
i'm BULLETPROOF [spar]



3 Years
05-12-2013, 10:35 AM
When her father paired wolves off to spar, Kamala was almost disappointed to see that she would not be sparring with Jupiter. Ah well. She could handle it. Perhaps Luana would be a better opponent anyways. She didn't seem like she'd done a lot of fighting, so they would both be learning together. And she was less likely to be defeated embarassingly. Though Kamala wouldn't mind losing. It would be a learning experience no matter what.

The area that Kamala had found was an open area with short grass covering the ground. It wasn't anything particularly interesting, but it would do, wouldn't it? "Lady Luana, I believe it would be proper to allow you the first move." Kamala spoke lightly as she examined Luana. The female did not look particularly intimidating, but she understood that that meant nothing. She could be the greatest fighter to walk the earth. Appearances mattered little, in the grand scheme of things.

Kamala wasn't sure how she planned to fight Luana, honestly. It would all depend on how Luana fought. It would obviously be a mix of offense and defense, but the mixture would depend on Luana's actions. Hmm. Was this how all fights were? Did other wolves spend the majority of their time trying to figure out how they would fight? Uh. Or was it more of a spur of the moment kind of thing? Ugh. What did normal wolves do in this kind of situation?


05-13-2013, 07:34 PM

Luana had come because she was earnest about her admission to Jupiter, she wanted to learn to fight, not because she wanted to be strong, but because she wanted to protect. She wanted to protect her family, her pack, her friends... she wanted to succeed. She had said her peace to her alpha and when the Seracian King gestured to her and her opponent a large, wide smile would light her maw, tail waving animatedly behind her. Innocence, happiness, and love seemed to radiate off of the tanned fae and happily, she bounded forward.

She skidded forward, claws digging into the moist soil and panting exuberantly as she stopped in front of the dame. Her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth and she dipped her head with enthusiasm, eager to meet a new friend. "Hello! Please just call me Luana! I would rather have a friend than an acquaintance! Its an honor to spar with you today Miss Kamala! I haven't had that much practice, but I don't want you to go easy on me!" Luana's voice with full of laughter and light! Genuinely excited for this new experience.

Luana would whip around, retreating to a respectable distance, lowering her body in a crouch, shoulders accentuated and tail sticking out behind her to maintain balance, ears pinned back against her skull, she would allow her muscles to lock down and then... she was gone, sprinting across the field, her bodice darting this way and that in a zig zagged, unpredictable pattern. at the last second she would spring to the right and lunged at Kamala, hoping to catch her round the neck and shoulders with her forelimbs and throw her opponent off her feet.

Injuries: N/A
Attacks: Darting in an off zig zag pattern, she hopes to confuse Kamala, at the last second lunging to her right, and then springing at Kamala's left shoulder, she hopes to catch her around the shoulders and throw her off her feet
Defenses: Ears pinned back to avoid easily leverage, body even and level for balance, still sticking out behind her for balance.
Round: 1/4

OOC: I left out several defenses cause shes still learning ;)




3 Years
05-17-2013, 04:25 PM
Was it normal to look so happy about a spar? Kamala felt almost . . . intimidated, simply because Luana seemed entirely unworried. The joyous female that she was to spar seemed to be confident--no, that wasn't right. More . . . unperturbed. There. That fit better. She simply didn't seem to care in the least about the fact that they were about to be fighting. Well, mock fighting, but still. The point was the same.

But Luana's words were contagiously happy. "Very well, Luana." Kamala responded with a wag of her tail, "Though I would like to ask the same of you. Perhaps just Kamala would do." With that, Kamala fell silent, crouching down slightly and trying to balance properly as Luana dashed off. When Luana turned to zig and zag across the field once more, Kamala found her tail extending out behind her (for balance, some part of her mind reminded her), and her ears flattening against her skull as Kamala crouched slightly, green gaze tracing Luana's running form. Her every attempt to predict Luana's next turn was thrown on its head; the other female was not following any sort of pattern.

It was only when Luana launched herself at Kamala that Kamala really figured out what Luana was going for. A low growl rumbled in Kamala's chest (nothing particularly intimidating, of course) as the female crouched down slightly, steeling herself for the force of the other colliding with her. A few short moments later, the hit came, slamming into her left shoulder and Kamala felt Luana's forelimbs wrap around her neck. Kamala stumbled heavily, front legs buckling as she stumbled to the left, paws sliding slightly across the ground. Her balance had not been as good as she had thought it had been. That would be something she would improve later.

