
even a god-king can bleed



7 Years
08-18-2014, 08:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2014, 08:37 PM by Natalya.)
mandatory meeting for all current and prospective Olympus members! must post by 8/22 in order to be considered for membership, continuing or not. LU - please PM me about Syrinx so i know whether to expect him :)

(placing this after Phoebe tells Nat she's knocked up and all that jazz)

As the sable queen had recently predicted, mass change had been coming for Olympus. She had felt it from the day she dropped her youngest son off the cliff's edge, in the growing numbers calling at the borders and the increasing numbers of births. Now, even Phoebe was expecting children, something Natalya hadn't hoped to see just yet.

The biggest change of all, however, was that Olympus was now in her paws. She had hoped to speak with Virgil about having a meeting such as this, but before she could the former Empress had been giving birth and passing the pack to her beta as she struggled to live through her agony. Natalya had been overjoyed to see her niece make it out alive, but she was sad to see her go. Even so, she felt ready for this. There were so many things she wanted for Olympus. She wanted to see her family and pack thrive under the laws their gods had imposed on them, the way they were meant to, and she'd be damned if it didn't happen.

Large paws carried her quietly to the Dancefloor, and she found herself a clear spot atop a small hill before she released a call to all who resided in Olympus - those who had been accepted, and those she had told to keep close for the chance. She hoped that Helios would be first to her side, so that she could share with him her news before anyone else. She had waited to tell anyone until she had seen their former matriarch off, wanting the moment to be absolutely right. She wanted nothing to jinx this for them.

Helios I


9 Years
08-18-2014, 10:38 PM

Helios had been thinking, soon they would need to begin training he was determined to whip the pack into shape, there were his own young children as well as those of his neice to think of and he would be damned if anything happened to them. For the most part however he was unaware of the biggest changes within the family.
His wife?s call reached him in the valley as he was returning to their den. He lifted his head gazing off towards the horizon, wondering what exactly it was Natalya could be calling them for. The man quickly poked his head into the den and gently told the pups (at least the ones that were there) that they were to follow him. Then he trotted off in answer of his wife?s call.
As the sable woman came into view his demeanor visibly shifted, tail raised high over his rump and beat the air in a rhythmic wag, his ears perked and head was held high. Helios approached Natalya with a small huffy bark, though he knew she could tell he was there. He brushed up against her and reclined upon his haunches next to her. He would wait then, whatever it was that was going on he would find out soon enough.

talk, think

Andromeda I

Ebon Knight

3 Years
08-19-2014, 12:30 AM
ooc: Not the best post but getting ready for work. Wasn't sure if I'd get the chance to reply before I went away so have a quick reply, Andi is not going anywhere!

Her mother's recent birth had been difficult. Andromeda had never been around any births aside from her own of course but even she knew the amount of blood couldn't have been right and she had certainly been correct in assuming that fact. Mother and children had made it though, there was likely to be a recovery period for Virgil, and perhaps that was why her great aunt was now calling for a meeting. Strange though that it would be her and not Helios, was it not he that held the consul position? The young Olympus girl would venture forth though, apparently amongst the first to arrive. Greeting her great aunt and uncle she would settle herself down and wait for all to be explained. Perhaps Natalya was simply filling in whilst her mother's strength returned.



4 Years
08-19-2014, 06:36 AM

Whatever happened, no matter what, she was always lost. Arian was sick and tired of that feeling, but she kept it buried deep down for the sake of her duties as a healer here. Just turning two she felt more awkward than anything waiting for her cousins to be born from Syrinx. That was the only reason she had come here, but she was hoping the members of olympus like before would make her in awe and convince her there was more worth within here. She wasn't ambitious, the healer was fine where she was at, but her sense of purpose seemed to have swayed. And Virgil, her aunt in law, was no longer queen. Arian had a traumatic ideal with changing leadership, specially because of her past. So in all reality she was afraid, but she wouldn't show any of these things as she showed up for the meeting.
A smile spread across her snout, she settled herself a little ways away from everyone. After all who knew what they could do, they were strong, powerful wolves just like her uncle. Fighters, that she believed to be the finest in the land. And she, she was glad to have been chosen to be their healer at her young age. Arian took pride in her skills, but her happy go lucky personality seemed to have slipped away. That could only be blamed on her downfall in seracia as the heir. But now she needed to concentrate on the present.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



