
Blow Me Away [MAIM]



4 Years
Extra large
09-09-2014, 03:04 PM

The earth gurgled. Lyonovei had never heard such sounds before, and he brought his hulking form as close to the glowing pool as he dared. The heat was immense, impressive, and somewhat terrifying. There was an element, though, that exhilarated him. The molten earth glowed as his eyes did, with that same intensity that would make other creatures turn the other way. But he was not some other creature, some lesser creature, to be fearful of things that were in truth astounding. The beauty and ferocity of something like this was an inspiration. It made his blood begin to boil, and he needed only let his gaze simmer there. It's coalescing mass would ebb and flow in it's intensity, and as he traveled farther and farther up the tunnel that cradled this molten wonder, he came upon a sight who's beauty rivaled nothing else he had ever seen. The molten falls roared with all the fury of the earth, a burning sulfurous thing that had so much rage to let loose into the world. Lyon was stunned, and he could nothing but stand there and marvel at the powers of the world he inhabited.

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
09-09-2014, 05:15 PM

The ivory sadist didn't really get much time on her own these days, so the little times she did, she took the opportunity to make way towards Hell's kingdom. She had been here twice before and was purely enticed by the display of the firey orange river that flowed through these caves. It was no wonder that she came here again, proud stance high and tall as she walked towards the edge of the burning hot and boiling river of Hell.

Movement caught her mismatched gaze of gold and violet, pale ears flicking a bit as her gaze would land on a creature larger than her. The ivory Queen was a pretty large and intimidating animal herself, but it wasn't a shock to her that this wolf was larger than her. "Salutations." She would say in a single lyric, venemous voice lashing out, yet it held respect for the male. She would always respect those who showed her it, for the Queen deserved no disrespect, and neither did the ones that she was kind to.

(OOC; Piss her off, disrespect her, tell her she's fat and ugly xD I dunno. Something to get her anger raging, because she's not going to attack unless provoked xP)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



4 Years
Extra large
09-10-2014, 10:41 AM

The disruption of another voice was as jarring as if the earth itself had reached up took him by the scruff, bashed him into the cave wall. He whirled on it with a snarl, and found only a dainty pale fae awaiting his murderous gaze. How dare she disrupt his revelry? His untamed anger swelled up into his chest and he let loose a low snarl, barely audible over the sound of the liquid earth. "You stupid cur," he growled in a deep, rumbling baritone. "Leave me at once before I tear you to shreds." He would suffer no disruptions and no disobedience. She had destroyed his peace and her simple presence disgusted him. Of all the filth who had come into his path, surely one who could not respect the privacy of another was most loathed. His glowing eyes would bore into her own mismatched gaze and without words allow the weight of his command to fill the air with an electric sort of tension. His muscles had locked and he was ready to force her will if he must.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: LN6hKs6.png]



4 Years
09-10-2014, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2014, 05:56 PM by Anzhelika.)

Pale ears would instinctively draw back against her skull as she heard his words, black obsidian lips pulling back, exposing her alabaster fangs. "Excuse me? I didn't do shit to you, little filth. So you have no damn right to disrespect the Queen," she would snarl, venemous words lashing out at the disgusting creature displayed before her.

She had no reason to leave the caves, much less now since the mongrel had told her to. She didn't listen to disrespectful animals like himself. The ivory Queen would sink down onto her haunches with a huff, narrowed audits of gold and violet baring her stare into the creature. Her large tail would wrap neatly around her pale paws, jaw unhinging in a loud snarl as she kept watching him, an angered stare painted across her gorgeous and delicate features.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



4 Years
Extra large
09-12-2014, 11:57 AM

Lyonovei had had enough of her useless prattling. It was too much for his fragile sensibilities to bear. She had defiled this place with her presence and her callous intention to what was glorious. Her lack of revelry was nigh sacrilegious and the hulking brute was worn beyond thin. Oh, he ached to prove her error. Speech would grind out from his now salivating maw, low and deadly, yet roiling with heat. "I owe no allegiance to the Queen of Curs, you mongrel bitch." His mind slipped down, down, down and away from rationality as the burning anger took hold deep within him. The fire crept from his stomach and up his spine, tangling in every limb and forcing him to action. His front right paw slid forward as his hind right slid back, coming into a crouch, coiling each muscle into tension. He found his center of gravity as naturally as he took air into his lungs, and in it found a moment of clarity.

