
Let me know who you really are



4 Years
08-29-2014, 03:45 AM

Nona came back to the Monument Rapids again, it was here that she could almost always find herself when not exploring other parts of Abaven lands. The motion of the currents were something that always intrigued Nona wondering where they went, what they carried with them. Nona thought to herself that maybe they even carried her songs with them for all to hear wherever they would end. Nona smiled as she thought about another song her forest green eyes fell closed and her lips parted for the lyrics to arise from her maw as her voice was gentle and calm just like it almost always was.

"Koko ni watashi no jitaku no tochi de, watashi wa sekai ga watashi no jitaku no tochi de koko ni... Watashi no koe o kiku koto ga dekiru koto o kitai shite, watashi wa, kyūryū ga watashi ni yonde mizu no genzai no uta o kiku, kono kyoku o utau... Koko ni watashi no jitaku no tochi de, watashitachi no kyoku wa, watashitachi no uta o kiku no genzai no uta o utatte mo sekai ni kiku koto ga dekimasu"

(Here in the lands of my home, I sing this song, in hopes that the world can hear my voice... Here in the lands of my home, I hear the rapids call to me, the song of the water's current... Here in the lands of my home, let our songs be heard to the world that may hear us sing, sing the current's song".)

Her vocals came to a end as she hummed ever so quietly not caring if anyone from the pack could hear her sing. Nona was quiet then as she opened her eyes once more and looked into the current again. Perhaps one of these days Abaven, no the world, may hear her voice. However Nona could only dream for that to ever happen as the harsh reality of it was that there were many out there who would take her tongue or harm her and possibly kill her. For now she had to stay content with only Abaven and those she would become close to being the ones to hear her songs.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-

Motif I


4 Years
09-05-2014, 01:16 AM

Water carried sound like nothing else, and the girl would hear the whispers of a tune float down the stream of the rapids. The girl would pose, head above the water and her body on shore as she listened to its sounds. Abaven held a few singers she was sure, with her Bass and Harmony already a musical trio it was intriguing to see the other such wolves that came its way. She was certain she didn't know the face behind the voice, but she was intrigued ? the girl behind it had a clear, sweet voice and her instruments where the river that carried it along.

The song ended then and the brown mottled Queen shook herself from her revere and started a light jog beside the water. The singer wasn't far away and in a few moments Motif would get a glimpse of the pale Abaven girl across the other side of the water. Motif would stop there, perching on her edge of the rapids to look over at the other side. ?You sing beautifully? the brown girl called out, her voice cheerful and curious.




4 Years
09-05-2014, 07:22 PM

Nona could see a wolf the other wolf on her own side of the rapids and heard her voice. She couldn't help but smile when she heard the compliment come from this fae, she was rather beautiful to look at. She let her lips part to respond to the female who gave her the compliment "Thank you, I'm glad you think that, where are my manners I should introduce myself... I'm Nona one of the kruni, its a pleasure to meet you" Nona politely bowed her head towards the female. Some company would do her some good today she thought to herself, after all she still didn't know many of the pack members and hoped that would change soon.

Once more Nona spoke "May I have the honor of speaking with you without the formalities of my name is and this is my rank, I'd like to get to know you for well you outside of our ranks? if you would give me that chance that is?" Nona tried to make her question a honest one with usual gentle voice. There was one thing that Nona thought about since she became a kruni of the pack was that it would be easier to treat those who are injured if you know them on a personal level. Hopefully this fae would give her that chance and perhaps they could become friends after awhile.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-

Motif I


4 Years
09-11-2014, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2014, 07:00 PM by Motif I.)

Her words reached out the short distance over the rapids with out a hitch and the Avaben-scented stranger would turn her attention to Motif with the words. The Abaven Queen would grin and nod her head in greeting now that she had the others eyes upon her. A greeting would be the answer and she would game the name of the petite brown girl and her station as a level one healer within the pack. Her of course would be Motif?s queue to give forth her own name and with another grin the girl would move her paws until they stood upon the river bank and stretch her head across the gap to better see this Nona on the other side. ?I'm Motif, the Azgrat of Abaven? she would say, without bothering with a formal flair ? it was her hard working brother who deserved the respect of the pack.

Nona would speak again and her next words would elicit a laugh from the dark brown girl. After a question like that the distance between them suddenly seemed far to formal and with a spring she would leap forward, bringing herself half way through the stream with a splash. From there she would take a few strong strokes through the quietest part of the rapids before rising at the other end, shaking out her fur and trotting over to Nona. She would take a seat before her now, her good nature unable to leave her without a smile as she settled on her rump. ?That's fine with me Nona, after all ? i'm the fighter your the healer, i wouldn't be surprised if we spend time together in the future? she teased softly, although in truth she hadn't been in any spars recently ? maybe it was time to change that.




4 Years
09-11-2014, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2014, 07:22 PM by Nona.)

Nona watched as Motif leap and then move through the stream to where she was. This brought about a smile upon Nona's maw as she listened to her words. ?That's fine with me Nona, after all ? i'm the fighter your the healer, i wouldn't be surprised if we spend time together in the future? the words couldn't stop Nona from letting loose a gentle giggle before she let her own words come forth "I wouldn't be surprised either, the rapids are beautiful to look at much like when one sings to use such beauty to carry their voice" Nona spoke in her usual soft and quiet voice. Lately the thought of finding someone she could spend her life with was rather on surface than down below but how would Motif take it if she heard Nona was sneaking off to try and find happiness for herself.

