
Message in the pulse, lost my past in the basement



6 Years
08-18-2014, 12:30 AM

The lands were quiet ever since Isardis left, ever since everyone had stopped caring about their blood legacy. It didn't help he had been fighting his own demons of boredom, trying to do his best in his position so that he didn't have to worry about Athena. Perhaps becoming a bit of a workaholic had been what was keeping his mind occupied. Summer had rolled around like no tomorrow. As the man patrolled the borders as he was supposed to in the mornings. His green emerald eye watched the outskirts expecting a war to loom over their shoulders. As they had when they were younger since they had grown up in one, and yet peace wasn't as exciting as he thought it would be.
He gave a mild sigh, only alone would someone see him show this sort of emotion. Around others who weren't close he was fairly stoic, but some wolves would always catch that glimpse of his soft underbelly occasionally. Though he could be a horrible king as well, he had killed his uncle, and wasn't afraid to kill again if the situation called for it. But of course, that was supposed to be a secret wasn't it.
?I speak?



08-18-2014, 01:13 AM

She was always watching.

Her brown eyes caught the slow movement of the male in the early morning, apparently this girl didn't sleep too much. Silently she followed his path, keeping her small body hidden in the shadows. Multi-coloured ears stood at attention when he paused, catching the sigh that passed from his lips. He was looking out beyond the pack lands, was there something troubling the younger boy? Haruka shuffled on her paws slightly, unsure if she even wanted to go out there and talk to him. She wasn't one for mild chit-chat, and she didn't really trust him yet. Even though his position had more power than hers, didn't meet she would bow down to him. No, she was a rather hard nut to crack herself. Both so stubborn, and both had a side that was rarely seen. Athena had worked her way into the older girls heart, but she was the only one. This brother and mate to her, was on the waiting list.

She stuttered at the thought of siblings being mates. She didn't condone the two because of it, it just made her think of her and her own brother in that kind of partnership, which made her feel sick. To each their own, she wouldn't judge them, but she couldn't deny the creeping feeling that sat in her gut when she thought about Ritsuka in that way. No way in hell she would feel like that towards him, but it didn't mean that these two weren't happy. Steeling herself, she let out a sigh and left the comfort of her shadows, approaching the man on his right side.

"Greetings." She barked simply, not really knowing what else to say to him. But she had followed him out here, she would look like a fool if she just sat there and waited to be seen. Athena knew her habits already, but she was unsure if her mate did. White tail swishing behind her, her brown eyes looked at him with a pit of unease settling in. She didn't really dislike Vereux, but she wasn't really fond of him either. Only time would tell on which side of the scale he sat.



6 Years
08-18-2014, 01:29 AM

If it had been anywhere else other than his lands he probably would have jumped. On the inside he did just that, but he couldn't show that kind of behavior to his subjects. It was kind of hard to process things for the boy, but the pretty young lady that Athena had taken to would show up as the messenger in her purist form. Hell, he couldn't deny she was good at hiding herself. This meant she was a needed member as well as a loved one. Vereux gave a deep breath, it was just Haruka. Knowing the name from the meetings and such, but he was glad even if he didn't show it, on the inside to meet her. Though unaware he was in some sort of evaluation. He would only know how to act like his awkward self if anything.
?Hello Haruka, it's a nice morning isn't it?? he mused, looking at the clear sky the sun beating down. One thing he loved about the north was it never got too hot. He hated the heat, feeling it when he stumbled near Valhalla. Oh, his bones ached at the reminder that the legacy of Valhalla was gone. Isardis had torn it down from its roots, that was the power of the Armada family. But was that power something Veeux would ever discover?

?I speak?



08-18-2014, 01:42 AM

If he had been startled by her approach, he didn't show any of it. She often forgot that not all wolves were used to her always being around, constantly watching from her many hiding spots. That is why she loved that job that Athena had given her, it fit her perfectly. She did need to work on her interactions though, although it seemed like she had picked the wrong wolf to learn from. Turning his head to rest his green eyes on her smaller form, she offered a timid smile, ears pulling back somewhat. She was at a loss as what to say, and the boy didn't offer up much conversation. She just nodded her head, her body was still slowly becoming accustomed to her life here in the North. At least it was summer, the heat that did reach them warmed her back.

Sighing again, she folded herself on to her rump and looked out at the landscape that stretched before them. There was still bits of snow in the higher elevated area's, but for now these lands seemed to be clear of them. "Do you ever grow bored of seeing all the white?" She mused out loud. Haruka was used to living in forests in which the leaves changed, taking on colours that only nature could provide. Oranges, yellows, and reds changed the earth into a colourful kaleidoscope which made it her favorite time of year. That, and it was much easier than blending her body into the plain of snow. She shivered at the thought, at least she had the time now to pick out all the best spots.

