
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



07-08-2014, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2014, 11:16 AM by Feanor.)
With a loud gasp he broke from the sea and crawled onto the shore, the smell of downy feathers and lice filling his nostrils. He coughed up nearly half the sea as his paws sank into the sand, shaking the salt from his fur. He had been swimming for days and finally he had hit land, exhausted, cold, and most of all soaked to the bone. In his failing consciousness he became aware of the rough sand scratching at his paws and digging under his fur at his soft belly. Wait. When did he lay down? His orange eyes peered at the small collection of trees before him and realized how much taller they had become. It wasn't long before the discomfort became too great and he sank onto his side, breathing in the salty earth that all but covered his nose. Just five minutes he told himself, just as his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.



07-29-2014, 01:01 AM

Silently, which was very difficult for him to do, the boy had watched from a distance. A large wolf had come from the water, light in complexion. Tail waged excitedly behind him, head lifting when the figure began to cough up water form his swim. Was he okay? A paw quickly moved forward, the other about to do the same but the boy would stop himself. No, he had to wait a little longer, then once the person seemed okay, he would make his move. Yes!

The person had lain down, was he too tired to move? It's hard to see him. Quickly the boy lifted himself from the ground, making his way down the hill he had been sitting atop. Wait! He couldn't leave his friend behind! Sal whipped around and darted back up the hill, snatching up the dove he had caught earlier before whirling around and heading back down.

Within a few short minutes the boy was just yards away from where the stranger had lay in the sand, but now he was on his side and eyes were closed. Was he dead? Carefully he would move forward, almost slithering across the sand with his head held low and purple gaze locked on his target. Just a few feet away now he came to a stop, eyes narrowing and tail wagging calmly.

All of a sudden he would toss the dead bird he had been carrying in his jaws, the moment it left his jaws he quickly crouched, ears up and alert ready to flee should he have to. The bird would land just near the wolf's back, a paw length away, very close. Cautiously Sal would take a step to the side, head tilting to the side. ?Is he dead burd?? He questioned in a hushed voice.


Awesome image by Canttina <3



07-29-2014, 11:46 AM
A muffled voice filled his waterlogged ears. Sweet and serene, and full of worry. Slowly his orange eyes opened and he was faced with a beautiful violet and gray wolf, the likes of which he had never seen. "Who...?" He asked in a hushed voice, his tone low and raspy from the burn of the salt. He fought the urge to close his eyes again. Could the other wolf have been a dream? Slowly he raised his chest off the sand, allowing his hips to remain motionless and turned his head toward the visitor. He glanced down at the dead bird. A present perhaps? He sniffed the bird to make sure it was fresh and tore into the slim body of the dove with a soft growl. "Thanks." He said quickly before scarfing down the bird.



07-29-2014, 12:05 PM

Salamander flinched when he spotted the man's eyes open, but not out fear, just surprised that he was still alive. He'd lift his head, taking a step closer to get a better look. Ears perked up, catching a single word the stranger said in a hushed voice. Who. Who what? Who where? Cautiously he'd turn his head to the side to glance around, were there others nearby that this person knew? Or was this just a trap to lure the boy out? Quickly his hackles raised, and he turned back to look at the stranger, taking a step back, tail lowering and tucking in between his hind legs.

Now the man was trying to get up, only getting his chest off the ground so far. He was about to move over and help him up but something would make the boy freeze in place, his violet gaze catching the man looking to his friend and even sniffing him, Burd. And then he started eating him!

Salamander's jaw dropped, eyes going wide. ?No...? He whined softly, ears falling against his skull. ?Burd...? Voice was soft, almost a whisper. He'd watch in horror as the rough looking stranger devoured his friend right before his very eyes. How could he?! The boy didn't toss him over for the man to eat! He only tossed him so the bird could check the man out.

Within seconds of the bird being eaten the boy finally stirred,hackles bristling along his back, tail twitching then going into a lashing motion. He lifted his head, eyes narrowing and lips pulling back, trembling. "You jerk!" He suddenly barked, angry. He'd run up to the man and rear up, trying to smack the his head with his paws. "Drop Burd, that's my friend you meany!" He didn't care if the man was soaken wet and tired as hell, but that didn't mean he could eat his friend.


Awesome image by Canttina <3



07-30-2014, 02:37 PM
The paw connected with the top of his head, sending the weakened wolf to the ground, Burd still firmly gripped in his jaws. "Ow! What was that for?!" He roared, the carcass falling from his jaws. "Drop Burd, that's my friend you meany!" . He glared at the smaller wolf and stood on all fours, towering over the boy. "He was already dead imbecile." He said with a low snarl, eyes fixed on the whelp's violet eyes. "If anything I did you a favor." He snapped. He lunged forward, attempting to grab the boy by the scruff and drag him down to the ground in order to assert his dominance over the boy.



