
off with her head


09-14-2014, 10:48 PM

It was building, rage and madness bubbling up beneath the surface and ready to explode forward. Massive beast twitched and seethed, the tension rolling off her in waves that could very well knock over another who dared to approach her. Head was hung low, nose dragging only a few inches above the ground, solid white eyes flittering too and fro as if scanning the lands. She wanted to taste blood, she needed to carve this madness into the flesh of another. Pelt rippled, barely containing the massive beast that slumbered beneath all the muscle and flesh. Everything was wrong, everything felt wrong. She felt like she needed to rip her flesh apart and shed her skin. She needed to be reborn. Teeth clacked together as jaws worked, clenching and unclenching as salivating jaws snapped at the air. She need to feel. Madness was trickling into her mind. Only occasional moments of clarity would grace her now a days. How long would it be until those faded completely? How long before there was nothing but the darkness of her own mind with the occasional piercing of pain to alleviate her tension? The pain pushed the darkness back, for a time. It pushed back the anger and sorrow and hurt. It pushed back the feelings of pain and betrayal and abandonment. The bitch had left her. Newt had run off with a man, birthed children, she ahd left Zara behind and then what. Zara had professed her love for Newt and then she had left. Her everything was gone.

Her eyes were beginning to burn, it wasn't the first time she had cried over this. Teeth clenched and bared, snapping at the air as if trying to chase those feelings away. But it was no use, there was no running from it. For the rest of her wretched life she would be haunted by the loss of her love. Slowly her pace would slow, gait staggering as if under the weight of her own madness. Hind legs crumpled and her body would hit the ground like a sack of dirt. Useless. So fucking useless. She felt old, worn out tired. She just wanted it all to be over. Would it ever be over? Who would free her from this mortal form. Maybe one day she would be with her mother, with Maze and with Darcia. Maybe one day she could be happy again. A sob wracked her body, shoulder heaving with the effort as once more she attempted to push herself into a seated position. It was a struggle, legs feeling like they were locking up, like they wanted her to just fall down and die there. But not yet, oh she was not done with this filthy earth yet. Not until she had killed every last one of Kaios's children, not until she had wiped his memory from this earth and she had collected the children who had not known their father, the ones who had been loyal only to Newt. She would recreate their mother if it killed her...



09-14-2014, 11:20 PM

She had ventured from Solstice, needing some time to think. The pack had been quite, far too quiet. Her kids were growing everyday, they were so full of life. A small smile would toy on her lips as she moved along, leaving pack lands behind until she found herself someplace unknown. Her dual colored gaze would lift from the ground, absorbing the gorgeous landscape before her. She had never seen anything like it. She would move forward, her gaze sweeping over the stones as she wrapped herself in her own little world. A sad smile pulled at dark lips. She would weave a quiet pace, her surroundings completely silent.

Until a sob broke that silence, startling her. Eyes would dart around frantically before finding the source. A huge woman sat, hunched forward, crying. Her dark bodice went still with uncertainty. She was heavily scarred, and HUGE! She debated whether saying something or quietly slipping away. Against her better judgement, she would cough. "Are you ok?" She spoke just pound enough to be heard as they sat on either side of the shrine. Unease rolled through her narrow frame, her eyes resting on the woman. She should go home, she shouldn't have said anything. Part of her hoped that Ares would notice her absence and come looking for her. He would give her an excuse to leave this woman to herself.



09-14-2014, 11:58 PM

Anger and rage pulsed through her like a monstrous beast, feeding a flame that was beginning in the pit of her stomach. Muscles tensed and rolled, massive frame beginning to tremble and shake with tension and effort to contain all the emotions. They were beginning to crash at the cracked and damaged dam that was holding everything together. And then like a slap she would hear another approach, blind eyes snapping open and massive skull turning to face the way this intruder was coming. Who was this and how dare they intrude on her alone time. Lips twitched and she began to shake even harder, tattered and frayed ears pulling into her thick ruff. The woman's words would fall on deaf ears, already she was beginning to breath heavily, lower jaw unhinging as breath hit the air in thick puffs. Again she would attempt to lift herself, pushing herself first into a seated position and then unfurling her haunches beneath herself so she would stand. "How DARE you?" Her words were a hiss, a sharp exhale of breath as she rolled her shoulders towards and stalked towards the woman. She barely remembered the walk in but somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that the immediate surrounding area was fairly flat. How perfect? Massive paws pressed heavily into the ground, face still streaked with tears but now her sorrow had been replaced with rage. She didn't know who this woman was, didn't know what had lead her to believe that somehow this anger would help her.

