



08-07-2014, 03:07 PM

the babe?s steps were even, guarded, and somewhat knowing. she had picked up on the scent of her sister just enough to put her in a general vicinity. However, she lacked the skill to perfectly pinpoint her location. Granted, she was not too upset about this. Guinevere would be found and the two would be united. Solaine had left to find news of anything relative to Collision and Soleil. What she had found had been devastating. Truthfully, she wasn?t sure how she had coped thus far. Collision had left on his own terms to find Soleon, their older brother. They never found him, but Collision got sick. Despite their mother?s trials, Collision had gone past the point of recovery and died. Solaine had not expected to even find them, but knowing their parents had died. It saddened her. As it should.

The news would be given to those close to her, naturally. Collision had died at a decent age, just exiting his prime. She guessed that was good. Still, she missed her father. Reluctance had kept her at bay for a few months now, but there was no point in continuing to hide from those that she should have sought comfort in. She needed to tell her sisters that everything was okay. Especially, when they were no longer together. As it turned out, Solaine had found that Valhalla had fallen. Azalea's scent was registered different from Guin's and though Solaine loved both, she felt a pull to her littermate. She would have time to seek Azalea out later. She owed her sister that much. Or did she?

In the grand scheme of things she didn't particularly owe her sister anything, but they were family. Azalea likely didn't mind too much for the whole Adravendi thing, but it was the only calling Solaine knew of. She was still so young. She could not be blamed, or really helped, her universe was a little more difficult. The only thing that had come of her youth in the world and her travels was the obvious things--she was more knowledgeable than most children her age.

night was beginning to creep up on her, and while she could admit she was uncomfortable being out on her own so late, it had sort of become traditional. She would peer around until she found a decent looking tree and though her stomach growled, it was likely that she wouldn?t be finding any sustenance on her own so late. So, hungry she would tighten her bodice into a ball. Eyes would glitter against the last of the sun on the horizon and she would stare off into the world, examining it, until a point came where she was tired enough to think about truly sleeping.




08-07-2014, 03:55 PM

She'd stopped many time to try and groom herself. She'd done so twice within a river and a stream that had intersected her path. She felt simply disgusting, and she couldn?t wash the filth of guilt from her skin. What she?d done was unspeakable, and so dishonorable, her sin would not leave her mind. Her gaze would continue to glance behind her as she traveled home, unable to decide if he was following her or not. She felt sick and wrong. The young Adravendi girl just wished to be back in her den so she could cry away her problems.
There was no family for her to go to, Azalea was much too far away and she had no idea where any of her siblings were let alone parents. She didn?t feel quite comfortable enough going to one of the older Destruction wolves, and she felt herself dreading when she had to tell Dhiren. Could she bottle this experience up and forget about the whole thing forever? She could certainly try. First though, she needed to gain control of the emotions and the memories that welled up within her. She needed some time alone.
She found herself almost back when a scent would break through her foggy thoughts. Confusion would appear on her features as she stopped in her tracks, ears perking to catch and sound of her littermate. Too much time had passed since she?d seen the girl, and as the realization hit her she was able to forget about her encounter with the bright orange male. Her paws would move again, following the scent to its source as the sun slowly began its descent under the horizon.
She felt a relief in being distracted by her sister, Solaine was gone for so long. Excitement would not build as it once had, the day having been a dramatic changer in Guinevere?s thought processes. She?d grown up much too quickly only a few hours ago. Still she would search out her lost sibling like the world would end if she didn?t. More than anything in that moment the young wolf wanted the affections of her family. She would continue, head low as her nose showed her the way to the pale she wolf that found comfort under one of the mangrove trees. There was her sister. ?Solaine?? her timid voice would call out curiously.

talking to you



08-07-2014, 04:46 PM

Solaine had been separated from her parents early on. Guinevere and herself had stuck together for, quite some time, but regardless of how things went, they too had found their separate calling. Fate, however, would make sure that, for now at the least, their callings intertwined and perhaps they would be okay together. Solaine would have some familiarity, and guinevere--she would have her family back. Was that not the secret wishes of both of the young girls? Their family wasn?t exactly the focal point it had once been after all. Adravendi were powerful--but they were all ambitious and that had been their falling point. They all left each other for their own ambitions. It was sad.

Still, at least as sister?s, they would willingly go to each other. Solaine?s head lifted up with the sing-song voice of her sister echoing through her ears. For a second it seemed a false voice. She was likely hearing things. Though, her eyes continued to search and in just another moment she saw her sister?s figure there. Her head was down and her nose was clearly picking up on something. Had Guinevere willingly come searching for her? How ironic! Solaine?s lips tilted upwards in a brilliant grin and she lifted herself off the ground.

Despite her tiredness there was now a new liveliness to her eyes. They both glimmered and glowed with excitement and the babe could feel her golden curls as the air sifted through them. Her body fell right up against Guin?s and she offered her sister a pleasant smile, ?Guinnie!? The child was positively exhuberant. Well...child? They were close enough to young women. Guinevere had gotten so beautiful. Her stature was eloquent--though Solaine wondered if she was insecure about something--and she had really put on a figure that perfectly exemplified their mother. Soleil would be so proud of her two youngest daughters. She wondered now about Azalea. Had Guinevere heard anything? Solaine opted to save the chatter about the rest of their family for the moment. She just wanted to embrace her sibling a moment.



