
Where the white boys dance (Fendar)



4 Years
09-01-2014, 06:09 PM

Her ebon coat carried through the darkness and the trees with the idea that maybe she could find herself and some peace for her life if she got away from the craziness and the blood. It still haunted her, the was that there had been a war in her home land. She wasn't afraid to admit that she had ran away from the conflict because she was proud. She was living a life day after day, an adventure some wolves could never have. She had been avoiding anything and everything Xanilov because she knew or at least thought she knew that most of her relatives would not be so kind and welcoming to the fact that she had fled the fight for her life. Her dark blue eyes would dart from side to side as she stayed on constant lookout. The midnight full moon shone above her and down on her pelt as the reserved and shy girl continued to avoid social interactions.


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 01:06 PM

But it seemed like times of avoiding interactions was up. The leggy male had easily picked up her scent, the smell of her teasing his memory. Fendar knew this girl... she had fled soon after the battle took place. A small growl could be heard vibrating in his throat, but he was in no position to be angry at the girl. He too had left after the bastards took away most of the sight in his left eye, leaving a thick and ugly scar that marred his auburn features. He had fought his hardest, but after that he ran like the shameful coward he was. He tried to play it off that it had been because he could not fight as well with the loss of sight, but it was a simple lie to make himself feel better. No matter how many throats he had ripped out, it would not make up for the fact that he too left the fight. But Koroleva, she had hardly stayed. Interesting that she too had made her way back to Alacrita, and more interesting yet that a lot of Xanilov's were returning here. It gave him a slight thrill, he longed for one of their blood to once again take a seat upon the throne. He had yet to visit the old Ebony lands, but he was on his way there. Fendar was interested to see who claimed his family's pack, and if any of his blood were still lingering there. He had no idea that one of Raisa's children had claimed the crown once more.

Fendar finally picked up her form, trying to hide from the world out there. He gave a slight huff, grumpy as usual. It had been three days since the male had slept, making him quite irritable. "Why come home only to hide blood-sister?" He asked, his low baritone calling out to her. His tail lashed out behind him as he closed the distance between them, bronze and silver eyes boring into her. "Looks like dear Koroleva has returned. And pray tell, what do you intend to do now that you're here? And how long do you plan on staying this time?" He knew that his words were harsh, but he couldn't help it. He was irritated that she was hiding herself here. Why come back only to hide herself within their homelands? The whole situation was quite pathetic, even he had to admit that. Snearing at the younger girl, he towered over her form and peered down at her, although curiosity was alight in his two-toned gaze. Why exactly had Koro returned? She didn't seem to be doing a whole hell of a lot. Fendar hadn't as well, but he had been back yet a week, so that was his excuse. But what was hers?



4 Years
09-06-2014, 01:49 PM

A voice would ring out through the air which caused her to turn on her heels just to come face to face with someone she knew all too well. It was Fendar Xanilov himself, a warrior, family. Not that she did not enjoy seeing her family, she just really was not in the mood for putting up with it all. Her lower teeth would grind against her upper as she moved her jaw from side to side a few times. His harsh words were always going to be remembered as Koroleva did not simply forget. "I am not home, my dearest cousin. This is far from home and I have no interest in ever returning to the blood soaked hills and trees." She would respond with a flat tone as she stared at him. She was still not one for violence, she loathed it, but she would not take any shit from her family for her actions that day.

"What I plan to do here happens to be none of your business. Now, will you leave me alone?" She asked in a cruel tone to match his. She wanted to just back up and stay her shy and reserved self but she felt she was facing some inner demons by confronting Lizanna's son about what he had said to her.


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-06-2014, 04:50 PM

A fluttering sigh left his lips as she spoke, meeting his hostile tones. He honestly didn't mean to be so grumpy all the time, but he was rather rude. "Oh cousin, are you not overjoyed to see that I have survived?" He asked, a slight teasing tone in his voice. See, he could be nice every so often, it was just... rare. She was right though, there was no home to return to. The vipers that ran it now would kill them on sight if they were to return. Fendar pulled his large frame on to his rump, sitting before Koroleva. "I find it interesting that so many of our royal blood are residing here, did you find your way here alone?" His voice was a bit softer now, he could see that he had very much upset the girl. He was usually one to protect his blood, and here he was making her angry at him. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths before he dared to speak again. "Forgive me Koroleva, I do not sleep much these days. I can see the horror behind my lids each time they close, I can still hear the screams of our kin dying around me." The male shook, his large frame looking so frail in those few short moments. But as soon as he reopened his eyes, he stood tall once more.

Fendar knew that he had reacted a bit harshly, he needed to go climb a mountain or something so that he could sleep without the disturbing images clouding his mind over. He worked on bringing in those sour emotions so that he could at least have a pleasant conversation with his cousin. She had been only a year old last time he saw her, and now she was a woman. He didn't remember her being this shy though, she used to be a fiery thing. Desipite this, pride glowed in those eyes of his. She may have ran, but here she was alive and well. "You've grown a lot in the past two years. You really are looking well, Koro." He even managed a small smile, it was like someone had just sucked up all those grumpy feelings.



4 Years
09-06-2014, 06:10 PM

Wow, moodswings much? Her voice would ring through her mind as she listened to him react so calmly around her. "It is quite alright." Her voice would remain quiet and she as she offered an explanation for her leave which happened to tie into the topic well. "It is good to see you alive. I was so new when the first patients of the had arrived from the front lines. There was so much blood and we lost all of them. It is the reason I ran." She confessed as she stared off into the distance, the memories haunting her with vivid images of the blood that had covered her paws and nearly stained her fur. She gulped before speaking up in an almost silent voice once more. "I'm here alone. I was unaware that there was any family around us, let alone any family left at all." It was a terrible thing to say, but she had imagined the worst when she wondered about how it had all ended.


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
09-07-2014, 03:53 PM

He listened to her soft spoken words, his own features becoming less hardened as she went on. They all had lived quite hard lives, to be harsh to one another would get them no where. A soft sigh left his maw, his metallic eyes softening towards the girl. "It seems like all who made it out believed that the rest had perished, we all thought we were alone." His vocals were soft and sober, speaking the truth. He hadn't even known that his own sister had made it out alive. He saw how many bodies lay bleeding on the ground, and knew that no one could have made it out alive. He was wrong though, so very wrong. Already he had met two of the Xanilov line, and was off to discover this so called New Ebony. Anticipation tingled in his paws, his head tilting to the side as he gazed at Koro. "Have you heart whispers of a pack named Ebony? I have come to see who took the name of our old homeland before it was torn from us." His words were a slight sneer, he was rather irritated that a commoner -- or so he thought -- had named their pack Ebony. That was the Xanilov's homelands, not here. Stepping forward the large man bent down and nuzzled the girls shoulder. "Our family always seems to find a way back to each other, I am sure that if anyone else made it out, they will find you again cousin Koroleva."

"Talk" "You" Think