
One Lost, is now Found.


08-16-2014, 07:01 PM

It had taken a long time, years at that, for Ookami to make it back to her home land.The feeling of steeping on Alacritis lands again was a delight to the ageing woman.A muzzle that once was fully black now supports a slight grey coloring, Ookami looked around the lands. It seemed so familiar yet it seemed so different at the same time. She stood there just looking at the land in front of her. Ookami started to shed slight tears of loss and regain, she missed her home. The tragedy of being swiped away sent her in to a slight, unhealthy, mental illness. Ookami, now, cannot approach any form of water ways with out seeing that day again. She felt like she failed her family, her babies went crashing into that waters.

Ookami was so powerless, she could not help but struggle to watch her babies bob under that waters. She herself was struggling on the rapids, Part of her knew that it was not her fault. Yet she could not forgive her self for what had happened to her family. Ookami took a seat upon her haunches, Her tail rested gently behind her as the wind of the summer air filled the lands. She turned seven years of age now, yet she wanted another litter. Ookami hopes that this time it would make things a lot better for her babies. This time she could be there for them, she could be that mother she thinks she failed at.

Ookami knew that she kept her babies safe, she knew that she was a good mother. Yet what struck her as odd is to why part of her thinks she is a bad one. Could this be the cause of the trauma caused from the fall and the water ride.She looked at the sky, letting the wind blow through her fur. The smells of Alacritis was a delight, she did miss this place. A smile formed on her maw as she stared at the skies, she was home. This is and will always be her home, she will die in these lands. She will see her children grow in these lands, that she promises to her self.



08-16-2014, 08:58 PM
Dark gray paws softly set foot on Alacritis soil. The dark brute whom the paws belonged to, scrunched up his toes in the soft brown dirt as he released them and let out a sigh. Taking in a deep breath, the aging man recalled various memories at once. With a twitch of a white lined ear he silenced them before they flashed before his eyes. Thane could not risk another PTSD attack; the same kind of attack that had led him out of these lands. Aqua blue eyes surveyed his surroundings, he couldn't see any other soul nearby, but he sure could smell a few wolves far off into the distance.

Thane's heart ached, he held so many emotions inside his heart. The strongest one was longing...he longed for his family. The last time he had seen his wife and children was before he had gotten caught up with the skirmish between Valhalla and Glaciem. The vision flashed before his eyes, the last time he had talked to each one of his children. They were just yearlings and about a half then, how they must have grown since then. According to his calculations in his mind, they would be about three by now. With another sigh he shook his head at the ground. How horrible of a father e must be to disappear on his family like he did. Even so, it wasn't necessarily his fault. The last thing Thane wanted to do was leave his most precious treasures behind. Somehow his PTSD had resurfaced from being calmed by Ookami. She was the only one who has ever been able to suppress his attacks. Somehow the skirmish between the two packs had somehow set off his mental "issue". All he remembered was not actually being on the battlefield anymore, he was back in his homeland, back in Russia watching his family members be killed, watching his father be killed all over again. Thinking of it now, the aging brute's father has been long dead by now. Aqua blue eyes looked towards the sky, his pupils dilated as he remembered what had happened.

He ran away from his homeland all over again, thinking as if it was as it were before. He was so frightened, so scarred from experiencing the one thing that killed him inside once again...But there was always light at the end, something good. Shortly after he had ran away from the death of those he loved the first time, he had met Ookami. Visions and thoughts passed by, Ookami, their children, the day they were born, when he even found out of his impending fatherhood, when his daughter had gone off on her own being the adventurous pup she was, when Ookami had vanished and returned with lost memory... Oh how he missed them all. He wished to see his sons again, his only little girl, and the one dame who had always managed to tolerate him.

With a sway of his black tail, Thane walked forward into his second homeland and stopped once more. He had to find them, they must be here still. An eagle's cry was heard from above. White lined ears perked backwards as he heard the bird swoop down from behind. The golden eagle landed on his shoulder, it's usual perch.

"Any sight of them Cyril?"

"Not yet Master Thane, but I'm sure we shall find Mistress Ookami and the young Masters soon enough."

With a grunt and a nod, Thane lifted his slowly graying muzzle to the air and parted his lips into a howl. He called out for his family...if they were even here...