When Kamala finally found her balanace again, she was standing awkwardly, with her front legs all but useless and Luana's legs wrapped around her neck, Kamala's next actions were fairly limited. She would have felt bad if she injured the other majorly, despite what Luana had said about not going easy on her, so Kamala twisted slightly in Luana's grip, aiming to snap her fangs in the direction of Luana's face. She did not actually intend for the attack to land. Instead, it was aimed to distract Luana just enough that Kamala could make her next move.

This time, Kamala shifted her weight and would attempt to lunge to her feet and get her paws back under her so that she would not be entirely at Luana's mercy. Hopefully, she would manage to escape Luana's grip. If not, Kamala probably would not manage to get to her paws again, and her actions left her body vulnerable as she focused on escaping Luana's grip.

round 1/4

Injuries: potential bruising in the shoulder where Luana collided with it

Attacks: Feigned snap in Luana's direction that is mainly an attempt to distract Luana while Kamala tries to get her feet back under her again.

Defenses: For the moment, minimal, as most of Kamala's attention is focused on escaping Luana's grip. Her tail is extended behind her (which is fairly useless right now), her ears are pinned against her head and that is it. She is pretty vulnerable right now.


05-21-2013, 01:46 AM

Luana cared a great deal about this spar, it was a chance to see if any of her minimal training had done her any good. She wanted to be an amazing warrior, not to slaughter or conquer, no such things went against the sandy fae's very nature. No... all she wanted was to be able to defend her mate... her home. Ludicael had given her a new beginning and she wanted it to thrive! She wanted to help it and watch it grow! She couldn't do that from the sidelines... but more than that, she was eager to meet this wolf of Seracia, to compare fighting styles, to get pointers and tips from the woman and vice versa, to fuse skills taught! She could scarcely contain herself!

When the woman responded with her own bout of excitement, Luana's tail would become a flurry of movement behind her, a smile swooping her entire face and alighting it with such innocent, blinding brilliance... "Its a pleasure to meet you Kamala! Perhaps we will get the chance to speak more after the spar!" Excitement bubbled up through her tones as such an idea graced her, she gave the woman a quick chance to respond before she was bounding away.

Her attack would hit, but wouldn't succeed in the way she planned, she knocked the woman off balance, but didn't send them sprawling to the earth. her limbs would coil around Kamala's neck and shoulder and pointed teeth would gnash mere inches from her snout as she whipped her head back, grip loosening slightly. In an effort to regain herself, she would aim down from Kamala's scruff, in an effort to better control the woman and hopefully through her more off balance with the excess weight and the lack of control of her head. She kept her ears pinned to her skull and her tail sticking out behind her for balance , the majority of her weight is poised on her hind limbs, but as she comes down, aiming from Kamala's scruff, she is shifting the weight to reestablish her grip.
Rounds: 2/4
Injuries: Possible bruising from the successful collision.
Attacks: Having been forced to loosen her grip and shift most of her weight back to her hind limbs, to avoid the quick snap of Kamala's jaws, she's aiming for Kamala's scruff with jaws splayed wide and propelling her weight forward, to hopefully reestablish her grip.

Defenses: Ears are pinned to avoid easily being grasped, tail sticking out behind her for balance, and since she's coming from above most of her face and head would be difficult to hit.




3 Years
06-01-2013, 12:00 PM
ooc: oh goodness I am really really sorry about the delay in posting this

This was less serious than Kamala might have expected, but honestly, Kamala enjoyed it so far. Laughing slightly as Luana's tail began to wag, Kamala felt her own tail began to wag in response. "I would enjoy that!" Kamala responded swiftly, joy flickering across her features as Luana leaped away, and launched her attack.

Luana reacted swiftly when her attack did not quite succeed; limbs tightened around Kamala's body, and Kamala felt fangs closing around her scruff. More weight was added to Kamala's body instead of the success she had hoped would occur. Instead of escaping Luana's grip, Luana took advantage of Kamala's limited mobility to tighten her grip and bite down on Kamala's scruff, limiting her abilities to move her head as well. For a moment, Kamala was still trying to shove to her paws, but that went out in a moment, and Kamala went down. Sprawling, the female fell to her right side, hitting the earth with a solid thud.

A soft wheeze escaped the female as the breath fled her lungs and Kamala found herself twisting slightly, fangs bared as she pulled her legs against her stomach to protect it from any attempted attack by Luana. If the other female made a move towards her, she would lash out with her fangs, aiming to bite any part of Luana that moved towards her body as she lay against the earth.

A hint of panic was settling into Kamala's mind however. She knew that this wasn't a serious fight, but this was not a good position to be in.

Round 2/4

Injuries: Likely bruising on her right shoulder/side where she hit the ground, bite wounds in her scruff, potential bruising in the shoulder where Luana collided with it.

