
don't i smell just fabulous today?


09-01-2014, 12:01 AM

Wren had been lying upon the same stone she had been on all day, thinking about nothing other than her and that witch Mirabelle. The fight they had was obviously just a set up by her. Mirabelle came to annoy her, causing her to lose control of her words and to blurt things she had regretted. And that she would tell Bass...just to get her on his bad side. Perfect trick, honey. Wren planned to challenge her to a spar sometime. One for dominance, even if that red woman was ranked higher than her. She wanted to see who really had guts. Who really thought of themselves as mature and considerate.
Though still. The thought kept repeating in her mind like a ruined tape. Over and over. It made the world spin around her...and she couldn't understand why there was so much unease between her and Mirabelle. Was she jealous? Maybe she was...humiliated of something? The hopeless thought made Wren groan with impatience, as she lowered her head between her paws with a sigh. She casually fled from the topic, and moved on to Bass. Who was currently injured. She probably wouldn't get to see him any time soon, with Harmony guarding home like a concerned mother.
One way or another though. Wren still missed him and wanted to see him again. The problem was...she was in heat. When her and Bass nearly did...ugly things, she wasn't in heat. So she hoped their next meeting wouldn't be a replay of the one prior...or worse. A soft groan, again, would spill from her inky lips. She finally began to slip back into reality, minty eyes narrowing calmly as the sun glared down at her. The woman snorted and rolled over onto her back, tongue lolling out of her mouth. Hmm.
"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"



7 Years

09-01-2014, 01:00 AM

Bass had gotten away from Harmony, she had been less on his back now that he was almost completely healed. His muscles were still sore, skin still tender from the bruise. But his jaw hurt less to talk, unless he rambled on like he tended to at times. But he was wanted to be free again, to be with his pack and forget about the whole thing. Bass wasn't himself without being able to move around, he felt so completely... grounded. He wanted to roam free and chase the wind, to dance with the grass and hunt again. He was done with being useless, Bass wanted to once again feel important. So he headed away from his den, the thing that used to be his safe place but now it was more like a prison. Sighing, the white male made his away as far as he could get from that stony cage, when the smell of Wren caught his nose. Tail wagging behind him, he didn't pick up her season scent at first, he was more focused on the fact that he hadn't seen her since he first came back from the fight.

The Azat bounded through the tall grasses, headed straight for the rock that she rested on. She was on her back, tongue hanging from her maw in a goofy fashion. It was rather warm for the summer, he was worried about storms rolling in from the heat. While he liked dancing in the rain as much as the next wolf, lightening was certainly not his friend. With the mid-day sun pounding on his pale back, he made a bee-line for the girl. His own salmon tongue lolled from his jowls, his gait at a medium pace since he didn't want to strain his muscles. Letting out a happy bark, he reached her side and dug his face into the softness of her neck. Taking in her scent, it was then that he noticed that strange scent that twirled around her, something that made hi body react like it never had before. Bass reeled back as if she had struck him, a dazzled look on his face. What was going on? All he wanted to do was... nasty things to his dear Wren.

Bass' pale ears flattened as he let out a low whine, but he could not deny himself her touch. He walked back to her, once again hiding his features in the soft folds of her neck. Oh how badly he suddenly wanted to nibble at her flesh, but the male showed much restraint. He instead placed a delicate touch there, pulling back and forcing himself to sit on his rump. She smelled damn fine today, but he kept that to himself. "I've missed you." He managed, his voice rather gruff.