08-24-2014, 04:12 PM

With much effort, the growing young woman managed to catch enough birds for the group to snack on. Ever since that incident with the water, Resnera had felt like she had to step up with her sibling, to look out and help her mother out as much as possible. Father was no where to be found, and though the girl doubted he was dead, she had to set him aside for now till her mother was doing well with her aging body.

With a heavy sigh the girl would rise from her fresh kill, ears rotating smoothly to lay against her skull, bird held firmly in her jaws. She would have to gather the other two she hid then go back to where she had last seen her mother and sibling (if ryker is with). She moved swiftly, weaving in and out of the thicket with ease, bright eyes watching her surroundings carefully. Since she was a pup the girl knew she should be aware of what was going on around her, both scent and sound. One moment the breeze could be coming towards you, bringing the scent of a water source and meal then a moment later it could change direction and bring a stranger's scent to your attention.

Within a couple minutes Resnera was able to gather the birds and was off to rejoin her family, tail swinging calmly behind her, head held high. Halfway there she would hear something in the sky, causing the girl to slow down, ears swiveling around. A screech from that of a large bird, not thinking much of it she would continue on her way, squeezing through a particularly thick bunch of bushes. Then there was a howl...

Now she would really stop, brows coming together in confusion as she listened closely. That call, it sounded familiar, and because of it, it made her nervous. Carefully the girl would set her kills down, then lift her muzzle to the sky, calling to her family, let them know she was alright and also wanting to know their location as well. Being a curious girl and adventurous normally, she didn't want to check out the source of the howl on her own.



08-25-2014, 02:15 PM
A rustle came from the bushes as a growing young man emerged from them. He had a calm demeanor to him, standing in a still gallant pose. With a flick of his white lined ears and a small snort, the brute lowered his nose towards the ground and quickly picked up the scent of his mother and sister. with a sigh Ryker picked his head back up and started walking towards what was left of his family. Muscles rippled beneath the growing man's dark coat.He had grown quite a lot since his leave of the lands of Alacritis. Last seen as a scrawny past sickly yearling, he was now a well-built rather handsome thing of nature.Taking mostly after his father, with a dollop of his mother, Ryker seemed like a perfect blend of the two.

Speaking of his father, he flicked his gray tipped tail as that topic came up in his mind...Brows furrowed while aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each looked up towards the sky. Ryker had always wondered where his father had gone off to. He had given his father a hard time when he was younger, even though he was always there for him and his siblings. When their mother was gone both times, he had taken care of them. With a grunt, Ryker even remembered the time he nearly drowned as a pup when Valhalla flooded. He smiled a bit as he remembered his old man jumping in and saving him as well as one of his siblings.After that, he curled around them...perhaps he had been a bit hard on him as he grew an attitude. The brute quickly came to a halt; white lined ears perked up as two howls reached him.

"It can't be.."he mumbled

That first howl sounded all too familiar, same for the coincidental eagle screech before it. After looking all this time, could their father have finally returned to them? The wolf sighed, not all of them if it was to be...his brother Ravine was still to be found. Stupid water...enough, there was no time for that now, he had to find the source of the howl. dark gray legs carried him as he ran; white toes pushed off of the Earth as he cleared logs and rocks. It wasn't long before he had reached the location of his sister Resnera. She seemed a bit uneasy, was she unsure of the source? Ryker himself was questioning his guess...he didn't want to be disappointed.The brute leaned forward and gave his sister a comforting nudge. If the howl wasn't his father, Ryker wasn't going to let anything or anyone hurt his mother and sister.

"Honestly...I think it's father."he said before looking towards where his mother should be coming from.

"We should wait for mother though before we check it out, just in case. I want her to be with us so she's safer that way."


08-25-2014, 05:36 PM

Her children, Resnera, and Ryker had left to find some food. Ookami came to her paws, her ears jumped up as the sounds of a eagle screech filled the air, followed by a howl. Her heart skipped a beat, Those sounds were familiar. The screech was Cryil's call, she knew this from the deep call with a hint of breaks. The howl, she knew it, it Was Thane. There was no doubt about that, She knew it was him. Her tail started to sway with delight, It had to be him it just had to be. She started to walk to see her kids, she knew that they heard the call also. Ookami could feel her heart start to race from both excitement, and fear that she could be wrong. She soon came to her children, she greeted them both with a nudge and a lick on the face. Her eyes landed on Ryker "Ryker, Resnera. You guys heard that i suppose, It is them, i am sure of it."

