
Game Of Thrones.



4 Years
09-11-2014, 09:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2014, 06:56 PM by Anzhelika.)

It's All In The Game Of Thrones.
The ivory sadist would sink down onto her haunches, gold and amethyst audits reflecting the firey burning Hell displayed in front of her as she watched it with an intense gaze.

Her thoughts flicked back to the bitch Venus. She was the one who had wanted Anzhelika to prove her damn self to the obsidian and pale woman. But, oh, she had the wrong idea. She was the Queen. And she could easily rip her stupid little throat out. Oh how she craved the taste of her crimson blood resting on her fangs. The woman's blood would sit pleasantly on her own tongue while she was ripped from her high being and thrown to the dump. Bitch definitely deserved it. And oh, one day Anzhelika would make her pay. One day her limp, worthless body would lay limp at her ivory paws. Her mind would then remind her of Bass, the sweet King that had taken her in. Yet, he obviously hadn't seen her true potential when putting her into a low tier. Anzhelika sighed. Nobody ever really saw her true potential.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-12-2014, 06:38 PM

Designed in an alabaster portrait, retinas of a paranormal storm raging within them, while the whole of her bodice is structured with bolder-like masses of muscle fragments. The dame could still hear the many thundering ghosts that were decorated purely by the severe weather now canvasing across Alacritis like a shock wave, to Sinister these brutal storms were heaven to her ears. Oh, the lovely destructive tornadoes, the ones created by the manifest of earths natural causes, as if they were powered by the hands of the Gods. For Zeus spoke through the whispering betrayal of these rapid essences, declaring war on the world itself. Oh what thou has in store for us..

Basking in the beautiful sight of magma, bursting into flames from Satan's underworld. The fire danced, her swaying vessel in rhythm to the blood-red, orange inferno. Hell was neither pleasant nor comforting, yet, this Goddess of Death would rather spend the rest of her days cloaking herself inside a lava pit then lying upon soft fluffy clouds of nothing. But, the picture-perfect view of the scene unfolding before her was unforgettable.

Just like that her time was cut short, like always she ran onto a person. One with an ivory tainted ghostly color, almost like hers, though the emeralds on the beast were lightly toned in shades of yellow and pink. Unlike the other females, Sinisters oculars were depthless ones that glowed an eerie tune, one developed around death and wrath. The tempest couldn't help but chuckle at the petite looking fae, compared to Sin she was an ant. A lightly toned babe and a masculine appealing empress were squaring off now, albeit she made no move to attack instead only a grin was deceiving her demonic countenance. Howbeit, it wasn't seconds later that the snow white titan allowed her vocal cords to spew angelic and cruel tidings. The voice of a rough female, though still fore-shadowing that be-twist accent of galactic Russian.

"You seem frustrated, your demeanor tells no lies hound. What crawls underneath thy skin and has you withering beneath your foundations?"

Voice of: Angelina Jolie.




4 Years
09-12-2014, 08:18 PM

I Feel It In My Bones
Enough to make my systems blow.

Gold and amethyst hued audits would watch the burning firey hell displayed in front of the ivory queen. pale ears would flick back instinctively as she heard footsteps within the dark caves in the heart of hell. There was a storm going on outside of the caves, though it didn't bother Anzhelika. The wind was raging and howling outside, the rainfall sure to come down quite heavily for the night. But Anzhelika didn't bother with the storms, and they seemed to not bother her. She was safe in this little enclosed personal hell she had found herself in.

Her voice came out roughly, almost in a hoarse tone as she called out to Anzhelika in the darkness. 'You seem frustrated, your demeanor tells no lies hound. What crawls underneath thy skin and has you withering beneath your foundations?'

mismatched gaze of yellow and violet orbs would take in her form, watching the white lady as she stepped closer. The words 'i have sinned.' screamed from her body, her figure, her form. This made Anzhelika feel almost comfortable in the demonic presence portrayed from this female, for the pale Queen has also sinned.

