
How'd you get out



6 Years
09-15-2014, 05:52 PM

Tally had been trying for maybe five minute now to get Nia to turn back, he was in pack territory and that spelled disaster no matter what came along. The white small boy was completely defenseless, even in a aggressive state there was no way he could defend himself. His white fluffy tail moving behind him, as he dazily walked among the lands without a care. The forest had spoke to him, and suddenly he had turned towards it. He knew deep down he couldn't hear, maybe that was part of the reason why he was constantly wishing and searching for the voices that spoke to him inside of his head. His two different colored eyes looking around, in a woozy manner at that, completely ignoring the Rat yelling at him on his head.
"Nia, NIAA. You can't be here." Tally softly tugged on the top of his head. She was only a small creature trying to act as a guide for his well being. And yet it became difficult for her considering he was so much bigger. Sometimes his head made him do things even she could not stop him from doing. He stopped in the territory all of a sudden and lifted his head, twisting it back as far as he could so he could grin and throw Tally onto his back. Pulling it forward again he kept his smile, listening to the fake voices.




5 Years
09-16-2014, 11:30 AM

Did someone hang an open sign in front of her territory, or are her scent markers not strong enough? Because another uninvited rogue was snooping around in her territory. She is walking along the bank of the rio grande river when the musk of an intruder is carried within the breeze, and immediately her pelt bristles in disgust. She has just gotten over her fight with the last rogue who had trespassed, and now she has to go sever another set of balls from a daring wolf. Hastily she turns away from the river, dirt kicking up behind her as she sprints off toward the mist cloaked forest. She wonders who she will have to defeat this time, she had barley managed to quell the massive man and his companion. As she draws near the overwhelming scent of testosterone engulfs her lungs, her lips curling as a snarl bubbles within her throat. What was with these males thinking they could walk into her home with no consequences? She picks up her pace now, her volcanic gaze glaring into the mist, her eyes searching for the form of the intruder. His form becomes visible, and she pivots herself toward him quickly, her defenses falling effortlessly into place. "Stop where you are! Submit yourself to Apollyon and you will save yourself from bloodshed." For now. She comes to a halt as venemous words seep from her gaping maw, her lips curled to reveal the weapons that lay within her mouth. If he submits without a fight she will take him in as a serf, but if he doesn't, she will violently dominate him before taking him prisoner.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



6 Years
09-16-2014, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2014, 06:12 PM by Nia.)
At first he didn't even know where he was, he was just following the whispers. As soon as the red came rushing at him, the red and black colored of herself made his eyes widen. He couldn't focus on her mouth so he didn't know what she said. He suddenly ducked opening his maw and screamed. Making Tally cover her small ears as she looked at the empress, well it looked like they belonged to them now. She didn't mind, it could do Nia some good to have some structure. Though she was the only one who could convince him to do anything. She slowly petted his head to stop his shivering.

"He surrenders, the boy is deaf, he cannot hear." Tally would explain to the red dipping her head. Nia looked up at Fia, before speaking "Pretty red, pretty red isn't bleeding I hope" he said confused as his head tried to make sense of her. But his tail tucked and he shivered smiling a little since it was the only thing his body knew how to do under pressure. It was now obvious he was not entirely mentally sound. Tally dipped her head hoping the woman would not strike out.



5 Years
09-19-2014, 01:39 PM

The man would duck his head and scream at her, his shrilling voice causing her skin to crawl beneath her carmine pelt. How dare this man trespass, then scream at her while within her territory? She would not stand for this, this man needed to be taught a lesson. Before she can attempt to lunge a small mammal emerges from his ivory fur, the small rat speaking for him as she pats his head comfortingly. What was this guy, a damn nut case? He kept his tail tucked, his body trembling as shivers overtook him. What a pathetic waste of space. Marco, her newly acquired wolverine companion, emerges eerily from the mist that cloaks the forest, his entirely black bodice slithering beside his master. Volcanic orbs slide toward him momentarily, a silent whisper of battle is exchanged in their gazes. They would teach this insignificant ghoul a lesson.