Ookami looked from one to the other, With that she sent out a return call. Her head raised to the skies and she let out the loudest call she had ever done.IT lasted for about a minute before it died down, she then turned to her kids, gave them a nod and started to move in the direction of the call. Her tail flicked with anticipation with every step that is to be taken. Would they be their, was it them, what if she was wrong. Ookami shook that thought off as she made her way across that land, she moved in a swift pace, one that she should not even attempt. At this moment she did not care about that, she just wanted to see if it was him. As she rounded the corner, she came to a halt, her green pools landed on both Thane and Cyril. She was frozen, she was in shock, something in her just froze up. She could not move any closer. All she said was "Let's play a bit of mouse and cat game." Her eyes saw Thane, but this will determine if it was him.


08-26-2014, 04:29 PM
He waited, waited for a sign, a voice, a call. The companion on his shoulder shifted it's weight nonchalantly. Thane stood still for a moment before sitting down on his haunches.A sigh left his maw, hopefully someone would have heard him. It wasn't long though before his white lined ears perked up as a long call had reached his ears. He smiled, for he knew that it was her,his beloved had heard him. Too long, it had been too long before he had heard her lovely call. Before he had time to even think of walking towards them, three scents soon hit his nose. Aqua blue eyes soon landed on Ookami, with two of their children following close by her.

Standing up as soon as they had appeared before him, he watched his mate just stand there, almost as if in shock. The wolf himself was in shock too, time had taken its toll on him and his wife, only a bit though. She still looked as beautiful as ever, even managed to make his heart flip flop. For an aging man he was glad she just didn't give him a plain out heart attack. Still smiling, he was in awe at how much Ryker and Resnera had grown. His son looked much like himself, as he did too take after Ookami. Focusing on his not so little princess now, Thane was proud at how beautiful she was, much like her mother he saw.

After contemplating what he saw before him, the brute listened as Ookami mentioned a game of cat and mouse. Thane smirked, she was always testing him. He remembered though, it was what she had said on the day their three children were conceived.

"Again? I had already won the last time my love. Yet in the end, we both had won, just look at our wonderful children, my how much you two have grown..."

"Listen..I know i have a lot of explaining to do, but all I can say now is how horrible of a husband and father I must seem to disappear on you all like I did. It was not on purpose though; Ookami, you know about my condition. The skirmish had triggered my PTSD, it was like I wasn't even here anymore, I ran all over again, thinking I was back where I had started. I was scared after I came to my senses. I didn't want to come home and have anything happen or set me off that would make me physically hurt the ones I love. In addition to that, I was lost. I have missed you all so very much. For once my eyes do not deceive me...but...where is Ravine? Where is my son?"

Thane looked at them with a curious face, you could see the concern as well. why wouldn't all three of his children be with their mother here? Perhaps he had something to attend to? Oh how the male wished he could just step forward and embrace his family again. He wanted to so badly...but he did not want to somehow frighten or disturb them. Thane would wait until they were comfortable enough to come to him.

No words had came from Cyril; the golden eagle sat quietly, watching the scene unfold before his golden eyes.



08-28-2014, 01:35 PM

It didn't take long for her family, at least one of them for now, to arrive. ?Ryker...? She spoke his name, soft, the uncertainty clear in her voice. A comforting nudge wasn't quite enough to help her, but it would have to do. The girl would lean into her brother, brushing her face along his neck briefly before lifting her head, waiting to see her mother push through the thicket and join them so that they could check out the howl together. At least then whoever it was would be intimidated by three wolves, an older experienced woman and two young adults in their prime.

Ryker spoke about how he thought the call was father, and that they should wait for mother to join them before checking it out. He wanted her to be be with them where she would be safe. Resnera sighed, head turning away, brows coming together. She wanted to believe it was father, oh how much she wished it was him, to ring the family closer by one more member. Then they could set out to look for Ravine, to then become a whole family like when they were younger. ?Maybe... we'll find out once mother joins us.?