4 Years
08-19-2014, 09:56 AM

She had been rather shaken up by her mother?s birth, the day had left her dazed and rather lost. She tried not to think of what had happened as she heard the demanding call of her aunt. She was asking the pack to a meeting. Ears would fall back as she heard the call to be social, and she would follow obediently. She loved her aunt, and knew she needed more time with the woman. Still, she would let her attention focus on getting to the meeting safely. She wouldn?t see her family that had gathered but she would smell them and greet them each with a nod. There was one she would not know, but would let her attention linger on as she sat next to her sister.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



08-19-2014, 09:58 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Even after the time that had passed since she and her children had been granted temporary residency here within Olympus, the lithe grey hunter was still adjusting. It was hard to feel comfortable in a territory you were not officially a part of, around strangers that you did not know would welcome you wholly or turn you away because their own came first. She had been doing what she could to keep herself and her children out of their hair, warning them not to make a nuisance of themselves since their good behavior was so important, and tried not to take anything more than was necessary from their home, food and shelter alike. As far as she knew both Cador and Vaishya were behaving well, though the latter seemed to have a mind of her own. It was almost hard to keep track of her at times, but it was comforting knowing she always managed to return by nightfall.

Together they approached the meeting that had been called by Natalya, and anxiety churned in Ashtoreth's stomach. This was it. This was the deciding day that would determine whether she and her family were allowed to stay or if they would be sent back into the wilds. It had her on edge, full of worry, but for the sake of her children she tried to reflect an air of outward calm. It still lingered there about her eyes, and likely was noticeable enough to see, but no word was given about her fears. She would not burden them with this.

It was still early in the meeting, only a few Olympus wolves presently gathered around and waiting for things to commence. Head and tail low, knowing full well her place there was still under scrutiny, Ash guided her children into their midst and seated herself within the grasses, hoping to meet the dark eyes of the woman who had welcomed her on the border all those days ago and offer her a polite inclination of her head. They were still here, and still hopeful.



08-19-2014, 10:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Quietly Vaishya trailed after her mother as she led them from the makeshift den they had hastily built to the location of the meeting. Her blue and gold eyes were downcast, her body falling into its customary protective hunch now that they were venturing into what she felt like could be a very tense meeting. She had no expectations of things going terribly wrong - the woman who had allowed them to stay, albeit temporarily, had been kind and, under the conditions, generous. But there was definitely a lot riding on this meeting going well. It determined whether she and her family would finally have the pack that her mother was so adamant about them having.

Ashtoreth led them within those who were gathering of the Olympus family, and lifting her wide gaze the deep grey youth surveyed them all with open curiosity. Each of them were strangers, unknown and each one an uncertainty in Vaishya's book, but she kept reminding herself that she was safe here. Her family had been given temporary residence; there was nothing they could say or do so long as that offer still held. Though it was only a matter of time before the final decision was going to be made. Still with her head low, the girl seated herself close beside her mother and brother, resisting the urge she typically had to lean against her brother's steady shoulder as she tried not to look as uncertain as she felt.


08-19-2014, 08:09 PM

He had been rather absense, a strange mix of what started with trying to get adjusted to his new home and a trip home to visit his moms gone terribly wrong. They were gone, aunt Svan was gone... He was feeling a little lost and bewildered. He had searched for them for a while but then he had realized quite quickly that Gaia was now the only person left in his life that he knew. So his search had only lasted a day or so before he had turned around and headed back to Olympus. He had arrived in time for a call, a pack meeting? Except it wasn't Virgil that had called, it was another voice that was familiar but still relativly unknown to him. The youth padded forward easily, breaking into a lope that would bring him to the small gathering of wolves. It was nothing like the grand events that had been held back home but there was a sense of closeness here... Easily he would spot Gaia and the young boy would bound towards her, making sure that she could hear his paw falls as he approched before plopping himself beside her. For a brief moment he would mean forward and smile to the girl beside his princess before settling in to listen.