The charcoal behemoth was no stranger to such matters, and his stance was an art form. It had taken years of practice, trail and error, before he mastered it's nuances. He would align his neck just so, lowered to protect his neck, chin always tucked. Each joint bent at such an angle to take an impact, his tail sweeping from side to side as he subtly shifted his weight from right to left. You never knew when you might have to dodge. Ever wary, in the span of a breath, Lyon would assess his foe, his victim. He would drive her from this place and ensure she would never forget the price of her arrogance. He would see her flee before him, and when he had achieved this, he would strike. Such a long and luscious tail she had. Such a shame if it were to be lost... He faced Anzhelika head on, ears flat and teeth bared, eyes narrowed in molten fury.

His snarl became a feral grin and in the same heartbeat the brute would lunge slightly off the woman's left shoulder, his own right side. With all the fury of a guillotine he would whip his open jaws at the succulent flesh of her shoulder, the sweet muscle that gave her support. He put his weight behind the attack, hoping to break her footing and drive her at least a pace to the side, to knock the wind from her lungs, to prove his strength. As he stretched for the attack he would plant his front paws, ensuring his grip on the earth below was as stable as possible. Each muscle was singing for blood, be it his or hers. This pale fae would pay for acting against his wishes, and he would shorten her a tail for having to suffer her presence.

"Talk" "You" Think

LYONOVEI vs. ANZHELIKA for MAIM (Docking Tail)

Round 1 of ???

ATTACKS: Lyonovei lunges from his head-on position, aiming for Anzh's left side, attemping to take a bite out of the meat of her shoulder, to break her stance, and to drive the air from her lungs.

DEFENSES: Lower's his body into a more sturdy position, tightens muscles, neck alligned, chin tucked, tail out for balance, shifting weight, joints bent to absorb impact, plants paws for stability, ears pinned, eyes narrowed.

INJURIES: None yet!

NOTES: Good Luck, Misha!



4 Years
09-12-2014, 04:06 PM

She's A Killer Queen.
looking for your blood to drink.

she knew this would turn into a fight a soon as those words fell from his ebony lips, so she drew in her defenses before she would be caught off guard.

gold and amethyst topaz orbs would narrow into small, protective slits keeping her dagger gaze on the male. Her pale ears would instinctively pin up against her skull, large head dropping low to align with her spine. Her tail would raise and align with her spine and skull, the three aligning perfectly straight like puzzle pieces. Her limbs would splay oyt from beneath her, distributing her weight evenly. Her shoulders would roll forward, chest tightening with the action for added defense. Her joints would become loose for quick and easy movement. Her muscles would tighten effortlessly and her hackles would raise, bunching up around her scruff, shoulders, and vital areas on the back of her neck. Her toes would flex and spread evenly into the dirt, claws digging into the barren earth for added traction. Finally her chin would tuck to protect her neck and throat, ebony lips pulling back as her maw would open in a snarl, ivory fangs dripping poison. Her abdomen would tense and so would her core, adrenaline and venemous hate flowing through the ivory sadist's veins. The skin on her face would bunch up with the snarl around her cheeks, protecting her soft flesh on her cheeks and face. Her ebony nose would bunch up with the act as well, protecting it from snapping jaws or scratching claws.

He would charge at her and strike her left shoulder blade (shoulder I'm guessing? Wasn't specified and he's taller than her.) and Anzhelika would let out an ear splitting snarl, though since her chest was already tightened in defense, the impact wasn't as sever as it would have been. Although she could already feel her shoulder bruising and her breath would stagger a bit from their impact, the girl dragging her claws into the ground as she struggled to keep her balance.