Defences were setting without much thought, she allowed massive paws to splay and balance herself. Joints would loosen as crooked tail arched between her hind legs. It didn't need to be any more damaged then it already was? Frayed ears would pin her her skull as eyes narrowed to protect the useless orbs. Lips curled back, pulling loose flesh up to further protect her eyes as head lowered to be held parallel with spine. Shoulders rolled forward, chin tipped down and lower jaw would unhinge to protect throat as much as possible. Back arched, stomach tightening to gather core strength. A hind paw slid back a fraction on an inch. Then she moved suddenly, haunches curling beneath her and then launching herself forward in an attempt close the distance between them in the shortest amount of time as possible. She tried to position herself so she was moving towards this female's right side, looking to slam the front of her own right shoulder into the outer side of Devya's chest on the right side. Head would attempt to arc around at the same time, trying to find a hold on the smaller woman's scruff right above her shoulders but still on her neck. Right paw would slid forward to try and lock them in close quarters by attempting to slip around Devya's right front paw and lock it into a straightened position.

ONE TWO THREE ??(forgot to ask how many)


ooc;; original post, saf gave permission to edit to add the paragraph tags D:



09-15-2014, 09:03 PM
Skype for questions i can't believe we are finally fighting each other <33

Eyes would widen in surprise as the woman hissed at her. She would take a step with every intention of fleeing. The larger woman would settle into her defenses, her scarred body trembled with what could only be rage. "I-I..." But it was too late, the woman was already racing toward her. Now that she had a chance to see her face, white eyes met hers. Was she blind? She had never met a wolf with white eyes beside Taurig, but he had been blinded. Her only hope was that she was right, this woman could crush her with ease. The ground practically vibrated beneath her paws as the woman found her way closer, their position overlapped, so that this crazy woman was more to her (dev) right. Immediately defenses fell into place.

Eyes would narrow, tattered ears pinned against her skull. Hackles would lift as her skull fell level with her spine, her chin tucking against her throat. Lips would peel back, curling to push extra flesh around her eyes. Her tail would align with her spine as well, straightening to act as a rudder. Lengthy limbs would spread equidistant, her weight evenly distributed while her legs bent at the joint. Toes would splay and claws dug into the earth for traction, or to help keep her rooted to this spot, she wasn't sure yet. Her abdominal muscles would flex, back arching in preparation to absorb the impact, shoulders rolled forward to push extra fat and fur around her neck, while her neck scrunched. This stranger was out for her life, and she had children to think about.

The behemoth monster would close the distance between, each scar of her battered body becoming more evident. Fear tugged at the edge of her mind, but she couldn't let it take over, she needed to focus. Her left hind leg would slide back several inches, her right forelimb doing the same, haunches lowering so that she could better absorb the impact. The would collide with brutal force, a severe bruise blossoming across the right side of her chest and the point of her right shoulder. The wind would be knocked from her lungs, causing her to gasp. Before she would process the pain, new pain blossomed across her scruff, moderate puncture wounds breaking her skin just before her shoulder blades. Because of the positioning of her right forelimb, her opponent would fail to lock it in place. A newfound rage would break free, pulling a guttural snarl from her throat. How dare she! She was only being nice! And now this bitch was attacking her!

Haunches would coil, attempting to throw her weight forward, and slighty upward as jaws unhinged, and bringing her front paws to once again be aligned, as a result, she would feel the skin of her scruff tear a little within her opponents grasp. In sync with her thrust forward, her skull would tip to her left, jaws aiming upward to grab a hold of her opponents throat/neck. She would aim to position her top jaw near the base/back of Zaras right ear, and lower jaws aimed for the pressure point behind the curve of the right side of her (zaras) jaw. Following her attempted bite, her right forepaw would lift, her weight shifting to her remaining three limbs and adjusting her balance according, and she would aim to slam it down on her opponents right forepaw, near the toes in hopes of causing some damage.

DEVYA vs ZARA for DEATH: round 1/3

ATTACKS: throwing her weight forward, simultaneously she will try to grab a hold of the right side of zaras neck/throat so that her top jaw is aimed behind zaras right ear, and her lower jaw in near the pressure point behind the curve of the right side of her jaw. lifting her right forepaw in an attempt slam it down on zaras right front paw.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, lips curled, tail aligned with her spine, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, core tightened, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, weight evenly distributed.