Chocolate eyes slanted over to Vereux, fighting her own inner turmoil to make at least some kind of an attempt at a conversation. "So, uh... See anything that catches your interest out there?" She asked lamely. Oh boy, it looked like this chat would be layer upon layer of awkwardness, Haruka trying to assess him without letting her walls down, and him being... well him she guessed. She didn't know too much about him, and she was unsure if that was going to change any time soon.



6 Years
08-25-2014, 07:10 AM

Socializing made him uncomfortable when it came to it being casual. That was clear to see now, but he knew that he would have to do it one way or another. He could still be himself, without being judged to be a weak king right? His tail gave a flick, one emerald eye coming to rest upon the girls coat. It reminded him of a small calico fox of sorts. They got them often here in the north. She then asked him a question, it surprised him a little. He had to think about it for a moment. ?I don't think I'll ever get bored of the snow. I've lived here my whole life, and only visited the outside a few times. But nothing will compare to the beauty of watching the white snow flakes fall to the earth in a blanket.? Vereux mused smiling lightly as he closed his eye looking out again.
?So far, nothing too exciting, but that's a good thing and a bad thing. It means no new members, but also means no intruders too.? He gave a sigh. Obviously he sucked at this, and the king was letting down his first wall for the girl. Even though in the back of his head he was thinking it was a mistake, he had to learn to trust his members more. It was simply hard after the incident with his uncle. ?Are you settling in Bevroren well?? he asked looking at her.

?I speak?



08-25-2014, 12:18 PM

She could feel the tension that seemed to wrap around the two of them, both not so good at social interactions. It made her chuckle a bit, both of them were sitting here so awkwardly, not really knowing how to interact with each other. She was curious as to why his other eye was scarred shut, but she kept her nosy questions to herself. He paused after she asked her question, seemingly having to ponder his answer for awhile. But what he said only made her tilt her head to the side, brown eyes slightly narrowed as she studied him. "But does being in one place your whole life not want to make you explore more? Up here in the pines you don't see much of the colours of Autumn. Its the most beautiful colours that mother nature has to offer, like she painted the earth in a whole new swash of colours." She said, her eyes looking up at the sky as she spoke. She liked fall for more than one reason, she blended in more then as well. It was a lot easier for her to hide than it was in the snow. She had yet to spend a winter here, but she knew that it would take some getting used to.

She cast her gaze down towards him when he spoke again, noting on the quiet of the land. She laughed softly, her brown eyes rolling teasingly. "Well you have me to deal with now, not to sure if you would consider that a good thing." Haruka knew that she could be quite the handful, but she had no intentions of changing how she felt and acted, it was who made her, her. She was her own breed of crazy, that was for sure. Sighing softly, she once again looked away from Vereux as he asked how she was settling in, her mix-matched ears laying flat against her skull. "Depends on what you consider 'settling in' I guess. Athena asked me the same question, but its not like I don't like it here. I'm just not fond of the general populous." Giggling softly, her white tail thumped upon the earth. "I've never been too keen on large groups, but my paws led me here for a reason. I knew that I could help, and I guess I like feeling useful. It is hard to be away from my brother, but I am hoping to drag his butt up to the north anyways." Despite herself, Haruka felt herself relax slightly. It was something about their general awkwardness that made her feel more at ease with this man.

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
08-28-2014, 04:40 PM

The tension was slowly ebbing away. After all it only took a little for Vereux to warm up to others as long as he thought he could trust them. So his stature would loosen a little, smiling slightly as his single green eye came to rest upon her. Of course he had plenty of others ask why his other eye was missing, and why his left leg was scarred around the middle forelimb as well. Highly considering they were not scars of a epic battle. His eye had been taken by a hurricane and his father had saved him from a bandit when the wolf struck his leg as a child. Not very exciting stories, but his none the less. ?Call me an old fashioned, but I've been content here. If I explore, well I tend to get into more trouble than I'm worth.? he chuckled lightly.
Vereux would frown a little about her comment about her brother. Vereux had always been heavily connected with his family through and through. Which was probably the reason fate had settled him with Athena. Others thought it weird, scorned at it. But he couldn't help it, he couldn't help who he fell in love with. That was the whole story after all. ?Well he's certainly welcome here. Haruka.... thank you for joining Bevroren. It means a lot to me and Athena.? he said in almost a corny soft tone. Well then again he was a bit corny.

?I speak?