Soon Ookami was with her children, Resnera moving up to the woman and brushing her shoulder against the aging woman's. She would address the two, figuring they had heard the howl as well, and believed that it was their father and Cyril. The girl wasn't too sure about that, having her doubts but there was no way she would voice her thoughts, not wanting her mother to lose hope that they would find Thane. She stood silently as her mother sent up a call, biting her lower lip, wondering if this was a good idea or not. Wondering if they would be disappointed and lose any more hope that they had in finding the man and their friend... Resnera didn't want to, she wanted to believe they would be reunited.

And then she was off. Resnera threw a worried glance to her brother before speeding off after her mother. ?Mom, wait!? She barked, jumping over logs, bushes and weaving through the dense thicket. ?Be careful!? With her aging body and the things the woman had been through, her daughter felt it was reckless for her to just go running through the thicket. What if she tripped and got hurt because she thought she heard her love's howl?

Coming to a sudden stop, Resnera dug her paws into the ground, body leaning back to prevent herself from running full force into her mother. Sides heaved, breathing heavily as she tried to stand up and take her place at her mother's side. ?Why'd you stop su...? The girl's voice trailed off when her bright blue gaze fell upon a figure before them, two of them that were all too familiar.

She couldn't believe it, her brain had to have been messing with her. Resnera blinked her eyes a few times, even used a foreleg to rub at them as though she had something in her eye, that rubbing it away would make the wolf and bird in front of her vanish. But no, they still stood there.

The girl made no move towards the man, ears flicking up when her mother spoke of a game of cat and mouse. What? Was that some sort of code between the two? Curiously Resnera would look to her father, wondering what he would say, and if he did say anything, would it be the right answer her mother was looking for?

The man seemed to know what she was talking about, even spoke of the game resulting in two wonderful children that have grown. Her eyes, without her realizing it at first, had been watering up, threatening to turn into tears that would run down her cheeks. It was him, dad was back. He spoke up once more, apologizing, explaining what had happened and why he was gone. ?Shut up!? She suddenly barked, but it wasn't because she was annoyed or mad at her father, no, she said it with a grin she was struggling to hold up. ?You are NOT a horrible husband, or father!? She added right after, the tears finally breaking free and streaming down her cheeks.

Finally the girl lunged, paws carrying her grown body towards her father. She would hop up, forelimbs attempting to wrap around the man's neck in an embrace. Head stretched out, wanting to brush her neck against his own while her head tried to reach around his shoulder to nuzzle Cyril, he was just as much part of this family. "I've missed you so much!" All she wanted to do was wrestle with her father, wanting to feel his embrace, his love once again like when she was a pup.

She wouldn't utter a word about her missing brother however, allowing her mother or Ryker to speak up. Losing their dad was hard, but losing Ravine too... it almost tore her heart up.



08-30-2014, 05:59 PM
It wasn't long before the brute's mother joined he and his sister; she spoke of how she was sure that the call was his father and uncle. Ryker hoped that she was right, even though he thought so as well. The call was all too familiar, it had to be his father. audits turned towards the direction from which the howl came, trying to listen for any other sound. Aqua blue eyes with a fleck of emerald green in each landed on his mother, whom was being chased after by his rather concerned sister.The wolf knew his sibling to have many various sides to her personality, yet he had rarely seen her be so concerned or uncertain. Even when Ryker had appeared by her, she had spoken his name with uncertainty. The brute knew his sister and father had always been close, she almost seemed like his favorite child at times. Despite her treatment by their father, it was always due to her being his only daughter. With a small smile] and a roll of his eyes, Ryker knew she would always be daddy's little girl. What was he to Thane then? What was he to their father...Ryker had always seen himself as the mixture of Ookami and he, indeed he was though.

After a moment or two of following his ever so eager mother and concerned sister, all talking ceased as their gazes fell upon the two figures before them. It was truly them, his own eyes took in the sight as Ryker stood behind his mother and sister. They listened, listened as his dad spoke of what had happened, and how terrible he must be, and all the while answering some sort of question he didn't understand, asked by their mother. Words came out so quickly, reached his white lined ears, and the wolf's head started to shake side to side.