INJURIES: severe bruising across the point of her right shoulder and the right side of her chest. moderate puncture wounds to her scruff (just in front of her shoulder blades), slight tearing from her forward movement.

OOC: confirmed with dee that zara is a fat ass 42 inches, and 200 pounds. Dev is 35 inches and 120 pounds. also confirmed with dee that zara isn't lifting her paw, she's sliding it forward


Ares 1


09-16-2014, 12:14 PM

He would indeed follow after his mate as she led the way from Solstice territory. The pups were old enough to be left for long periods of time, but he knew they?d be back in enough time that their presence would not be missed. He?d smile faintly as he trotted along, hoping to catch some alone time with his princess. They?d spent little time alone, what with the pack and their children. Maybe getting away was a good idea.
He?d catch up to his mate as she stopped, he not seeing what her dual colored gems had fallen upon. His pale form would come through the clearing as the tall she beast attacked his lady. Vibrant violet eyes would widen in surprise, his form freezing as he watched his love battle for her life. A desperate growl would rise in his throat, he couldn?t see his loved one die again.



09-19-2014, 01:02 AM

Rage, anger, pain, fear, exhilaration? It all rushed over her in a wave of pure pleasure as their bodies collided heavily, thank god. There was pain there, but the bruising was only moderate, she had already expelled her breath in preparation for impact so there would be no pause between attacks. Her chest was layered with muscle, thick fur and already her skin there was tough from years of being chewed on by opponents. Her right forepaw slid forward but found nothing, simply groped at air, but she wouldn?t let it phase her or slow her. Jaws found their mark on Devya?s scruff and as soon as she felt the contact her jaws would clamp down and her skull would begin to thrash, attempting to rip and tear into the flesh as much as possible, if she could have found the muscle and ripped into that too she would have. She wanted this woman to bleed; she wanted her neck to snap. She wanted to carve her pain into this woman?s flesh. But then she felt movement and her haze od rage slipped away, felt the woman attempting to move forward and upwards. Immediately Zara would attempt to do the same though she would not relinquish her grip in an attempt to thwart whatever she was trying to do.

Haunches uncoiled and attempted to shove her weight forward (counter attack) while her neck began to arch and attempt to push her weight down on her grip to try and push Devya?s head down and away from the side of Zara?s neck. The counter would give her smaller opponent a clear shot at Zara?s outer and lower chest should it work. At the same time she would attempt to use her superior weight to push the woman back and off balance. Suddenly her hind legs would splay, stance widening considerably to allow forelimbs to attempt to rise, trying to throw her body weight upward even as her neck continued to try and apply downward pressure on Devya?s lower neck. Forelimbs would attempt to wrap around Devya?s shoulders and upper back in a lame sort of bear hug while she attempted to shove her chest into Devya?s face and present her heavily scarred and thickened skin as a chew toy. Suddenly her rage would explode, a tremendous bellow bubbling up from her throat and rattling through her teeth which still held firmly onto the prize hold she had acquired.

All the while her defenses were set in place, muscle memory the only thing that was helping her from not throwing them completely out the window. Her hind paws were splayed to accommodate her two legged stance, toes splayed and nails clenched heavily into the ground to try and stop any backwards pressure from forcing her off balance. Neck was arched, protecting her throat, shoulders rolled forward to gather as much loose skin and fat as possible around her ruff. Abdomen was tucked, spine arched to gather all her core strength to aid her. Crooked tail was straightened (kinda), aligned with her spin to act as a rudder (kinda a useless one). What was left of her ears were pinned to her skull, flattened against her thick scruff. Heavily scarred face was scrunched, lips pulled back in a snarl to gather excess flesh around already narrowed eyes (despite her already being blind and not caring if she looses her eyes).


for death

ATTACKS: Shaking her head violently on the hold she obtained and trying to do the maximum damage possible. Forcing her weight forward and pushing down on the back of Devya?s neck in an attempt to redirect Devya?s bite lower. Pushing herself forward and up to present her chest at Devya?s face and try and wrap her legs around Devya?s shoulders/upper back.
INJURIES: Pending Devya?s response


09-22-2014, 10:24 PM

Pain would immediately flare across her scruff as the behemoth shook her massive head back and forth, shredding the flesh that was within her grasp. Blood oozed from her scruff, flesh tearing and falling away, it would surely leave a nasty scar. Due to her defenses, only fat and fur and skin was torn away, though muscle was steadily becoming exposed. The thrashing over her opponents head would cause the muscles in her neck to strain to avoid her small frame from being tossed around like a rag doll. As she surged forward, her opponent would push back, causing a light bruise to form across her chest. Weight would begin to form on her neck as the crazy bitch arched her neck and shoved downward. Her legs would lock in an attempt to keep herself from crumpling. This pressure would knock her jaws away from their desired target, so instead she would attempt to sink her teeth into right side of Zaras lower chest, where her limb connects with her body.