Nostrils would flare and she would lunge herself at him, protruding herself into his body with all of her force to his body. She would charge and attempt to knock her chest into his own lower chest (lower since she's shorter) and aim for the impact to falter his step in the slightest amount. Her fangs would lash out against his right shoulder and attempt to snap on his flesh, her jaws aiming to clamp onto the soft flesh and dig into it, digging her fangs into his flesh. She seeked to taste his own crimson blood onto her tongue, Anzhelika lashing her head around as her jaws clamped onto his flesh, seeking to break his skin and tear his flesh. Her eyes would stay narrowed and ears pinned against her skull, joints slightly bent to help with her lashing movement, hackles raised around her scruff and claws dug into the earth as her toes flexed and spread evenly for added traction. Her tail would lash out with the movement of her head and spine, aligning easily for balance.


Anzhelika vs. Lyonovei for Maim {Ripped ear}

round: ONE two three

attacks; paragraph four

defenses; paragraph two (before attack) & paragraph four (during attack)
injuries; mild bruising to chest

-- extra notes --
sorry if the defenses being in two paragraphs is confusing, I just like restating my defenses before and during the attack. And sorry if paragraph four is confusing, i tried to make it as clear as possible >~< Good luck!! <33 :)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



4 Years
Extra large
09-13-2014, 07:39 AM

The taste of blood, of hot sweet iron, graced the brute's tongue. Oh, he'd missed the still-familiar scent which was beginning to permeate the air. He took a deep and bracing breath. It would not do to grow distracted, of course. As he bypassed the woman's front she would dart forwards and attempt to ram his chest with her own. He had passed her by scant inches, she was only an instant late to make her target, and as such his own left shoulder took the hit in full. He hissed in pain as the impact shook his frame and a sharp bloom of pain sprang up deep within the honed chunk of flesh. With a snarl Lyonovei would give ground, allowing the hit to push him a pace farther down the length of her own left side. He dug his claws in, halting the motion, and would rear upwards and away from the remainder of her momentum. That stung, he'd give her that much. She was hardly small for a fae, and it was interesting to learn that she knew how to throw her weight around. Still, he would be a poor warrior indeed if he could not take a hit, and poorer yet if he did not mind his alignments. Even while upright he kept his chin tucked and his spine aligned straight with the rest of his body, less she charge him again and give some sort of whiplash. He would attempt to stand perpendicular to her pale back, ever planning for the future. Lyonovei's tail lashed outwards to maintain his balance as he began his descent.

He would extend his forelegs with toes splayed and claws flashing in the russet light, defending his own body and serving a more violent purpose as well. There she was, laid out below him, pretty as a peach. How sweet would she taste, he wondered? His forelegs were grappling, straight outwards, and coming down fast. Should he find a grip, the entirety of his 207 pounds would crash down upon the central-most portion of her body, rake his claws through the pale fur to rend the flesh below, knock her from her feet and watch as she cowered below... He shivered in anticipation. Shoulders or back or hindquarters, it all would serve his intent. I'll rip up that pretty pelt of yours, he thought with a savage glee. I'll knock you to the ground and you'll beg me for mercy. His jaws snapped, just waiting to latch onto any part of her that might get too close. He would crush her in every way fathomable. His ears remained pinned to his skull all the while, eyes narrowed and watchful of stray fangs or claws. Each muscles in his body was a live wire, tense and ready for anything she might throw his way. He forced himself to loosen the set of his shoulders, however, so that upon landing he would be ready to adjust as needed.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: LN6hKs6.png]

LYONOVEI vs. ANZHELIKA for MAIM (Docking Tail)

Round 2 of 3

ATTACKS: After being moved into a 'T'-like position, Lyon rears and attempts to crash his weight down upon Anzh's upper midsection in the hopes of raking her with his claws or knocking her to the ground.

DEFENSES: Claws dug in for stability, tail lashing for balance, chin tucked, body parts aligned, claws extended in front of him, jaws snapping ears pinned, eyes narrowed, muscles tense, shoulders loose,

INJURIES: A moderate bruise on the meat of his shoulder muscle




4 Years
09-13-2014, 07:16 PM

Blood Painted Canvas.
His body would slam down onto her own, his claws would drag down against her (scruff? Wasn't necessarily specified) and she could feel her skin, her flesh ripping and tearing on the sides of her shoulders, the warm sensation of her own crimson liquid running down her body and dripping onto the ground.