Resnera was the first one to break the ice and deny his words, she was the first to greet him and go up to him. Ryker smiled before speaking up himself.

"No." he simply said

"I agree with my sister, you are our father, and I would rather have no other but you. I've missed you, we all have. No blame or accusations nor grudges come from me. Look at the man I am now father, look at the man you made me into. Be proud, or I am to have such a great and loving father and family." he said before walking up to him and pushing his head into Thane's side.

Ryker felt like a pup again, he felt happy to have his old man with him once again. The brute nuzzled his father's side before stepping back beaming with a smile. He would look towards his mother, it was her turn now. Ryker also felt that their mother should be the one to tell Thane about Ravine..he also couldn't bear to..


08-31-2014, 06:26 PM

Ookami smiled at her love as he answered her comment. Her tail swayed swiftly as she was over excited to see Thane once more. It has been years, and that was to long to be away from him. Her appearance did show the ageing of the woman, she and he were getting there in age. Her emerald green eyes did not leave him, this time her body would let her move. She did not go thought, she let her children approach their father. The words that Thane spoke made her stomach turn, he was not a bad father. She did not understand as to why he would say such a thing like that. Ookami knew that Thane did nothing wrong, and she would always love him no matter what would to happen.

She watched as the scene unfolded between her children and her love. She smiled, a first smile in a long time. It soon faded as her love spoke of Ravine, her eyes fell to the ground as her tail fell still. She knew he should know about their son, yet the truth was to hard to speak. Ookami decided to respond to his first comment before she told him about Ravine. Walking slowly to Thane she soon meet him with a nuzzle her head rested upon his shoulders as she closed her eyes. "You did nothing wrong my love. Don't ever say that about your self again. You are, and will always be, a great father and husband." She spoke as she moved to look at him. She licked his muzzle and spoke once more. "So i never want you to think or say that again my love."

It was time to tell him about Ravine, He needed to know and by the looks of it her children did not want to tell him. She looked at him, her eyes showed sorrow, and remorse. "Thane, Ravine, He,....... When that side of the cliff fell, and The children and i fell in. Ravine was taken away from us by the river. I....I...I could... Not.... Help Hiim." She said, as she choked the words out like her throat was stuck. She looked at him in wait of the response that he was to come to it. Ookami was not sure what was going to happen after this. She only hoped that Ravine was ok.


09-14-2014, 06:11 PM
His heart beat inside his chest, softly, yet powerfully pushing life through his veins. The heart that beat for his wife and children, the heart that went out to his family and that had never left them. Breath filled Thane's lungs, he was calm, quiet, patiently waiting for a response. Having his aqua blue gaze land on his girl, his daughter, she was the first to approach. White lined ears received her words, silencing him of his self-bombardment. He watched joyously as his daughter came towards him. She denied his negativity referring to himself, and wrapped her forelimbs around his neck as she reached up. A chuckle escaped the aging man's maw. In addition to his joy, even Cyril let out a laugh as he was nuzzled by his niece. As she did so he reached with his right foreleg in an attempt to wrap somewhat around her back. Following the embrace, Thane's attention then landed on his son, Ryker.

With a proud smile, he took in his son's mature and wise words. Ryker was right, such great young wolves his children had become. Both appeared to be in their prime, great sights to see, and an honor to be accompanied by. With a nod in a silent reply, Thane watched his son approach. The feeling of being able to embrace his children again was indescribable. The brute's aqua blue eyes settled on his two children before him, and gave both another nuzzle accompanied by a nip to their ears.

Thane followed his son's turned gaze to Ookami, it was her turn now. He watched her smile, a wave of butterflies fluttered about inside of his chest. Age had started to catch up with them both; but age would have no power over his wife's beauty.Silence was all there was as the man watched his beloved close the distance between them and rested her head on his shoulder after a nuzzle. White lined ears perked up, listening for he sweet melodic voice; to hear her once more ever so close again. Ookami replied as their daughter and son had, denying his accusation upon himself, telling him just the opposite. As she spoke her body slowly moved in front of him. Thane's heart jumped as she licked his muzzle. His beloved told him to never say such things again. If his wife said so, then so be it.