Her ebony lips would part and her maw would open as she would respond to the white lady. "what troubles me is that others don't see my true potential." she spat the last word out in a snarl, though not at the white demon, but in frustration. "They don't see what I can really be.. Thirsty for that bitch venus's blood. Oh how I crave to rip her pathetic little throat out and to rid her of this world." Lyrics would be laced with rage, low timbre holding wicked intent. One day she would strip her from her high being and make her feel what she really was. Her body shook with anger and the ivory sadist would take a deep breath through flared nostrils, jaw clenching tightly.

this is it, the apocalypse.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-12-2014, 09:25 PM

The other women's aroma was the anatomy of what would be called, 'indescribable anger'. She had it out for someone, as if this unknown dame she spoke of was present or ear-shot. There was no mistaking her proposals of triumph, and how well she diagnosed her proportions in ways that Sinister understood with the utmost respect. The only language she would be reading today is wrath, with a mixture of irritation. Her entire essence hissed out the remaining ties to the girls inner rage, the fire burning in her pit, and it sparked something inside of the white demon positioned only a couple feet from the other pale women.

Thus the goddess maneuvered her way down a strip, whatever distance the two had between one another was eliminated by the stroke of Sinister's movements. Appendages bristling in agonizing hatred while taking the effort in propping herself next to the female, settling down in an upright posture in order to still get a full view of the whistling tall tales of corrupting flames. Their reminiscence dancing int he depths of her silver hued gem stones. The whole right half of her massive thigh cratering against the other she-wolfs, broad shoulders rolling forth to protect her neck from any attack that would possibly be made if the dame decided to launch herself at Sinister -- which wouldn't be too intelligent considering it was not a day to be touched with an iron fist.

In the cavity of her chest a trickling growl bellowed, crashing against a larynx that held back the full force of the screech. The inner demon giving away its position, and it drew towards her silver-tongue, tidings ripping past her lips in order to sound menacing -- even if she already looked it. "You have it out for this Venus? Shall I say, redemption? Thy should not stress over such penalties. You will get your worth, pay your dues day-by-day. The you will see what truly lies, then they will see what true potential really looks like." Again her Russian lithium contrasted with her newly found embrace to the women's arrogance.

Sinister would not yet slam those mighty jaws shut, she has more things to preach to this young, but wise ivory Queen. Parting her bicuspids in a more effective way of expressing her opinion. While her snout moved, so did the large pink scar that she endured by her father. "I, myself, have sinned. I seek for revenge, day-in and day-out, but I never get it. Why be so caught up on this one person, if you are so enraged by this females wrong-doings then go after her. But, I, the savage executioner I am, is not the best hound to come to for advice. A sociopath like myself doesn't get involved in psychopaths facades."




4 Years
09-13-2014, 10:13 AM

There Ain't No Rest For The Wicked.
Gold and amethyst gaze would trail over to the white demon as she would seat herself next to Anzhelika, speaking to her, her lyrics holding wise information.

Anzhelika would smile wickedly at the white lady's words, both knowing that Venus would be ripped to shreds. The pale lady would open her maw to speak again, and Anzhelika would listen closely, almost intently.

She has sinned. Oh, how she has sinned. Anzhelika nodded, taking a small breath inside of her nostrils. This new demon seemed to understand her better than any other of the wolves at her pack. Anzhelika may even say she favored the white beast sitting next to her.

"I too have sinned." she would tell her, lyrics laced with her usual venemous tone. "What is your name, Sinner?" She would question her almost ironically, using that little term to describe her. Pale ears would flick forward and she would wait patiently for the pale lady's words.

( OOC; Omg crap and short post. So sorry. My muse was lost in this one xDx )

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-13-2014, 05:45 PM

The pale girl suddenly speaks, breathing rough miens in Sinister's direction, and at her words lit up those silver tainted binoculars. A soft snort came from the beast, shuffling beneath her massive figure, only to face the one once more in effort to hold back a growl. It wasn't often she gave her name out to people, especially strangers, but then again something inside of her told her to just do it. And thus, the ghostly women did as told. "The names Sinister Amenti Killz." Angelic tunes sounding as as chorus chant, though a dark aura flaunted behind them in a way to affect the way she sounded. Bicuspids slightly flashing in the eerie flickering lights of red and orange, beautiful essences reflecting against her own silver-lining flames. At this time she'd ask for her name, considering the women had requested hers, Sinister might as well dot he same, correct? Without another thought the beauty came back to reality, after her long daze and suddenly shot the goddess beside her a question. "Thou has not spoken her title, does thou even have one so worthy enough to allow a dame like myself savor upon?"

OOC: Don't worry hun, I'm having muse block as well




4 Years
09-13-2014, 11:05 PM

We Are Queens. Hell Is Our Throne.
Sinister Amenti Killz was the white lady's name, a perfect title for the perfect sinner.

