
And the trumpets they go~


09-06-2014, 10:07 PM

It had been so long since she had crossed anyone in battle. Not just a spar, but real, bloody, terrifying, thrilling battle. She wondered if a day would ever come when she would need those skills that she had spent much of her younger years finely honing. Of course she could still spar pretty much whenever she wished, but it just wasn't the same. No spars would have that same sense of rawness, of realness.

Of course that didn't mean she was going to let herself fall out of practice. She would fight anyone who wished to test her, more than ready to begin training again now that she was getting settled into her new home. It was a nice enough place, the territory was pleasant. What she really wanted to do was get to know her new pack members and how their skills ranked up against her own. She hoped that she could judge how much training she needed to do for her fight with Sibelle by seeing how well trained the rest of the pack was. Of course, she didn't know if this was a good form of measurement or not, but it was the only thing she had to go on. She lifted her golden muzzle toward the sky and called out for a sparring partner, too eager to wait till she simply came across someone to spar.



09-24-2014, 03:51 PM

The call for a spar would have her leaving the den behind, in favor of searching for the caller. Her pace was slow so she didn't bump into anything but when she finally arrived, a familiar face was waiting. A smile would lift her lips. "Looking for a spar?" She would inquire with a tip of her crown, defenses slowly settling into place. Her last fight had not been that long ago, but this would be her first chance to see how she managed in a spar with only one eye. Silently she hoped the woman would not go easy on her.

Her eye would narrow, ears pinned and hackles raised. Her crown lowered to be level with her spine, chin tucked against her throat while tail leveled with her spine. Limbs would spread equidistant, bending at the joint while toes splayed and claws dug into the ground. Broad shoulders would roll forward. neck scrunching to protect her vitals. Her weight would distribute evenly across all for limbs, her balance set and ready.

"You may have the first move." Lips would lift in a snarl, pushing extra skin around her eyes. Jaws would unhinge in anticipation as she stood still. She aimed to have about three separate herself and her opponent, and when she had approached, she had attempted to keep the woman directly in front of her so that she could easily see the yellow female.

SIBELLE vs LIBRA for SPAR: round 0/2?

"Talk" "You" Think


09-28-2014, 01:51 PM


Libra was really only a little surprised when Sibelle's russet form appeared to answer her challenge. She had hoped that maybe she would get to practice a bit and shake the rust off her skills before she faced Sibelle herself, but she was just as happy to take on Sibelle. Of course Libra saw her missing eye. It was hard to miss. That made no difference to the golden warrior however. She had grown up with wolves of all shapes and sizes, all walks of life, that had earned their battle scars and had kept on fighting. In fact, Sibelle getting back into sparring so quickly made her respect the other woman more. Libra grinned with excitement and replied "That I am."

She settled into her defenses as well, starting with folding her ears neatly back against her skull and narrowing her eyes. Her paws spaced out under her as her weight settled evenly into a firm, balanced stance just as her lips curled up into a snarl, bunching up the skin there protectively around her muzzle, cheeks, and eyes. Her toes spread out while her claws dug into the earth to help propel her forward as she began to move to make her first attack. Her muscles tensed and her head, along with her tail, fell even with her spine just as she began to move, her hackles rising to protect the back of her neck at the last second.

She wasn't one to fight dirty, but she also felt the need to make her leader aware of where her new blind spots, for lack of a better term, in her defenses were. Libra came at her head on and didn't dodge one way or another till the last second. Her head tucked down over her throat and her knees bent as she aimed her attack low and leaned toward Sibelle's blind side. She kept her movements quick and light, hoping to land her attack before Sibelle had much time to react. She aimed to bite at the upper part of Siblle's foreleg on her blind side, wanting more to grab a hold of her leg than to do real damage to it. If she was successful, Libra would press her weight into the bite in an attempt to shove Sibelle off balance.

Round: 1 of 2

Defenses: Ears back, eyes narrowed, snarling, widened stance, toes spread, claws dug in, neck and tail even with spine, knees bent, muscles tensed, hackles raised, chin tucked over throat

Attacks: Coming in head on and ducking toward Sibelle's blind side at the last second, biting the upper part of her foreleg and pressing into the bite to shove her off balance

Injuries None yet, first round


10-03-2014, 10:16 PM

The woman would agree and quickly settled into her defenses. Her singular orb would watch the woman closely as she raced forward. The russet woman would remain still, allowing her opponent to come to her. At the last moment, there was shift in the yellow woman's wait, sending her straight into her (sibs) blind side. Pain seared across her upper left forelimb, fangs leaving behind small puncture wounds. The woman would press forward, but defenses kept the woman in place for the most part. Her hind legs would bend deeper to absorb the impact better and prevent her from loosing balance. In retaliation, her jaws would unhinge against her throat, and her crown would tip to her left in an attempt to grab the scruff several inches below the base of her opponents skull, she hoped to obtain a grip that would give her control of her opponents head. She was fighting blind, using only her touch and estimations of the woman's size to guide her. In sync with her attempted bite, she would attempt to thrust her left shoulder forward, wanting to jar the woman's jaws and teeth, hoping to cause enough discomfort to release her grip.

All the while her defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles lifted, skull level with her spine, chin tucked, tail aligned with her spine and straight, shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joints, toes splayed and claws digging into the ground. It was her first fight following her injury, she was pleased to see that this hadnt deterred the woman, in fact, she used it to her advantage. Her heart thundered against her chest, nervousness mingling with adrenaline as it flooded her system.

