
Sixteen Candles


05-14-2013, 01:33 PM

The dame was a great ball of fur and wild energy. How many times had she streaked across these lands? She had, at one point or another, explored the vast majority of Alacritis, she was known by Valhalla, several of Seracia's wolves, Glaciem knew her well... she was a high spirited dame. Difficult to tear down, and damn near impossible to damped her mood. Today, however, she was tearing across the land, not just for exercise, but to visit a dear friend, a young lad that the elder fae had grown quite close too, it had been a scarce few weeks since his trip to Glaciem, but she wasn't needed desperately and with a soft spoken word and an approval from Gargie, she bolted. Strong limbs propelled her heavy bodice across the land, flying, zipping through the snow and then the trees. Despite her growing age, she still maintained her speed, she knew in other year or so it would start to wane, but for now... she was a blur of color. Speed had always been her greatest ally.

The path to Seracia, was fast becoming habit for her, she had come sporadically, at random times to check up and to visit the young Prince, she had teased him once that the wolves of Seracia were going to turn green with envy if he continued to spend so much time with her, he had laughed and nudged her playfully... her were they to deter their friendship? She felt like a motherly figure, or perhaps an elder sister. He leaned on her, told her things that bothered him, things that upset him, she never judged and she did her best to aide him where she could, if nothing else, a willing ear and a kind word. He had made it abundantly clear, that she no longer needed to wait upon the borders, that she was welcome to his home whenever she chanced to visit and so, when she hit the border, her gait didn't slow.

His scent surrounded her but came from her left, altering her course, the line of trees broke, cows surrounded her, an open field of them, she paid them no heed, whipping through the masses with agility and dexterity that rivaled uncanny. She was on a mission to find Maverick.



05-14-2013, 06:24 PM

Dawn streaked across the horizon, painting the sky brilliant hues of every color imaginable. He gazed at it, head exposed and sticking out of his den. He'd chosen a hole in the ground nearer to the center of the territory on this particular night, as the cooler summer nights were beginning to be a bit chilly in the lean-to. This den was a bit cramped for his size, but it would work for a night or two - especially if he was caught off guard and needed a place to rest. As dawn began to fade and the light of day took over, Gerhardt realized with a groan that he would have to get up soon. He wasn't that advanced in age yet, but the King was beginning to think that all of the responsibilities were wearing on him. Constant movement, constant stress, it was all very taxing on the body - especially when the body wanted to rest and recline. He'd been taking more frequent breaks lately, and had been trying to delegate more of his tasks out, but he wasn't sure that was doing as much good as he'd expected. He'd have to find some solution - or perhaps just work Maverick harder now that he was back from Glaciem. The King emerged from his den with a grimace on his face and a groan on his lips. Surely at four he shouldn't be this weary, should he?

The whirlwind of a woman whipped past him, practically sending the monarch reeling on his paws. A growl festered in his chest, ripping from his larynx as he sprung into action. The sudden movement stretched his sinews and tendons, but surprisingly felt good. Perhaps that was his problem. He'd been moving, but not moving enough! With a sudden burst of virility and energy - and a raging sense of passion in his chest, the man would stretch his legs full out in attempt to catch the rocketing woman. She might have speed that he couldn't match, but he had endurance. His tail whipped back and forth robotically, adjusting to the slight variations in her movements. She was impressive with her speed, but he had a feeling she was up to no good. After all, who moved this fast with good intentions? Gerhardt began to find himself nearing her - whether by his own accord or by some divine power. When he got near enough to be heard over the drumming of galloping paws, the man would bellow out an order. "Stop in the name of the King!" His face began to wrinkle, lips curling into an ugly snarl. Ears flattened against his skull, removing every ounce of handsome that his face normally possessed. He continued to gallop at full speed, only a few lengths behind the woman. Jaws were held agape to allow for more intake of air as his chest heaved. If she didn't stop he'd run her out of this place, out of his Kingdom, away from his family.