The next set of lyrics that fell from the ivory dame's words pulled a smile from the ivory sadist's ebony lips, her maw opening as she would reply to Sinister Amenti Killz.

"Anzhelika.. Anzhelika Zinaida Rusakov." She told her full name, as the dame had given her the white demon's full title. Gold and amethyst gaze would watch and trail over the large bodice of the pale woman. Her own beauty was enticing, a true part that made up the woman's personality, an angelic sinner. "Tell me, sinner.. Have you ever looked for a.. Guardian angel?" Low timbre would be held with elegance and curiosity, brows raising as she asked Sinister Amenti Killz the question.
No Bad Deed Goes Unpunished.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-14-2014, 09:56 AM

the false king under the mountain must fall
Ah, finally, the women spoke her name. It was a mouthful, that's for sure, but Sinister would do so to remember her name. As she seemed like the type that could be worth the while in the longer run, for just as much as this dame was on the verge of insanity it was clear to the goddess that Anzhelika was pure in some aspects.

For a long time she stayed silent, trying to figure out how to answer the girls next question. Sinister didn't exactly have a guardian angel. More or less, Satan was her angel of death. Probably the only one she'll ever be granted considering her demonic ties, the Gods do not like murders so why in bloody hell would she have some "guardian angel" watching over her. As if she wasn't capable of doing that herself..

A low grunt and annoyed snort escaped the beast, her aroma was now bristling along with the cruel flames nipping violently in their direction. Sinister chuckled lightly, executing the growls that hoped to escape rather than a silent laugh. All she could do now was preach her opinion on the subject. "The Gods do not give guardian angels to demons, I, myself am friends with the Devil. So, with that being said, do you believe in such things?"

For a crown is not fit

you're a king unworthy of its power



4 Years
09-14-2014, 12:26 PM

There Ain't No Rest For The Wicked.
"Do I believe in such things? Hell no." She would say automatically, a low growl escaping her lips as they spoke about the Gods. Ha. They never did anything for her, so why should she believe in such nonsense? The ivory sadist shook the thought away with a small chuckle, her next set of lyrics laced with venom. "Ahh, but my dear Amenti. There ain't no rest for the wicked." She would tell the white demon with a wink, gold and amethyst topaz orbs flicking over to the river of hell.

It was possibly her most favorite quote in history, because it was so damn true. Anzhelika, a wicked bitch herself, knew she had insanity problems. Oh, and when Eric came back, it would be Hell on Earth. The mentally ill were something the Gods did not put their time into, or seem to care about. But, Anzhelika was definitely acquainted with the Devil.

The ivory sadist pushed her thoughts aside, gaze of yellow and violet landing back on the pale lady. She awaited her response patiently, wrapping her tail neatly over her paws.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-15-2014, 12:43 PM

Ah, such wicked embrace, the entrancement of two alabaster Queens venting among one another as if planning for war. They probably were, considering the conditions were crucial in Sinister's eyes, and yet she so gravely wished to rule with an iron fist. Having hounds bow at her feet, too kiss the ground that she walks on, treat her as if she were a sent here by the Devil himself.

Oh, sweet, sweet triumph, how she missed it so. To be on top of the world sounded marvelous, then again she couldn't help but wonder if this dame beside her dreamed of the same thing. The two would be Empresses together, and thus create an Empire not a pack. Even the mere thought could get her adrenaline start to pump, the stakes were high at this point and Sinister knew exactly what she wanted.. Power..

Now the Demon queen spoke her thoughts. "Does Anzhelika dream of power? To rule a Kingdom, an Empire? If so, then thou should speak now or forever hold thy peace. For, I, have dreamed of such things, such genesis. To have that much power and authority, oh how superior I vow to become."




4 Years
09-15-2014, 02:29 PM

The words that fell from the white demon's mouth would be like heaven to the ivory Queen's ears in this Hell.

"Oh, Sinister. I crave the power. To be leader of an empire. And I would love to rule by your side," she would tell the white demon, a wicked smile appearing upon her ebony lips.

One day. One day they would rule alongside in an empire where all the lower ones bowed at their feet and kissed the very ground that the ivory Queen's would walk upon. That was the kind of power she craved- no, deserved. Gaze of gold and amethyst would watch the large pale demonic being, her own ivory ears tipped forward to listen upon what Sinister would say next.

