
My Hero



5 Years
08-16-2014, 08:02 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 08:35 PM by Yurella.)
The white dame walked through the swamp. The sound of crows echoed throughout the trees. The branches swayed slowly, almost as if listening to the cries of the crows that rung out amongst the landscape. Her white and grey paws were getting dirty from the sticky mud that clung to them, making them almost impossible for her to motivate through the swamp floor. Her radioactive pools scanned the area, sometimes catching animals moving throughout the swamp, and shadows moving throughout the trees. The branches were stripped of any leaves, making them as if they were straight out of a horror movie.

"Why was I even in this place?" Yurella would grumble to herself, "It's not like there is anyone here that I am friends with." She growled and continued onward, sometimes feeling a leech that would cling to her legs. Their tiny teeth gripping on tight and sucking the crimson liquid. She would snap down and rip them off, sometimes catching a little bit of her fur in the process.

How she longed to be back in her old home; but there was nothing left for her as she walked onward, paying no heed to the things that were watching her. Sometimes, the dame would catch sight of would look like another predator, but, she would reassure herself and continue onward, trying to find a dry place in the wet and damp wasteland.


08-25-2014, 08:28 PM

The man was away from from his mate, the woman she was helping heal, but only for a short while. He felt comfortable enough leaving them alone during the evening, The Orchard was a safe haven right now. The brute's lime green eyes searched as he padded along, a soft sigh in his chest. There was still something not quite right about all of this. The girl, Akemi, hadn't given them many details... but it was clear there was some sort of bastard too 'high and mighty' on his on power he or she would tear into such a small fae. It frustrated Kar to no end, making the gray male wonder what kind of land Alacritis truly was. Was it safer as a loner or a rogue? Happier as the second perhaps but...

The male would sigh. Okay, the swamplands might not have been the best idea to come to. But his wayward personality brought him to place both enjoyable and not. How was one to know what lay beyond such land if he didn't walk through it? Plus a most interesting scent would reach the male, and Kar would work towards it.

His mind had to be playing tricks on him, wasn't it? How could it be... after all this time... his heart was yearning, praying it wasn't some trick of his mind. Please, he prayed, let it really be her. His sister... Yurella.

The moment the white and gray woman came into view Kar would let out a loud bark, hoping to catch her attention as he came to a stop. Don't let her be fake. Don't let this be an illusion... a dream...

Let this be reality.

Speech, Thought



5 Years
08-25-2014, 08:34 PM
Yurella would walk onward through the swamplands, head and tail held high as she listened to the sounds of the crows and ravens that flew amongst the trees. Her green eyes looked around as she could hear the most familiar bark. The force and hopefulness in the tone made her turn toward the one that had spoke out to her in the deep spoken voice. Could it be? The one she had been trying to search for, for so long? Her brother, Kar?

She would smile and wag her tail as she would see his grey coat and emerald optics. She couldn't control herself as she ran over toward him, tail bouncing upward and downward when she approached the brute before her. It surely was him, and happiness would spread upon her facial region. She had finally found her brother.


08-29-2014, 12:22 AM

She was here. Against every odd, against all that stood as a barrier to possibility... As she ran to him, coming so close. The brute would close the distance, gently nuzzling her cheek, a last guarantee. It was his sister. Yurella... Had... Had she found their mother? Their father? Anyone from the old pack? If she had then something further must have happened, because here she was now. She was alone in this swamp. Well, was alone. Now she was not alone. She didn?t have to be alone now.

Kar would give his sister a gentle lick on her cheek, eyes shining happily as a needy whine left his throat. It had been so long, gods, so very long since he had seen her. Since before they were truly adults... And they were four now. Tears would shine in Kar?s eyes as he drew his head around her neck in an embrace. So Siri still watched over them .This... This was a sign. Finding Yurella was surely a good thing, no other possibility.

?I thought I?d never see you again...? Especially after he?d been separated from others for so long. Losing Grantaire and Kino, the ones he stayed to find... To try and bring with him to safety. They had died... And he had lived, broken and hurt. Finding ways to survive. Now he had such a good thing going on in his life; a family so soon to arrive. A family that just found one of it?s precious members.