05-15-2013, 07:30 PM

Insomnia catapulted through the quickly growing familiar territory, in the more plentiful seasons, when prey returned to the north, during the warmed seasons, a small band of hunters could easily bring in a bountiful feast that would last the pack several days. In between these trysts, Insomnia would often flee the Glaciem border, if for nothing else to explore. More often than not her wanderings led her to Seracia's territories, she feared if she kept coming here so damned often her scent was likely to blend, to become a mixture of both Glaciem and Seracia. Seriem? She laughed aloud at such a preposterous thought! Oh how she missed the day of your youth when she could share such whimsical notions with Elyas! But alas, she had lost the brute long ago and she could not mourn forever. Zipping between the cattle she tried desperately to pinpoint Mavericks location, his scent was so potent here, it was difficult to tell which trails were fresh and which were old, but the strength of the scent was coming more from the farmlands... and so here she found herself, weaving between the cattle, every bat of her pads sending excitement and exuberance careening through her. Her tongue lolled from the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, she could hear her pads echoed, the stride was longer than her own but not as fast, not as quick. Her first thought was Maverick, and she craned her head around to smile, but it quickly faded when obsidian locked with glittering gems of amethyst, not emeralds. Stunned and slightly shocked, especially when the roar tore from his throat, Insomnia slammed on the breaks. Claws tearing into the dirt and the grass as her bodice swung out to the side in a desperate attempt to halt herself. What she hadn't anticipated, was that he was careening just as fast and was more than likely going to crash into her.

(((OOC: I didn't want to power play Ger, so I won't have her speak until after he crashes into her or not, she wouldn't really get the chance too should that be the case! if you would rather him not crash into her I can edit and add a bit more! Just lemme know!)))



05-16-2013, 08:31 PM

Adrenaline. Power. Speed. Out of breath. The King's sides heaved as he pushed himself onward, onward after this lone ranger streaking through his home. The curves and turns she'd made were indicators that she was not simply passing through. This was not good. There came a great growl from the tri-colored man's cavernous chest, echoing out breathy and deep. She needed to stop at once. He thought to call out for some assistance, Elphaba, Bronze, Cynrik, anyone who might help him - but was too out of breath to do so. A growl was guttural, a howl was far too winded to even attempt at this breakneck speed. His tail flagged out behind him like a banner, limbs stretching out and snapping back like rubber bands. All four paws moved in harmony - but not in unison, much like a stallion in full canter. Had he worn shoes like those great stallions, each beat would have drummed as loudly as his heart did in his ears.

What the King had not expected - but might have had his brain been receiving the proper amount of oxygen - was that as soon as she heard his battle cry she would have logically stopped on a dime. And stop she did. The dame came to a screeching halt, one that could not possibly have been rivaled by any other creature that a wolf could possibly lay eyes upon. The King, unfortunately, was not that trained in the art of ceasing such powerful motion. Limbs would not cooperate as quickly as his synapses fired, leaving him stopping just a fraction of a second too late. He came to a skidding stop, toppling head over heels into the dame - sending their bodies god knows where. He had felt flesh on flesh once, but now felt only the hard, uninviting earth beneath his frame. The man groaned, every inch of his body aching from the sudden stop. In a flurry of pained motion he was on his feet again, drawing up his lips and laying flat his ears. Hackles raised as the fur that lined his spine inched upward. Tail whipped behind him as he struggled for breath - a silent snarl gleaming on his face.

"What - in the name - of glory - do you - think you're - doing!?" came the breathy lyrics of the monarch.



