
I'm Awake and Alive



2 Years
09-03-2014, 01:39 AM

It had been such time since he had lived without a demon whispering in his ear. He couldn't live forever without his constant hunger for battle and blood. He couldn't hide that animal he had become. After all, it was time he really fulfilled his longings for war. Now was the moment to rise to his greatness and potential. He had a chance. The demon cried for more, and so he would give the dark entity what it desired.

He had never been in a fight, though that did not mean he was useless and weak. He was far from being an experienced warrior, as those savage beasts drank their enemies' blood each night with a serve of sweet victory. Far, it was, but the journey there could go ever so smoothly. It was all a matter of repetition, the more fights, the more knowledge. It would only be a matter of time before it all unfolded.

Paws had carried the scrawny creature onto new lands. A wicked glow examined the grounds as scents filled his nose. It was the stench of war and hunger. Many had died on the very surface he walked across. There was only one place of victory and defeat. Only one place for honorable warriors or psycho killers. Only one place of which the lands are scarred just like the creatures that battled before them.

The Battlefield.

Where else could he go to get a chance to fight? The ragged man observed the dying field as he made his way to an open clearing. Not wasting any more moments, he let out a summoning howl, calling an opponent to him. He didn't know who would come and challenge him today, though he hoped another would arrive and begin this long-awaited task. This was no merry stroll by the creek bed. It was time for him to feel awake and alive.

OOC: You can decide how many rounds you would like. 2 or 3 would be best, thanks.



09-04-2014, 04:43 PM

As corruption walked the path of destruction, an insidious growl rose from the bottomless pit inside the gladiators vessel. A dame in which was tainted in blood, of course 'tis was not hers, instead the crimson fondue amplified another persons. Aside from the crusading appeal she so boldly flaunted, it had seemed as if she was roaming these battle fronts for some kind of bloodbath. To sink her canines into ones flesh, maul and tear at their torsos, strip them from their ranks and reveal what little they had inside. But this requires patience, whatever she had felt of that trait anyways. She's getting older, and even though being five years doesn't sound too ancient -- the women surely felt like it within her bones.

A ghoul, a banshee, a devil; three words in which she was described as. Sinister, or as she liked to be referred to as Amenti, swept her way down the terrain; a long strip in whence took her forth upon a black outline of a masculine. A hound, his posture asked for a fight, maybe even pleaded for one. And thus, if he vented to her the reasoning behind his methods of madness, she would use him as her personal punching bag.

Upon nearing the crucifixion, the babe would find that only a mere boy was deeming a fight. At this sight the demonic goddess piped a chuckle, a sinister one at that. Blinking twice, she'd adjust her gaze. Sharp daggers recoiled from their sockets into her digits, attaching to the soiled earth below her to keep from springing. T'was then that her canines flashed, a sickening grin plastered onto her countenance, and the scarlet blades flickering against the dim light. No storms rioted above their craniums, so the Gods were not in full view of this -- howbeit Satan was. Pupil-less silver tinted binoculars drained into his own bronze ones, hoping to unlock any secrets that he kept bottled up. Though she found none, her stance shifted abruptly by the second, going from questionable to defensive and aggressive -- taunting him mentally.

OOC: Alright well lets do 3 rounds, considering that I have a paper to finish and this post was semi-rushed I had to end it here. So please could you start the first round dear while I finish up this fucking essay -.- And is it alright if we don't rush the fight too much? For sometimes my muse can drop a lot and I just don't feel like posting at that point in time or I just have homework up the ass.




2 Years
09-04-2014, 11:35 PM


It had seemed that his howl had called an opponent to him, a large woman draped in ivory. Her eyes stung of pure ice. She carried a dark and demonic aura around her features, certainly not looking like the pretty and timid girls he had come across. No, this dame looked as if she didn't give a damn about looks or beauty. He was up against a female warrior, and the first one he had ever seen. The she-wolf had not spoken during her entrance, though he knew she was in search of a spar.

"Let's begin." He spoke with a dip of his head, commencing the battle.

** In the last few heartbeats before the fight, the man would quickly set his defenses. His legs were a balanced distance apart and his weight was evenly distributed. His toes were splayed out in the dirt, his claws digging into the earth. He kept his tail and head aligned with his spine. His shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and he he raised his hackles. His ears laid flat on his head and he kept his amber eyes narrowed. His jaw was open in a snarl, baring his canine teeth. His muscles were tense. He was ready.

The man would run head on, attempting to slam his right side into the female's chest. Due to his smaller size, he would not have much of a chance of unbalancing the larger female, but he hoped he could bruise her or shift her back. In a swift motion, his jaws would grasp the female's right foreleg (her ankle) and attempt to bite and lock his teeth into her leg. Once he had a firm grip of the leg he would yank the leg back (towards him) in an attempt to sprain the leg muscle or even unbalance the female. But the female was bigger and heavier, and his pull might not move her.

