



5 Years
08-25-2014, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 05:33 PM by Fiamette.)

Pride seeps from every pore that lines the goddess's body, a new sense of power having been washed over her since gaining the golden crown from Artemis. She walks with dignity now, her snake like movements kissed with the unmistakable touch of authority. None of the previous members had decided to stay, but that was an obstacle the empress could easily overcome. She already had a few recruits in mind, most of them her siblings, but a few of them were as capable as she was. She would provide her siblings with an everlasting home, something her mother had attempted yet had failed to do. She would not abandon her throne or her family as her mother had- and she hopes her siblings have enough trust in her to believe this.

The empress travels silently through the mist cloaked forest, volcanic orbs sliding from left to right as she carefully watches her surroundings. She hopes to see Artemis lingering around the woods, as the woman said she would be staying despite passing down her crown. Upon reaching the heart of the territory, she finds herself a good boulder that she can perch herself upon. She jumps onto it without much effort, her rump kissing the cold stone as she reclines onto her haunches. She lifts her muzzle toward the heavens, her jaws part, and a summon for all her siblings, and any rouges who had an interest in joining, seeps from her lips. The eerie cry rings out across the misty territory, a delighted smirk creasing her velveteen lips as she waits for the crowd to form.


ooc- first round ends MONDAY, SEMPTEMBER 1st

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



1 Year
08-25-2014, 07:11 PM

It was quite by chance that the dark tawny and russet man had been wandering about the forest when the call emerged through the air. The voice was all too familiar and he was definitely drawn to it. It had been the carmine wolf with the precious dusky rings of fire surrounding her crimson eyes that he had met only a short time ago. He pushed himself forth towards the call, as it sounded as if she wasn't just a succubus but a queen as well. He would raise his head in a knowingly suspicious way as he came into view of her. Her ebony paws and all, it was hard not to remember a face like hers. He probably appeared almost like s stalker.

"It is quite by chance I found you temptress. Tell me, do you still require assistance with the body?" He joked as he gazed at her, his tail waving softly from side to side as he tried his best to hide a wicked grin from finding his muzzle. It was to no avail as he let himself fall onto his haunches so he could sit just a few feet from her. Would she accept his offer? He had much to prove to her just as she did to him. Starting with a name. He himself had decided not to divulge such a thing at their last meeting and he was thankful. He didn't want her to know him as Castiel. He was so much more than that precious little angel whom he would one day kill.



3 Years
08-26-2014, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2014, 10:01 AM by Sköll.)

Skoll's steps were panther-soft as he slipped through the mists wreathing this forest. It was a pack territory but the scent was stale and beginning to fade, as though the pack had stopped renewing markers recently. The remaining scent markings reeked of his brother, Hati, the Betrayer... he had been here recently. Skoll had no compunction against stepping over the border to investigate - though he was no fool, his senses remained at the highest alert in case any remained of the old pack to take offense to his presence. His lip curled at the idea of some lesser beast daring to attack him... he would put them down like the mongrels they were.

Not simply his pawsteps were cat-like - when a youthful call pierced the mists inviting wolves to flock to a new banner, his curiosity was piqued. What manner of wolf so young as this voice implied could gain a pack? And no child of Hroovitnir, this one, or he would have recognized the voice... unless his brothers had been more true to their purpose than he had been led to believe. Perhaps the Betrayer had - no... Hati had never shown the proper interest in siring pups to carry on the bloodline, why would he start now? Still curiosity drew him on.

In the center of the forest he stepped through the mists that caressed his equally pale form to find only a pair of wolves there. His eyes dismissed the male, whose sex did not match the voice who had called, and tracked up the boulder to the form of the wolf who would take this pack. His gaze swallowed her thoroughly, weighing, judging... and then dismissing. A beautiful body did not persuade him into believing them somehow close to worthy, not anymore, and this girl's unusual red coloring did not change the fact that she was no more than a new yearling, a rank amateur. Her pack would fall within the month, no doubt about that.

But something stayed him before he could simply turn and walk away. Not pity for the girl or a desire to help, no, not even infatuation or lust though she flaunted herself with a precocious sexuality. Skoll had it in mind to do something a little low, dabbling below his league for a while as he discovered what the Betrayer had seen in this quaint little group. Or had Hati simply torn them apart as he had their own family pack? Unlikely he held the same enmity for whoever led this pack that he'd held for their father but it was a possibility that could not be denied. Why not tarry here for a time, have a bit of a play at being a good little pack wolf?

So he allowed himself to slip back into a demeanor of good cheer, coming forward out of the fog with a welcoming smile for the child who would lead this pack. "My lady alpha," he purred as he bowed before her, without a hint of the distaste he felt, nothing but respect showing in every line. "I am called Sk?ll Hr??vitnisson, and I greatly desire to join your pack. Your very wish would be my every command."