09-01-2014, 01:38 AM

It didn't take Wren too long to notice the presence of Bass nearby. His scent was just too familiar to her for her to ever forget. He was just too special. Although, a pang of confusion did shoot through her. Did Harmony really let Bass out? Or did he sneak out himself? A smirk played along her lips, paying no attention to the fact that she was in heat, rather growing excited to see her friend. She slowly turned over and looked back toward the man, tongue finding it's way back into her jaws. Her tail slowly thumped down against the stone that she was sprawled out across while Bass slipped up and buried his nose into her neck.
That's when he seemed to notice...he flew backward as if he had been shot in the chest, but his expression told her that he was confused...and interested at the same time. Wren sent her friend an uneasy glance, her tail slowly curling up around her rear. Her ears folded backward and she turned her minty green eyes to her paws. Maybe it would be a repeat of that one day...the woman bit down on her lower lip, forcing a weak smile as he uttered a, "I've missed you,"
She slowly leaned in to nuzzle his face, tail remaining curled around her rear as she replied. "I've missed you too..." The dame slowly drew her tongue along his nearest ear calmly, before turning and looking out into the plains. She knew that Bass didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable. The woman reckoned it was something every male went through. And female...considering she had her own thoughts of doing things that she would regret. But she kept them locked inside of her. Especially around Bass.
Wren huffed and spoke again, trying to lead them both out of the awkward situation they were leading each other into. She didn't want this meeting to be like the last one...she wanted it to be normal. Like they were friends..."So...uhh. How is your jaw?" She paused and thought for a moment. "I wasn't able to check up on you like I should of a friend. I was a bit busy..." Ya'know, busy arguing with Mirabelle. The thought made her scowl. But she turned her attention back to Bass with a weak smile.




7 Years

09-05-2014, 12:44 AM

He had gone and done it again, once more making things awkward between the two. He let out a soft whine as her tail curled around her rump, he didn't want her to feel scared. Bass was trying to deal with a lot of this, this whole... sexual thing. It was all new to him, and he was acting like a total fool. But Wren would whisper that she missed him too, and he felt as if everything in the world was right. He cared for Wren very much, he just needed to grow up a bit in the whole sex department. He had grown up too fast for the rest of his body to catch up, this whole heat thing was something that he was not used to. Over time he would learn to hide away during the summer, as it seemed that he had a lot of woman in heat then. Maybe he should just take a summer vacation and leave the pack to Motif... Maybe his Nana and Papa would let him stay there for the season.

The girl before him huffed, bringing his attention to her form once more. He really just felt like stuffing some grass in his nose so that her smell wouldn't tease him the way it was, calling to a more basic urge. His head tilted when she said that she had been busy, but with a careful shrug of his shoulders he moved on. "My jaw's better, I am feeling almost back to normal." He said, his golden eyes never leaving her form. "And don't worry about not visiting me, my sisters were keeping a pretty close eye on me. Hardly anyone got close." He said with a sot chuckle. Three of his sisters were now here, one holding a different rank, which amused him. Now he just needed to convince Chord to join them to bring all the siblings together again.

Sighing softly, he nuzzled her shoulder before making himself pull back again. "What have you been up to then Wren?" His question was playful, he had no idea about the spat between her and Mirabelle. Motif had kept him out of the loop so he wouldn't worry, and Wren had not been able to come and see him to tell him what had happened. Blissfully unaware of the fight, he just looked at her with a big grin on his face, trying to ignore that smell.


