
The Only Exception



5 Years
09-04-2014, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-04-2014, 03:49 PM by Misha.)

The contractions started early in the morning, waking the girl up with a sharp pain. The arctic ground squirrel felt her stirring and bolted awake, close to the girl's side. "Lassy.. Are ye alright?" He would ask her in a soft tone, knowing that she could be giving birth to her's and Winter's pups soon. "Uhh, yeah. I'm fine.." Misha would say in a weak tone, pulling herself up next to the ship she had met Winter, the S.S. Antiox. A long wave of pain would hit her, making the girl's head spin. She would wince in pain, shoving the squirrel over. "Sven.. Move.. Over." She would say in a breathless tone, her voice a rasp. Sven would move next to her stomach, placing his small hands onto her belly. "Don't worry, Lassy.. I'm here." He would tell her softly, patting her stomach. Misha's eyes would swell up with tears, the girl choking a sob. "Winter.. I can't do this without Winter." She layed on her side and rested her head on the snow, crying softly to herself. "Lass- Misha.. You need to do this, please." Sven's voice would cry out, pleading out. She would sniffle and lift up her head, another wave of pain washing over her. This one was focused onto her abdomen. "They're coming," she would pant out, a whine escaping her lips. "Push Misha, push!" She would obey the male's words immediately, pushing down from her abdomen. She would feel something slither out from between her legs, lifting her head to watch the animal land onto the soft snow. She would pull it close to her with her muzzle, licking the small pup. Her heart would stop as she would catch her breath and perk her ears, listening for any sign of life within the pup. "Misha.. Is it?" Sven would ask her in a soft whisper, sitting himself down onto the snow. "N-no. She can't be.. Dead. She can't be!" She would cry out, licking the small, lifeless pup once again. Yet, her pup would stay lifeless.. She had given birth to a stillborn.. The small, female pup was dead. "Misha, I'm.. I'm so sorry," Sven would tell her, his voice holding pain as well. "Wuhh?" She would gasp as one more pup would come out from between her legs, this one being a male. She would quickly pull the male to her side and begin licking it, her tears falling onto his lifeless body. "No.. Please don't be dead, please don't be." She would hold her breath as she nuzzled the small pup. Though, his skin was cold, showing no signs of life. Her heart was broken. The pups that had been so excited for, was willing to give the world to them, were dead.. They had never entered the world alive. Her eyes would swell up with tears, but she would hold them back. She had to be strong. The girl turned her head to the starry night sky and opened her maw. "I'm sorry.." She would whisper up into the sky, dropping her head in shame, sniffling. Sven would scamper over to her and hug her around her neck. "Lassy.. What are ye sorry fer? None of this is yer fault. Misha please dunn blame yerself." Oh, but she already had.. She blamed herself for losing Winter, and now losing the pups. She kept her maw shut and closed her eyes, resting her head against the snow white ground. All her fault. She couldn't even give birth properly.. Much less sustain the own life within her pups.
(OOC; Uggh. Rusty post. But, practically Misha's miscarriage. Anyone is welcome, but she needs comforting words more than anything else. My rp will improve, I promise xD I'm just a widdle bit off.)


09-04-2014, 04:12 PM

The gray male was walking, trying to find a place that his brother's pack could claim, when he smelt wolf, the breeze on the air. There was something else as well, the smell of blood and pups, tinged with the smell of death, and Wael raced along to a smaller female. The death scent was not the female. It was the pups laying at her side, and Wael stared at them. He did not know the female, but he lowered his head, licking the female, nudging her cold body. His blue eyes watered with tears, and he stared at the female. He could say nothing, but moved closer to her. He was quiet, his voice a little raspy from the pain that he felt, seeing the pups laying there. If he felt that much pain, imagine what the mother felt like. The male moved even closer to the female, sitting next to her.

He glanced at the brown female a few times, before he managed to speak, his voice soft. "I-I'm sorry. I know you probably want to be l-left alone, but I couldn't let you....." The male paused, glancing quickly at the pups. He spoke again, and stared down at the female. "My name's Wael. We haven't met at the best time, but it's still nice to meet you." He would have smiled, if not for the situation. Instead, he spoke of the hallucination. "If it makes you feel any better, I've seen a hallucination since I was born."

"They took care of me, and now I'm pretty well better. My siblings. Now I'll stay by your side until you get better." Without another word, he picked up the pups and carried them outside.




5 Years
09-04-2014, 04:36 PM

She would glance up at the male who had seemed to appeear all too quickly, his words of sorry only lifting the girl's spirits a bit. She ignored most of his words, though, her mind running thoughts of her lifeless pups. Suddenly the male would bend down and pick up her pups, walking away. "Hey!! Dunn touch the lassy's pups!!" Sven would screech, chasing after the male. "W.. Wait. Where are you going with my children?" Misha would call out in a weak, broken tone to the male. She would drag herself up onto her paws, waddling lopsided after the male. Where the hell was he going with her pups? Just because they were stillborn doesn't mean she didn't love them unconditionally.. She wanted to at least give her children a proper funeral.


09-05-2014, 08:33 PM

Permission had been given to be released from the pack in which had temporarily enslaved him. Ah, it was shameful to lose his battle with the blood tinged wolf in such a way, especially while his mate carried their unborn children. After his release, his heart carried him back to the place where he had met his Misha. Surely she would be here or at least close. Eternal snow swirled in the gentle breeze that licked the atmosphere. A blanket of frozen liquid wrapped its arms around all the visible world. It was beautiful and familiar - comforting.

Though, as he neared the stench of death and blood was thick in the surrounding air. It intertwined with his amour's delicious perfume. Instantly fear would strike his soul - it flooded every ounce of his body. His sped quickened as he neared the scene. Emerald eyes grew hard as he stared at the strange male that entered the scene, though, the man was probably doing what most any other would do. Right now his concern was on Misha and their children, he would address the male later.

Quickly, he came to her side to comfort her. To let her know he was here for her - keeping his promise to always be by her. He kissed her gently upon her cheek and tears begged to poor from emerald eyes as the situation became clear to him. Their pups had been stillborn. . . His body moved to see the babes and he nuzzled each one gentle. Tears fell from his eyes and landed gently, as if they were kisses, on the tiny bodies.

Ivory body then wrapped itself behind Misha in a comforting hug. The pain was unbearable, but together they could get through this. The stranger had been pretty much ignored until he took the babes inside his maw. Winter's ears immediately pinned viciously against his head.

Quickly he rose to his feet and followed the man, though, quietly. He would not act out in aggression in this moment - giving the stranger a chance to do good. A moment as this did not need any unnecessary anger or hurt. When he heard Misha's voice, he would stop and wait for her. . . to offer her comfort in this time of otherworldly pain they would both share.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



5 Years
09-05-2014, 09:35 PM
His scent would fill her nose, her heart beating quickly with the realization that it was him. It could only be him. "My casanova," she would call out to him in a breathless whisper, running up to her mate, even in her weakened state. "Winter, I love you." She would say as he would kiss her cheek, a small smile appearing on her ebony lips. Her heart would sink like an anchor as she would watch Winter cry over his dead children, tears flooding her blue eyes. "Winter.. I'm.. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry," Misha would tell her mate with a choked sob, standing up, following Winter as he got up, following the male that took her still pups and walked away.

"Wiiiinter!! Yer back!!" Sven would screech, chasing Winter and hugging his ivory tail tightly. Misha would stay quiet and continue following her mate, tears trickling down her brown and pale cheeks.