However surely that with her recent disappearances it wasn't going to go unnoticed so thus she spoke once more concerning what she had been doing "Motif, I also want to say something to Bass but I do not know how to word it... how do you tell someone you are going off on your own to seek happiness when not all of the happiness lies within your home's borders? because I have recently been off trying to fill a hole that has been in me for awhile now and I admit to what I've been doing is wrong but I don't want to live my life alone". this time Nona's words were quiet but still held her gentle and soft tone of voice. Perhaps Motif would understand what Nona was going through but perhaps she might yell at her. Nona had to say something though, Abaven was her home but as she said to Motif that for her not all happiness was within Abaven's borders. Nona spoke softly again as her lips parted "I'm sorry if I've been causing everyone worry about my disappearances" Nona was now apologetic with her words.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-

Motif I


4 Years
09-11-2014, 07:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-11-2014, 07:36 PM by Motif I.)

The girl would giggle easily at Motif?s words and the woman would grin readily and cheekily in response. She was actually surprised she didn't intimately know the healers and their dens through constant visiting with injuries, in fact the girls agility seemed to have been her saving grace so far despite her tendency to get herself into trouble. Nona would speak again, pointing out the rapids that Motif had spent so much of her time beside. The girl would nod, looking at the rapids she had just swam upon, a deadly beauty at times or so it could be. There where places in the river she would never cross, it wasn't called the Monument Rapids for nothing after all.

Next thing she knew Nona was putting upon her a secret she held and one that Bass did not even know. The girl found herself blinking in surprise, her brow furrowed as she took in the words. She was seeing another wolf outside of this pack? ?What pack are we talking about here?? Motif asked, concerned. She was already trying to think of the packs about them, which they had allegiances with and which ones they did not. With all the new packs poping up and old ones changing it was had to remember who they held alliances with. Either way it wasn't right to sneak behind Bass?s pack, if it was with an enemy pack then it was worse yet. ?I think you should let Bass know, hes an understanding wolf and he might not be concerned if you tell him but if you keep it from him and sneak behind his back, well, that makes it look much worse. I will also remind you that trespassers may be attacked on sight, and if your caught bringing an outsider into our borders there will be consequences? she remind them, keeping her voice stern but gentle as she spoke. This could be something big or it could be something small depending on what Nona did now, and depending on what Nona did would also determine what Motif had to do with the information ? she hoped Nona would do the right thing, but first, Motif needed to know what pack this wolf belonged to.




4 Years
09-11-2014, 07:58 PM

Nona listened to her words carefully. Nona began to speak to clarify what she meant to say "No packs are involved, I've only met with one rogue and even then it didn't seem like I would find what I was searching for... I'm just tired of waking up everyday alone, I just want someone in my life who actually will be there for me... I wouldn't do anything to get them killed... but yes you're right I should tell Bass and I promise you I will but... falling in love and then it falling through and Allen leaving Abaven... What else is there for me". Nona's gaze lowered and her once set smile dropped into a sad expression. Motif now knew what she had been doing since she told her but once more her lips parted "Perhaps I'm just a naive stupid girl who shouldn't seek that" her words continued to roll out with a quiet tone.

She would tell Bass after this about what she had been up to and take whatever punishment he may give her. Bass however seemed to be understandable and might just want her to tell him the next time she were to leave pack lands. Nona looked into Motif's eyes as best she could "I'll tell him what I have been doing and forget about filling this hole of mine, and hide my feelings behind my songs to keep doing my duty as a healer and seek nothing more" her words trailing off in the end. Nona would quickly seek out Bass after speaking with Motif and would willingly accept any punishment Bass might give her even if she had to leave the pack because of her actions.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-

Motif I


4 Years
09-11-2014, 08:11 PM

The girl would speak again, clarifying that it wasn't a pack wolf she had sneaked around with, but that only confused Motif more. She was being very vague with her words, going about the long way to say what she wanted without giving a real explanation in between. Motif shook her head to clear it, so it was a rogue.. was it Allen, is that what she was trying to say? She knew Allen had left when Quelt had made Isokan, but that would make him a pack wolf still not a rogue.. She shook her head, unsure what Nano was trying to say except that she agreed to tell Bass. Motif would give her time to do so before asking Bass if she had spoken to him.

Nano was now talking about love and the hardship of it and Motif would sigh softly, moving forward to nudge the other girl. ?I'm the last person to ask, i don't go looking for relationships, i suppose i'm fine with my life and if the right guy comes along maybe that will change things, maybe it wont, but i'm not really one for settling down? she gave a wry smile, remembering how Bass and convinced her to remain and how she now stood as a leader of this pack. ?hey, those words sound like your sorry for yourself Nano, there's no need for that. Your allowed a relationship although there's rules to follow that go with pack life, and i'm sure you'll find a guy sometime? she said, somewhat helplessly, she almost laughed at the idea of her giving relationship advice.





4 Years
09-11-2014, 08:31 PM

Nona brightened up a little bit, what Motif did say though made sense to her. Unlike Motif though Nona wanted to find that special someone, not just wait for the perfect guy to come down and be her mate. Nona accepted the nudge and was thankful that Motif didn't exactly yell at her. Nona would let her voice come forth "I know there are rules to follow for relationships and I would make sure that Bass would get to meet the person who I might find and get things worked out, I've just never been one to wait for things like a mate... I want to settle down with someone, but before then I must speak with Bass about what I've been doing and I must also ask him if I may go and visit Allen, the one who I see as my father to make sure he is doing alright" Nona was honest with her words.

Her own thoughts of other things for the time being were low on the list of what she wanted to talk about but seeked to change the subject "This is a different topic I know but what do you think of a tradition for Abaven that would bring those who are willing to participate together to sing together or do duets or whatever... this would be for those who are apart of Abaven" she smiled a little. She felt oddly lighter now that someone else knew of her secret someone she felt that she could trust because of Motif's rank. The earthen colored fae sought to change the subject as a way to brighten herself up a little.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-