
A Lonesome Moon



9 Years
09-05-2014, 10:37 PM

His silvery, mist grey frame paced the edge of the stream, large paws leaving fresh marks over an already well trodden path in the sand. He had been pacing to and fro for several minutes. He hadn?t seen her rosy, moon pale face in such a long time. Did she even remember his existence? It had been so long since that night when he?d professed his heart, and yet so soon, they had needed to part, he to his duties, she to Luna knows where.

Perhaps they had never truly been meant to be. Mismatched eyes of gold and emerald dropped to the trodden sand at his paws. It had felt so? right, though. His large head lifted and he cast a searching gaze beyond the shadowy fronds of the willows. Night had fallen hours ago. The moon had risen, and now hung, cold and far away, in the dark sky. His eyes lifted to that silver marked white orb. Another moon, one sweet and soft as a cherry blossom, had shed her light upon him, one last time, bewitching and ensnaring. Now he wasn?t sure if he?d see that Moon again.



09-08-2014, 12:12 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Well, it was official now. She and her family were a part of Olympus. It felt strange, so very strange, to call the place home, and honestly she was still trying to convince herself it was true. The pack was nothing like what Valhalla had been, and Ashtoreth knew that in a way, because she had been a part of them for so long, the transition she was making now was going to be that much more difficult because of it. How could she expect Olympus, with its multitude of differing customs and beliefs, to really reflect the pack that she had grown to care for and respect so much? It was never going to be exactly like what she wanted it to be. The sooner she accepted that, the better off she thought she would be.

But it still did not stop her from wondering. Where were they? Where had the pack gone after everyone had dispersed and exited what had once been Valhallan lands? She had panicked in that moment and ran with Leon and the kids, seeking merely to get away rather than to stay close to those she knew and trusted. She knew it had not been the wisest decisions, and now especially she wished her rational mate had thought to follow those that had left around them. If he had, maybe her family would have still been together. Maybe both he and Ashelia would still be here now.

The depressing turn of her thoughts had completely turned her mood in the wrong direction, and knowing her children were safe within Olympus's borders she sought to get away for a while. She did not want them to see her like this, so dejected and downtrodden by things that were far beyond the span of her control. Her paws carried her away from Olympus and back toward the single territory she had taken to keeping near around when she had tried to get her and her children into their current pack, the Whistling Willows welcoming her back with the quiet rustle of their many spindly branches brushing against each other as they stirred with her passing. Here she could be alone to further come to terms with her new lot in life. Here she could be alone with her sorrows.

Or so she thought. The lean grey hunter had not gotten very far into the shadowy wood when she caught a scent that stopped her dead in her tracks, her two-toned eyes widening with a sudden sense of disbelief. Could it be...? But...they had all gone their separate ways. How had a few members of Valhalla suddenly made it over this way, so close to Olympus territory, without her realizing?

In an instant Ashtoreth was tracking, following the scent as she tried to identify it. It was undoubtedly someone of Erani's family, of that much she had no doubt. But there were so many of them, and she had spent so little time socializing after she had finally become mates with Leon, that she could not soundly decide on who it was that she was following. Her dark nose twitched at the end of her muzzle as it led her along, her eager paws winding through the willows until she finally caught sight of the grey figure who stood there beneath their branches, his gaze cast skyward as if regarding the late night moon. She recognized him vaguely, his shape and coloration even in this light familiar, though the true details about him evaded her. With a gentle, confused sort of furrow about her brow, Ash approached him, quietly, and stayed at a distance, as if unsure if she was really seeing who she thought she was seeing.

"I remember you," she stated softly, foregoing any proper introduction since none would come to mind. In a way she half expected the familiar stranger to vanish and prove himself to be nothing but a delusion of her desperate mind. " were in Valhalla." Somehow it made him seem more real to say so aloud, to voice the connection that she had drawn from the moment she had seen him. And apologetically, cursing her poor memory as her ears folded against her head and she shuffled a bit on anxious paws, she added quietly, "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name."