( OOC; I grew tired and got a muse block. Sorry x: )

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-16-2014, 05:05 PM

The two shall be rulers one day. So powerful and righteous that not even a seven nation army would hold them back. Such painful harmony she can't disguise, it was divine; the power that will come to them. Though all this comes with patience and charismatic planning, two traits this demon has over come over the year she has been dormant in Alacritia. Thus, she and Anzhelika will conquer, every inch of these blasted lands. Though the only question now was does Anzhelika have the patience?

Superior, what sweet, sweet sorrow for those who will fall in defeat beneath their quaking might. Sinister would rule like her father before her, though there would be nary torment in her kingdom like many of these "packs. Still, her and Anzhelika will be the stories that elders tell children around a fire place. Two Goddesses that triumphantly took the bull by the horns and tamed him, thy gods will bow in there presence and no will will be safe when the two Queens come to power.

Right now Sinister too the time to rethink her tidings, searching endlessly in the dark portals that she called her mind. Wondering how to respond, for all she could really think about were the planning of this treaty, this victorious glory that she boldly craved. Though, as she was careful not to tread on thin ice, the dame will be calm and gentle with the affair that the two Queens fore-shadowed. So, at the moment all she could do now was burrow deep enough to find the right words.

Finally Sinister caught hold of the perfect miens to preach to the women, almost like the lovely piece to a puzzle. "Anzhelika my dear do not get over your head, there are many things we need to discuss before the commencement of this Empire. As I do plan on to rule by your side, there are things that need to be thoroughly thought out. For as we are two Queens of might, and intellectual embraces we do not need to fall in defeat so soon. So, walk with me, dear, as I inform you of our plans. We will rule, we will form an army, and we will be seated upon thrones made of corpses and roses. There shall be no other Goddesses that would look like perfection atop something so.. insidious."




4 Years
09-16-2014, 05:35 PM

The ivory sadist would watch the white demon as she would speak, pale ears flicking as she listened to Sinister intently.

"Anzhelika my dear do not get over your head, there are many things we need to discuss before the commencement of this Empire. As I do plan on to rule by your side, there are things that need to be thoroughly thought out. For as we are two Queens of might, and intellectual embraces we do not need to fall in defeat so soon. So, walk with me, dear, as I inform you of our plans. We will rule, we will form an army, and we will be seated upon thrones made of corpses and roses. There shall be no other Goddesses that would look like perfection atop something so.. insidious."

Oh Hell yes. Those words that fell from her ebony lips were simply the greatest set of lyrics she had ever heard or even obtained within her knowledge. They would rule the throne of corpses and roses. The ivory Queen was quite young herself, so having an early throne within her pack-- no, empire, would be the best idea.

This white demon could be her mother, even, pulling Anzhelika into a reign she had never known before, much less felt. She would definitely call the pale lady her friend, and their relationship would only grow and tighten together as they lived out their insidious lives side by side.

"I must be patient with you, Sinister my dear.. But where do we start?" She would ask in all honesty, Anzhelika never knowing what to do if she ever came to this point, especially since she was in her own pack at the moment. And by the scent the white demon carried, she could tell that she held a low and pitiful ranking herself just as Anzhelika did in her pack.

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-16-2014, 07:17 PM

'Where do we start?' Sinister would ask her that same question. Wondering how they even flourish an empire like they planned it to be, it was a lot to think about and it would take a lot longer than predicted. So at this point the white beast beckoned for the young lady to follow her, muscles hinging together to create a bolder of steel upon her shoulder blades and the balls of her joints. Her extra fat and muscle rolling forward to protect her thorax from any unlikely attack that could come if she wasn't cautious.

Sinister stalked more towards the gushing flames of fire, hell seemed to be instigating this whole ordeal. The sparks of violence and death lit up her silver orbs that cradled onto Anzhelika's being, her gems were always the most frightening for their depthless galaxies spoke of many sins -- explains why many pups wail in agony at the very sight of her. Drawing upon the other pale Goddesss, still striking her colossal features into the earth as she prowled around Hell's River.

