yet you can see how the hunting styles of every animal differs from that of there sibling, parents, grand parents. That difference is there own style that they threw in, there own talented way of hunting. "

Roseletta took in a deep breath, just letting the wind pass through her nostrils, in to her lungs, and back out. "Arietta, you are not bothering me at all, not one bit. I am more then glad to help you, to help you learn a little more of hunting, and all that stuff. That is if you let me, if you do not want my help, i shall not persist. Yet if you do decide to take my help, or not, i would like to see you join a pack. They will help you, they will keep you safe. I never been in a pack before, but i spend enough time in the distance just watching packs, and observing them. A pack life is not for me, but you, i believe that it would be the best for you. " HEr words came from the heart, she usually do not talk to others like this, yet she just felt she needed to help Arietta, Roseletta felt like this was her time to make someone's life a bit more pleasant.



08-26-2014, 12:17 AM

This woman, for whatever reason, did not wish to give up on her. Her words were soft, caring. It was okay to have a negative past. It didn?t have to define her now... Or her future. She could change... To become better than what she was now. The words were something that Arietta found strange, yet, they were what her heart needed. Encouragement to change... To find the will to try harder to find her own strength. She was not as weak as she thought, just inexperienced. A bit of help, a paw in the right direction, and she would be able to move on her own, without having to rely so heavily on others.

The young mother would listen quietly to the words, allowing them to sink in. Her light blue eyes were focused on the ground, but more thoughtful now than they had been. The sadness had been pushed aside, a little light of hope rekindling in her spirit. If she didn?t do things the same as someone else that was normal. She could be shown... And then work to make it better. She had been so quick to give up... To refuse to try. But that was what was holding her back. If she just made more attempts to keep pushing forward...

The small woman would give a nod as Roseletta finished, slowly lifting her gaze to the other. ?You are truly kind and sincere.? This first bit was needed to be said, an honest truth coming from her own heart. ?For so long... I don?t know why it is... But I?ve felt that I couldn?t do anything... That I wouldn?t amount to anything... I lost my will to try...? Partially to her force-claiming, that sickness and dependency crossing onto her mind.

?But... I believe you are right. If I just try, maybe I won?t be the best at different skills... But I will be far better than I am now... I am not too old to learn...? Arietta would dip her head to the other femme. ?Roseletta, thank you, for all your kind words and your offer to help me. I would appreciate it, truly. As for the pack life... I feel you are right about that, and I will give it thought. If not for my sake, for my daughter, while I am able to find my own strength completely.? Meeting this fae, though Arietta wouldn?t know it now, would truly be a turning point in her life.

Speech, Thought