08-19-2014, 08:21 PM

Natalya Olympus had called for her and so June would appear like a brown ghost - her paws were silent against the earth, and the girl found herself drawing upon a lifetime of making herself invisible to bring her silently towards the gathering of her packmates. As uncomfortable as she was in this pack, it was, for the time being, Home. She had found in Olympus' lands protection from August's wrath, though now that she knew August had forgiven her and himself, she no longer needed to hide.

As always, June found herself conflicted, her paws itching to take her away from this militant pack that she had found herself in, but her mind feeling loyalty to the wolves that had saved her from living on her own once more. As intimidating as she found her packmates, June knew that they were just wolves. They were only as scary as she let them be. The problem was that as June found herself staring into the black eyes of the woman who had summoned them, June couldn't deny her fear. This pack was strong, and June was not; she did not belong here.

Coming to rest at the edge of the gathering, June settled in to watch from afar, amber gaze warily tracking the movements of as many of her packmates as she could watch. Scary, she found herself thinking to herself, hoping desperately that July would make an appearance soon.



08-19-2014, 08:31 PM

Cador had largely found Olympus' lands to be pleasant. He had kept closer to his mother than Vaishya had, though he had listened to what stories she was willing to share with him about the extremes of the territory that they had come to inhabit. Still, as curious as these new territories were, Cador felt more loyalty to his mother than any desire to wander could hope to compete with. It was unlikely that wanderlust would ever draw this boy from his family; abandoning Ashtoreth and Vaishya was a repulsive idea to the boy.

In the absence of their father, he had done his best to step up and offer support to the only two members of his family that remained. Still, Cador found himself hoping desperately that one day they would wake up and their father would be back. He couldn't be gone forever, right? There was no way that his father could have left them. His father was family; he would be back.

In that manner, Cador had far more faith in Leon than his mother or sister seemed to have. And so he was less worried about the meeting than they were; in Cador's mind, this place would soon be useless. As soon as his father was back, they would be able to leave. There was no room for doubt in the boy's mind; he would be back, of course. No Adravendi would truly abandon their family.

Settling down easily beside his sister, Cador nudged her lightly with his shoulder. "Don't be nervous, Vai. It'll be all right," He murmured, voice soft as he cast a glance at the girl. It was a promise he felt confident making. If they didn't stay here, well, there was an entire world out there! There had to be a place that they would be welcome in.




2 Years
08-20-2014, 01:30 PM

Despite his talk with his Aunt Natalya, joined by his younger brother, Hephaestus still didn't feel like he did enough for his pack. He'd tried hunting but the young adult was still growing into his body and was clumsy and bumbling at the best of times so he wasn't exactly silent when he went crashing through the undergrowth in search of prey, nor was he lithe enough to easily give chase and catch them anyway. He was, however, immensely patient and imaginative so after a great deal of thought he'd begun ambushing prey instead, waiting for hours in a hidden position for something to come along that he could catch. He'd also begun walking the borders, something a bit new for the young wolf who unlike his siblings had done so little exploration in his early childhood. He couldn't really do anything if he found an intruder or a would-be member except maybe politely ask them to wait while he called for someone better suited to it, but at least he was an extra pair of eyes to keep an eye on things and his increasing bulk might give some intruders pause. Already at his young age he looked merely like a full adult rather than gangling as his yearling body should have appeared, speaking volumes of the bulk his frame would hold when he really was an adult.

It was the hunt today, that long wait for something to wander past him, that was interrupted by his Aunt Natalya calling for the pack. He stood from his hidden crouch readily enough, though he startled a hare that had hopped unseen almost within reach. After all, a pack meeting was doubtless more important than the hunt. He made his steady, less-than-stealthy way to where Aunt Nat had called from and dropped heavily to his haunches beside a stranger with pups to wait for the meeting to start.




8 Years
Chrono I
08-20-2014, 02:30 PM

Almost pupiless eyes looked tiredly at what the young girl knew as her family. She laid in the corner, sure to stay as far from everyone but knowing that being in the den was her safest. Her continuous, horrid dreams kept her up, and she tried her hardest to leave her orbs open, even if it was just a slightest amount.

She didn't move a muscle as the call of her mother shot the lands of Olympus, and only when her father rustled in the den, she would raise her head to gaze past him, as if he weren't there. She stayed laying until her other two siblings rose to obey their father, and left the den. She waited only a minute before raising to her own paws and strayed way behind them and made space as they entered the Dancefloor.