Without hesitation, the demon pulled her raging vocal cords forth, wrapping them around a few tidings that shall be preached to the women. Spewing them out with immense power as they continued to rip through pale lips. "Anzhelika, as I do see you as becoming a long term friend and maybe even possibly a daughter I can call my own, you shall be my second in command. Thus I do say that we start with the plans of our recruitment. Should first weigh the odds first before preventing any unlikely enemies or allies at this point in time, first we need to sate our hunger with more hounds to make this happen. The comes the claiming of our territory, something dark and yet fit for two Queens should do well for our needs. What do you say, little lady, are you up for recruiting? Or do you wish to proceed with the many other procedures that come in tact with building an Empire?"




4 Years
09-17-2014, 03:34 PM

The ivory sadist would pull herself up from her haunches and follow closely beside the white demon, nodding at the words that she spoke.

So she had the same idea as Anzhelika, that the white lady could name herself off as her own mother one day. The ivory Queen smiled at the thought and nodded as Sinister said that she would be her second in command. How wonderful. Monsters ruling their own personal Hell.

Then she would ask her about their empire. If she would want to work on recruiting others, or if she wanted to work on building their empire. Well, before they could recruit others, they had to do other things first to build it, right? "I'll let you choose," Anzhelika would say softly, not sure of what to do. Even though she was eager to get followers, they would need to start building it first, no?.

(OOC; I would ask a mod or admin on the first things of making a pack just to make sure xD Because I think an Alpha needs 350 posts at least)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!


09-18-2014, 04:30 PM

Little emotion was held upon her countenance, though if you looked close enough a ghost of a smile came forth. Sinister was drawn back to the many things she has done in her life, the bad, and well, the not so bad. The evil that she does lives after her; passed down onto her offspring (when she has them at least) -- nary good will be oft interred with her bones, no, not even a sliver. Such brutish beasts, painted in ivory and alabaster tresses, such glamorous succubus's who hold pure power in their very paws. You may say she bequeathed this as a rich legacy, written in blood on the wounds of her enemies; for she will kiss their fates away and thus fade into a black void.

The titan halted, lost in her own thoughts as she began to expand on something far more sinister. flexing her muscles just a tad to release the pain that coursed through her body all of sudden. Except as she'd begin to think the silent pattering of a hummingbird soothes her unease physique. The goddess flashed her silver gem stones towards the tiny soul, watching intensively with extreme interest as its wings were in a sync of cryptic motion, never did these rest to take a break. While the demon and beaked creature were in a intense eye-to-eye duel, Sinister could hear its tiny heart pattering like a machine gun. 'What a thing.' The demonic dame thought be-twist the many thoughts gorged in her mind, yet that was the one that stuck out the most at this point.

With the hummingbird still hovering above Sinister's crown she'd return her attention onto Anzhelika, locking eyes for a moment before miens erupted from sealed lips. "You know, to have to work that hard every day just to stay alive, to be constantly on the verge of death, and how satisfying every day it must be to survive. And that, my dear daughter, is what true strength looks like. Lend me your ears, young one, and listen to its heart beat, don't you hear it?" It wasn't really a question that needed answering, for just as she'd finish her preach about the hummingbird the women continued to walk and talk.

"Bear with me child, the time will come when we rise. And truthfully the time is now, lets not make heist upon our enemies, don't stray away from the edge. What forces our hand in this vow should be the most honorable thing any shall accomplish, because tonight, tonight we all go to hell.. So with the commencement of a raw and powerful Empire, shall I say we start with the structure of its walls and laws that come with it? Hence the reason I am doing so, for as we venture to the Eastern valleys there we will find a true home for our Kingdom.




4 Years
09-18-2014, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2014, 07:01 PM by Anzhelika.)

The ivory sadist would watch the small hummingbird flap it's wings repeatedly, the bird fluttering it's wings rapidly. Never taking a break. The animal broke her concentration, and their quiet peace. But, the ivory Queen would then turn her attention back to her mother, something Anzhelika was proud to know.

Sinister would speak out her opinions, voicing her thoughts. She would speak of how they would start building the throne in the Eastern part of the Alacritis land. That is where her pack resided now, in Monument Rapids and Serpent Plains. The pack of Abaven. "That sounds perfect, Mother Sinister. I will meet you there in a few dats prior." And with that, Anzhelika would turn and pace out of the river of Hell.

(OOC; Sorry crappy post. Muse running dry, but you can start a new thread for them tomorrow or on the weekend, perhaps? Somewhere in The Eastern? ~Exit Anzhelika~ ^^)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!