



10 Years
Athena I
08-13-2014, 02:23 AM

There really was nowhere that her troubles didn't follow her it seemed. Even here, at the bottom of a steep hole full of plant life where it looked like the rest of the world was so far away, her thoughts wouldn't leave her alone. No matter how hard she tried Conan wouldn't get out of her mind. To top it off she had wandered home after chance meeting with Loki only to find out that her brother was gone yet again. Everyone she loved seemed to be slipping out of her life and she couldn't handle it any more. The russet fea paced across the cavern, the lush vegetation that lined the floor rubbing against her legs. The noon-day sun filtered down onto her, warming her back and lighting up her russet fur. Phoebe sighed, her ears flicking back. She needed a distraction, she needed a release. She stopped in the middle of the cavern, her ears suddenly standing upright as she peered into the shadows of the tunnels that led away from the cavern she was currently standing in. She was almost positive she heard a noise and knew full well that there was still traces of her heat-scent clinging to her so with any luck it was a male that had found her. She smirked, calling out, "Hello? Come on out," her voice smooth and tempting.




5 Years
08-13-2014, 02:31 AM

It seemed like the kitten wanted to play with the big bad wolf. He had been watching her come in from his hidden place in the shadows, still amazed to see that dark caves seemed to be a beacon to woman. What was it that drew them there? Darkness? The promise of solitude? Whatever it was, it worked like a charm. He barked out a laugh when she called out to him, her heat scent making his pupils flash. It seemed that she was more willing that most, and he wondered if he could at least tease her to drive her over the edge. He was a hunter, he didn't care for easy prey. Who knew, maybe she bites. He quite liked violence mixed with foreplay, the pain driving him into a whole new level of ecstasy.

Charaz pulled himself from his shadow, his orange body standing out boldly among the greens and browns that surrounded him. Taking her apart piece by piece with his moonlight eyes, he grinned at the babe before him. "I couldn't help but catch scent of your little predicament. Care for a little fun?" He asked, his cooing voice as smooth as velvet. He wasted no time in bringing them close together, attempted to mash his own chest against her own. Already heat had begun to rise from his coat, the smell of her season kicking him one level higher before a touch was even placed. He was still amazed at just how many ladies seemed to be knocking down his door, not that he was surprised. Who wouldn't want his fine ass self riding them into tomorrow? If he was a chick, he would be all over himself. Cause, admit it, he was sexy as fuck.



10 Years
Athena I
08-13-2014, 07:43 AM

Her calling was met with a laugh and moments later an unexpectedly vibrant form appeared from the darkness, his orange pelt practically glowing in the sunlight. She eyed him curiously as he moved closer, taking the moment to let her eyes roam over his form, a sly smirk crossing her muzzle. How was it that everywhere she went such handsome brutes seemed to follow. Her silver gaze found his similarly-hued eyes as he spoke. She chuckled and let him get as close as he liked, their chests pressing together and his sudden close proximity lighting her on fire.

"Perhaps. But aren't you going to ask my name and take me to dinner first?" she teased with a chuckle. She nipped playfully at his shoulder and lifted a forepaw to bring up between their chests, pushing him away with a smirk. She may be slightly out of her mind and desperate, but that didn't mean she didn't like a little bit of chase with her game. That's what this all was to her really anyway. Just a game.

Phoebe chuckled and leaned closer to nip at his cheek, running her muzzle through the fur on his neck while she took in his scent and whispered, "If you really wanna play you're gonna have to try harder than that." Her eyes gleamed as they found his again just before she stepped past him, her side rubbing against his as she made her way toward the shadows that he had just emerged from. She glanced back over her shoulder at him, grinning and watching for his reaction.




5 Years
08-14-2014, 01:05 AM

There wasn't much that stood out on this female, only that her eye shade matched his own. That wouldn't stop from pushing their chests into one unit, a nice sample of what could happen to her backside. The earthern tone female seemed to not be as easy prey as he had thought, which he adored. She was going to play now, was she? Smirking, he let out a low chuckle, ignoring her request to ask of her name. "How about I call you Hawk, and I can be your little mousey snack?" He offered instead. Charaz had never been keen on names, in fact there was not one female that knew his name to date. He instead just went for little pet names, and Hawk would work for now. Those eyes were piercing, just like his own, playing into the bird she was now named after.

