
Farewell, Not Goodbye.


09-12-2014, 08:52 AM

Isokan was official now, and that meant that he would no longer be part of Abaven. But though he had gone with Quelt to ensure it to be made the calico returned to the borders of their former pack for a very important reason. The calico would be leaving someone endlessly precious here, someone beautiful in both her looks and spirit. Nona, his adoptive daughter. She had rekindled, truly, the fire of hope in his heart. Allen walked on now with a smile, his dark forest green eyes shining with more life than they had in quite some time. He felt a good deal of happiness. It had happened. Their promise to Hajime had come through... And Allen would now stand with Quelt with unwavering loyalty.

But he wouldn?t leave without saying farewell to Nona. Farewell, he reminded himself. Not goodbye. Goodbye was for those you would not see again, and Allen refused to believe he wouldn?t see her again. The calico would stop at the borders and tilt his head back, his deeper howl rising into the sky calling for her. This was a time to celebrate, he felt, and he did not want this to be over quickly. No... He wanted to enjoy the rest of the day with her before he made the journey back to North.

But no sooner had he howled, however, did the rain begin. Large droplets falling to the earth, slow but sure to pick up as time moved on. It would dampen his mood slightly, but not enough to throw him completely off. A little rain couldn?t hurt.

"Speech", 'Thought'



4 Years
09-12-2014, 09:23 AM

Nona was doing her daily duties as a healer for Abaven when a very familiar howl was heard. Was it him, or would she be imagining things, nonetheless Nona had to investigate the howl. Quickly her delicate paws would carry her to the sound she heard even though it was raining it wouldn't stop her, especially if it meant spending time with her father once more. Seeing the calico male made her heart speed up as she happily bounded toward him with a bright smile on her face. He was what made her days shine brighter and since he left it darkened her time here. To see Allen once again brought out the sun for her once again despite the rainfall.

"Allen, where did you go... I wanted to see you again and here you are..." Nona quickly moved to be next to him and pressed her head against his shoulder. Tears began to fall from her eyes she didn't want to say anything about how she felt, how she missed him, of the fact she felt like giving up on trying to fill a hole in her heart. Nona tried to smile more but she couldn't bring it to her maw and have it stick "The sun isn't bright here anymore" she whispered softly knowing that Allen wasn't apart of Abaven anymore. The earthen colored fae would continue to cry with her face against his shoulder. Nona didn't want to let this day go, to be able to forget the pain she carried now.

She wanted to talk to him about things, particularly what she had been doing. However the fae would refrain from doing so what she was already doing, was bad enough. Nona slowly went to being quiet and without thinking the words "I missed you" slipped from her maw. The rain was still picking up, drop after drop would continue to fall upon her beautiful fur but it didn't change her mood. The rain, only seemed to amplify the moment.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-13-2014, 07:53 AM

He had been so happy, ignoring the rain, at the thought of seeing Nona again. Of being able to speak with her and share the news, but when he saw her, heard her, his bring smile would fade to a frown, worry making him furrow his brow as dark eyes looked upon his adopted daughter. What had happened to her? She looked happy yet, when she was at his side, she would press her head into his shoulder, tears starting to fall. What had happened in those past couple days? Had it truly been so bad? Mixed emotions would rise within, but the calico man focused first on comforting the young woman, holding her close with his head. Allen could feel something stirring within. If someone had dared hurt her, mentally or physically, they would have him to answer to.

?Oh Nona...I did not think being away a short time would leave such a gap for trouble. I?m sorry... I was with Quelt, and the children. He needed my support for Isokan.? He felt bad now about going, but the slate male had needed him there, to aid with the emotions of the children, particularly when their cousin showed up. The timing, honestly, could not have been worse with that. Then their uncle too, sick... Yet Allen had left Quelt to handle that. With Aiko and Ixionn alone he had his paws full there. Yet... He had been needed here too it seemed.