Her breath would falter but she would bunch up all her strength in her neck and shoulders, squirming out from underneath him. "Fucking Hell!!" she would snarl out, quickly shifting from left to right paw, testing the strength in her shoulders. Her neck was strained from the sudden impact, and her shoulders were bruised severely, but she ignored the sharp, pulsing pains and narrowed her eyes, large pale bodice pulling back into a crouch.

Her body would curve and her ass would stick up into the air, toes flexing and spreading evenly, claws digging into the barren earth for traction. Her abdomen would tense and she would find her center point, focusing to tense that as much as she could. Her ears would pin up against her skull and her gold and amethyst audits would narrow into small, protective slits. Her ebony lips would pull back, revealing her poison dripping fangs. Her chin would lower and tuck in, protecting her throat. Her muscles would tense, and with a deep breath she was ready.

She would use his side-facing-her stance and pounce onto him, claws seeking to dig into the male's right shoulder and right side of his scruff. Her jaws would snap open in a snarl and she would reach up and lunge her head up, jaws seeking to clamp onto the male's right ear, if jaws snapped close on the male's right ear, not letting go until she seeked to rip part of his ear off. She would use the same lashing movement to help her attempt to bite part of the male's ear off.

Her toes would flex and spread evenly and her claws would seek to dig into his flesh as she lashed around for added traction. Her eyes would narrow and ears would be pinned against her skull, hackles raised and scruff bunched up. Her spine and tail aligned with her skull for easier, loosened movements while she thrashed around. Jaws would stay clamped shut as she attempted to rip part of the male's right ear off.


Anzhelika vs. Lyonovei for Maim {Ripped ear}

round: one TWO three

Attacks; paragraph four

Defenses; paragraph three (before attack) & paragraph five (during attack)

Injuries; mild bruising to chest, strained neck, severely bruised shoulders.

-- Extra Notes --


[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



4 Years
Extra large
09-14-2014, 03:54 PM

The impact as he crashed down upon her pale frame was both jarring and immensely satisfying. It shook his every bone and joint, and even as it sent a new flare of pain through his shoulder, Lyonovei could only smile. Red lines appeared where his claws had ravaged her, stark against her pallid coat. The time was near now. He was done playing children's games and his jaws awaited that final crunch. The pale bitch would suffer for disturbing him, for instigating his ire, and above all for demanding his homage. He would teach her the cost of her self-pietistical words and actions. Her grunted curse was a sweet melody, but he did not have long to savor the song before she began to worm away from him.

The instant his paws hit the ground he sank back into his stance. Each joint would loosen to allow him the ease of movement, and he made careful note to adjust his center of balance, shifting it from side to side. His chin tucked once more, just as his ears would remain pinned and his eyes half-closed. His tail was lodgepole straight, a plume which spoke of balance. His teeth would remain bared and his mouth half opened, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. He saw her tense, begin to move, and he dug is claws into the ground in preparation. Instead of charging straight at him, however she curved away and sank into an absurd sort of stance, with her posterior stuck up int he air like some sort of harlot. I see at last where your true expertise lies, he thought with a sneer. Lyon opened his jaws further to mock her obvious lack of experience with battle, but in the same instant she would jump forwards, limbs extended and looking to wrap around him.

Lyonovei hissed in a moment's surprise and his muscles would tighten on instinct, allowing him to pivot away. His back paws would anchor his brutish form while his front paws would propel him a pace to the right, down along her left side. He would divert the brunt of her attack, and instead of gaining a grip upon him she would graze his left flank. Her attack would open up a gash which, by the feel of it, started at his shoulder blade and continued in a downward slope along his midsection. It seared him like a hot iron but he could pay the wound no mind, not yet. He was hoping to achieve a set of parallel lines composed of his body and hers, heads aligning with tails. There before him her pale banner would sweep, an invitation he could not ignore. With one final push forward Lyon would seek to take the appendage between his jaws and clamp down upon it with bone-crushing fury. He would rend it from her worthless frame and let it forever me a reminder to her that there would always be someone waiting to knock you from your pedestal.