09-11-2014, 04:33 PM

Wren hated making her friend guilty. She also hated being like this around him...she wanted their relationship to be normal and easy. Not full of this awkward nonsense. It seemed the aroma she was letting out wasn't helping at all, either. But thank god it was almost Autumn. No more of this crap. She could snuggle up to him without feeling nervous and awkward...they could meet normally. But then next then, Bass should be learning to control it. Two years and still having nasty thoughts like that doesn't make much sense to the white-faced woman. Either way...may he make mistakes or not, she would still lo- remain his friend.
The thought cleared from her mind like rainy clouds, and Bass calmly replied to her, telling her that his jaw was doing okay and that she shouldn't worry about not visiting him. Wren's eyes were suddenly consumed by that guilty sadness. She could almost feel tears in her eyes...she hadn't really noticed how bad he had gotten hurt when he fought Isardis. She was too busy arguing with Mirabelle to even dare her? Bass could of died and she was too busy acting like a slimy fool! Once he finished speaking, Wren immediately sat up and moved toward him until her chest pressed against his. She buried his nose into his soft fur while a few tears left her eyes.
Bass was probably confused as hell by now. But it didn't matter to her. The woman just let go of that instant guilt and sadness that filled up her chest like a glass cup...and those four words just repeated over and over in her mind. Bass could of died. Bass meant so much to her- and losing him would shatter her heart. But thank god he was alright. He was here. He was okay. Wren looked up at him and smiled weakly. But all at the same time, she shut her eyes and relaxed against his chest. "Oh my god...Bass, I'm so glad you're okay."
She inhaled and shifted closer to him, her nose finding it's way deeper into his creamy-white fur. The girl was probably just smothering the boy's neck and chest in tears...and he was probably really, really confused. Hopefully he'd understand eventually. Or else this would be yet another awkward situation between the two. "If...if your wounds were any more severe...please don't do that again Bass. Please..." Wren wasn't really holding back on any of her feelings for him. They both kind of realized they were beyond Wren didn't mind much. Even if she wanted to take it slow.
"I mean too much to me!" She didn't even realize it had been awhile since the event happened. Again, Bass was probably hella confused. Or maybe not! Maybe he understood just how she felt...Wren opened her eyes and stared up at him, tears falling to the earth in a hurry. Her tail curled over her paws, and she decided to answer his last question later on. At a moment like this...she didn't want to throw in, "Me and Mirabelle were fighting."



7 Years

09-18-2014, 11:54 PM

Bass watched the girl, confusion clear in his golden eyes. He watched as her emotions changed like the tides, tears filling her eyes. Had he said something that had offended her? Or perhaps it had been his actions, maybe he had been to abrupt with his actions. His eyes grew wide when she stood and walked right over to him, pressing their chests together and burring her nose into his coat. The Azat took in a deep breath of her scent, his heart pounding in his chest at their closeness. Breath hitched in his throat, even as his coat grew damp from her salty tears. Her heat scent didn't matter anymore, because the emotions that he felt for her in this moment was not driven by that. It mattered not what season it was, Bass cared for her through all of them. Taking in a deep breath he allowed her to cry, although the reasoning was still lost on him. He dug his nose into her coat, pressing it against her warm skin. Butterflies danced in his stomach as he closed his eyes, his frame leaning forward into her. A soft sigh left his lips as he enjoyed their closeness, while the rest of his mind tried to understand her tears.

The alabaster man did not have to wait long, because she pulled back and said that she was glad that he was okay. Blinking at her, his head slightly tilted to the side, his body feeling cold without her so close to him. "Why wouldn't I be? My emotional wounds were much deeper than physical ones. I took a lot of time to think things over, but gods did I miss you." He whispered, his eyes searching her wet face. Pulling himself closer to her he gently lapped up her tears, caressing her cheek with his nose. "Now shh... its all okay Wren. I'm here now, with you. There is no reason to fret over the past, why don't we just think about what is happening now?" Bass offered, words wishing to form on his tongue. He held them back though, because thinking over the fight was not the only thing he had done while he was out of commission.

He should be uncomfortable with all of this, but he just enjoyed having her close. She pressed their bodies together once more and Bass lifted his left forelimb, wrapping it around her neck and pulling her close to him. He hummed softly, trying to soothe the girl who's tears would not end. His low baritone was calm and collected, all the while his head was racing in his chest, threatening to beat right out of his rib cage. Her next words made his ears fall back as a soft sigh made its way out of his mouth. He knew what she was talking about, and all he could do was bury his own features in her soft fur. "I'll do anything for you Wren." He said softly, meaning every word. He knew that he had scared a lot of people by trying to be so stubborn, but he hadn't known that it had effected this girl this much. He felt bad for it, guilt of his own kind twirling in his gut. He could have handled the whole thing better, and he knew that. But he didn't fully understand it until he saw Wren like this, and it tore his chest apart. He didn't want her to feel like this, not ever.