She turns her gaze back toward the pale man, her lips creasing to reveal the sharp weapons that lay within her mouth. "ENOUGH! You are an insignificant being, a nuisance to my home, and foremost you are a burden in my life! For your crimes you will not only remain a slave to my bidding for the rest of your miserable life, but you will take multiple beatings until you have learned how to be sufficient!" Venomous words seep from her gaping jaw, her jaws snapping viciously in his direction. Without warning she attempts to attack, her defenses raising as she takes her first step toward him. Ears fold flat against her skull, her eyes narrow to slits, her chin tucks to protect her throat, her muzzle scrunches to better expose her fangs, her lips remain curled, and her head drops to align with her spine. She rolls her shoulders forward, her hackles raise along her nape and spine, her neck scrunches, and her knees slightly bend to lower body and center her gravity. She distributes her weight evenly between her four limbs, her tail lifting to align with her spine, ready to be used as a rudder when making sharp turns. She grips the loose soil beneath her, her toes flexing and splaying.

She attempts to close the distance between them by approaching him head on, her volcanic orbs narrowed and locked on his mismatched gaze. She attempts to slam directly into him, her right shoulder blade jutted out as she aims to smack it straight into the crease between his chest and left shoulder. She hopes this will cause him immense pain and bruising, and possibly dislocate the shoulder if she hits him hard enough. Her skull turns toward her right and cocks toward her left, her jaws fully unhinging as she attempts to full mouth bite the bottom right side of the mans throat. (not the direct middle, but pretty close to it) Her top fangs aim to sink into the upper portion of his throat, while her bottom fangs aim to sink fairly close to his windpipe. Instead of biting and releasing she aims to secure a tight grip and tighten her grip around his throat with every breath she takes. Marco lunges after her, but he does not attack just yet. Instead he seeks to stand fairly close to them until his opportunity to assist arises.


ooc- ref of areas she is attempting to attack - red is the bite, grey is the shoulder slam

Walk "Talk" Think

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



6 Years
09-19-2014, 07:50 PM

If you don't get strong now you'll die. One of the voices said. Shhh, here he comes, quiet, he'll hang all of us if he could. Nia's brain snapped, as his jaw slammed shut and he straightened himself as Fia aimed towards him after he read her speech. Tally made a mad dash for the tree's and the completely different male puffed out his hackles pulling his teeth back. Toes splaying out into the terrain, as his tail became level with his spine. Eye's narrowing, he kept vigilant, being deaf caused for him to use more of his senses making it natural for him to note the position of her animal companion in case it attacked. Nia refused to let her damage this body so that when he used it, it was incapable of walking. He was a nuisance indeed, he only wished like the other personalities that he could suppress the dumb boy like a twig snapping under his leg. His head tucked slightly, as he watched her and shifted to his left in order to avoid the brunt of her attack.
Her shoulder would press just to his chest on the right side of his body. Bruising, but as he kept his balance clean through four limbs his body absorbed most of the shock. The pain rushing through his veins sent a mad growl bursting through his lips out of pure gut instinct. As her jaws came to sink into his right shoulder pulling a half inch deep into his fur and skin. The blood began to fall and the warm feeling of bodies touching made him excited.
Attempting to shift his body weight to the left, so that he swung to a forty five degree angle with the woman. His head lunged forward, head tilted to the left as he attempted to dig his teeth into the area just between her neck and shoulder blade where the trapezes muscle was on her right side. His hackles still raised, and toes splayed into the dirt, he kept himself at a relative low (his knee's bent mildly) level for he was smaller and quicker. Keeping his scruff scrunched as he aimed for her, his stomach muscles tightened keeping his surroundings within scent and sight specially for that wolverine.
1/2 for dominance

Attack: attempting to grab a hold of her trapezes muscle, or the area just between the neck and the shoulder. Trying to turn his body to avoid her getting a hold of him.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, weight distributed. Tail level with spine, head tucked slightly, knee's bent, hackles raised, scruff scrunched stomach muscles tightened.

Injuries: Bruising to the right side of his chest, just above where collar bone would be if a wolf had one. Half inch deep bite wound on his right shoulder on the front blade.