
All that remains



5 Years
08-26-2014, 01:16 AM

Cirala had returned, much to her own shock and chagrin. When the panther and Elysia had left she had followed, they all she really had in the world. It had crossed her mind that Satu ought to probably know where she was going, but last she had heard of her sister the woman had found their cousins, she would be alright. As for her brother? well he had made his feeling clear. Elysia was gone though. The woman Cirala had given up everything for had up and left her, how very typical. So too had Kus seemingly vanished and once more finding herself free to wander Cirala could think of only two places to go.
Ahlon had changed, much had shifted. Her aunt and uncle were no long in charge, leaving instead her cousin Lyric. Lyric had been kind, to a point making it clear that would allow Cirala back into the fold so long as she did not go running off again. A promise the dark woman could not make, especially after she visited with her mother, the poor woman? Her mother was old, seemingly growing senile and had given Cirala the biggest guilt trip of her life.
She couldn?t stay there, the clinginess of her mother was suffocating and so she had excused herself again, with as much grace as she could muster. That left only Alacritis. So it was that the woman had grudgingly returned to the lands. The lands themselves held nothing in particular for her, nothing except some less than pleasant memories. But she knew it, well enough anyway. With the warm summer sun beating down upon the poor dark woman she trudged dutifully through the field of rocks, hazel scanning for a boulder big enough to give her the shade she needed.
Finally Cirala found a spot, with a sigh she flopped onto her side. For a moment she scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of movement then resigned herself to the rest she so needed. Lids dropping she lay he head upon the ground and breathing one more breathy sigh, let herself nap.




6 Years
08-28-2014, 02:45 AM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 02:56 AM by Iorwerth.)

Iorwerth's aimless wandering had continued. He'd found himself back in the Eastern lands, albeit an area he had never travelled to before. He'd mainly stuck to the Southern areas of the East, around the Ludicael lands when he had stayed there. He had no desire to return there again though was certainly far more open to the idea of visiting his sister there than he had been a year ago. The man had always had a strange relationship with his family, this development with Satu was certainly the closest he'd ever felt to being a brother.

That left Cirala. If one was viewed as his sister the other should be as well though of course life just wouldn't allow things to be as simple as that. This thing resembling a bond between siblings had only occurred because she had been there to help him during those crucial months as he struggled to recall anything about his life. Cirala hadn't been, he wouldn't think any less of her for that but equally the relationship between them had not made any positive developments either.

He hadn't actually seen her for nearly two years, the fact was one that perhaps should have been alarming though with such little attachment he hadn't thought about it at all. Of course she hadn't even been in Alacritia for a good portion of that time, but Iorwerth had no way of knowing that. Regardless the man would still be rather surprised when he suddenly came across her. It was certainly Cirala napping up ahead, he was sure of it. Now what did he do? There was a strange part of him tempted to make sure she was ok, he of course wouldn't reveal it but perhaps his amnesia and Satu's help really had changed him more than he realised.



5 Years
09-01-2014, 12:27 PM

Cirala?s sleep was restless, punctuated by nearly every noise she heard. The woman was just starting to finally drift into deeper sleep when a familiar scent reached her but her groggy mind couldn?t put a name to it. Lids slowly lifted to see the shape of a wolf moving towards her, blurred by the sleep still clingingly tightly to her. The woman could just barely make out vague colors and her mind made a few jumps, skipping straight to the most favorable conclusion. "Elysia?" Her voice was weak, just barely even a whisper, much too quite for the form to hear from this distance.
She then raised her voice so that the wolf could hear this time. "Elysia, I thought you?d left-" The world snapped into sudden and violent clarity, all the blurred shapes becoming defined. "-me?" Her voice faltered dropping down in volume though she had no doubt that Iorwerth could hear it now. "Shit." Cirala screwed her eyes closed for a moment letting the embarrassment and unease wash over her as she fought to regain control of her racing emotions.
Dammit! Of course the first wolf she would run into once returning would be her brother, and of course it would be in the most awkward position possible. With a grunt she shifted herself into a sitting position and fixed hazel gaze upon her brother, the ball was now in his court and she only prayed he wouldn?t go for the cheap shot.




6 Years
09-02-2014, 02:53 PM

The girl's restless state didn't make Iorwerth any more eager to leave if he was entirely honest. Dreams didn't typically plague his sleep at all, they had during the time he recovered from his amnesia, little glimpses of his history resurfacing as his mind switched off. Occasionally those memories would still continue to appear even now he recalled them though he was certain none had left him like this. Or delusional for that matter as she began to awake. He had forgotten who Satu was but this was completely ridiculous. Elysia was a girl's name. He was not a girl.

Cirala would realise that herself as she suddenly swore. Language he was sure that Arelahn wouldn't have approved of no matter how little he knew her. He too tended to steer away from profanities though he wasn't entire certain why. They were simply words, they didn't phase him at all. Such a lovely welcome, Iorwerth was normally more skilled at those than Cirala but she may have just topped him. "No." He would confirm for her though she had clearly already realised that fact for herself. "Who is Elysia?"