
New blood

Athena I


9 Years
09-10-2014, 09:08 AM

News of her father's abandonment of his pack hadn't come with much surprise for Athena. He had abandoned everything else in his life, why would Indarra be any different? However, that meant that Bevroren now had new neighbors. Someone had snached up the remenants of her father's pack and had taken up the lands that bordered the southeast side of her pack. It didn't exactly make her nervous, but she felt the need to investigate and at least feel out this new ruler. That's what brought her to the border that ran between the Polar Sound and the Sparse Pines, lifting her muzzle to let out a call for the leader, or leaders as it may be, of this new pack. She started to ponder what she might do if she had this new wolf didn't get along, but decided to not get ahead of herself. The silver Sorverien settled back on her haunches with her tail tucked neatly around her haunches and her bracelets gleaming in the mid-afternoon sunlight while she waited, holding herself with her usual quiet regality.




5 Years
09-10-2014, 08:47 PM

She had finally gone out of the mines to get fresh air and stretch. It was time to get past her grief and move on in life. This new born pack needed, Quelt needed her. So she had shook out her fur and left the mines to pick her way easily down to the Sound. She had not been to these parts since she had first left her home as a young girl. She knew penguins littered the Sound, specially now with summer and new babies. And when her paws hit the Sound in silence she was not disappointed. Tail lifted high over her back, curling over her as she gave a toothy grin. Stomach rumbled as she eyed the occupied parents and fluffy hatchlings. She cared not for the hatchings so much but she might as well take the parent or two and the baby. The hatchling would never survive without its parents and she could never leave a creature to that fate.

The hunt was easy, swift and clean just as she liked it. She laid there off to the side as she picked her meal clean, a baby and parent penguin. The meal was refreshing and much needed as she had not been consuming much food in her moments for sorrow. Just as she was cleaning up a howl went up for the leaders, her and Quelt. They were close by, and she vaguely knew that voice. Though she had never much talked much to her older sister but Ver was very fond of her. Thus making her good in Irune's eyes as well. Getting up she gave her back a good stretch and make sure to lick her lips clean before going to greet her sister.

It would not take long for her to come into view of her silver sister, sitting there waiting. Ears perked up and tail remained curled over her back, not so much as to strut her dominance but just a habit. She was not one to be pussy footed around and not much could intimidate her, specially now that her father was gone. " Athena, it's been a long time since I last saw you. Ver is doing well I hope?" She called out softly as she neared. She stopped a foot away, studying her sister, amber eyes taken in everything. Isokan needed allies and Bevroren should be there first.



7 Years
Extra large
09-10-2014, 09:09 PM

His borders were being called by a young woman, and the scent was something that he knew well from his recent movings to the north. Regardless, the large beast would stand to come soon after Irune arrived. A smile formed on his face uncontrollably to stand near the tiny girl. But just close enough as he bumped her neck with his nose for a moment before looking back up at Athena. Hearing Irune speak her name made his assumption correct. The olori had already ran into Vereux, received a lecture from him about Irune but still bonded a little. So he was aware of what Bevroren was.
"Athena, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Quelt Walker, I spoke to your mate maybe a week or so ago and he spoke highly of you. I'm the new Alpha or Olori of this pack we call Isokan. Your half sister Irune is my mate and second in command." Quelt would dip his head and flick his black tail. He wanted to be casual, but not too much as he rose his head. "You are welcome to my borders any time, as well as your people. How can I help you today?" he would say, softening his stance. Was that too much? He didn't seem to think so anyway. The polar-sound was a very large open place, as was the northern mines.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]

Athena I


9 Years
09-10-2014, 10:28 PM

She certainly didn't expect to find family in this newly formed back, but was exactly what she found. It seemed that the Armadas were spread farther through the world than she realized. Her vibrant gaze blinked with surprise when Irune appeared, holding herself like the rightful ruler of these lands. A smile touched her muzzle and her apprehension over meeting her new neighbors disappeared. "It's been far too long. Vereux is doing wonderfully. I'm happy to see that you are doing well," she replied just before another oddly patterned wolf approached them, seemingly more than eager to introduce himself and his new pack. He seemed a bit uncertain on how to handle himself, but in a way it was endearing and made Athena smile. She liked to think that she was a good judge of character and from what she could tell he seemed like a good guy. She trusted Irune's judgement as well and if he was good enough to be her mate she didn't see any reason to distrust him. She was a little surprised that she hadn't heard from Vereux about speaking to him earlier, but she had also been busy herself so it might just have slipped through the cracks of their conversations. "It is very nice to meet you as well, Quelt. I came here to find out who my new neighbors were and introduce myself, but it seems there is very little introductions needed here. I'm very happy to know Irune is living nearby again. It eases my worries to know I still have family living nearby." She shifted her weight as she spoke, settling in more comfortably and giving the both of them soft smiles. "While I have you both here, I would like to ask about an alliance between our packs. With our territories being so close together I feel like we could both benefit from it. All of my alliances have very simple rules, we will offer our help should you need it, but if you are attacking one of my other allies I will not help and I expect the same from you."