Nips were placed on his shoulder, making a muffled growl rumble in his throat. Did she want to play rough? Because this orange beast bit back, and he was not to gentle. It wasn't long until she placed a paw between their chests, applying pressure to separate them. Twisting his neck to watch her walk into the shadows, he just stared at her hips, moving to and fro as she strut that fine ass towards the darkness. Ah, he rather liked to fuck in the shadows. Plus, the deeper inside they went the louder they would sound to any passer-byes. He followed after her, tearing his gaze from that luscious behind.

As he closed the distance between them, her teeth grazed his cheek, his pupils dilating at the harsh touch. His ears pinned flat against his skull as he wrapped his neck around hers, trying to lock his teeth rather roughly into her scruff. She should get used to pleasure mixed with pain, because that it what he liked. He didn't give a shit if she didn't, she wasn't innocent to this little game. Those bitches were the only ones who he would be gentle with, giving them a small taste to that they would come back for more.

They didn't stay close for too long, she broke away from him again, brushing their coats together. He let out a frustrated growl, he was usually the dungeon master, not a pawn. He strode towards her quickly, ramming his chest into her backside as he sought to sink his fangs into her scruff, hopefully holding her still as a growl filled the air around them. If he had bitten into her, he let her go then, placing a soft kiss there after his rough grab. He pressed himself up against her harder, hoping to drive her chest against the dirt wall.



10 Years
Athena I
08-14-2014, 01:57 AM
She chuckled at his given nickname. Hawk. She liked it, could get used to it even. In a way it was sort of refreshing to have an encounter like this and not know his name. That fact added a particular thrill that she certainly appreciated. "Alright, Hawk it is. And you look like quite the tasty mouse," she cooed in response, her tongue lapping out across her lips as she stared at him, adding to her part in this game. But then, that's when the real games began.

It was like a dance. A strange, wonderful, painful, delightful dance. Each movement she made he had a rough response to, surprising her in the best of ways. She had been with quite her share of brutes, all shapes, sizes, and temperaments, but very, very rarely would she find one who was rough in their handling of her. His neck made a move to curve around hers and she let him, not expecting the bite that he would give her to scruff. She sucked in a surprised gasp through her teeth, but she wouldn't flinch away. Instead her light-catching gaze would immediately find his once she stepped away once more, a sudden knowing and understanding in her eyes. To his growl she would only give him a simple flick of her ear, an acknowledgement to his frustration, but nothing more.

As she strode past him only a moment would pass before she felt his body connect with hers once more, his body slamming into her rear. She might have been knocked over with the force of it if it hadn't been for the fact that his jaws quickly found her scruff and held her in place, his fangs sinking into the skin there. Another sharp intake of air passed her lips and a light tremble raced through her form from the sudden, sharp pain combined with his growl that rumbled through her and rattled her bones. Before she really even had a chance to gather herself he had let go and was pressing his weight into her. She could have simply given in, let him press her to the wall and have his way, but where was the fun in that?

She pushed back against him with a growl of her own and sharply turned her head, snapping and letting her teeth graze his chest. Her expression made it clear it wasn't an act of anger or even defensiveness. A sly grin stayed ever present on her muzzle and as she turned her gaze up to find his a gleam of mischievous lust sat firmly in her silver eyes. She let the strands of his orange fur escape her teeth, her fangs only scratching the surface of his skin, while she awaited whatever reaction or punishment he might have for her.




5 Years
08-16-2014, 08:47 PM

The dame sucked in a breath when his teeth sank into her, her blood coating his muzzle in dark red flecks. He chuckled as the taste of blood turned him on even more. But then the bitch moved away from him, that knowing look in her eyes. His growl was loud, only her ear flicking in response. She was playing with him, and she damn well knew that it would drive him crazy. Was she trying to get herself hurt? She was dancing with the devil on this day, and he didn't know if he should be impressed by her willingness to tease him, or feel sorry for how daft she was. Either way, she was playing a very dangerous game, and was looking at getting some serious wounds if he couldn't have her soon.

Her breath was drawn in again as he had another taste of her blood, a needy growl leaving his jowls as he let go, lapping up the bits of crimson liquid that soaked through her skin. That was enough blood to keep him happy for now, but if she kept playing around with him he would want more, crave that metallic taste in his mouth. Her body shook, and he thought that it was her submitting to him, until the tides turned on him. This was a fiery little beast, and he suddenly had a longing to keep her with him. Most woman in there season had a very hard time resiting what he was offering, not to mention that it was him who was promising a good time. If he was a chick he would be all over himself, so why was she drawing this on?