If her other siblings followed Helios all the way to his feet or not, Chione stayed much distance behind the ruling family, close enough to be in sight but far enough away to comfort herself. Run...Run away. She thought. But voices were too overpowering for her to believe herself.

"Life is only fun in torture." Charon would whisper in her ear. Her head thrashed to face him, only the fact that she was the only one that saw him throwing everyone else off. But she slowly brought her gaze back to her parents who stood side-by-side, ignoring the imaginary boy for once.

Walk "Talk" Think



1 Year
08-21-2014, 07:35 PM

The boy sank to his haunches and let his gaze play over the Olympians before resting it on his aunt. Why had she called? Was it because of his mom? The newest Olympians had been brought into the world amid a horror show that he hadn't known was possible. Really, it made him glad he wasn't a girl. In fact, he was almost willing to swear them off entirely to avoid seeing that again. All the squishy, oogly stuff that got squirted out with puppies and the blood? And the whole pooping on yourself thing? Nooooo thank you.

Nemesis shook his head, clearing away the nasty birth memories. It had been scary too, but he he was determined not to think of that side of it. As ugly as the squirty/poopy/bloody mess had been, the boy would much rather have faced that than been faced with the thought that his mother might die. The terror upon realizing that was possible, that she could die before his eyes, had lingered, haunting his waking moments. He didn't wish to think of death and yet, once more, it was pushed to the forefront of his mind.

Shifting his weight, Nemesis waited for the meeting to begin.

"Speaking" Thinking


08-22-2014, 01:40 AM

He certainly was the last one to arrive, just as he had planned. Apollo had heard his mothers call loud and clear, but he had taken his damn sweet time to drag his paws there. When he arrived at the stench that was the border, he rubbed his own scent off there. Sure, his Olympus smell was weak, but that wasn't why he was marking. They would know that he came to their precious meeting, even if he didn't want to see their damned faced. But alas, here he was. Marching into the meeting with his head and tail high, he did not lower his own dominant stance as he made himself known. He lingered on the outskirts of wolves, his salmon hued eyes glowering up at his parents. So they sat on the throne now, did they? Somewhere deep inside him he felt pride, but it was shoved underneath all the anger that he held for his sires.


08-22-2014, 04:14 PM

The call that rang out was one she simply couldn't resist. She would rise, nudging Hypnos out of his afternoon nap. When he stirred, she would begin to speak. "Come my son, we are going to meet some family." Lips would curl into a smile, though a wicked glint shone in her eyes, she was counting on him being to young to notice. She would move away from their den, heading towards the pack lands. She would keep her pace so that Hypnos could keep up. The stench of pack would fill her nostrils and she would stop to scoop up her adoptive son by his scruff. She was leading him into the lions den. This was sure to have some sort of consequence. Ebony limbs would pull her throw the territory until the meeting began to unfold before her.

They were one of the last ones to arrive. Immediately her gaze would find Apollo. She pitied the albino man. He had not been himself since she had brought Hypnos to him. She would move to his side, her cyan gaze immediately seeking out the two leaders that sat at the head of this meeting. Immediately she would recognize the dark for the woman. Could this have been the woman she'd seen dumping the child? There was something eerily familiar about her. But there was no way to be sure until she could get a whiff of the Queens sickly sweet perfume. Reclining onto narrow haunches beside Apollo, she would lean against him, setting Hypnos down between her front paws. "Stay here and listen." She would whisper stern words to her son before looking up at Apollo. Mischief danced in her gaze and she smiled at him.




3 Years
08-23-2014, 01:04 PM

She was on the very edge of things, her mind twisting and breaking. Svetlana had been angry with her Olympus mother, bitter, even hateful. But after that hard birth... she felt torn again. If she was distant before the mini-Raisa was almost non-existent now. Guilt tore at her, making her refuse to speak to anyone for days on end. It was hard to Korrin to get a response out of her companion now, and the girl would give a deep sigh as she stopped on the edges of the meeting. She had heard about Virgil... from Korrin. It didn't leave much to wonder why it was the melanistic woman called the meeting. The girl would sit, she didn't look to any of them. Though if she had she might had seen that woman before, the one she saw just outside of Olympus lands.