The next words that left the girls maw made him pull back from her ever so slowly. His mind ran those words over and over in his head, his stomach dropping to his paws. "Wren I..." He paused, a shaky breath being taken in as his golden gaze roamed across her face. "I love you too." Those four words were but a whisper, his whole body feeling like it was on fire after the words left his lips. He looked at her for a moment longer before he drew his body close to hers again, that arm wrapping around her to hold her closer. "I know we are young, and that this is sudden -- but I truly love you Wren. I couldn't stand being away from you, and you were on my mind as I lay in the den healing. Every time I tried to seek away it was to see you, all I wanted to do was to look into your face. I knew that it would make me feel better, and that it would raise my spirits." His words were soft, spoken right into her left audit with careful perversion. Letting her go he pulled back again, biting his bottom lip as he waited for her to say anything.


09-20-2014, 06:18 PM

Being so close to him...feeling totally okay with crying in front of him like this...what was she feeling? A little piece of her heart kept trying to convince herself that it was love. It was that want and need for him to be close to her. But the other half was filtered with that uneasy fear and humiliation. When the pair first met, Wren was a flirtatious mess. And what she thought would turn him on became a horrid memory that she always has to remember...and that she can't seem to forget. Back made her want to cry. Because she knew that he'd remain nervous around her. She'd think that every meeting they'd have would be awkward one. But no...that friendship that she desired and craved, turned into something completely different.
Because the awkward things gradually became completely transparent to her. And the humiliated emotions that filled her heart were drained like a cracked glass of water.
Wren felt herself collapsing now, collapsing right into him. She wasn't even thinking about her actions anymore. What was this? Just a pair of confused yearlings who knew very little of their own emotions? The woman felt the soft vibrations of the boy's chest as he pulled her closer and began to hum to her. To that single action, she felt her breathes grow that she could hear that small portion of his beautiful voice. Her ears relaxed against her head and she fought to collect herself...but it seemed to be as hard as standing with a missing forelimb. Why...did things have to be like this? One moment a confident girl who thought of herself strong. emotional cry baby?
"I'll do anything for you, Wren." She finally could make out what he said this time...for she had practically blocked out his previous words with her emotional thoughts and nonstop sobbing. The girl felt tired...almost sick to her stomach. Not because of what he said. Just because she had been crying so much. And these thoughts...these thoughts were filled with such pain. They were slowly tearing her apart. Wren exhaled a warm current of breath, shifting forward and trying her hardest to close any distant between them without completely knocking Bass over. Her eyelids rolled shut and she finally managed to calm herself. Silence.
But the next uneasy stutters that came from Bass immediately pushed her back into reality. Her heavy green eyes gazed into him, and she awaited his finish. Which...normally, most could predict. But Wren was too exhausted to even think straight. Finally, he breathed out barely audible words to finish his pervious mummers. "I love you too." The girl thought this had been a simple joke to light up the mood. But with her studying his face so seriously...she couldn't find once ounce of silliness or play upon his face.
Wren's body suddenly filled with heat. Of course, she didn't want to accidently take what he had said the wrong he awaited his next words. And they all came so quickly like fish that pop up at the surfaces of lakes, but instantly flee without a second thought. Within moments of him finishing the girl played a weak smile and casually allowed him to pull her in to his heated chest once again. Her eyes rolled shut, but words fled from her lips instantly. "I guess you're right. We are young. But...words could never describe how much I care for you, and how much I love you."
She paused for a moment and opened her eyes, turning her gaze up to him with an easy smile. One that expressed much more than her previous one. "I know this is sudden for both of us...but I want to be with you, Bass. I want to be with you forever. Because...because if you ever disappeared, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Every day I can't see you kills me inside..." She practically breathed out the words, reminding herself that she'd never regret saying them and that they all were completely sincere. But she decided to finish right there, leaning her head against his and shutting her eyes again. She wondered how he'd react...what he'd say.