Mikal vs Sinister for Spar

Round One out of Three

Defenses: His legs were a balanced distance apart and his weight was evenly distributed. His toes were splayed out in the dirt, his claws digging into the earth. He kept his tail and head aligned with his spine. His shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and he he raised his hackles. His ears laid flat on his head and he kept his amber eyes narrowed. His jaw was open in a snarl, baring his canine teeth. His muscles were tense.

Attacks: The man would run head on, attempting to slam his right side into the female's chest. Due to his smaller size, he would not have much of a chance of unbalancing the larger female, but he hoped he could bruise her or shift her back. In a swift motion, his jaws would grasp the female's right foreleg (her ankle) and attempt to bite and lock his teeth into her leg. Once he had a firm grip of the leg he would yank the leg back (towards him) in an attempt to sprain the leg muscle or even unbalance the female. But the female was bigger and heavier, and his pull might not move her.

Injuries: Bruising to his right side.

OOC: It's alright, take your time with posts. I also have assignments to do. PM this account if you have any questions or concerns



09-06-2014, 08:13 PM


In a moment of eerie calm before the inchoate of a tumultuous incident to come, the silent executioner watched in indifference as the physique of the much smaller male stirred in what appeared to be a battle stance of less-than-desirable proportions. At first the female felt slight pity for him; but it was faint and gone as fast as it came. Pale lashes blinked in oblivion as the brute would breath tidings to her. They were short and simple, and were made to get right to the point. She watched carefully as the body stirred once more, barely managing to disguise a grimace of caustic acclaims for the crude actions that the brute dispelled to the tempest as he sidestepped away from her, preforming a steady, predatory volt around his being. The muscles under multiple points of her epithelium rippled, tightening with the anticipation of her first fight in what felt like centuries to her. A sociopath like herself, she found the slightly distinctive idiosyncrasies of the psychopath to be rather conflicting with her own. While she liked to blend in to appear normal, the psychopath tended to act irrationally, impulsively, and blamed their victims on their actions. Sociopaths weren't killers, sociopaths were minimalists who strive to manipulate unlike their psychopath counterparts. In the eyes of someone such as herself with her disposition, she was a wolf in sheep's wool, and he was the mindless, domesticated dog ruining his cover. And thus, without nary any hesitation, the fight was initiated by those two words and the spring of the mans foundations.


Amenti chuckled, one that was neither hearty nor with well intentions whatsoever; if anything, it had underlying layers of malice and ailing intentions. 'I was hoping he'd object,' she thought to herself, mirth and glee bubbling within her chest cavity, which was now surely nothing other than liquid filled with sugar particles. This was her playground, and it was full of candy. From the confines of her cavities, a rumbling growl emanated up her trachea, ripping past her lips -- though she was clearly containing it as it was more like a 'murr' than that of an actual growl at all. The tainted goddess steeled herself, feeling the earth beneath her with her digits, her hind legs tensing in apprehension of the males execution. Splitting her tenacious orifices, a bloodcurdling screech bellowed past the open passage, piercing the eerie envelope of oxygen as the masculine lunged forth. Her mandible and maxilla were parted, ivory bicuspids and fangs glinting in the phosphorescence emitted by the moon.

Amenti anchored herself to the ground, swerving around sharply to face her opponent without a beat behind. Nothing could distract her from her prey, she was far too gone now, too caught up in the desire to sink her canines into his flesh at least just once. If all she could get out of this was a single bite, it would be worth it, no matter the wound to her pride. The two collided like almighty titans, lost in the unforgettable mass of saliva and fur. The women was astonished at the boys detour down her foreleg, he had successfully made contact with her carpus(ankle); fangs slowly beginning to seep through her flesh. Although it might have left a faint stroke of pain behind, her adrenaline was pumping which eliminated any and all attacks that were to com, basically keeping them at bay -- but of course she'd feel this later.

After the mans tug, Amenti made heist instantaneously towards the base of his right shoulder. Despite the risk of the tactic, the tempest yanked her appendage away, risking little lacerated flesh in setting herself free; a move evolved around the fact that she had to do in order for her attack to be fulfilled. Instead of dwelling on the newly acquired injury, she rose on her hinds, bringing her fore-appendages down on his skull before aiming to snap her maw over the location of the males neck pertaining to the scapula(shoulder) area. Whether her attack was successful should her sharply honed bicuspids sink through layers of fur, clamping tighter upon the sensation of crimson liquid with a demented growl of sorts, not intending to fully shred or lacerate flesh only give back to him what he proposed to her.


round ONE of THREE


Defenses: Her stance is spread out, with all four legs nicely leveled in tact to keep her balance and prepare for a head on attack. Thus she eliminates her fangs and claws, in order to look more menacing then she already does. Her skull was lowered, sunken back into her chest, which was neatly aligned with her spinal cord. With ears pinned against cranium and tail tucked in she had her defenses set in order.

