
We are Gonna be Friends



08-31-2014, 09:56 AM

The moon light would filter through the den?s entrance cheerfully, falling upon Song?s closed eyes. The sleep would be driven away from the pale she wolf and consciousness would return. Tiredly she would blink open her bright yellow and blue eyes, her lungs filling with a deep breath of the cool night air. It was a welcome relief from the day?s cruel heat. It was best to sleep during the day and keep yourself active in the night. Her den was not quite deep enough to be impervious to the changing temperatures, so as the moon?s gentle rays would stir her form she?d ready herself for a momentous night.
Arivae was curled at her side, the girl was growing so fast Song could hardly stand it. She felt like only yesterday she?d given birth, and already she was of age to see beyond the entrance of the den. A sigh would filter from her lips as she lifted her head from the earth, her gaze softly setting on her newest of daughters. For a moment she would just watch her lovingly, happy to sit and wait for the girl to wake up on her own.




2 Years
08-31-2014, 10:30 AM

It wasn't the moonlight that had awakened the young girl, but the gentle shifting of her mother beside her. She'd hate to have her leave her...just for a moment even. She felt safe so close to her. Eyelids would slowly roll open to tired, innocent eyes, ears flicking back against her head as she tried to register where she was. Chin would tip up to look at her mother, and immediately, she grinned playfully. Her stubby little tail would pat weakly at the earth.
The den was dark, considering it was in the middle of the night. But through the darkness she could see those two-tone eyes. And by that, she knew it was her mother. Arivae continued to look up at her mother, little body sinking into her embracing warmth. She nuzzled into her soft white fur while fighting to get even closer to her.
"Mommy?" Her soft, innocent voice was questioning, as she stared up at that loving face of hers with a weak grin. The little dame hasn't been outside the den...not even once. She thought maybe tonight she could maybe see explore a little? Beside her mother? Arivae moved her little ears forward as she continued uneasily. "C-can we go outside...?" The young pup didn't bother to lift herself off her stomach. She was still learning how to keep herself up...but she was perfectly eligible to go outside!




09-10-2014, 05:51 PM

The pale queen would watch her tiny daughter as slowly her bright eyes would shift open, consciousness would return to the small girl. Song couldn?t help the warm smile that wrapped around her features as Arivae looked up from her belly. Song?s tail would match the tiny girl?s beat as she awoke to the darkness of the night. Song would lean forward and offer the child a kiss, ?Good morning love.? Alabaster ears would perk forward at the girl?s words then, ?Yes?? She would ask the curious child as her wide eyes looked up, taking in the question eagerly. Her smile would grow wider as she nuzzled her daughter again before answering, ?Of course.? An eager yet mysterious smile would appear on her features as she lifted herself from the earth, maneuvering around Arivae. She?d nuzzle her encouragingly once more before leading the pair from the den. ?Just stay close, you don?t need to run off. We can go wherever you want.? Her lyrics were soft as she padded out of the earth, tail wagging slightly as she introduced her daughter to the outside world.




2 Years
09-15-2014, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2014, 03:34 PM by Arivae.)

Her mother smiled instantly as Arivae finished, making the little pup more hopeful. She was offered a gentle morning kiss and greeting, but the young woman just giggled and stuffed her nose into the addicting warmth of her mother. Song always made her so comfortable...she made her feel so safe. No doubt, even as a yearling Arivae would still be counting on her mother to hide her when she was shy around strangers. Or to show her the new little creatures and life that littered the earth. Yes...her mother would grow to be her best friend. Her idol in which she would look up to. Not only her queen, not only her mother, but her best friend.
"Just stay close, you don?t need to run off. We can go wherever you want." Her mother's voice was so soft and the morning humming of a bird. It again made the young girl feel overwhelmed with safety and love. All over her body, like needles and thorns pierced into her delicate flesh. Arivae giggled innocently and licked her mother's nose as she reached down to nuzzle her. Then, she struggled to find her feet beneath her while her mother quietly made her way out of the den. Only once or twice had the young girl stood on her feet. She's never walked much...
"Mommy...wait for me..." Her voice was but a soft cry, one foreleg moving out before her and swinging up to take a step. At the same time, she moved her back legs, and tripped forward to fall on her face. Tears welled up in her eyes. It was humiliating being like this in front of her mother...especially when she was the one who wanted to be outside. Arivae inhaled and took another go. She found her paws and hobbled forward with a quick lurch forward, knocking into her mother's nearest leg and forcing herself back on her rear. She sat there casually and blinked away the tears for a moment. Then, turned her muzzle to the sky.
Holy balls. 'Outside' was a lot bigger and prettier than she had expected. It was dark...but there was a big white sun in the sky that lit up the night air. It was also pretty chilly. But Arivae, as curious and as amazed as she was, cared less. "Mommy! There are so many little white suns in the sky!" Amazed blue gaze would sweep over the sky in awe, admiring the stars in which she called 'the babies of the white sun.' Of course, she was never told about them. So that's what she referred to them as. Little miniature suns that were white and less bright.
Once again, the little black girl sat up excitedly, bouncing forward with little balance. She spun around and continued to stare around her with amazement. What was this place? It was like paradise! No, it was better even! Arivae fell back on her rump and fell to the side, giggling energetically and welcoming the sounds of her fleeting heart, pumping rapidly to the quick movements that were new to her body. "This is big! Outside is big!"




09-18-2014, 05:22 PM

Rising from the earth she?d feel Arivae?s little tickle of her tongue against nose. She?d snort playfully as she lifted her head back into the air, tail wagging as bicolored gaze took in the tiny form of her beautiful daughter. She?d turn slowly to relieve herself of the cramped den, knowing that Arivae would follow no matter how slow she was. Of course Song would go no farther than the entrance and as a helpless voice called out from behind her Song?s features would be slipped back in the entrance to comfort her struggling daughter. Steadily she?d advance and Song would retreat, sloowing the dark girl to bounce off her foreleg and back onto the ground in a heap.
The alphess would giggle softly as she nudged the girl?s rump affectionately. Arivae?s glacial blue eyes would come to rest on the brilliant sky above them. Song would smile as she let her form rest on the earth across from her offspring, bicolored eyes taking in the sky as well. ?Stars my love.? She?d inform as the pup called the galaxies ?little suns? which in reality they were suns, but not so small. Arivae would quickly bring her form back up to standing, her little body wiggling excitedly before she eventually tumbled again. Song would hum happily, nuzzling her, ?It is big.? concurring, she?d help the girl back to her feet. And there?s much more to see tonight.