9 Years
09-11-2014, 12:32 AM

He almost didn?t hear the approaching wolf until she was closer to him. As she paused, he blinked and lowered his gaze to the silvery grey female. Hey. He knew this female. She spoke, cementing the knowledge in his brain. He?d seen her and Leon brought to the head of the pack during a meeting to take their vows of matrimony. As she spoke on, stating his previous pack affiliation, he nodded. ?Aye, I was. I still am, even if the pack isn?t official.? She had been their lead hunter, a fine huntress, hardworking and strong, but quiet voiced. He could also now see her fragmented nerves, just under the surface. He could imagine how she felt. So much upheaval in one pack. It was as though Valhalla was the prize pig, and everyone had to challenge for it.

He smiled slightly as she admitted to not remembering his name. ?Alsander. I was a Digamma.? Solemn modesty as he stated his old rank. What rank would he have, once Surreal rebuilt their home and pack, and called the old Valhallans back? ?And you are Ashtoreth Adravendi, our finest hunter.? It was no attempt at conscious flattery, but a sincere acknowledgement of her skills and hard work. Mismatched eyes of gold and green studied her frame, then the surrounding area, as he wondered where Leon and their children were. ?There are a few old members here; Cael, and Imena, and Deviant. Cael and Imena had children. About time, too.? He added in an undertone, almost to himself.

He looked back to her, noting her eyes, which he?d never paid much attention to, in terms of noting the colors. Amethyst and gold. They reminded him of Lyric?s eyes. ?How have you and your family fared since that day? I can smell Olympus on you. Have you found a home there?? And would you leave it behind, to be a part of the old family once more? It was an unspoken question as he gazed steadily at the grey huntress.



09-12-2014, 01:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth felt her heart constrict in her chest. Still? Did that mean that there were others from Valhalla who had managed to band together after the challenge and were living together, wolves that she considered practically family that she was away from because she had run away? Not for the first time, she regretted racing off with her mate and children as she had, of putting them through the troubles they had faced and the untimely fate that had befallen Leon and Ashelia. The words if only continued to torment her but she made herself draw in a deep breath, willing herself to set it behind her. There was nothing to be done about the past now, no way of changing anything that had happened.

Quietly, under her breath, she spoke the grey male's name as he gave it, sure then that she did in fact remember it and who he was. Alsander. Cormalin's son and Erani's nephew. He had indeed been one of their Digammas, and her own lack of interaction on that front, being rather averse to any sort of fighting or training of the like, likely explained why she had not been able to recall hm right away. "I remember now," she remarked softly, nodding her head as a little smile began to settle upon her face in answer to his own. Just a little her tail began to wag. It was so wonderful to see a familiar face, to speak with someone from her old home. It made her want so desperately to abandon everything that she had done for the betterment of her family in the hopes of reuniting with those that she knew so well and trusted so much.

Her smile grew bittersweet as he named her own title, the compliment in his words drawing about a somewhat embarrassed, somewhat shamed sense to settle over her. She hardly felt at all like the woman that he spoke of, nor could she see herself in the same light. Events that had transpired had shown her just how weak, how fragile, she truly was, and any strength from those old days, when she had been certain of herself and her place in the world, had vanished the moment she had been deemed a loner once more.

Alsander confirmed what she had supposed just a second ago with his statement of those who remained of Valhalla, and the lean grey hunter's ears perked. "Here?" she asked, unsure if she had understood correctly. Had she been right in thinking that his presence here meant that the wolves she sought so much were right there upon the border of her new home, so close without her having realized? What she had written off as wishful thinking suddenly grew into a real possibility, and the realization of it only made her long to reunite with them more.

The gentle prompting regarding the well being of her family was met with a lowering of her gaze and a turning of her ears, the weighty sadness that still clung to her once again taking her quietly within its grasp. How much she wished to tell him all was well, to at least appease any concern he and the others might have had for her and her family with their separation. "Cador and Vaishya are with me in Olympus," she answered quietly, her two-toned gaze still lowered and averted as she tried to hold the brunt of her feelings within while she explained. She doubted he would have recognized either name. "My son and daughter. Leon and Ashelia..." Ash paused, taking a moment to steady herself before she admitted, "were lost near the Estuary." Of course, lost was meant in a metaphorical sense, and she hoped he would understand. She was not sure of her ability to say it straight out. Clearing her throat and blinking her suddenly watery eyes, she added, "It's nothing like Valhalla at all."