A soft whine would leave him and Allen would lick her ear, speaking softly again. ?But the sun will come again you know... And I may not be in Abaven, but our packs are allies. I have mentioned you before to Quelt. I?ve no doubt if I simply asked he would allow us to meet even at Isokan territory. He has a good heart like that... He would not deny family to see family. Even two of the children decided to stay here after all.? Allen would close his eyes, holding her close all the same, ignoring the rain. Nona was the only one important right now. But ignoring this particular storm for too long would not be good.

?...and I have missed you. I?m sorry I left to follow Quelt so suddenly, but I would never, ever disappear for good Nona. I will always find you again... We made each other promises... And distance will not shatter that.? He would draw back some, looking at her. He was calm, well, calm enough, for now. He would give a soft sigh, head cocked to the side slightly. ?Your heart is aching over more than my absence though, right? Tell me, my daughter, what plagues your mind.? He would listen... And do all he could to fix things. Even if that meant going out of his comfort zone and finding some foolish lads and ladies to put in their place.

"Speech", 'Thought'



4 Years
09-13-2014, 06:55 PM

What could she tell him, to explain why her heart was aching more than ever. She was sad about him moving to a different pack but knew she would probably get to see Allen quite a bit more often. No, what she ached for most was for someone who would stay by her side even if they would take up a duty in Abaven, to make her feel like she belongs here. When Nona found the way she wanted to explain it her voice came soft and quiet "I want a bit of happiness here with me, to be by my side and support me as I would support him... to eventually have children of my own, my own pups. I know you had someplace to be as you are needed among many others and that is not what ails me, its just the ache of not finding someone to fill the gap, the hole inside of me." Nona did her best to try and explain it.

Hearing that she would be able to visit him even in his own pack that Quelt had made, Isokan, it made her smile a little. The storm was still brewing and it would only get worse over time now but as long as Allen was here she would feel like she had a place where she could speak of anything to him. Nona wouldn't be able to see him everyday in Abaven but she understood that he was also needed elsewhere and loved that he cared about his own family as well and even came back to see her. Finally her tears cleared from her eyes as she moved back a little allowing Allen his own personal space.

Once more she let her inky lips part "I'm glad though that you came back to see me, it helps knowing that you won't ever be gone from my life... things have just gotten hard, that's all... and if Quelt ever needs assistance from a healer you can always ask me to come out and help even though I'm still in training" She spoke swiftly wanting to come away from what ailed her heart so. However that wasn't the only thing she wanted to say "And you know you will always have my voice if you need me to sing, for you, for the children in Isokan... I want to help you and Quelt and the children who are with you there" She smiled a bit more. Nona knew she could use possibly use her voice to help out there if she were to pay visits to Allen at his own home.

The rain refused to let up as the storm would continue to brew. There was something off about it as well, Nona didn't know much about storms but this might be the most nasty storm to ever appear before her home. However Nona believed it would be alright, after all she had been gathering as many herbs she knew about as much as possible.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-18-2014, 10:42 PM

The man would listen, and oh how his heart ached for her. She was alone in Abaven, without truly being alone, and that knowledge hurt him. The calico could understand the feeling, the yearning for love, to have a strong figure beside them. He too, had longed for that. Especially when he first discovered his children, only to discover that their mother had been lost. It had been hard to accept that loss, to think that he was alone in that sense of love, yet, for Allen, he was able to find some sort of comfort in the family he had around him. Dark forest green orbs shown with understanding, and he would give a slow nod, his voice soft when he finally spoke.

"The ache of loneliness is not so strange, my Nona. To be around others, around family and friends, is one source of love and company... but the company you seek is not always so easy to find. Needed sure enough, with such a strong ache, but my daughter, you must listen to me now." Allen would take a breath, giving just a bit more distance between them as Allen tried to find her eyes. He worried for her. Worried she might rush into love, and mistake lust for it, and be left hurt. He was hurting every day now for his haste. He lost a lover he thought he'd never see again, who bore him children. Four children. Two he had met and were lost... and two others he never knew. They were lost... but she was not. Nona may have been adopted, but Allen would fight anyone who dared lay a paw on her. He would give his life for her. She was his family, regardless of blood.