08-26-2014, 11:08 AM

Several days had passed since her encounter on the frozen lake, she watched from afar as her acquaintance grew to power, and found that they were of like minds. Like herself the grand fire that she was despised weakness, that the weak served the strong, and that the strong would inherit the earth. Because of this she followed the call of the familiar voice south and found the wolves amassing to stake their claim for positions of power. She would bow low before her new queen, eyes kissing the ground as she admitted her subordination and turned her will and her life over to The Red Woman. "I humbly submit myself to your service." She said, only peering to look up at her Empress momentarily, gauging her response. She did not need to ask or beg to be in the pack. Dodge took what she wanted, and although she played the role of submitter now she would not stop until the fire in her soul was swallowed by the fire in her alpha's. She saw the power in those red embers, saw the justice she promised them, and she knew in that moment she would forever belong to the red priestess.
No one is here to light the way



3 Years
08-28-2014, 11:52 PM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

Ooc:: This will be set not long after Arisu?s fight with Jupiter so left a little vague in case she loses.

The russet woman still bore the blood of battle on her coat. Acidic green gaze burned with hate, the fight within her mind. She felt sick, twisted, her yearning to tear further into flesh so strong in her heart. Ears were pinned against her skull yet, her mouth feeling heavy with the crimson liquid. The orange woman truly woke something in the yearling, a feeling of need for power, to rise up stronger... To strike down every opponent without mercy. Arisu was done of life?s bullshit and games. She would take control of her life.

Walking on, passing the old lands once called Elysium, the enemy of her mother, she would hear a most interesting call. Ears would lift, confusion shining in those green orbs for a long moment. Fiamette. Her sister. She was calling a pack meeting... Meaning...

Pride would well within the girl. Her face would light up with a look most pleased look indeed. Fiamette had greatness in her blood, written by her birth. She had not been entirely pleased as a child how the eldest girl would flaunt her mother?s favor towards her, but Arisu did not blame her now that she was older. Realization in how others worked... Could make you understand so much more. Had she been if Fia?s position she would have likely been much different than she was now. But that was the interesting role of the die of fate. It shaped them and lead them, even as they worked to defy it and master their destinies.

Tan legs lead her on, to the place where her sister had her claim of her pack. There was no words spoken, not yet, as the girl sat herself not far from the red nymph. But Arisu would keep acidic gaze in that direction. Should Fiamette look at her the look within them spoke of her reason for coming; she sought a haven with her family again. She did not feel that Fiamette would throw it all away... No... She knew she would not. Her sister was better than that. So much better. Arisu had believed her mother had been too... But that appeared to not be the case.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'



5 Years
09-03-2014, 03:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 03:07 PM by Fiamette.)

She sits in silence for a few moments, her audits perked atop her skull, and her senses eagerly waiting to pick up the first sign of life. The first to arrive is not one of her siblings, but instead, it is the man who would not give her a name the day she had met him. Right brow lifts in amusement, her head cocking toward her right when he asks if she still needs assistance with the body. "No, the body was deposed of- but if you're interested in building an empire, we have much to discuss." She responds, her velveteen lips creasing into a wicked smirk as the words seep effortlessly from her maw. Before she can say more to him another figure emerges from the mist, a pale man that she has never seen before. He would address her before bowing, and the empress would merely stare at him with an unwavering gaze, her facial features hardened and frigid. "And should I command you to perish for me? What will you say then?" She questions him, her brows furrowing in doubt. These wolves needed to be fully devoted to her, and that meant placing their lives in her crooked paws. She would accept no less from them now that she was a queen.