05-18-2013, 08:24 PM

Insomnia was tired, but never winded, the woman could run for days, it was in her blood, in her very core. She often ran for miles, for hours. She did so because she enjoyed it. It was every bit of piece of her. She ran because she loved it, she only bolstered it up a notch when she had motivation, Maverick, was proper motivation. The cows surrounding her seemed startled by her presence and her speed, but didn't do much else than moo rather loudly. The dame could not be caught, could not be deterred, until of course a pair of running drumbeats would echo behind her and a voice, fierce and powerful would command her to stop... and stop the dame had. Her entire two toned pelt, skidding out and around as claws tore through the grass and muck like it was nothing but a buffer. Unfortunately for her, and for the rather large male in hot pursuit... she had failed to take numerous things into account. Number one, at such high velocities, it took time to stop and he could not read her mind. Number two, Insomnia was quite smaller than the multi-hued male and thus would stop before him, even if he had been given adequate warning. Number three, the massive, hulking frame of the male would crash right into her.

One moment the dame was starring at the massive hulking frame of the male and the next, she was careening head over heels, sprawling backwards into the dirt. The blue of the sky, the brown of the earth, the blue of the sky, the brown of the earth and then everything conglomerated into a giant mass of colors. Taking all of the above into consideration, it shouldn't have surprised her that the obviously more muscular of the two would thoroughly knock the wind from her lungs and send her scrambling for some sense of ground and equilibrium. A heavy, panting roar would reach her ears even before the colors ceased their swirling and returned to their rightful places. He was towering over her and she was still sprawled across the ground when she finally came too. She would smile up at him though, at least to the best of her ability through her dazed mind.

"Well... I was going to see Maverick!" She spoke with a laugh, shaking her head quite thoroughly to chase the last of the blurriness away. "Oi... apparently lack of oxygen hinders my manners! Forgive me!" She was panting heavily now that the adrenaline was leaving her. "My names Insomnia, you must be Gerhardt! Oh! Maverick has told me so much about you!" She would pause as if her name explained everything, but when she realized the facial expression, nor the rage had not faltered from his maw, her ears would pin and her tail would tuck, her head lowering, a sign of submission. "... I'm assuming Maverick forgot to tell you about me?" This was spoken with much less enthusiasm.



05-18-2013, 09:11 PM

Drums, constant drumming. He could feel his heart pounding away in his eardrums, threatening to erupt beyond the confines of his skull. He was sure it was mostly adrenaline, as he was slowly regaining his breath. It was obvious he needed to run more often, as steely eyes noted that the woman he'd been chasing was not winded in the slightest. How could that be? She was easily his age - or perhaps even older. Yes, most certainly older. He looked at her, her bodice splayed across the earth as she seemed to harbor a smile. Did she think this to be funny? The King certainly wasn't laughing. She was going to see Maverick? "What business have you with my son?" The icy lyrics dripped from his lips like venom. She quickly gave her name, Insomnia, and then told him that Maverick had talked to her about him. Gerhardt shook his head in disbelief, but quieted his vibrating lip and tense frame. Altogether he took a more pleasant demeanor, realizing that the woman genuinely appeared harmless.

It was then that the scent of Glaciem wafted across his nostrils, and he gave a look of disbelief. He'd just ran down an ally. "Forgive me, Miss Insomnia, I wrongly perceived you as a threat. I'm afraid my son and I haven't had much time to talk, I haven't heard anything about you." He rocked back onto his haunches, both because he needed a rest and because he didn't want to appear so domineering. He felt horrible for having commanded her to stop, but at the same time he knew that he hadn't done anything wrong. He was King around here, and deserved to know who was streaking through his territory like a bat out of hell.



06-01-2013, 12:00 PM

She would display a submissive posture immediately, tail twining around the inner thigh of her hind limb, ears pinning back against her cranium and her head lowering to the earth. He towered over her like the King he was and she allowed it, wishing to prove she meant no harm, no trouble upon his lands. It appears talking to his father had slipped Maverick's mind and with all the poor boy had going on... she couldn't rightly blame him...regardless, she now needed to apologize to the man's father if not for her own sake, but to keep the bond between Glaciem and Seracia, what she must have looked like flying into Seracia's borders! She would dip her head low and the question was a command, bellowed from the chest of the behemoths body, before she could answer, however, shock seemed to register across his face and immediately he recoiled, reclining to his haunches as he apologized.

