
i need a shoulder to cry on


08-13-2014, 07:46 AM

The world had just closed in on the little dame after that night with the orange boy. Why had he done such a thing to her...why? Her innocence was gone...her heart was tainted in the evil she had done that night. And on the night she agreed to start new with herself at a completely new land. Fresh blank slate. No...that man had to do it. He had to satisfy his needs, and make her forever guilty. That wasn't supposed to happen to her...but it was done. There was no reversing time, none of that. Just that dreaded memory of becoming one with such a beast.
Fish felt like a depressed blob of disgusting fur. She was guilty and full of shame. She didn't know how or why she had agreed to let him take her body so easily, and why she had said she would see him again. No, she would never wish to come in contact with him again. Never. That man was transparent. He never existed. As long as she traveled far away from where the two met up...her body won't want to go back. No...
So, here the woman ended up. It was a big bundle a stacks and stacks of vegetation. It took her mind off the event the night prior- and it put her into a curious state. One that made her lower jaw slacken with awe. Fruits and vegetables of all kinds were growing from these vines and brushes. They were everywhere, too. Above her, below her, to her sides. It made her smile. Her paws carried her farther and farther into the engulfed area, until finally, she huffed and flopped down in a ditch below down thorn bushes. It was rather comfy...but she wouldn't stay here forever.

It just felt safe down there.