9 Years
09-22-2014, 12:24 AM

As he introduced himself, he could see her repeating his name under her breath, a small smile tugging at his maw, as his haunches slowly lowered to the ground. Her statement brought a further smile to his lips, which faded as his question regarding her family was answered with a somber expression, her gold and amethyst eyes lowered to the ground. He remained silent, letting her work through the thoughts and sadness, before she finally spoke. So two of her children were with her in Olympus. But Leon and her second daughter?

The news was saddening. He?d been good friends with Leon; Leon had been a patrol partner. ?I?m sorry.? There was complete honesty in his voice, regret for loved ones lost. Irish timbre low with regret, he looked at her as she struggled to regain her composure and added that Olympus was nothing like Valhalla. Would any pack ever be like Valhalla? One big family? Always going through some strife or another? Even Surreals future ideas for a rebuilt pack had differences. They would be trained, and anyone caught slacking, would be punished. He had little doubt that Surreal would follow through, and make sure the pack ran smoothly.

Mismatched green and gold eyes cleared as he studied Ashtoreth. They could use a strong hunter. Ashtoreth had always proven herself adept at the art of bringing down food. ?Surreal will be rebuilding the pack. Perhaps under a new name, with some new rules and regulations, and pack names, but she will be bringing it back, one way or another. I know she would be glad to see you back again, if you wish to come home. It may take time, but the world must know they cannot beat us down, no matter what they try.? Bolstering words were warm with encouragement. He believed in never giving up. Retreating to regroup was one thing, but downright showing ones belly and submitting without honor was another one completely.



09-25-2014, 05:45 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Catching the slow, easy movement of the large grey male sitting himself down, Ashtoreth unconsciously found herself doing the same. It felt almost as if the weight of the conversation made the motion easier, urged her to sit in place, and suddenly made their accidental run in feel like it might be lengthier than she had anticipated at first. It was all fine with her; it felt like it had been ages since she had conversed with someone from her old pack, someone who knew her and recognized her by name. And the fact he was currently staying with others, their old leader included, made her all the more eager to stay and find out how everyone was during all the time they had been separated.

Relief was strongest when Alsander did not ask for any further explanation regarding Leon and Ashelia, his quiet apology accepted with a silent nod of her head. It was still hard to talk about, hard to think about, even after the months since their disappearance. She missed her mate terribly, felt his absence most when she looked into the faces of her daughter and son, and wished his strength, his support, was still with them. She did her best with him gone, tried to be her own support team by telling herself she was doing everything within her power to ensure their safety and success in the future, but doubts and shortcomings continued to cloud her judgment, and some days, like this one, it was hardest of all.

She continued to quietly steady herself, focusing on mastering the emotions that had so strongly hit her this night, and listened almost absently as he went on to talk of Surreal and her plans. Just a little she felt her heart ache at the thought. To have everyone join up again, even under a new name, would have been wonderful. Ashtoreth missed all of them, missed the familial connection she shared with each of the ex-Valhallan wolves, and longed to be with them again. Which made Alsander's notion of returning "home" all the more heartbreaking. How could she go back to them when she was now part of Olympus? They had trusted her to join them and take up a hunter's place, welcomed her and her children without issue. How could she turn her back on them after their kindness?

Distressed, the lean grey hunter's ears tucked against her head, feeling torn between the options available to her, her gaze staring down at the ground between them as if her choices were laid out right there upon the earth. "Nothing would make me happier than to join the Valhallans again," she answered softly, longing deep within her voice. "But we just joined Olympus..." Another thing he said gave her hope, however, and finally she lifted her two-toned gaze so that she could meet his mismatched eyes. "Will one of you come and find me when Surreal makes her pack? I'm not sure I can move the kids so soon after this last time." But more than anything, she wished to. Just being around them would have made her feel so much better.