Speech, Thought



5 Years
08-29-2014, 01:08 PM
Yurella would let her brother embrace her, she too giving him a small lick on the cheek. She had been alone for so long that not even Siri herself could help heal the hurt that she had been feeling inside of her heart. Alone was all she had been for so long in her life. Her eyes closed as she pulled away, her head turned to the right side of her body and hung low. She missed her brother, and here he was in the swamp just like her. She could smell the scent of another female on his pelt; most likely a mate. Her radioactive pools soon opened as her gaze soon met his.

"I have searched for you...for so long. And, here you are now..." her tone was depressing and monotone, unable to keep moving on until she had met her brother once more. If she had not found him, she was thinking of ending her life and joining her family in the afterlife that they had been in for a while now. A sigh escaped her mouth as her hot breath could be felt in the air. The sound of crows echoed in the air, eyes closing as she turned her body away from him. "Our pack is gone...and you must be going along well here.."


09-04-2014, 07:48 PM

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Kar could feel himself being lifted by this reunion. Knowing after all this time Yurella was safe, alive... But at the same time he could sense the hurt with her, especially as she pulled away. Ears would lower at the sight of her figure, looking so defeated and broken down. The gray male would swallow hard, a whine at the back of his throat. ?Yurella...?? He would question. This was a joyous event, wasn?t it? The male felt his heart sinking, tail lowering some as he saw her eyes open and meet his gaze.

?I... Yurella...? Guilt ate at his heart. She had searched for him. He could remember back when the disasters were growing rapidly worse, how he went back despite the danger to search for his friends, ultimately separated from them all. She was broken, so broken... It was clear in her tone and posture. She had given up, barely pressing on it seemed. He was the hope she had... And now that she found him... Kar would whine again.

She could smell Nalyda on his coat. His mate... Knowing he moved on. Everyone they knew was gone, perhaps dead, and here he was finding happiness while the last of his kin was suffering. The male moved to her again, refusing to let them separate again. He was sure if they did he would never see again. H had to fix things... Somehow... Somehow bring back the sister he knew, that he loved.

?I?m sorry...? He would say softly, laying his head over her back. ?I... Had found Grantaire and Kino but... A cliff gave way underneath them. They fell... I was alone... And I barely made it out of our homeland... When I got here... I didn?t know what to do. I had lost all track of any member of our pack.? Kar closed his eyes tightly.

?A lot has happened here too... I?m doing better... So much better... But now my heart has such a terrible ache that needs to be addressed.? He would draw back, moving in front of her and focusing his gaze on her face, praying she would look at him. ?I?m about to become a father... But my family isn?t complete... I need you to come home with me, Yurella. I?ve been praying against all odds Siri would keep you safe... And now that you?re here... Please... I don?t want us to walk away from each other again. Not now.? The male would give a deep whine, lowering his head. ?Please... Please come with me.?

Speech, Thought



5 Years
09-07-2014, 12:48 AM
Yurella could tell his heart was sinking in his chest. She had finally found him, and despite her depressive state, she still loved her brother deeply. The white and grey dame would notice that he had lowered his head and tail, sadness in his tone as he spoke about the pack and how he met up with Kino and Grantaire, but sadly they had died and he was alone. Now, he was talking about how he was about to be a father and needed her to join them, so their family would be complete.

She had just found her brother, and there was no way she would be losing him again in a long time. Her emerald eyes looked into his and she nudged his cheek, a small smile etched across her maw. "I already found you, and there is no way I am leaving you now. Guess you will be stuck with me for a while. I will be with you, but, not in the same den as your mate and pups. They need space and me adding it would not help. I will be in a den right next door so you can talk and see me, as well as my nieces and nephews," she would speak in a calm tone now as she spoke to her brother.


09-12-2014, 08:34 AM


Thank the great goddess she would come with him. ?Bless you, Siri, and your mercy and love for your children.? Kar would say within his mind, praise for the goddess he believed in. A smile would spread across his muzzle, a laugh leaving him. Oh Yurella, same old Yurella. He was happy, so endlessly happy that she was going to come home. He was sure that Nalyda and the children would love her. Endlessly love her. His tail would wag seemingly a mile-a-minute behind him, his emerald orbs shining so brightly with happiness.

?Of course. If it?s a large litter when they start to grow no doubt it?ll get cramped in there anyway. I?ll help you with the den, Yurella. They?ll be happy to have you there; I know I will.? He nudged her check gently. ?Come on, let?s head home. It?s nothing like the mountains... But the orchard is a beautiful place. It?s perfect...? He would turn, ready to lead the way to their home.

-End Thread, Unless Esper Has More She Wants To Add.-

Speech, Thought