"As you wish my love." he said before licking her muzzle in return.

The mood quickly changed as her beautiful eyes became clouded with sorrow. Aqua blue eyes soon became covered with worry and concern. Thane was about to ask her what was wrong until she started speaking. Ravine, his son's name rang throughout his ears. Where was his third child, where was his son? Something told Thane that good had not come to him; yet his beloved held some explanation.

White lined ears flattened briefly as the words reached him. Ravine was lost, they didn't even know if he was alive. Thane could only hope that his son was still alive, already praying silently to the stars. The wolf looked down towards the ground, heart-broken by the news. It hurt him to lose another family member after so many. It hurt him to not know the whereabouts of his own son, whether his soul still wandered the lands or not.

Taking a deep breath Thane collected his thoughts and looked back up. A sigh escaped his maw; leaning forward and wrapping his head around his wife's neck to try and comfort them both.

Retreating back into his standing position, the old male looked at the remainder of his family.

"I can't say how happy I am to see all of you again. I am finally back with the most important souls in my life, even though we do not know of where Ravine is. All we can do is hope that he is alright. Ravine is a strong lad, always has been. If he is well and still alive, I am sure that he will come back to us and find his way home."

The golden eagle shifted on his master's shoulders.Cyril stretched his wings before he too added something.

"My my though, look at how big you two have gotten. It seems like just yesterday you both were just the size of me" he said to his niece and nephew with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.



6 Years
09-14-2014, 09:35 PM
Today was not a good day, the voices were rowdy. Nia dealt with the unbearable noises of voices fluctuating inside of his head. They were so meshed together today he could not tell what they were saying like he usually could. Cold and shivering from the rain, the small boys body shivered uncontrollably. His two different colored eyes would not stay focused on one thing for long. It was just one of those days for the unsound mind of the boy, Tally was tasked to making sure he did not run off into a river or cliff, or anything like that. He stopped though, his ears may have stopped working some time ago, but his eyes and nose never failed him. Suddenly his head would focus on a cluster of wolves, as he tried to steady his breathing. The young yearlings deaf ears would pull forward as his rat companion tapped him on the head to tell him to calm down. He knew, he knew he didn't want to hurt them, these voices were just so damn annoying.

Yet his stomach growled painfully, reminding him that his last hunt had failed miserably. As this said a scratch sat in his left side, crusted over with blood from the fight with the deer. Finally without even thinking he stepped forward towards them. His hunger was what drove him, being only twenty seven inches in height made for a disadvantage at times. As they reached the group he stopped and tally stood on the front of his cranium. She was his only connection to the outside world of sound. "Excuse me wolves, we hate to be a bother but do you have any food you might be able to spare?" She asked, just as Nia's stomach growled loudly again. His body let out a huff from his nose because of the discomfort he felt.



09-18-2014, 09:00 PM

A great weight had been lifted from the girl's shoulder, and now that they had been reunited with their father the girl just wanted to tackle the man in a field and try to regain the lost time that had passed while they had all been separated. For now however she would have to keep herself together and controlled, calm so that she could enjoy these precious moments with her family. Lips pulled back in a grin when her father and Cyril had laughed, enjoying every second of their embrace, happy to be with her father and uncle once again. Now they were just one short of being a complete family.

Now Ryker spoke up, agreeing with his sibling. Resnera smiled at her sibling, dropping down to all four and taking a step back so that her brother could also embrace their father as well as their mother. The boy spoke of how Thane was their father and that he would want no other to take that title, he missed the man, all of them. No blame or accusations would come from Ryker, he wanted their father to look at the man he had become thanks to him, wanted him to be proud then went up for a nuzzle before pulling away to smile as well. The look Thane gave his children was enough to confirm what the boy had said, he was proud of not only Ryker, but Resnera as well, happy to see what fine young adults they had become.

Up next was their mother now, nuzzling the man before speaking her own thoughts now. Just like their children, she had agreed that nothing was wrong with him, that he should never say such things about himself ever again and that he was and always would be a great father and husband. But then the atmosphere would grow dark and sad, the look in her mother's green gaze letting the family know what was about to be said. To this Resnera had to look away, clenching her jaws as she thought about that day when the family had split farther apart. Ravine, her dear brother, lost within the river they had fallen into. They were powerless, weak, unable to rescue the boy or even find his body afterwards....