She hesitated a second, pondering, before she asked quietly, "How are they?" It had been so long... She hoped everyone was well despite all that had happened.



9 Years
10-04-2014, 05:37 PM

Alsander saw the indecision and distress as she heard his question about coming home; longing for home, warring with obligation to a pack that had taken her and her family in. Still, he didn?t pressure her, let her work through her thoughts. When she answered, that longing for home was in her voice, and his heart panged with sympathy. He could understand the obligation. But her request gave him hope that she would come home; from what he?d heard, she had been with the pack for a very long time.

?Of course.? His irish brogued baritone voice was earnest. Yes, he would seek her out himself when the time came. They needed a fine hunter. Someone experienced in leading the hunt. Her next question came, and he smiled faintly. ?They are well, although my aunt has it in her head that she failed Valhalla in losing that challenge.? About the loss of his father, he didn?t speak; not yet. The loss was still too new, and he was trying to come to terms about it.

His fathers last words, just to him, had stuck with him all this time. Never forfeit your honor, Alsander. Honor, Cherish, and Protect, Serve with your life, and Obey. Then throw that third law to the winds if it means going against the first two. Take care of our family. Take care of those you cherish. Be happy, be strong. I love you, my son. And don?t forget to tell your brothers that I love them, too. And your sister, if she ever comes home. His eyes lifted from the ground between his paws, where they?d dropped unconsciously while he?d thought, resting on the silver face and the gold and amethyst ringed eyes. She had not been able to have last words with Leon, or her daughter. He could imagine how much that tortured her heart.



10-28-2014, 01:14 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was an incredible relief to know that Valhalla, or what remained of it, still remembered her and still wanted her to come home. Outside of the pack she had been birthed into, Valhalla had been her life, where she grew into herself, where she had seen love and friendship and purpose blossom and fulfill every desire she had for life. Leaving it all had been painfully sad and heart-breaking in its difficulty, but soon she would have another chance to return. Soon they would all be together again, possibly under a new name and a new leader, but she had no doubt being among them all again would satisfy the need she had to be amongst her family once more.

Ashtoreth smiled at Alsander's assurances, immensely grateful. He went on with a quiet smile to tell her that those who remained with him were well, though it appeared that Erani was taking the loss of her pack harshly. The smile upon the petite grey wolf's face fell away at the news, though she could surely understand it. Leadership was a difficult role and most of the responsibility rested solely with those who wielded it. It was part of the reason she had been so reluctant to take on any highly ranked positions in the pack at first, one of the many reasons she had admired Leon from the start because of his easiness in carrying the extra responsibility. But with as close as they had all been, and as tough as the opponent who came to face their pack, she knew Erani's opinion of herself to be wrong.

"I hope she knows we don't hold her accountable," she answered worriedly to Alsander, her brow beginning to furrow over her gold and purple eyes. "She was always a good leader to us, we don't love her any less." Ashtoreth wished more than anything that she could say so to Erani herself, though she had a feeling it was all things that her immediate family, those who were still lingering around her, had already told her. The grey wolf sighed quietly. "Hopefully she gets over it soon. She shouldn't be so hard on herself." Maybe having the pack all together again, seeing how resilient they all were for herself, would prove to her that they all understood the difficulty she had gone up against and that they still cared for her no matter what outcome had resulted from it.

Ashtoreth fell silent a moment, thinking again on how wonderful it was going to be once they were all together again. She did not know Surreal quite so well to guess at what her leading style might be like, but if she was anything like her mother she was sure to be a kind and just ruler. Only slightly did she worry over location - Valhalla had remained there upon the Plains for as long as she could remember - but in the end she supposed it would not matter. Simply being among them would feel like home enough. "I miss it. The pack," she admitted quietly with a bittersweet smile, glad that she could smile at all considering the circumstances. She had been so down and depressed when she had first wandered out this way. Now she felt eager for the future and the eventual reunion that she saw waiting for her and her family down the road.