07-30-2014, 08:16 PM

Out of all the swinging it would appear that Sal managed to get a hit on the other man, the wolf being knocked to the ground, already weak from his travels. That was enough for Salamander, all he wanted was to let the man know he didn't like his friends being eaten, a full fledged fight was not on his agenda, ever. And it worked, the man had to drop the bird in order to roar at the boy, asking what that was for.

It was then he would take the chance, head swinging down, jaws quickly lunging to grab the bird and pull away just as the wolf stood back up. Quickly he took a step back, tail tucking in between his legs at how furious the wolf seemed to grow by Sal's actions. Ears pinned back against his skull when the man called him an imbecile, it was hurtful, the boy always thought of himself as special.

Suddenly the wolf snapped at the boy about doing him a favor, lunging forward. Salamander would try to turn away and run, not one for fighting what so ever. He wouldn't get too far, his body curved away from the man but not fast enough. A pain would shoot across his shoulder, jaws grabbing hold of his scruff and dragging the boy into the ground.

The boy would drop his bird in the process, rolling over onto his back with tail tucked so far between his legs that it was almost touching his belly. Ears back, forlegs tucked into his chest. What else could he do? He was already beneath the dominant male, no chance to run off now unless he wanted to lose a tail or ear. "Scary wolf! Scary!" He whined, trying to cover his face with his paws as if it would make the monster go away.


Awesome image by Canttina <3



08-10-2014, 11:12 AM

"You're damn right I'm scary!" He roared, slobber falling from his open maw into a pool next to the violet wolf's head. He pressed a paw into his chest and snarled, his jaws clamping shut, inches from the other wolf's face "What kind of a wolf are you?! You're more of a rabbit than you are a wolf!" Friends with dead birds? Bellying over at a snap of his scruff? This was no wolf at all, at least not in Feanor's eyes.




08-24-2014, 04:26 PM

Salamander whimpered beneath the man, his small girlish body trembling at his roar. Forelegs remained up, trying to hide his face from the scary man even when he had pressed his paw onto the boy's chest. A snap of his jaws just inches from his face would make him jump and whimper some more, pulling his forelegs from his face a bit so that he could peek at the man. Ears moved forward reluctantly, the man asking what kind of wolf he was and how he was more of a rabbit than a wolf.

With a low whine Sal pulled his own limbs from his face, ears going back against his head. ?I special wolf! Special!? He spoke up shakily, paws going up and pressing into the man's own chest with a small push. ?Mother made Sal different, he special wolf!? He added on, head swinging left and right and back legs pressing into the man's belly.


Awesome image by Canttina <3



09-07-2014, 01:55 PM

He listened intently to the pitiful lump of a wolf's excuse for his disgusting trespass of being a weakling."Special" He said. Special was right. He felt the small boy's paws dig into his gut, foolish thing that he was, attempting to push away a monster like himself. Although, he supposed, maybe he was being too rash. With a disgusted huff he stepped off the violet wolf, flicking his tail. "You're lucky to be so pitiful." He grumbled, tail on level with his body, flagging his disgust. "Killing you now would be a blessing I'm sure." He barked. "Gods be merciful to the bitch that sired a weakling cub like you. He began to circle the berated wolf, a fierce snarl curling his lips back. In his mind he knew there was more than one reason he would not attack the boy, he was, thankfully, very beautiful, and although he shared his tastes with no one he respected beauty. But unfortunately for Salamander he was of the mind that he was a geode, beautiful though he might be, he'd have to break him open to see his true pulchritude




09-07-2014, 03:13 PM

Finally the man stepped off of him, and so Salamander would take this chance to roll over and onto his stomach, quickly picking himself up then whipping around the face the man. He grumbled something about the boy being pitiful, but he wouldn't pay much attention to it. Ears remained pinned against his skull, head kept lower than the man's and tail tucked in between his hind legs. Should he run? No, the man was just upset because he had been in the water and Sal had gotten mad, tried pawing his face because he ate Burd. Maybe if Sal was nice then the man would calm down, yes!

He flinched at the man talking about it being a blessing if he killed Sal. No, no no no! Sal couldn't die! The boy whimpered lightly, but it would quickly change to a growl when the man insulted his mother. "Shut up!" He barked angrily, tail lifting and lashing behind his slender frame. He lifted his head, purple gaze hardening on the male that was circling him. "Mother was the BIGGEST and BADDEST, so was father!" Lips quivering, both in anger and sadness. His parents had been the largest in the lands, but their lives were cut short, father killed and mother gone. "Salamander is their special baby!"