The fox would settle beside her larger companion, worry on her dark face. She pressed lightly into Svet, feeling the depression the other struggled with. She knew Svetlana didn't want to be here. That Olympus was becoming more of a prison and poison to the girl as things continued to go wrong. She didn't know what to think anymore, but if nothing else the fox would try and speak with the new leaders in charge if she must in her friend's stead. Something had to be done.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


08-23-2014, 01:12 PM
Enjoying a nice little nap that was quickly disturbed by a voice, heavy eyes struggled to open and focus on the head that poked into the den. Father. With a yawn the boy would lift himself from his sibling, giving a small shake before clumsily making his way to the den entrance to father his father. A few minutes and the group was brought to his waiting mother, and not thinking much of it and still half asleep the boy would make his way over and plop himself beside his father with another, but smaller yawn. "Hi mamaaaaa." He rubbed at one of his eyes then gave his head a small shake.


08-23-2014, 01:17 PM

The boy was napping, ignorant of the possible drama and danger that he was about to be lead into. Sea green eyes would slide open, a yawn leaving him as he pricked up his ears. Meeting... family? He wasn't aware that there was anyone else other than his momma and Polly. How wrong he was. How naive and innocent he was to his own existence, his fate. He felt a bit excited, that childish innocence shining through as his mother picked him up by his scruff. It would have taken forever if he tried to walk with her, but she was kind enough to cut the journey time down. At least that was how Hypnos interpreted it. She could do no wrong in his eyes.

They would arrive with so many others already there. Polly was there too, and seeing him made Hypnos' little tail wag. But when he was set down between his mother's paws he was told to stay with her and listen. He'd look a little confused, but he wouldn't argue, pressing lightly into her leg and looking at all the others. Listening meant being quiet and observing, so he would do that. Though he was eager too, especially seeing the other small pups. Pups that were his siblings... and the boy didn't even know it.



7 Years
08-23-2014, 07:32 PM

The new queen settled back on her haunches to await the arrival of the pack, but she did not wait long. As hoped, Helios was the first to come, their children trailing behind him. She greeted him with affection and whispered the news. "I want you to know before I announce it - Virgil has passed the pack to us. She needed more help than I can offer and I sent her to recover with my family." She only made it through those few words - words she would soon repeat - before others began arriving. She greeted each member that greeted her in turn, but her nerves prevented her from noticing and acknowledging each wolf that arrived directly.

She waited until silence enveloped them, a sign that all had arrived who intended to, before addressing the pack and its potential members. "First, thank you to everyone who is present today. Those who are not here will no longer be members of Olympus, except for those I have directly excused. Family members not present will not be removed from the pack, but will be punished for their failure to show." She paused before moving to the story. "As some of you may already know, the Virgil suffered a very difficult pregnancy and birth that almost cost her her life. She was in need of care that none of us are qualified to give, so she has gone to be treated by my maiden family. She appointed me to fill the role that has opened in her absence. While this technically makes me the primary leader of the pack, Helios and I will jointly lead Olympus as the gods intended."

"Our rankings and laws will undergo some slight changes in this transition. Helios and myself will be known by the titles of Patriarch and Matriarch, respectively, in accordance with Olympus tradition. The next ranked wolf will be the Delphi, the most talented Oracle of the Olympus family. A Prince or Princess will be trained to eventually take the throne. We will be creating a high council, a group dedicated to evaluating and creating the laws of the pack in the best interests of the whole. The council will be made up of the Ephors, Apellas, and Perioeci. The lead warrior, hunter, and healer - Peltast, Strategos, and Atomist respectively - will also sit on the high council. Ordinary warriors, hunters, and healers will be known by the same titles with the prefix of Anti. Olympian born healers will become Oracles."

"Members of the family will be known as Spartiates, their children Proxenoi. Members over age 8 will be Gerousia, non-Olympian yearlings will be Hoplites, and younger non-Olympian children will be Sciritae. The lowest tier will be comprised of Slaves, Prisoners, and Helots, the non-Olympian pack members who do not specialize in contributing to the pack." She paused at the end of her listing of the ranks, to give it a moment to sink in. "The laws will remain largely the same, except that they will be better enforced. Each member over a year old will be required to prove him or herself in the art of combat, because it is imperative that all members of Olympus are able to defend themselves and the pack. Each member over a year will also be required to specialize in contributing to the pack, lest you be demoted to Helots. Any challenges for ranks must be approved by Helios or myself, as we do not want wolves challenging based on strength without ensuring that they have the other qualities necessary for the rank they desire."