Attacks: Her attacks were simple, yet well thought out. She would lunge forward, executing any distance from them (whatever little there was really) to hopefully make contact with his shoulder. If this does not succeed, then her attack would travel down the length of his foreleg, as her position is aimed downward rather than upward since she is again twice his size. Of course as stated above she'll rear up on her hind legs, in a matter of crashing down onto his skull (not entirely crushing him just hoping to disable his balance a tad by the mass) to get a better grip on his scapula.

Injuries: She has a slight sprain in her right foreleg, bruising even, little muscle lacerates showing due to the fact that Mikal's teeth had sunken into her leg..? At least that's what I thought.




2 Years
09-07-2014, 03:16 AM

His attacks had worked so smoothly. He had collided with the ivory woman, gaining the opportunity to sink his fangs into her right foreleg and taste her blood. It was not long after his tug the female lunged at the base of his right shoulder, yanking her foreleg from his jaws. She next reared up on her hind legs, growing taller than she already was. Her forelegs met his skull as they came crushing down. Losing his balance, he had not noticed the female's lunging jaw, aiming for his unguarded neck. Panic flashed in his eyes as she successfully sunk her teeth into his fur, allowing her to experience his scarlet liquid. He would not allow his opponent to taste any more of his blood. He would pull himself free from the female's grasp, losing a chunk of fur of where the woman had sunken her fangs. He let out a painful and angered yowl as he pelted a few feet away from the woman. His flaming rust-colored orbs faced his opponent (face to face). He was still in this fight.

He used these last few moments to check his defenses. He narrowed his eyes whilst he curled his lips, baring his stained teeth. He kept his ears folded tightly on his head. He raised and bristled his hackles (or whatever fur might be left there). With a flick of his tail he aligned it with his spine and head. He spaced out an even width between his legs, bending them slightly. His toes were spread out and his claws dug into the thick dirt. He tightened his abdominal muscles and kept his body tense.

He would charge at the female again, running head on and attempting to slam his left shoulder into her right shoulder (the whole shoulder, nowhere in particular). He next reared up on his back legs, reaching his opponent's height. He attempted to scar the woman's left cheek with his right claw. But he would not stop there. Still keeping his balance on his hind legs, his front paws slammed into the female's chest, attempting to shove and knock her over. If the dame is quick enough, she may be able to dodge his paws.

Mikal vs Sinister for Spar

Round two out of three

Defenses: Second Paragraph

Attacks: Third Paragraph

Injuries: Bruising at the base of his right shoulder, possible bruising on his head. Teeth marks in neck where Sinister sunk her fangs and a chunk of missing fur in neck when Mikal pulled away from Sinister's grasp. Bruising on his left shoulder.

OOC: Forgot to add in the first round that when Mikal bit into Sinister's leg, he would also sink his teeth in. Just clarifying that.



09-07-2014, 11:20 AM

the false king under the mountain must fall
It had occurred to Sinister that the thick pelt of a wolf was difficult to get through, and though she had done significant damage to his flesh, she did not feel like going through all the trouble to inflict more. With any other smaller opponent, the effort was worth it, but dealing with him meant about twice the effort it would have taken to kill anyone else. Over and under the prospect of a triumph, she simply stood in defense against her opponent, analyzing his moves and deciding on which attack he'd throw at her next. As her silver binoculars caressed along his rough physique she'd take in note of his tensed muscles; obviously getting ready to spring once more. The ghostly women's muscles also buckled up, tightening together in order to act as a stone statue when he launches forth.

Ignoring the pleas of her aching ankle, she'd shake it off for the mean time before preparing herself for impact. Like a wrecking ball the masculine slammed into her side, disabling her balance only a tad then she'll regain her posture. Like the colossal she was, the boys effort to try and crush her was nary as successful as he might have wanted. Advancing in an immediate attempt to rise up on her hind legs, again his smaller figure did no less than before, he certainly did not amount to her in the aspect of height. The two were now squaring off, in a battle of pattering paws, claws finely lit in flames as they canvased the decaying sky. In the corner of her eye she could just barely make out his daggers nearing the whole left half of her cheek, it was seconds then that she took in to crank her cranium away from his lashing appendage.

Shield, she did, away against his attack and now she reacted without thought. The phantom pressed her forepaws against his chest and forced him to the ground, blood staining her white coat where he managed to pierce the flesh. As she would do this her left paw made heist at battling his face, hoping to damage the very least of his right eye -- unless of course he were to move out of the way in time before her claws made contact with the flesh. She'd give him a cold, distasteful look, baring her fangs and locking her joints in order to keep him well anchored to the ground. Awaiting for what was to come next.


round TWO of THREE


Defenses: Tensed muscles, aligned posture, legs evenly spread out, anchored to the ground.