Ah, retaliation. She turned and locked her teeth through some of his hair, pulling them away from the skin. Sharp prickles of pain teased him for a moment before fleeing, making him wish that she had pulled on more than just fur. She was teasing, cloying, playing. And she would feel the pleasure of pain and ecstasy mingling into one demon. He slowly pushed his chest against hers, pushing against her until her rump would collide with the wall. There was little place for her to go, if she wanted to get away from him. Silver met silver as he stared her down, lips pulling back into a wicked grin. He longed to sink his fangs into her again, but he had a better idea. "Looks like you don't want it then, do you?" He asked, backing away from her. He laughed as he turned and began to walk away from her, towards the distance at a slow place. She wanted fun? So be it, he would make her wait.



10 Years
Athena I
08-16-2014, 10:11 PM

She could feel her heart pounding in her chest from excitement as her silver gaze met his and he began to press back against her chest. Her paws took small steps backward till her rump was pressed to the cave wall, effectively trapping her there. She waited for the sting of his teeth, the feeling of blood escaping her skin, prepared herself for the feeling of his growl rattling her from the outside in. However, none of those happened. He turned and walked away, commenting on her lack of desire. She blinked, panting softly from the breath she didn't realize she had holding. For a moment she was shocked. It wasn't very often anyone would play her games with her. Usually there would be a bit of banter, maybe a pass or two before the brute finally took control and had their way. A wicked grin spread across her muzzle. Finally, someone that could keep up with her desires.

She caught up with him easily, his deliberate slowness obvious but appreciated. She chuckled and came around to face him, cutting him off with a flick of her tail. "I like to savor the chase," she purred in retort, her gaze fiery. She smirked and stepped forward till their chests were pressed together once again. Her head turned to give small, rough bites along the top of his neck as she whispered against his skin, "I want you to fuck me... But I want you to rip me apart first. Savor me, use me... Do that," she paused, pulling back enough to bite at the edge of his cheek, her fangs scraping his skin just enough to pull droplets of blood to the surface, "and I'll do the same to you."




5 Years
08-17-2014, 12:12 AM

She easily pulled in front of him, it wasn't like he had been going anywhere fast. Her tail flicked towards him and he snapped his jaws in its direction, knowing it was long gone but playing all the same. He listened to her words, butting his chest into hers as Hawk connected them. She covered his neck in harsh little nips, making his body quiver with desire. Her words rang through him, making him smirk and chuckle at her. So she wasn't another mindless pawn, was she? She had her own mind set to play this game, her own deck of cards. Her teeth grazed his cheek, a sting following as his blood was drawn. Growling, he pushed against her harder, his head dipping downwards as he tired to bite into his favorite place, the scruff.

Lifting his left leg he tried to wrap it around her neck, to pull her into his chest so that he could bite further down her back, leaving a trail of harsh nips down her spine. He went as far as he could go before breaking his hold, pulling back as he met her mercury gaze. Dull claws linked into her fur, pulling down against the skin from her right shoulder to her toes, his pupils dancing like mad as desire pulsed through him.



10 Years
Athena I
08-17-2014, 12:32 AM

A devilish smirk flashed across her muzzle as a growl left the man she had made her prey, knowing she had made her point very clear. This was truly a different game for her, but she felt like with each bite that he placed on her spine she was becoming more and more alive. She was used to playing the role of the flirty goddess, the fea that brutes chased after and pined for. With this vibrantly colored beast she felt like an equal. Phoebe felt like she could push him as hard as she could and he would push back even harder. It was a challenge. It was fantastic.

Her eyelids fluttered as his leg wrapped around her as he moved further down her spine, their bodies pressed so tightly together that she could have been convinced that he was trying to form them into one wolf. When he pulled back and his eyes found hers her gaze was lidded and sultry, her moon-colored gaze brilliant with desire. His claws sent light trembles across her skin and she grinned, whispering, "Much better," in a breathy voice before making her own move.

She tipped her head so she could work her muzzle down along the tender skin of his throat, making a trail down his neck with nips and light bites till she finally reached his shoulder. She moved closer once again, close enough that she could feel his body heat against her neck, a soft growl rumbling in her chest as she sank her teeth into the flesh on the thickest part of his shoulder. It was a shallow love bite, but a bite none of the less, and she tasted the sharp tang of his blood trickling onto her tongue. As she released him and lapped gently at the wound she noticed her heart pounding once again as she waited with unbridled excitement to see what his response would be.