His was shaking, feeling this power coursing through his veins that he had never felt before. Was it his parents, coming to life within him? All his other siblings, even the ones he wasn't aware of, had the aggression and strength of Newt and Kaios. Was Sal just a late bloomer?

Awesome table by Canttina <3



09-15-2014, 08:58 AM

He satred at him for a long moment, appalled that the boy would dare tell him to shut up. His features warped into a momentary glare, and for a second the desire to force him to the ground again was overwhelming, but the moment passed, almost too quickly and the slate wolf burst out into a fit of laughter." I don't care if your father was Fenrir and your mother was the she-wolf of Rome!" He said with a wide, sick grin. "You're pathetic. And if your parents were so great, I'm sure they'd shake their heads at the sight of you today."




09-15-2014, 11:26 AM
Salamander; 31 inches & 100 pounds
Sal's first fight, yay! :D

The man glared at Sal before bursting into laughter. What? A look of of surprise crosses the boys features, almost taking a step back as if the man was deranged. But the moment he spoke up it brought back the anger Sal felt, lips pulled back in a horrible series of growls. Purple orbs, usually full of energy and happiness were replaced with a coldness never seen before. How dare he speak of his parents like that, call Sal pathetic and how his parents would be disappointed in him. No, lies, the man was a liar!

"Shut the hell up!"

Tail lashed out behind the boy, ears pinning back against his skull and eyes narrowing. The boy's body had been preparing itself for what was to come, his limbs spread evenly apart, muscles around the abdomen tensing up. He would shut the man up, make him take back those words! And once he had the man at his paws, Sal would laugh in his face! Yeah! He'd laugh and laugh, make him eat the dirt at his paws!

With one final, and vicious snarl the boy launched himself forward, charging with all of his might. Salamander would try to move to his right, wanting to do a 90 degree arch around Feanor so that he could come up and to his [feanor] left side. Keeping ears pack, eyes narrowed, and tail out the boy stretched out his neck, tensing it up while jaws parted and aimed to grab onto Feanor's flesh behind his left shoulder. Limbs shifted his body to become perpendicular to Feanor's, spreading back out when he had launched his bite attack, distributing his weight.

A single bite would not be enough for the boy, he would go for more. With the bite, should he be successful, the boy would clamp down as hard as possible and pull backwards. With the pull, whether it is successful or not, Sal would swing his back end to the right, trying to smash it into Feanor's left hip as hard as possible to either bruise or knock him off balance if he was lucky enough.

Awesome table by Canttina <3



09-15-2014, 12:46 PM
Feanor; 35 in, 135 lbs

"Shut up!"

The nerve this child had was inconceivable, he dared to talk back to Feanor. He dared to bark an order at him. He thought he stood a chance against him. HIM. The boy's beauty was no longer taken into consideration. He was just another scrap of meat that festered and rotted like any other. "Make me!"He snarled.


He let the boy act first, watching him draw closer and closer with battle ready eyes before he {Sal} veered to the right. He lowered his head in anticipation, digging his claws into the ground, his tail raised, ears pulled back,fur on end, hind legs tense as though bracing for impact. While the cub made a move for his left shoulder, jaws open wide the slate beast responded by twisting and facing him head on, launching himself forward, his head and neck leveled with his spine, distributing his weight in an attempt to force Salamander into biting the upper part of his chest, just under his throat. It was a gamble, if Salamander bit just an inch too low he put his entire strategy at risk

If he were foolish enough to take the bite, he'd wrap his front legs around his neck of his spine and hold him in a vice grip before biting into either the back of his neck or his back, whichever was closest. After that it would be a simple matter of shifting the weight in his torso to throw him onto the ground.


ATTACKS: Attempts to force Salamander into biting his chest and wrap his arms around Salamander's neck or back and bite into either his neck or back so he can throw him onto the ground and hold him down.

DEFENSES: Arms braced, ears pulled back, tail raised, legs stabilized, head and neck leveled with spine, fur on end.





09-18-2014, 10:22 PM

Inexperienced with fighting, the boy had assumed the man wouldn't change his position once Sal went in for his attack, which was the cause of his surprise when the man had shifted his body to be head to head with the purple tinted male. He kept his eyes narrowed and ears back while he made his attack, not wanting his eyes to be poked by fangs or ears torn by fangs should the grey man go for them. Muscles along his body tensed up at the realization of incoming blows, tail try to stay leveled with his spine, and legs evenly distributed beneath his frame.