Attacks: Dodging his attack to the cheek, she'd press her forepaws onto his chest area in order to bring him down. Pinning him before using her right paw to claw down the right half of his eye. Able to be dodged if Mikal is quick enough.

Injuries: Bruising to her right shoulder blade from impact.

For a crown is not fit

you're a king unworthy of its power



2 Years
09-08-2014, 05:26 AM

His slam had been successful, colliding with her once more. Though the snow-furred dame was quick and alert, dodging his paw and attempt to scar her left cheek. The female next planted her forepaws on his chest and his lighter structure was shoved to the ground. He laid on his right side, his eyes watched as her left paw prepared to strike his face. Ignoring the throbbing pain on his side, he rolled over in a three hundred and sixty degrees turn, dodging the paw. Without hesitation, the nimble creature pulled himself up onto his paws, turning himself so he faced the colorless fighter.

He would quickly check his defenses again. He positioned his head with his spine and tail, rolling his shoulders forward and keeping his hackles raised. He shifted his legs into a spaced out position, evenly distributing his weight. His toes were splayed out evenly and his claws burrowed into the dirt. His knees were bent slightly. His brow furrowed, eyes only seen as narrow slits and his ears were pinned to his head. His jaws were parted. He was eager to fight, though he relaxed himself with calm breathing before indulging himself into the fight.

Bolting towards his opponent (head on), his right paw attempted to slash across the middle of the female's chest, and soon after his left paw attempted to do the same. He swiveled his body to his right, his jaws attempting to latch on and bite the female's left shoulder, closer to her neck. He would not dig his fangs into her flesh, his jaws would only grip the skin. He would release his grip in only a few short moments, as his right forepaw would attempt to stomp and scratch the female's left forepaw. Though if she is quick enough she might be able to move her paw out of the way and dodge his stomp.

Mikal vs Sinister for Spar

Round three out of three

Defenses: He positioned his head with his spine and tail, rolling his shoulders forward and keeping his hackles raised. He shifted his legs into a spaced out position, evenly distributing his weight. His toes were splayed out evenly and his claws burrowed into the dirt. His knees were bent slightly. His brow furrowed, eyes only seen as narrow slits and his ears were pinned to his head. His jaws were parted. He was eager to fight, though he relaxed himself with calm breathing before indulging himself into the fight.

Attacks: Third Paragraph

Injuries: Bruising on chest when Sinister forced Mikal to the ground.



09-08-2014, 04:01 PM

No longer keen on being touched, Sinister reset her defenses and this time she did not move an inch from her position that was well hooked to the ground itself. The feel of the hot sensation where the masculine had first made contact with her epithelium burned in agonizing hatred, although this pain was immediately subdued by the shifting of her muscle fragments. Shoulders anchoring forward to protect her neck from any scarring that could be done, her entire skull was pressed neatly up against her chest in order to help hide her thorax from easy access. There was no accents decorating her pupils now, only the commencement of yet another round, and she was ready. Ears sunken in beneath the thick layers of fur, tail finely aligned with her spine while her hind legs were spread out more than her front ones. Murderous snarls erupting in the crevasse of her larynx.

It was then that he invaded her head on, charging at her with a raised paw to attempt its clash upon her chest. Of course, since she wasn't as quick as she was before the brute split his fangs into her ankle, she abruptly had to take the hit. Though instead of his whole paw coming down in the center of her chest, she'd only move a couple inches to the left in effort to dodge some of his daggers but still they came down with brash cruelty to her flesh. That was definitely going to leave a nasty scar, but maybe not, know knew really. Watching intensively as the male spun 'round to the right in an attempt to latch his jaws upon her left shoulder. Like I said before as she wasn't too keen on being touched anymore, it was clear that she didn't want for him to maul her shoulder pad. Still though, he made contact only by a split second just before she'd yank her scapula away. Some lacerated skin was showing due to the fact that his fangs only injured her a tad bit, still not as intense as her ankle was.

Sinister re-positioned herself now, removing her vessel from her alter stance to a different one. Quickly parting her paw away out from under the plummeting foreleg of his, that collided with the earth instead of her phalanges. Albeit now it was instinct for her to lash out, massive jaws of stained canines attempted to come down directly on the gods vertebrae(middle of his back), hoping to either damage or wound his like he had done both to her chest and left shoulder. Which in return to her scapula she'd raise her right paw in an attempt to knock him off his feet by the mass she predicted would take to bring him straight down. This was her playground, her fight, she shall be victorious.

round THREE of THREE

Defenses: First paragraph. (every bit of it is mentioned there)

Attacks: Third paragraph. (every bit of it is mentioned there)

Injuries: Second paragraph. (every bit of it is mentioned there)

OOC: sorry such a shitty post, this was extremely rushed! >.<