She shook her head, a soft laugh spilling from her maw as she drew her legs beneath to sit up, to better see the King before her. Her head careened from side to side, denying his apology. "No my dear King! You were only doing what you deemed necessary to protect your people! I cannot, nor will I ever fault you for that! I should have arranged Maverick to introduce me, it tis I that should be apologizing, and please, just call me Insomnia, Miss makes me sound far older than I care to be!" She playfully winked at him, the hostile situation dismissed with her easy demeanor. She shifted to tell her story of Maverick, no doubt the King was curious.

"I met Maverick when he was naught but a pup, a tiny ball of wonder and fluff in the battlefield. he was absolutely adorable and I couldn't, in good conscious, leave him alone to fend for himself. We spoke for awhile, deemed me a friend and asked to show me his home. When we approached the border his mother was... less than friendly, I could tell my presence was more of hindrance than a help. he was so terribly sad, I promised to return, to check up on him now and again. He's like a younger brother... a son to me if you will, when last I was here, he bid me entry to come and go as I please. I apologize for not asking you if that would be acceptable." Her tones were easy and open, the tone welcoming any other inquiries the king might have.



06-04-2013, 04:43 PM

It seemed he was always doing what was deemed necessary. It was his right as a King to run down threats, it was his right to perceive individuals as his mind chose to, and to question their motives as he saw fit. And yet, the King still regretted his quick leap to the wrong assumption. Had he thought about it a bit longer he might've come to a better conclusion - but had she been a threat that momentary hesitation could have been the demise of one of his pack, his family. No, hesitation was not the right choice, no matter how foolish he now felt. Perhaps hesitation had not been the proper reaction, but a little reservation would not have hurt. "Regardless, I could have given you the benefit of the doubt. But all of that is behind us now, Insomnia." He would leave off the complimentary miss since she had so politely hinted that it wasn't necessary. Tail wavered against the earth, sweeping dirt and debris across the terrain. A smile lingered on his lips as adrenaline slowly retreated from his veins. All was well now.

She lapsed into a story that divulged her relationship with Maverick - something the King had indeed been curious of. When she finished another apology came and Gerhardt shook his head, dismissing it immediately. "Any friend of my son's is a friend of mine. I'm only sorry I haven't heard of you before now. Glaciem is always welcome among our borders. I trust your pack is doing well?" Of course, diplomacy came first in any conversation with an allied pack member, and this would be no exception to that rule. He gave a gentle sigh, dissolving any remaining adrenaline and hyper vigilance that had remained from their chase. It wasn't often he moved at such a rapid pace, and it certainly wasn't often that he believed his pack to be in direct danger. It was a wonder he hadn't had a heart attack! He smirked at this thought, he wasn't quite that old yet.



06-17-2013, 11:52 PM

Insomnia remained sprawled across the dirt and grass, her muscles reclined and relaxed as she panted only slightly, her breath had easily returned, her powerful, lithe body would race until the end of her days, if she was positive of any one fact, it was this. Her muscles may have been thin but her speed was damn near unmatchable, she smiled broadly at the King of Seracia, the tension had disipitated and she was in no place to harbor a grudge, and it seemed neither was he. His words would reach her and her smile would broaden tail battering the earth lazily. "Bah, I am old, let us leave the past in the dust! I have no time for grudges when it seems so much more beneficial to make a new friend." She winked at him playfully before with a grunt, dragged her forelimbs beneath her to rise into a sitting position.

"Maverick is a sweetheart and I must confess that I have begun to see him as more of sibling or perhaps a long, lost son, I fear he captured me the moment he stumbled into that battlefield, he had devastating puppy eyes and I fear my resolve was no match for him." She chuckled lightly, both speaking truth and filling the air with a tinge of good humor. "Glaciem is well, a few new marriages, pups on the way, we are thriving beautifully. Crusade speaks highly of her time here, she and I go back quite far. It is pleasant to finally meet you, I apologize for being too large of a bonehead to introduce myself sooner" She laughed pleasantly to show her words were not to be taken seriously.