5 Years
08-17-2014, 12:59 AM

Her shakes and shutters were like a drug, her scent and heat like a toxin. They were getting high off each other, using each other to build themselves up. Hawkeye over there was the first woman that he had felt that she might be on his level, the first real challenge to live up too. All others melted at his paws, were clay for him to mold, but Hawk? Naw, she was a cut above the rest. Her breathy words were hardly heard at all, and he watched with interest to see what her move would be, how she would try to pull them even higher. She was drawing this out for sure, a game of cat and mouse if you will.

Hawk's nips made his head extend upwards, giving her full access to the places beneath his chin. Her bites were getting harder, until she sunk her fangs into his shoulder. A hiss was sounded as the pain mixed with his building pleasure, further feeding that flame. Her soft licks covered it after, ice after the fire to soothe it, yet it brought more of his attention to the wound. Grunting he rolled his shoulders forward, enjoying the pain of it as he pushed harder into her chest, his tongue gently caressing her face. Not even a single tooth would graze her pretty face, which made him chuckle. He was playing with her, hoping that she would feel disappointment in the soft touches, only to build her right back up with his next movement.

Pushing against her he left her front, brushing his left side against her right with a bit more force than she had. Curling around her rump he looked up, hoping that her eyes met his as his jaws opened wide, clamping shut over the left side of her rump, putting his teeth in quite deeply. Winking at her, he squeezed harder before letting go, lapping up the blood with slow movements as it ran down her back leg. The wound wasn't too sever, but enough that the blood would run for a few moments.




10 Years
Athena I
08-30-2014, 12:06 AM

Oh how she loved this game they were playing. The hiss of pain and pleasure that he gave at her love bite gave her a thrill that she wasn't used to. With each bite, each sound, each quiver she could feel herself building higher and higher. It was almost like the electricity between them was palatable, thick as fog in the air around them. When he pressed to her chest he expected a similar act of harm, a blow for a blow, but instead he placed gentle licks to her face and she chuckled softly at the surprising actions. How strange that affections like that seemed strange between the two of them when that would have been a normal, even expected, action from any of her other lovers.

Of course he wouldn't keep up that gentle notion for long as he moved down her body, his side pressing firmly to hers. She held her breath as she waited with excited anticipation for his next move and she certainly wouldn't be disappointed. She glanced back over her shoulder to watch him just as his teeth sunk deep into her haunch. Phoebe, no, Hawk breathed in a sharp gasp and the sudden shock of pain, the jolt shooting through her and raising her to a whole different level. A smirk crossed her muzzle at his wink and she playfully hit his shoulder with her tail when he began to lap at the wound.

Now, this was her game. This was the game that she had initiated and would honestly be happy to play it for hours more, but what she really wanted, what she really needed, was a whole different level of this game. "Let it bleed," she told him with a dangerous gleam in her gaze and a knowing grin on her muzzle. "Let it bleed and make me bleed some more. Take me and rip me apart." She waved her tail in his direction again with a chuckle, ready for him to really get to the point of this whole game.




5 Years
09-07-2014, 12:31 AM

Her sharp intake of breath is what made him bite harder, chuckling darkly as he let her go and she swatted him playfully with her tail. Oh how he wanted to lock his jaws around that furry appendage and pull it until she cried out. He wanted her screams to fill the darkness, to feel it vibrating against his chest. He was not only lusting for her body but for her very blood, a passion of pleasure and pain. And this girl dealt it back out, something that he was not accustomed to. She twirled her tail, washing her heat scent towards her and making him breath it in deep. She asked for him to make her bleed, to rip her apart. "If I tore you apart you would be so much harder to fuck, dear Hawk." He whispered, lingering above her form. He stepped around her so that he was directly above her, legs grasping at her fine hips. Nibbling along her spine he drew himself closer and closer to her, teasing her with his closeness. With a growl he opened his jaws and locked into her scruff, jaws clamping down just as he thrust himself into her.


Their joining had been violent and rough, his body sore as he stepped off of the wench. Blood soaked his crimson fur, and he didn't know if it was hers or his own blood that darkened his coat. Panting he grinned at Hawk, her fur all tossed about just as his probably was as well. "I rather like you Hawk, not all woman I fuck are quite like you. Perhaps we shall meet again and do this more often." He said with a chuckle, lapping at the blood that dotted his chest.