
Slavery is a crime[Joining]


05-14-2013, 02:34 PM
This place didn't seem too scary, not to phase the boy at least. The young wolf blinked his red orbs before looking around for any source of light filtering through the smoke lifting into the sky. From what he had heard, Tortuga was a pack you didn't want to mess with. Of course, he'd be going against his brother by doing this. The light red wolf really didn't care. Perhaps the large scar across his muzzle would convince them he could be of some use. Dragneel had an odd urge to serve people, but he also had his own conscious. The way the world worked was a crumbling mess anyway, so what else could he do in the first place. He flicked his black tipped tail and moved his head to that his right eye was facing into the territory. Where a white patch outlined it, the patch and the black tipped tail are what marked him and his sibling as related. Only his brother, Natsu, had the white patch on the other side of his face. The good guy of the family, while Dragneel had been the misunderstood follower with a high endurance factor. Training wasn't odd for the brute. He may have not looked like much but he was smart.

Respectfully the boy dipped his head at the border. Nervous as it was, he kept his shoulders laxer to show that he meant no threat. His pink tongue falling over his snout as he tried to get the thirsty feeling away from his throat. Those innocent red looking eyes patiently waited for a higher up to come judge him. Hopefully, even if he wasn't seen s worthy they'd take him as a slave. A Dragneel was looking for, was a place to feed him if he fed them in return. And gave them protection as well.


05-14-2013, 02:45 PM

Desdemona would pace the borders of Tortuga, her massive ivory frame swaying back and forth as she reestablished the border of the territory, two toned eyes, one obsidian one crimson would fall upon the forest like a beacon, seeking anything out of the ordinary, anything that might pose harm to her pack. She had been Queen only a scarce few days and already she was turning this pack on its axis, spinning it in a new direction. Some hand commended her for it, others hated her. Regardless, things were getting done. A snort would escape her nostrils before the dame would pause, a foreign scent, trickling into her nostrils.

Motivation would push her at a heady gallop, tracing the scent and tracking it to the border. Her eyes analyzed the male before her, he sat submissive, waiting, crimson eyes now watching her. She was massive. A stunning forty-two inches and thick musculature that evened out to an impressive one-seventy. She was not a figure easily dismissed. She would study him a moment more before her lips would part and her larynx would vibrate, neither cold nor welcoming her neutral tones would pour. "What business do you have with Tortuga?"




05-14-2013, 02:58 PM

The reinstated King patrolled the borders with ease. Lungs had long since gotten used to the climate change and it seemed as though he could walk the mountain terrain with his eyes closed. Even when Kaien had taken over he'd made sure to learn every nook and cranny. Despite the wolves' dens of course. Those were private and Nnoitra would avoid them altogether for the most part. He had no interest in learning where they slept.

Once again the scent of another would grace his nostrils and he would head in the direction it came from. Another scent soon reached his nostrils and a smile pulled at his lips. Desdemona seemed to have beat him to the newcomer. Regardless he head in the direction and then came up beside the larger Vecaan. Eyebrows would raise and he would offer her a small smile.

"You've taken to your new title quite well dear. You're starting to beat an old man like me to the punch."

His two tone blue gaze would then look at the new comer and observe him carefully before settling back on his haunches and merely observing. He wanted to see how she went about accepting members, especially since she had never done so before she became Queen.



05-14-2013, 03:19 PM
Dragneel didn't expect a woman to confront him. Not that he was sexist, usually males were quicker to run up to something like him. The boy was inexperienced when it came to being social, he was really well off at following orders when he wanted to. His red eyes reflected off of how large she was as well. Intimidating, if Dragneel wasn't smart, he would've guess his brother would have been torn apart by this pack if he had confronted them. Timidly his ears flicked as before he could answer, a male showed up. Dragneel didn't want to waste time, his observing of them was over as the small male gave a straight face to give his answer. "I am here to request acceptance. My name is Dragneel. Ma'm, and sir" Dragneel politely dipped his head in a greeting. Then raising it slowly, now this time he looked over the both of them. Their sturdy forms glistened in the dim light. The boys scar almost seemed like it ached in front of these two. Dragneel loved to see higher up wolves, they were like living idols to the boy.

His eye went over to Nnoitra though, he was a white male. Looking to be older, much more wise and ruthless. The attributes Dragneel could only dreamt to have had in his entire lifetime. His form was magnificent is anything. Nervously he took in a deep breath and awaited being further spoken to. Hoping, something good would come of the encounter.


05-14-2013, 05:30 PM

Two toned eyes would flicker as Nnoitra joined her only a moment after she had arrived. Always observant, he had taken to watching her often, seeing how she handled certain situations, how she poised herself, she didn't mind, he could gaze all he wished. She had nothing to hide, nothing to be buried. She tried to be fair above all else, weighing each option and choosing the one that led to the least pain... at least for those within the pack. She was blunt and to the point, she didn't candy coat her words but she was honest if nothing else. She would smile ever so slightly at Nnoitra and dipped her head, a silent greeting, Her attention would return to the rogue who seemed nervous, submissive almost. Her head would tilt to the side, watching him carefully before her jaws would part and lyrics would fall forth, answering his request.

"And should I permit you entry into my pack, what skills would you bring? What graces would you bestow my people?" Curiosity glittering in her mismatched orbs, she would demand a response. his was young and able bodied, and so far he had offered the two of them naught but respect, it was looking bright for the lads acceptance. She waited with easy patience for his answer.



