
China Buffet



5 Years
Extra large
09-11-2014, 12:47 PM

He?d requested that Fable follow he and Soliloquy back to the Range where they could be properly introduced to the now quite grown family. There were ambitions to persue and the eldest brother wished for his beautiful sister to become involved. Scorpion would carry an amused smirk as he slipped from the entrance of the den. Othello was still asleep, and though the morning had not gotten too old it was a wonder she could lay there so long. It seemed the kids had been taking after her too, but Mercy had seemingly disappeared. He worried about her, she?d been gone so long he was quite ready to go and search for her.
Today however, would be the day he spoke to Fable. He?d bring himself a ways from the den, not wanting to wake the sleeping wolves. He?d find a comfortable place to seat himself before tipping his features back and calling for the girl. Surely she wasn?t too far away.



09-11-2014, 04:12 PM

Tangled up in a mass of rose petals and thorns, feeling the crisp edges of the roses daggers pierce her flesh -- as if she hadn't felt a thing the women would disable herself from the rather uncomfortable bedding and slid out from the dreadful canvas of betrayal. She wasn't to keen on heading off just yet, and she has set some boundaries between many people, though as she was a family dame it would certainly be her head if she declared a "no show" on her brother. Bestowing that she was not part of this continuous lineage of Destructions, though that was nary the case at all. She loved her entire blood with all her heart and as they say, blood is thicker than water.

Propelling her foundations upon a rocks hard surface, awaiting her eldest brothers call. As she'd take a seat in an agonizing blissful impatience fell over the beauty like a cloak. She could feel restlessness nipping at her flank, the breeze splitting her auricles into, making the temptation to return to her day-to-day affair without a second thought of returning to her brothers. Then again, that tiny voice in the back of her head told her to stay, to wait for that single beckoning. She'd anchor herself to the ground, refusing to move, and thus Fable resumed on with the waiting game.

A loud, bewildering howl silenced the beating wings of birds int he sky, ending the harmony of their songs and fleeting back to their homes in triumph. The black ivory tainted goddess felt her appendages recoil again, snapping into place and her shoulders rolled forth to protect her neck like they always did; as if she were excepting an attack. Thundering down the path she had taken before, the blue eyed temptress was eating up the earth with her claws, they seemed to battle with rocky surface while leading Fable directly towards Scorpion. A rattling roar of sorts bellowed from her thorax, larynx asking for a similar howl in turn to her brothers.

Once settling carefully onto the platform of a high rock, looking down upon the titan whom sat up-right with such pride that he would be mistaken as a God. Without fighting it back, a lovely smirk came to stitch its full embrace onto her countenance -- all evolved around love and happiness. Fable had heist towards Scorpion, black and grey body shifting with the masses of muscle while executing her stance down from the bolder. At once she'd greet her brother, with hearty smile and a voice of an angel. "Brother! How are you?"

Voice: Jennifer Lawrence



5 Years
Extra large
09-17-2014, 02:20 PM

Bright yellow eyes would behold her form for the first time in much too long, her beautiful form would come thunderously down an embankment. Fable?s strength and beauty was obvious in her vivacious gait and proud stature showing her impeccable lineage. He?d feel himself smirk as she let out a bellow, her brother joining in her joy as he stepped forward and offered the same greeting. She?d appear before him, her features beaming as she let herself greet him warmly. He?d push his thin chest against her shoulder after perching himself next to her form. She?d greet him boisterously, and though it was obvious they were no longer the fun loving pups anymore the affection was still present. Scorpion would wrap his neck around her, placing his muzzle by her ear. "My beautiful sister, I?ve missed you." He?d nuzzle her affectionately, "I?m marvelous, how are you faring?"