Sal's bite would land as he planned, but not because he was fast enough, there wasn't enough time to think about it though, just had to keep going. With Feanor now head to head with Sal and rushing forward, the young boy's bite would not be aimed towards the back of the man's [feanor] left shoulder, instead it was now directed towards the upper left quadrant of Feanor's chest below the neck. Not only that, but with the rush forward from Feanor, Sal had taken two quick steps back, trying to avoid the momentum if the man tried to use it to shoe Sal backwards. Fangs sunk into flesh, aiming to cause soreness and puncture wounds that man would remember once this was over. And just like his intentions, the boy clamped down as hard as possible and jerked his body backwards, trying to pull and tear the flesh within his grasp.

While making his move, Feanor had managed to hook his forelimbs around the base of Sal's neck, but it wasn't enough to push him down into the ground or knock him off balance. With limbs spread evenly beneath his frame, Sal was able to keep himself standing firmly, toes splayed and digging his claws into the earth with tail out. It was then, when Feanor was making his second attack, a bite to Sal's neck area, the purple tinted boy had swung his rear end quickly to the right. [wasn't stated that Feanor reacted towards it] With this action the bite would miss it's primary target and instead land a blow to the top of Sal's left shoulder, leaving a handful of nasty one and a half centimeter deep puncture wounds. The swing was not just to avoid the main attack, it was to smash into the man's [feanor] left hip as hard as he could while still maintaining his hold on Feanor's upper left chest. Whether it was enough to cause some discomfort and bruising or knocked the man a bit off balance depended on Feanor's next moves, as well as if it broke his forelimbs hold on Sal's neck.

With his swing, Sal had tried to maintain his hold on the grey wolf's upper left chest, head twisting and rolling to the left 90 degrees in an attempt to twist and tear the flesh with his fangs. Once that was done, whether he was successful or not, he would try to pull his skull away, slithering backwards and retracting into his neck. Sal's right hindfoot lifted off the ground and then quckly tried to stomp it down onto the man's left hindpaw's toes, trying to either break or cause some pain to where he would have some trouble standing on it. With his right back paw going for something, his other three limbs tried to keep themselves spread evenly as he then tried to ram his right shoulder into the left side of Feanor's ribs. Simultaniously his neck stretched out, jaws parting and lunging up to spine level then downwards in an attempt to latch onto the man's spine, but not for permanent damage to the column, just to cause some puncture wounds should they land and soreness.





09-21-2014, 11:38 AM

He had hoped the brat would simply belly over as soon as he saw Feanor had every intention of fighting back, but sadly that was not the case. The landed blows hurt his shoulder and chest, but there was no time to worry about that. The boy kept going, pulling at the flesh on his chest in an unexpected turn of events. His [Feanor's] fangs dug into Salamander's left shoulder instead of his neck, causing Feanor to curse internally. He needed to act quickly, the boy swung his hips toward his left hip, an attack Feanor met head on by swinging his left hip at his [Sal's] right hip, legs spread, digits sinking into the sand to keep his balance. The result of the collision remained to be seen. between the swing of his hips and the frenzied thrashing the violet eyed cub had succeeded in breaking his[Feanor's] hold on his neck. in a flurry of blood, fur and flesh, the piece of chest in the boy's mouth tore away from his body, leaving him in a momentary stupor of agony.

He quickly came to his senses, as the boy attempted to step on his toes, his[salamander's] shoulder jutting upwards toward his[Feanor's] ribs and his [Salamander's] blood soaked jaws attempting to come down on his[Feanor's] spine. A full scale barrage. He rose onto his hind legs and twisted to the right, knees bent to support his weight. His jaws opened wide as he attempted to bite into the top of the boy's crown and throw his weight on top of Salamander's right side, he pulled his front legs to his chest before his left leg jutted outward, aiming for Salamander's right shoulder to force him to the ground further just as Salamander's foot came crashing down on top of his, crushing it into the sand. If he was successful Feanor would tighten his grip on the boy's skull until it drew blood, he refused to crush it, or apply any pressure that would do anything but leave puncture marks. His right leg remained tightly coiled against his chest, his ears pinned back, eyes narrowed, and tail raised, ready for close combat. His fur remained on end and his knees remained bent for support, no more than shoulder length apart and distributed equally between the two, the digits of his toes clenching the ground for support. His left front leg locked into place, tensed and sturdy as a block of wood as it prepared for impact.



Attacks: Swings left hip at Sal's right hip, attempts to bite into the top of Sal's skull, throw his weight onto Salamander's right side, and push his left leg into Salamander's right shoulder to force him on the ground

Defenses: Ears back, fur raised, tail raised, right arm against his chest, knees bent, legs shoulder length apart, weight distributed, eyes narrowed, toes clenched, left arm activated

Injuries: puncture wounds behind left shoulder, massive tearing to the chest, damaged left foot