08-07-2014, 05:52 PM

Really the young girl knew nothing of her family?s whereabout aside from Azalea. She?d lost track of every one of them now, and it pained her to know it. As she came closer to Solaine?s form however she couldn?t help the excitement within her from developing. She would forget about the days events, her sole focus would fall upon a sister she?d thought she?d lost. She missed her litter mate dearly, and now that she was in her sights an odd joy would break through her ill feelings.
She would see her ears twitch, and for only a moment she was afraid the woman was in fact not her sister. Eyes would open and a familiar bicolored gaze would fall upon her petite form. Recognition was immediate as both girl?s features would break out into smiles. Solaine would lift herself from the earth and start moving forward, and Guinevere would not let her travel the whole distance.
She?d feel her sister?s sudden embrace and utterance of a pet name. Ears would fall back slightly at the thought of how unworthy she was at being called something so innocent. She?d try and recover quickly, taking in a deep breath and hiding her paid with a brightened smile. She was determined to keep this secret, and hoped she?d be able to withstand the pressure of wanting to tell Solaine. Would she even understand? She was going through her first heat as well.
Still, she would hold back her thoughts and return her focus on an excited sister. Doing her best to mirror her enthusiasm Guin would wag her tail and grin widely. Where had her sister been all this time? ?I?ve missed you so much, Sol!? She?d push herself closer to her sister, needing the moral support as well as the touch of her missed family member.

talking to you



08-10-2014, 07:42 PM

Solaine felt an entirely over-powering wave of guilt as her sister admitted that she had missed her. Of course, Solaine had felt no less a thing for Guinevere, but she could have admitted to her that she was leaving. She could have told her that she was going to find the family that they had lost. She was a poor excuse of a sibling in that regard, but time could not be gathered back and she could not undo the events of the past. Even though, her leaving had let her get some closure no one else could really have. Solaine now knew that Collision was dead and their family was that much smaller. Solaine now knew that things wouldn?t really be the same. She was going to have to change, and the change needed to start with telling her sister?

?I missed you too, Guinnie,? She offered her a kind smile, but there was something a little sadder to her eyes now. It was doubtful that Guinevere would miss it, and Solaine did not want to make a show of hiding it. She needed to know. How was she supposed to tell her own sister something like that?? you know where Azalea is? Or Gael? I have something to say...but it?s?I don?t know,? she knew it was enough to catch pretty much anyone?s attention, but maybe it was a bit that needed to be told to a group as a whole...Azalea...Gael?our father is dead. She wanted her family together, but it was a dream that was unrealistic. They could, of course, find blood and those related to them, but it was the immediate family that she so desired.

Solaine pulled from her sister?s grasp a bit and rocked back onto her legs. She was sitting there watching Guinevere carefully. She wasn?t happy to dwell on the happenings, but alas, it was what it was. Solaine offered her a slight smile and her eyes carefully watched her. She smelled like...a lot of wolves so it was likely that she had a home. She wore a more curious smell, but it was likely just something she had developed in their time apart, ?Do you, uhm...So, you have somewhere to live now?? she found the possibility both bittersweet. Valhalla was gone so it was unlikely that Guinevere had fallen in elsewhere that had family, but if she was in a pack there were probably several who loved her very dearly.




08-11-2014, 02:57 PM

She knew that she?d have to focus if she was going to be able to get through this interaction with her head on her shoulders. Brilliant eyes would take in every aspect of Solaine?s appearance, how much older she was, how gorgeous she?d become. She might have said the same about herself a day ago. But where had the girl been all this time? She?d missed her, along with the rest of their family. Of course she wouldn?t miss the strain in Sol?s eye, had she not just returned from the most shameful moment of her life Guinevere might have missed it. Her sister would answer though, and continue with a question. Where were their other siblings?
More importantly what did Solaine have to say? She?d begin to focus on the possibilities, but at the same time she knew where that train of thought might lead her to. ?Aza moved to Tortuga with her sons. She just had another litter with Sarak. Gael?s been gone a long time.? It hurt how splintered their family had become. How had it been so simple to disintegrate so easily? She?d catch Sol?s bicolored gaze as the other girl studied her sister as intimately as she. Her scent had changed, the life of a rogue did that sometimes.. did she even catch a whiff of their father? Eyes would widen briefly before she socked the idea to be her imagination.
She would continue with her questions, where was she living now. She must have known Valhalla was no more. Though Guin had left even before the challenge had taken place she?d more recently found her home in Ludicael. ?Yes, I live in Ludicael with..? What did she call him now? What would he even think of her? ?My friend, Dhiren.? She didn?t want to push the subject, she didn?t even know if she?d be let to stay in the pack. ?What adventures have you been on? Surely more than I can remember.?

talking to you