"Talk" "You" Think

LYONOVEI vs. ANZHELIKA for MAIM (Docking Tail)


ATTACKS:Lyon feints to the right, lunging down Anzh's left side, aiming to take her tail in his jaws and remove it.

DEFENSES: Sank into a readied stance, Loosened joints, adjusted his center of balance, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes squinted, tail straight, teeth bared, jaw loose, claws dug in, muscles tight.

INJURIES: A moderate bruise on the meat of his shoulder muscle, a gash on his left side from shoulder to middle of his flank




4 Years
09-14-2014, 08:22 PM

Choose Your Last Words. It's Your Last Time.
Because, You And I, Baby.

She would grunt in anger when her ivory daggers would snap on nothing but air, but his blood was now dripping from a large gash she had caused the male, a wicked smile pulling her ebony lips up at a curve.

Suddenly she would feel something clamp onto the tip of her tail, the male covering the girl's gorgeous caramel dipped features with his jaws. She would snarl in pain, but she knew she had to react quickly if she wanted to keep at least part of her tail.

Her eyes would narrow and her ears would pin against her skull, the girl flexing her toes and spreading them evenly. She distributed her weight evenly between her limbs and her skull would align with her spine, her tail aligning as well as best as it could while being stuck in the male's mouth. Her chin would tuck over her throat and her hackles would raise and her scruff would bunch up, the girl rolling her shoulders forward as well.

Finally she would spin around to her right side and lift up onto her hind legs, her jaw opening in a snarl. Her claws would lash out as she turned to face him, her claws seeking to go in the soft flesh of his muzzle and to drag her claws against his face, her right paw seeking to slash right above his right eye. Her left paw would seek to slash and drag across the left side of his muzzle from his left ear down to his jowls/lips area. She would do this in revenge, for if the male fucked her tail up, she would fuck his face up.


Anzhelika vs. Lyonovei for Maim {ripped ear}

round: one two THREE

Attacks; paragraph four

Defenses; paragraph three

Injuries; mild bruising to chest, strained neck, severely bruised shoulders, two gashes running along the sides of her scruff to her shoulder blades (forgot to mention that injury from round two xD), about three inches ripped off of her tail.

-- Extra Notes --

Good job!! Honestly this was a great fight and really fun c:

We Were Born To Die.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!

The Judge


09-20-2014, 06:44 PM

Lyonovei v Anzhelika for Maim

Round 1
Lyonovei: -2 where on the shoulder is she aiming for? front? side?

4 for clarity- -2 what angle is he in relation to her, you say he's off to his own right but is he launching straight on or at an angle? -2 how is he applying his weight to her? With what part of his body? -2 where is he aiming to push his weight into her to try and knock the breath from her lungs? I imagine it has to be more than just a jaw attack to the shoulder

10 for powerplaying. none seen

7 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack.+2 jaw attack (-1 for clarity) +1 weight throw (-2 for clarity)

10 for injuries. First Round

Round one Total: 34/50


0 for clarity--3 how does a tight chest lessen injury from a shoulder? How does a fang attack result only a bruise? I'm not quite sure how the attack landed that such results were achieved. -2 what angle is she approaching him at? how are they positioned? -3 what part of her chest is she knocking into him? The upper? the whole chest? as he's taller how is she raising herself to accomplish this? -2 where on his shoulders is she aiming to latch onto?

3 for powerplaying. -2 you need an attempt here "she would lunge herself at him, protruding herself into his body with all of her force to his body" -5 definitely need an attempt phrase here, this is a major power play and a major no no " anzhelika lashing her head around as her jaws clamped onto his flesh," whether the attack succeeds and the amount of damage is up to your opponent not to you.