Limbs of her opponent would sneak around her shoulders, trapping her in a bear hug as the woman forced her chest forward and into parted jaws. A guttural bellow would echo in her ears at deafening decibels. Hindlegs would spread, her left limb remaining several inches back, tail curled as she attempted to rise up on her own hind legs. With her hind legs spread, her weight would shift to distribute evenly, and her legs would bend deeper. As she rose up, she would attempt to wrap her forelimbs around her opponents torso, just behind her shoulders. She would jerk her head back and away from Zaras chest, her head tipped back to once again attempt to grab the right side of her opponents throat. Her crown would tip to her left, neck arcing so that her top fangs could once again seek to pierce the pressure point at the curve of her lower right jaw and lower fangs would sink into the flesh of her throat (several inches below her jaw). Using her coiled hind legs, she would attempt to push against the woman at a slight angle to her (devs) right. The tiny woman would use the placement of her left hind leg, which is farther back, so that she could try to push more against the right side of her opponents chest, hoping to disrupt her balance.

All the while defenses remained in tact. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, her hackles raised. Her crown was level with her spine as much as possible, chin tucked and her tail was straight and aligned with her spine. Limbs were spread equidistant, with her weight evenly distributed and her toes splayed. Claws dug into the ground while her shoulders rolled forward, and her neck was scrunched.

DEVYA vs ZARA for DEATH: round 2/3

ATTACKS: aiming to rear up and wrap her own front legs around zaras upper chest/behind her shoulders. jaws aiming for the right side of her throat, top jaws aimed behind her right ear and lower jaws are aimed at the pressure point at the curve her right lower jaw. pushing forward, more so on the right side of zaras right sided chest, in hopes to disrupt her balance.

DEFENSES: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, tail straight and aligned with spine, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched

INJURIES: severe bite wound to scruff, light bruising to her chest




5 Years
10-20-2014, 07:33 AM

She had returned home from her adventures to find both of her parents gone, but the trail was still fresh. She followed it immediately, nose to the ground until she bumped into her father, finally at the scene. Phim raised her head slowly to the scene. Moments passed while she took in the battle before understanding took over and caused a gasp to escape her throat. She looked to her father, horror in her eyes, but words wouldn't come despite the questions circling her mind. Why was her mother caught in a fight to the death? Was she winning? What would they do without her?

She could do nothing but watch and wait.
Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]


11-11-2014, 03:08 PM

She felt flesh parting beneath jaws, loosening as she tore flesh but she would simply attempt to clamp down harder should her grip loosen, looking to grab muscle as well as flesh. She could feel the opposition, could feel the woman tense and strain to remain in one position. Her opponents limbs would lock into place as Zara attempted to shove her body weight down on the tinier woman. Heat. She felt heat. It took her a moment to realize that the smaller woman?s teeth had sunk into Zara?s chest but there it was, teeth sinking deeply into flesh until they were opposed by bone. There were no tendons or much muscle there, the skin tough and hardened from when Rookshank had gone to town on it. Old wounds helping her now? How ironic?

And then she was lifting, Zara felt the motion almost before it happened, felt the woman shift her weight backwards then attempt to rise up and meet her, her jaws . Zara had a split second of decision before she would attempt to move. She would try and crank her head violently to her left, looking to pull to woman over and rip flesh if she could. At the same time she would attempt to throw herself, flinging her body to her left and attempting to roll herself over onto the ground and drag the smaller woman?s form with her. Flesh would rip as Devya removed her fangs from Zara?s chest, attempting to reposition herself but Zara would not allow it if she could. The woman would again attempt to crank the smaller woman?s head to the left, trying to use her superior weight to drag the woman down and throw her aim off.

The woman would still latch onto the right side of her neck, teeth sinking heavily onto flesh. Upper jaw would find a hook on the middle bone of her spine and lower jaw would sink into flesh below her artery. That was not good. But it would not deter her from her goal. Should she be successful in her attempted death roll all defenses would be thrown out the window as there is no logical way to keep defenses set while free falling.


for death