Her attention would be turned toward another familiar face. Dodge, the delicacy she had meet on the field of ice, steps forward and devotes herself to Fiamette. The carmine goddess could not be more pleased, a warm sensation spreading throughout her body at the mere sight of the woman's impeccable beauty. "I could not be more pleased with your decision, my beauty." Lips crease ever so slightly, giving the woman a hint of a smile before she turns her volcanic gaze toward the single form of her sister. She is surprised- no, she is angry- to see only one of her siblings had answered her call. She had given them a home, a forever sanctuary that her mother could not uproot- and they don't even bother to show up? Pitiful. She will find them, and she will take them, as they are her only blood relatives. "Arisu. She says her sisters name and takes a pause, her eyes rolling over every crease of her sisters bloody frame. She will save the questions she has for later, as right now her sibling's mistakes is the only thing plaguing her mind. "I am pleased to see you here, and I already have your assigned task in mind, seeing as none of our brothers, or sister, decided to show." Brows furrow to narrow, disgust present among her features as she turns toward the rest of the crowd. "These are pitiful numbers, but do not fret- even the smallest pack can take down the biggest game." She scans the crowd as she speaks, her eyes bouncing from face to face. "I am not sure what rumors have been passed through Alacritis, but i have gained a crown due to Artemis growing tired of wearing hers. Artemis still lurks withing this forest, and although she is not a member of our pack, she is to be treated with the same respect you would give me should you run into her." She takes a pause before continuing. "You will all start out with the rank V?kja. I want each of you to call a private meeting for me within the next three days. I will assign you each a task, and based on who delivers the right goods, and how well the deed is done, you will be promoted to a valuable rank." She pauses again, then continues. "We will begin sparring practice as well, as I need to personally see which one of you is the most capable warrior. If any of you take interest in healing, please let me know, as we have no pack healer as of right now. Hunters are needed, along with play things and stress relievers- but don't worry, you'll receive a task to achieve those." She sweeps the crowd one last time with her volcanic stare, making sure to make eye contact with each of them. "For the white man who does not know me, my name is Fiamette Sovari. Are there any questions?" She takes a small breath before falling silent, her ears swiveling toward the crowd as she waits for someone to say something.

ooc- you guys have THREE OOC DAYS to post a thread for Fiamette somewhere within Apollyon. Your character will receive their task in those threads, and from there they will be promoted based on their outcomes.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



1 Year
09-03-2014, 03:42 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 04:00 PM by Aurelio.)

[Image: XUlxYXE.png]
Your birth
is a mistake
you'll spend your whole life trying to correct

The man could not hide the devious grin as she asked for his assistance in building an empire. His mar would part to respond to such a tempting offer. "Well that is simply an offer I can't refuse now isn't it." He would agree to her offer with a bit of a sly smile as others started to shuffle in. She would start to speak, talking about how disappointing the small numbers were but quickly spoke of even smaller packs being quite the enemies at points in time. He would have added in his own comment but he managed to hold his tongue as she wrapped it up, demanding that each of them see her privately in order to get their ranks. "I am Aurelio," he would introduce as he had never told the regal lady his name. "What would these ranks up for grabs be, Empress Fiamette?" He would add as he fell silent and looked about. Would any of the others have a question for the red queen?



3 Years
09-04-2014, 04:36 PM

She looked on him with suspicion, the child in all her fool's wisdom, and demanded to know if he'd be willing to die at her command. He didn't bother to hide the smile that lifted his lips away from glistening teeth. Oh and she thought she was a clever one, did she? He answered candidly, but with more than a hint of laughter in his voice. "You wound me, firebrand. I'd be as willing to die for you as I would anyone, but I won't let someone kill me if that's what you're wanting - I'll die fighting. Might as well be at your command as any, yes?" Icy eyes stared into her fiery ones measuringly, that slight smile still curving his muzzle. Can you really do without me? that expression asked her. Do you really want to try? "At any rate," he continued with an unconcerned flick of his tail, "I am willing to follow your orders."



3 Years
09-05-2014, 04:22 AM

I'll be TWISTED its my turn!

She would be greeted by name, something that the russet girl found she could smile about. There were questions she too wanted to ask her fiery coated sister, but she would save them. There was disappointment in her as well, seeing that Vivek and Hestia had not shown. But she knew why their other brother had not shown. No... He was still with his beloved Princess, wasn?t he? Arisu felt a bit sick at the thought. While he was off playing prince to the girl she had fought and bled for her sister. Arisu was the youngest of the female siblings, but she felt a growing protectiveness over Hestia... Yet she had failed her. Perhaps that is part of what had the girl come to Fiamette. That, and, as Arisu had already proven, her loyalty to her own blood was far stronger than any risk or threat. She trusted Fia... Even if they had not been close... Even if there were squabbles among her siblings.

They were family... And Arisu would be damned if she?d allow anyone to take them away from her. She would give a nod to her sister, deciding to stay silent for now. So Fia had a task in mind, and, by her words, she had to wonder if it was to seek the remaining of their siblings out. They should have all been here, right? It was perhaps the lack of Hestia?s presence that troubled the girl the most. Vivek wanted to go with their mothers... Solo was in Olympus... But Hestia... She had not managed to find her since after her fight with the phoenix woman and her damned pet. Though Arisu wouldn?t speak, her acidic green gaze would shift over those gathered, ears pricked. She was listening. Observing. She was doing as she had done best since a child. These men and the woman presence would be known... Even if Arisu hardly spoke a word to any of them.

"Hear My Voice,"

'Read My Thoughts.'