05-14-2013, 07:35 PM
Dragneel was slightly pleased with himself, to be able to follow such wolves. This female to, her tone, her appearance, all of it made her a knight in shining armor. With the aspect of being a girl as well. "I have speed and agility. I am quick to move on orders. I also can last a while with endurance Ma'm. My loyalty stands at high stakes for treason is punishable by even more than death." Dragneel answered in a smooth tone. Hoping that he wasn't answering anything too boldly, or too nicely for that matter. It was as if one mistake or slip up could bring him to some sort of ruin. Though he was a servant of those he became attached to, there was not much else to run off of in his life. Where the whole was to be served, the savior be punished was it not.

His smooth muscles kept themselves slightly on guard as the curiosity in his bright red eyes grew with every moment. Would there be a test? A test of his words, or would there be blood spilled at his paws. That he wasn't sure of, the nature of the world was a mysterious thing after all.


05-14-2013, 09:05 PM

Desdemona would survey the male before her silently, giving him her full attention, he seemed to look at her with almost reverence, mild worship, she resisted the urge to let out a soft chortle at such a notion. She was a far cry from a savior, her past was drenched crimson, a river of blood that spanned far too long. His words were polite, respectful, honorable... if not a little straightforward in their delivery. She could see no ill intent in his posture nor in his tones... but had he been trained? Or were these merely skills he had picked up alone? Many rogues were left to their own devices with little to no training, Desdemona could work with that, but she needed to know.

"Where do you come from Dragneel? Do these skills you boast of have formal training to back them?" Her inquiry would fall with curiosity in her tones, she wasn't biting or demanding, merely straightforward. She had no desire to steal any souls from a different pack, they needed no more drama like Luce and Neo. She wanted his answers and he seemed more than eager to give them too her, perhaps she would make a half way decent ruler yet.



05-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Sure, he would have to explain how his rank meant nothing in the lines of being a long lost prince to a kingdom that destroyed itself long ago. Not to mention the family he had in Valhalla in which, he didn't care for at all. His brother was nothing more then an idiot who couldn't tell danger if it were right in front of him. Dragneel looked at the girl for a moment, was he possibly stepping on the wrong lines now? The last thing he wanted to do was be a disappointment. "I'm from farther south a dry land. My family was a band of rogue's. Apart from the training of thieves and bandits I have no formal pack training." Dragneel was trying to withstand the test as much as he could. He was young, a bit blind hot tempered at times. Yet he was loyal, fast, cunning and could easily learn when someone told him or wished to teach him something.

This pack of all of them seemed to be one with a lot more security then the others. It had a strange feel to it. Behind the scenes kind of things that Dragneel never liked to medal with in the first place. He just hoped he'd find a way and a place in here. If the queen here was pleased.


05-15-2013, 03:28 AM

He would fall into a short lapse of silence at her inquiry....curious. She was pleased to see him contemplating her words, it showed he had a brain, he possessed the ability to think things through and weigh his options. He wasn't merely blurting the first idea that popped within his head. When finally he would speak he was short, simple, and to the point. She could ask for more about this stranger, but truthfully she had heard and seen all she needed to know. The Queen had made her decision. Rolling her shoulders back and standing just a little straighter, a soft smile would drift across her maw, hardly noticeable, but still there. "I see no reason to deny you entry into my pack Dragneel, my name is Desdemona." She would pause and give him a minute to absorb the notion.

"In a little under a week, a tournament is being hosted, along with a series of games. Nnoitra..." She gestured to the male beside her. "...and I are selecting our betas, along with our leads of most everything else. It isn't mandatory for you to come, but you will be ranked as a slave should you fail to at least participate in one of the events. If you understand and accept this... welcome to Tortuga."



05-15-2013, 03:15 PM
Dragneel tried to hide his excitement and happiness now. His eyes flickering to the other male who was obviously the other alpha. The girl then spoke of a tournament, and how he must participate in one to avoid becoming a slave. Dragneel was not worried about becoming a beta or anything, he wasn't interested in power. Dragneel nodded his head, " Yes ma'm, I thank you hoping that I can be of some use to Tortuga." He set his paws in the territory. Raising his head a bit so that he could actually look at the surroundings he was in since he had been locked on the two wolves. This he could work with, there was the queen he could faithfully serve or perhaps another wolf. All of it would turn out in all good time.



05-17-2013, 11:49 AM

He waited listening quietly as she went through the acceptance process. He had to commend her. For a wolf who had never lead a pack before she was doing well at proving herself. It seemed as though she would have no problems. She would hopefully earn the trust of the rest of Tortuga. If so there would be hardly any chance of her losing the title.

"I'm sure you'll do just fine here. Welcome."

It would be the only words he'd speak to him, he'd accomplished what he wanted to do. With his evaluation over with he got to his feet and turned on his heels attempting to brush his tail against Desdemona as he passed. He gave her an approving look and whispered in a barely audible tone.

"Thank you my dear, you're doing wonderfully."

With that the male left to continue to stalk Tortuga's borders.

-Exit Nnoitra-



05-18-2013, 02:40 AM

The rogue accepted her terms and with a respectful dip of his head, entered Tortuga's graces. Nnoitra would rise second, offering her a compliment and vanishing. She had a feeling this had been more of a test in his eyes and apparently she had passed. The behemoth would huff quietly and without a word vanished back into her home.

-Exit Desdemona and End Thread-