10 for defenses.+1 for each seen

1 for attack.+1 jaw attack (-2 for clarity and pp issues)

10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 24/50

Round 2


0 for clarity--2 which way and how did he move that her chest attack missed? "He had passed her by scant inches, she was only an instant late to make her target" -2 how did he move when he reared up and away? "would rear upwards and away from the remainder of her momentum" away where? how? -2 what damage was done by Anz's jaw attack? -2 how is he positioned in relation to her? what angle? (I know I asked you on this but I was really struggling to tell if he was on his back legs over her or on four and approaching from the side) -2 what part of his body is he trying to slam into her? His chest? His paws? I wasn't sure what you meant by "straight outward" -3 you must pick a target when attacking "His jaws snapped, just waiting to latch onto any part of her that might get too close"

6 for powerplaying.-1 you mention he tasted blood but Anz stated only bruising was done. Confusing I know since it was a fang attack but you have to run with it. -3 I didn't see any mention of Anz's jaw attack in your post, you need to respond to all your opponents attacks

4 for defenses.+1 for each seen -2 you also need to shift your center of gravity to the rear legs when rearing up, the tail alone probably isn't enough.

2 for attack.+2 throwing weight into her (-1 clarity issue) +0 claw attack (wolf claws really aren't sharp enough to do any sort of damage in the area you're aiming where the skin and fur is thicking. Eyes, nose, those types of areas are really the only places where a claw attack would do any good.

8 for injuries -2 moderate bruising to shoulder

Round two Total: 20/50


0 for clarity--3 How did she move so that she got out from under him? which way? -2 what angle is she approaching him at when she attacks? -2 where on his shoulder is she aiming? -2 which paw is aiming to land where? "dig into the male's right shoulder and right side of his scruff" Or are you attacking with both? -2 Front or back claws? I can't assume so be as specific as you can.

7 for powerplaying. -2 "and pounce onto him" you need to attempt that -1 it's a minor one but the "if then" statements are usually a minor power play. The ripping of the ear depends entirely on the attack succeeding.

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen -3 you need to compensate for your balance when your wolf rear's up

3 for attack.+0 claw attack (again unless it's to like the eyes or the nose a wolf's claws aren't really sharp enough to sufficient damage through fur and into flesh) +2 jaw attack (-1 for clarity +1 for maim attempt)

6 for injuries.-2 severe bruising -1 minor lacerations, and neck strain

Round two Total: 21/50

Round 3


2 for clarity--2 how far does he pivot? what angle is he at compared to her now? -2 i'm a bit confused as to which attack landed where? something grazed his flank then the other hit his shoulder blade to midsection? -2 how is he moving to get at her tail? is he twisting his head to the side, arcing his body around? -2 where on her tail is he aiming for?

10 for powerplaying.none seen

8 for defenses.+1 for each seen

3 for attack. +3 for jaw attack (-1 for clarity but +1 for maim attempt)

7 for injuries -3 for lacerations

Round Three Total: 30/50


6 for clarity--2 how much damage was done by his jaws? -2 front or back paws? I know this is soooo annoying but again as a judge I'm not supposed to assume.

8 for powerplaying.-2 as Lyo has a hold on her tail she needs to attempt to whirl around to get at him

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen -3 you need to adjust for balance when you rear up

1 for attack.+1 paw attack (again wolves don't attack with their claws for a reason they aren't sharp enough to do significant damage)

7 for injuries. -3 grip possible break to tail as that was Lyo's intent

Round Three Total: 28/50


Lyonovei: 84/150

Anzhelika: 73/150

And the winner is...

Lyonovei! Anzhelika must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Bruising and minor lacerations will take a few ooc days to heal. Moderate wounds and lacerations will take an ooc week to heal. The maim to Anzhelika's tail will be permanent.

*to clarify Anzhelika's tail is now docked, Lyo can perform the full maim in his next post as I understand it.


blargh I hate this part, my notes are pretty much up above. If I have one thing I want both of you to take away it is ANGLES. I got really quite lost throughout this fight b/c I wasn't sure where your chars were in relation to each other.

- By [Lunarcat7]