Attacks: If Luana attempts to make an attack, Kamala will aim to lash out with her teeth.

Defenses: Paws pulled up against her stomach to protect it, but her neck and throat are unprotected. She is laying on the ground, which will make her significantly more vulnerable.


06-17-2013, 11:49 PM

Luana was not accustomed to making enemies, her laugh was full of light and beauty and even if this was supposed to be a spar, she would be damned if she wouldn't walk away with a friend! Not just an ally! She giggled softly, her tail wagging all the more animatedly as the woman answered her. "Than its a date!" Luana giggled and the fight began.

Luana's initial attack may not have been a success, but at least she had succeeded in grasping the woman firmly. Clamping her jaws down upon Kamala's scruff, and tightening her grasp, she would succeed in toppling the woman over. She landed a top the girl, her weight coming down heavily as the fell to the dirt in an array of tangled fur and limbs. Her breath escaped her for a moment, but Luana was quick to recover. Taking advantage of the woman's downed position, Luana used her weight to pin her down and drive her teeth down towards Kamala's chest. She coiled her tail to help keep her balance a top the fallen dame and bent her legs to hopefully pin the woman to the floor, keeping her head tucked to avoid her neck being grasped. As she went for her attack, Kamala's teeth scraped her left ear, and sunk into the soft flesh surrounding her skull.

Round: 3/4

Attack: Attempting to pin Kamala to the ground using her weight, shes driven her teeth towards Kamala's chest in an effort to hopefully pin her.

Defense: Head is tucked to avoid the neck becoming a target, ears are pinned to avoid being grasped easily.

Injuries: Scratching to the left ear and minor punctures to the left side of her cranium.




3 Years
06-26-2013, 01:54 PM

They were a confusing tangle of limbs on the ground, and Kamala was unsure where the other female stopped and she began. It was confusing. And maybe with time she would get better at fighting, though she hoped that she wouldn't spend any more time in a position like this, about as unprotected as one could get. Still, practice would make perfect, right? Not that Kamala was a huge fan of fighting.

As Luana moved to make her attack, Kamala lashed out at the creamy colored wolf, teeth scraping against her left ear and then sinking into flesh. That wasn't enough, however, to stop teeth from sinking in her chest. Kamala let out a hiss of pain, twisting as much as she could to bite at Luana's foreleg, aiming to bite at the female's leg and distract her enough to back off for long enough to let Kamala get up. As soon as she lashed out, Kamala yanked her head back, pressing her chin to her chest to protect her neck. Her paws scrabbled madly at the ground, seeking enough purchase to get Kamala up, and if Luana backed off for a few seconds, Kamala would capitalize upon that and leap to her feet. Otherwise, she was unfortunately going to be out of luck.

With her focus on getting up, Kamala's defenses were largely neglected. Her stomach and chest were largely unprotected, leaving her vulnerable to attack, though she did remember to keep her ears pinned to her skull.

Round 4/3

Injuries: Fairly minor bite wound on her chest, likely bruising on her right shoulder/side where she hit the ground, bite wounds in her scruff, potential bruising in the shoulder where Luana collided with it.

Attacks: Aiming to bite Luana's foreleg in an attempt to get her to back off for long enough to let Kamala get to her feet.

Defenses: Minimal. Her ears remain pinned, and she has her chin pressed against her chest to shield her neck from fangs.


07-13-2013, 05:37 PM

It wasn't the most graceful of tactics, the dame had all but smashed into the opposing female and practically topped them over in a frenzy of fur and flesh and limbs, tangling together, Luana managed to remain in the dominant position, but not without injury, teeth scraping across her ear and sinking into the fleshh at the back of her cranium, marks she would surely feel for the next several days. Her attack wasn't all in vain, head lowered, her own teeth sunk into the dames chest. She made sure not to bite hard enough to truly harm the girl, this was a spar, not a true fight and she had no desire to seriously injure her new friend.

The dames teeth scraped along her left forelimb creating fairly decent gashes and Luana leapt backwards, realizing she hadn't had a firm enough grip on the writhing Seracian. In an instant, Kamala was on her feet, legs scrambling furiously beneath her to regain her lost balance. It gave Luana time to balance herself and regain her equilibrium. Legs bent slightly to stabalize herself, ears pinned, head lowered and tail acting as a counterweight, the sandy dame threw herself into a lunge as soon as Kamala had stood, claws and teeth poised to take her back down to the ground once again.

Attacks: Lunging at Kamala, aiming to ram into her side, claws extended to grasp her tightly.

Defenses: Balance and stability iare established and her ears are pinned against her skull

Injuries: Scratches to the ear, punctures in the back of the skull, and several decent gashes on her left forelimb.

Round: 4/4