7 Years
Extra large
09-10-2014, 11:23 PM

The man was usually fairly well rounded, he was the son of political masters a duke and duchess. Just, when it came to family, it was a bit different and more pressure was placed upon himself. After all, he didn't want to seem like a tyrant but he wanted to ensure all of his members saftey. And if they were royals, their right to live luxury without worry, while being protected by others. He saw no problem with them doing nothing(but it also made them less likley to be picked for heir anyway). Maybe that was just him though, he wasn't sure what Irune thought of it all. But this was his kingdom after all, he had a job to protect her and make sure she had a nice life a nice and comfortable as possible life.
His dark ears would flick slightly at her speech, as he shuffled a bit in thought. He himself had been busy trying to secure allies, yet if they were in a time of disaster he just thought of how he would refuse help at all. Specially to a member of Irune's family. "Given the family ties, I can't just say no anyway. And of course, the terms you say are logical. Currently Abaven are our allies and I will be visiting Ethereal to speak with them as well." he smiled though dipping his head. "Consider it an alliance." he flicked his tail. He made no sense, he really needed to work on his speech.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



5 Years
09-14-2014, 12:18 AM

She took a seat with her tail over her paws as she smiled at Athena. Perhaps some good will come out of being so close to family. She could not lie she felt worried about this Destruction family now ruled over three packs to the east, a force that could be deadly or a blessing. And with Quelt making the pack next to her brother and sister's pack was a fine idea. She could not imagine any quarrel between the two packs. "Things could be better." She replied and looked away for a moment as she thought of her mother. Before much else could be said between the sisters Quelt would arrive and get things started. She would press into him in silent support as she listened to the two talk, her amber eyes sharp and drinking in everything.

A sense of relief seeped into her as an alliance was made. "I was wondering, Athena is it possible our packs can train together? To better strengthen our members and our alliance? Of course with Quelt agreeing to the idea." She said softly as she looked between the two of them. This way if things went sour for both packs they could preplan ahead for such situation such as floods, starvation, illness, and war. It was always best to have your pack prepared for anything then taken by surprise and at a lose and tossed into chaos. She looked at Quelt, hoping he approved of such an idea. Honestly she did not agree with Royals being allowed not to do anything. In her mind it would make the other members take the Royals for granted, and the Royals would be a weakness in the pack should something happen to them. She didn't think it was a wise choice but this was his pack after all.

Athena I


9 Years
09-17-2014, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2014, 11:57 PM by Athena I.)


She was glad to hear Quelt's agreement to her proposal of an alliance and its terms. It eased her worries completely with sharing a border with another pack, not that she thought she had a lot to worry about when Irune was one of the ruling wolves here. He mentioned the alliances he had already formed, which only made her more sure of the freshly formed friendship. It always made things a tad easier when her alliances shared the same alliances with others. She could quickly see Bevroren and Isokan becoming like sibling packs. "We are also allies with Abaven and Ethereal. Azalea is an old friend of mine and Bass is a good man. I've also worked out peace agreements with a couple of other packs and we were allies with Ebony at one time, but I heard that they have recently changed rulers so I will have to go speak with them before I say them for certain."

Her gaze shifted to her half-sister as Irune began to speak, her question bringing a smile to Athena's muzzle. "I would love for your pack to train with mine. I'm always looking for ways to shake up our training routine. We did something similar with Abaven fairly recently actually, but it will be so much easier to train with you since you're just next door. In fact... I've been planning on calling a training meeting together soon. I would love if some of your members joined us. Consider it an open invitation to any of our fighting trainings. As long as Quelt agrees of course." She glanced back to Quelt, her gaze eager and excited by the idea. Maybe it was simply because she wanted to have Irune involved in her family again, but Athena was immediately eager for their plan to take place.



7 Years
Extra large
09-18-2014, 01:28 AM

There were things about the Royals Quelt had actually not explained to the others. The royal meetings were private, and in it he had explained that they were not to just laze about. He refused to let them be fat and lazy, he just had the thought of needing to fulfill for Hajime's children at least that they had a choice in the matter. The pack of Isokan was made for their wellbeing, but with two of the children left to Abaven. Quelt was starting to think he really needed to think about what he wanted to do with it. Another member came to his head as the two girl spoke. Mariposa during the meeting had expressed some behavior that he had indeed been afraid of from her. But there was the mentioning of Ebony. "I have to drop by Ebony soon anyway, you see Ebony is where the adopted children me and Irune have were born. Their mother is buried there and they haven't been able to visit their grave since they left." he said with a flick of his tail.
It was nice to see the girls speaking to each other though, Athena herself had more experience in this whole ordeal and he was observing her carefully. Though it was expected of for siblings, he knew how he was with his. Specially since two of them have mental problems that seemed to run in the family. But really he was tip-toeing around his position. And right now was probably the time to stop doing that. "I wouldn't refuse even if I had a good reason to, it'll give the royals something to do until I sort out their duties. I didn't disclose it to the pack at the meeting but our Royals have duties just as the members do and I need to show the others that so there isn't as much bias." he stated explaining it half for Irune than Athena. And he sighed a little, but hide his discomfort for his current situation.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]