SIBELLE vs LIBRA for SPAR: round 1/2


10-05-2014, 12:23 PM


Oh it felt good to be back in the thick of battle, even if it was just a short spar like this. That rush of adrenaline, the sting of her opponent's teeth. She had missed it. Libra felt satisfaction as her teeth met Sibelle's leg, no matter if she hadn't been able to push Sibelle over like she had planned. It was simply a testament to how well her opponent had set up their defenses. Even while in the middle of her attack, Libra was sure to keep up her defenses so Sibelle couldn't catch her off guard. Her ears were pinned back against her skull, her eyes narrowed, lips pulled up in a snarl, and her shoulders rolled forward so that her scruff was bunched up around her neck. She also made sure to keep her tail and spine even, her paws evenly spaced under her, and her toes spread.

It proved to be a good thing for her to watch her defences since she soon felt Sibelle biting at her scruff. With her jaws currently clamped on Sibelle's upper left foreleg she wasn't able to see Sibelle's movement so was a bit surprised when Sibelle's teeth found her scruff. She was a little impressed by the accuracy of her bite given that it was on her blind side, but she also reminded herself that she had put herself in very close quarters with her opponent. It wasn't that unreasonable to think that Sibelle would be able to find her neck. She ignored the sting of the bite while Sibelle went on to press her weight into Libra's bite, stretching her jaw and putting her neck at an awkward angle so that she had no choice but to let go. When her jaws were empty once again she let her neck fall even with her spine once again and tilted her head so that it was protecting her throat.

In one movement she released Sibelle's leg and then pressed her weight forward in hopes that she could press her left shoulder into Sib's chest, using the slight bend in her knees to be able to push forward and still keep her balance. Her claws dug in to keep herself steady as she pushed her shoulder up, hoping that with Sibelle latched onto her scruff she would be able to hit her shoulder into Sibelle's throat and either cut off her breathing for a moment or be able to make her let go of Libra's scruff.

Round: 2 of 2

Defenses: Ears back, eyes narrowed, snarling, shoulders rolled forward, scruff scrunched, tail, neck, and spine level, knees bent, toes spread, claws dug in, head tucked over throat

Attacks: pushing her left shoulder first into Sibelle's chest and then up into her throat, wanting to throw her off balance and either cut off her breathing or make her let go of her scruff

Injuries Bite to her scruff and possibly sore jaw


10-12-2014, 03:14 PM

She felt satisfaction rolled through her as her fangs connected with flesh. She was still fighting blind, but she assumed that her grip had meet their intended target of the woman's scruff. Jaws would clamp shut in an attempt to keep her hold. Her satisfaction only grew when the woman released her leg. Her body tensed, waiting for fangs to connected with another part of her body. Though it never happened. Instead her opponents should would thrust forward and into her chest, causing a light bruise, but due to their close proximity, it did nothing more. However, her opponent wasn't done there. Much to her surprise, that same shoulder lifted and pressed against her throat. With her breathing hindered, she was forced to released the woman's scruff.

Immediately following her released, the queen would rear up onto hind legs. Hind legs would spread wider, her weight redistributing, her joints bending deeper, and her tail arching to help her balance, claws dug into the ground for traction, all working to stabilize her. Twisting her upper body to her left, she would aim to bear hug her opponent. Both forelimbs aimed to wrap around the sides of her opponents neck, wanting to keep her close. In sync with her hug, she would aim to use her hind legs to launch herself forward. She aimed to use the fact that her opponents head was lower, so that she would push her russet chest into her yellow face. Following her shoving her weight forward, jaws would tip downward, aiming to once again grab the woman's right sided scruff.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, skull level with spine, chin tucked, her tail aligned with her spine, legs speed equidistant and bent at the joint, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground and her weight evenly distributed.

SIBELLE vs LIBRA for SPAR: round 2/2

The Judge


10-27-2014, 02:08 PM

Libra v Sibelle for Spar

Round 1

9 for clarity- [-1] which is Sibelle's blind side?

6 for powerplaying. [-2] an attempt needed to close the distance. [-2] attempt needed when aiming to be head on.

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for bite +2 for trying to unbalance

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 40


9 for clarity- [-1] its weight, not wait.

10 for powerplaying. noe seen

10 for defenses.

4 for attack. [+2] for attempting to grab scruff [+1] for trying to limit/control opponents movement [+1] for shove

10 for injuries. First round

Round one Total: 43

Round 2


3 for clarity-[-3] where on the scruff did the bite land? What damage was caused by the bite? [-2] an awkward angle? That doesn't give us much to go on [-1] where did she aim to shove on chest? [-1] where on neck did she try to shove?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each

3 for attack. [+1] shove to chest [+2] shove to neck.

7 for injuries. [-2] bite to scruff [-1] sore jaw

Round two Total: 33


9 for clarity-[-1] where did the shove hit her chest?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses.

3 for attack. +2 for attempting to grab scruff +1 for attempting to limit movement with bear hug

8 for injuries. [-2] bruising to chest and neck

Round two Total: 40


Libra: 73/100

Sibelle: 83/100

And the winner is...

Sibelle! Libra must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Libra: all would have healed

Sbelle: All would have healed.


For Shelby Great fight! I suggest watching your clarity, make sure to always be very specific, where does she aim to target, the upper portion or lower portion of chest? Etc. Also try using more complex attacks to gain more points

For Sibelle Good and clear fight, make sure to not leave many spelling mistakes as its very of putting, all in all this was an easy fight and i loved having something easy to read!

- By [Luisiana]