"As of right now all positions are available for any wolves who so wish to prove their capabilities, except for one. As the eldest child of our former rightful Empress, Gaia has officially been appointed to the position of Princess and will train under me to eventually take the throne." A smile lit her maw at the announcement that she had been thrilled to make. "And, to further bring good news to the Princess, I am pleased to announce that the gods have approved of her engagement to Solo, son of the former leader of Covari."

Finally through the good news, Natalya moved on to what she thought was a grim, but nevertheless important, topic. "I know that some of you may not be happy living in Olympus. This is your opportunity to leave if you desire, but any requests after this may very well be met with a denial. As for those of you who wish to stay, please voice your preferences for ranking within the pack and how you will prove your qualifications for said rankings. In addition, I am requesting volunteers from whom I can choose wolves to aid my husband and I in seeking out alliances with the other packs on the continent. Finally, I request that all Olympus family members remain here after the meeting to go over the laws that pertain only to us."

She would turn then to her husband and speak in a hushed voice. "Is there anything you would like to add?"


08-24-2014, 08:24 AM

Large ebony paws struck the earth with a sort of careless nonchalance. Yes, Charon had heard the call. He noticed that it did not belong to the golden queen. But still he answered it, arriving last on the scene and hanging in the shadows. The man had been keeping up his polite demeanor rather well as of late, but this sudden change in plans was beginning to piss him off. He struggled to look pleasant, not drawing attention to himself as he listened to the Olympus woman speak. Apparently she was of his blood, though Charon had never heard from his father about her. Only Virgil had been named, and she had been the target. The queen that had to be ripped from her throne. But the dark male still had not seen her around, much less spoken with her to get on good terms. Perhaps she was gone? Why else would this ebony bitch be calling a meeting in her place?

Golden flames crawled up his legs as he walked quietly in, seating himself behind the others as the woman began to address the crowd. She first thanked everyone for arriving and announced that those who had not shown up were no longer members of the pack. Charon chuckled once, bleakly. If she had not seen him and sought to throw him from her borders, he wouldn't go without a fight. This place was his home. He had a right to live here by blood, and had no committed any crimes that could convince her otherwise. Not yet, anyway. Perhaps he would need to talk to the woman later, in private, and win a bit of her trust.

Ears twitched as she spoke again, saying that Virgil was now unfit to lead due to birthing complications. The throne had been passed to this woman, apparently, and Charon tried to put on a smile and look happy for her. She and her husband would lead the pack together, as the gods intended. Right. Maybe her gods intended it to be that way, but his didn't agree. Still, he kept the false smile on his face as she continued to speak, listing ranks and expectations. The Princess, it seemed, would be trained to take over the throne when her time came. Charon watched hungrily as the Matriarch gestured to a silvery child with blind eyes and strange white markings. Her engagement to the fiery red boy was announced, and perhaps noises of celebration would be heard. But Charon dropped the act for a moment and did not join in. He simply stared at the royal girl, planning her demise. She was blind. That made things easy. But she had a boyfriend to protect her. Perhaps more lives would need to be lost, more throats cut and more blood spilled, before the ebony brute could win his rightful throne.

His facade would snap back into place as the Matriarch requested that family members remain to discuss things that pertained only to them. Charon allowed his expression to lighten up, the greed fading from his eyes as his lips pulled apart into a genuine smile. He was family, whether this woman liked it or not, and he intended to stay behind and listen. So the Olympus boy rose to his feet, nodding at a few of the members nearby, and stepped closer to his new queen. He sat next to the pup that had taken a liking to him during the border scene, bumping his shoulder lightly as he sat. "Nice to see you again," he whispered, winking at the boy. "Have you been working on your fighting skills lately? Maybe after this I could give you a lesson."

He could literally feel a gag in his throat as he spoke the words. But hopefully he wouldn't have to keep up this good guy facade for long. Then he could tear into this fake queen, and her stupid little princess too.