"Never must you rush love. It is a thing that takes time, and can be masked by lust. You ache for company, but don't allow that to make you blind to the ones you are with. A lad might appear to be a knight, but when you turn your back on him his true nature comes into play. Not all young men are kind, and more often than not shady... particularly rogues. Please be careful." With those words said the older male would let out a sigh. Oh how he worried being apart from her. But the poor man could not be everywhere at once. But children here and children in Isokan... he would just have to make good use of his paws, wouldn't he?

The man would however, manage to smile again despite the weather. "Of course I will. I will always return to you Nona, always. I am sure Quelt will welcome that offer of assistance, and, to be honest, I was hoping to arrange a trip with you to Isokan sometime in the near future if possible. There are some young ones there I would like you to meet." He would smile a bit more. "...and if we are lucky, perhaps more will be on the way." He had hopes that Irune and Quelt would have children with the changing of the season, but time would tell. But with the rain picking up Allen would feel the need to move the conversation, and he would give a small dip of his head.

"Perhaps we should move this conversation under shelter. Seems the storm is growing worse. I'm afraid I don't think going into Abaven is a good idea, though I passed a large den on the outskirts of the thicket we can go to until it dies down."




4 Years
09-23-2014, 05:33 AM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2014, 08:07 AM by Nona.)

Nona would listen to Allen and what he said stung a little for what she was doing with Ambros was her rush into love. She didn't know who he truly was and yet there she was being a fool. She was continuing to listen to him speak and Nona knew he cared about her. Allen was truly like a father to her, her adoptive father. Nona nodded when he spoke of getting into some shelter and thus she proceeded to lick Allen's muzzle before speaking herself.

"Allen, when do you think I may be able to come and see you in Isokan? I would have to seek permission from Bass to go before then just so he would know where I'll be at" she tried to smile but it wouldn't come. The void would still sit there deep within her heart but she had to try and cheer up maybe not for herself but for Allen. After all he came all the way here to see her and possibly see the others.

What was the point in her going out and looking for someone when what he said was true. However she couldn't just sit idle waiting for some perfect male to come along and sweep her off her paws. Maybe she could be at peace here if there was someone to also share her time with. The wait would kill her but if it was for the best then so be it. She started to move towards where the shelter he spoke of. It was a somewhat familiar spot that she recently passed by when she went off to see Ambros. Was he that knight who would turn around and be nasty to her. The storm didn't have any sign that it would let up.

She moved passed her adoptive father and slowly moved towards the shelter that he spoke of. Looking up towards the dark clouds she thought of a male wolf falling from the sky and practically saying hey, I'm your man. The very thought made Nona laugh with what seemed to be a snort at the end. Looking back to make sure Allen was following she smiled. Now thoughts of songs were coming forth to her mind instead of darker and less savory thoughts of being alone in Abaven. Perhaps she might be able to freely travel to Isokan every so often and drop in there to see Allen and meet those who were in the pack.


-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-27-2014, 07:31 PM

He did not know of her current situation with a strange male, but Allen truly hoped his warning would be heeded. How he cared for Nona, as his own child, and he?d be devastated to see her hurt. The sign of affection, from daughter to father, warmed his heart, and once more the male would listen to her. To her question he had but one answer, and Allen would smile so brightly at her, a reassuring smile. ?Whenever your heart desires, my dear Nona. Just ask and I?ll speak to Quelt while you arrange things with Bass.?[/color] He would return the gesture given to him, a gentle nudge being given after.

As they walked, when he heard her laugh Allen couldn?t help but grin, looking at her with bright, shining eyes. ?Oh? Is there a joke that I?m not aware of?? His tone was lightly teasing. He didn?t even care that the storm still raged right now. They?d be at the shelter before they knew it and would have more time to chat. ?Is the rain telling them?? Seeing her in a better mood immediately lifted Allen?s own spirits, and his tail would wag some behind him. Ah, being with Nona always made him feel younger too. Full of more energy.