The anger and sorrow that had crossed the girl's features would finally fade once her father had spoken up, but she would have trouble trying to put on a smile after images and thoughts of Ravine had flooded her head. Ears perked up to catch every word that left his mouth, giving small nod of her head in agreement. Just because they had not found the boy didn't mean he was dead, perhaps he was just lost while looking for them. That had to be it.

Cyril's voice drew the girl's turquoise gaze towards him, smirking at what he said about how big they had grown. ?At least we grew Uncle Cyril.? She chuckled, a mischievous grin crossing the girl's features as she nipped at his tail feathers.

As soon as the light atmosphere had gone up however, the girl quickly regained herself at the sound of an unfamiliar, strange voice that suddenly appeared. The girl's body would whip around to face the wolf, eyes narrowing and tail held up behind her frame. Bright eyes focused on the light pelted wolf briefly before going to the rat that sat atop their head and had spoken, asking if they had any food to spare. With the wolf's stomach growling loudly, Resnera lifted her head and kept her gaze on the wolf and rat. ?No, only enough for us.? It had come out a bit colder than the girl had wanted, but it was already too late to try again. The prey she had caught before was for her family, if it was a different time then maybe she would have shared.




09-18-2014, 09:01 PM

A great weight had been lifted from the girl's shoulder, and now that they had been reunited with their father the girl just wanted to tackle the man in a field and try to regain the lost time that had passed while they had all been separated. For now however she would have to keep herself together and controlled, calm so that she could enjoy these precious moments with her family. Lips pulled back in a grin when her father and Cyril had laughed, enjoying every second of their embrace, happy to be with her father and uncle once again. Now they were just one short of being a complete family.

Now Ryker spoke up, agreeing with his sibling. Resnera smiled at her sibling, dropping down to all four and taking a step back so that her brother could also embrace their father as well as their mother. The boy spoke of how Thane was their father and that he would want no other to take that title, he missed the man, all of them. No blame or accusations would come from Ryker, he wanted their father to look at the man he had become thanks to him, wanted him to be proud then went up for a nuzzle before pulling away to smile as well. The look Thane gave his children was enough to confirm what the boy had said, he was proud of not only Ryker, but Resnera as well, happy to see what fine young adults they had become.

Up next was their mother now, nuzzling the man before speaking her own thoughts now. Just like their children, she had agreed that nothing was wrong with him, that he should never say such things about himself ever again and that he was and always would be a great father and husband. But then the atmosphere would grow dark and sad, the look in her mother's green gaze letting the family know what was about to be said. To this Resnera had to look away, clenching her jaws as she thought about that day when the family had split farther apart. Ravine, her dear brother, lost within the river they had fallen into. They were powerless, weak, unable to rescue the boy or even find his body afterwards....

The anger and sorrow that had crossed the girl's features would finally fade once her father had spoken up, but she would have trouble trying to put on a smile after images and thoughts of Ravine had flooded her head. Ears perked up to catch every word that left his mouth, giving small nod of her head in agreement. Just because they had not found the boy didn't mean he was dead, perhaps he was just lost while looking for them. That had to be it.

Cyril's voice drew the girl's turquoise gaze towards him, smirking at what he said about how big they had grown. ?At least we grew Uncle Cyril.? She chuckled, a mischievous grin crossing the girl's features as she nipped at his tail feathers.

As soon as the light atmosphere had gone up however, the girl quickly regained herself at the sound of an unfamiliar, strange voice that suddenly appeared. The girl's body would whip around to face the wolf, eyes narrowing and tail held up behind her frame. Bright eyes focused on the light pelted wolf briefly before going to the rat that sat atop their head and had spoken, asking if they had any food to spare. With the wolf's stomach growling loudly, Resnera lifted her head and kept her gaze on the wolf and rat. ?No, only enough for us.? It had come out a bit colder than the girl had wanted, but it was already too late to try again. The prey she had caught before was for her family, if it was a different time then maybe she would have shared.
