
I'm gonna change you like a remix


09-16-2014, 07:01 PM

He had assigned his family members with different tasks. It was the first step to avoiding the hunters who thought some chant would end them. They were demons in mortal bodies and it would take more than an exorcism to rid the wolves of their true vessels. The monochromatic grey man had been scouting out lands. It was the first strategy, know the surroundings. He had found a nice crevice in the ground that he could just slide into. It was a spacey cave, one that his family would love to spend a few days in. It could be their home base, their home until the time should come for them to kill and maim and rape and pillage. It was a place that they could express sloth and be safe about it.

His green eyes darted around as he thought he heard footsteps. He cursed to himself in the tongue of his lineage of angels and demons. So many wolves forgot that his father was once an angel... "Quid nunc, pr? angustia creatura audet accedere Lucifer filius?" Anger was starting to spin out of control. What he heard was an animal skirting across the ground, prey. He didn't see it as that. His senses were on overdrive and God help whatever wolf next approached him. His fur bristled along his spine and his paws dug into the ground whilst his tail waved from side to side in an aggravated manner.


09-16-2014, 07:17 PM

It was his first BIG trip out. He had been to the places around his pack, before the move, but he had never been north or south or west. And of course he didn't tell Maia he was out on a long adventure to the other lands, it would worry her sick. But maybe not telling her and not showing up at night might worry her more?

Anyways, he had come north-western, before the snow that didn't exist because of the summer. He found a dark and menacing crevice that marked the ground. It reminded him of the Fern Gulley, except for the lack of grass... and trees... and flowers. Well maybe it wasn't anything like his home, but it reminded him of it.

As he entered the break in with no worry and no fear, an evil, hissing voice struck at him and he cowered. He wasn't sure if he should talk to the misunderstood man on the other side or if he should run. But he didn't want to leave, and he didn't want to talk. so instead he let out a tiny whine to show the angered man someone was here. His posture changed curious, his right paw gently raised off the ground as his dull optics searched the dark caverns of the place; for the brute.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-16-2014, 07:28 PM

When the whine reached his ears he couldn't help but give a devious grin, the anger and rage still present in his eyes as he stomped over towards the boy, aiming to tower over him. "So innocent." His voice smooth and devious as he looked at the boy with the odd markings. Amarant was almost like him in a way. Monochromatic but looked different. His eyes were green just like Azazel's but the difference was that Fawks was a demon and this boy was nothing but a pup without a mind. "Do you know who I am? Do you know how much danger you are in?" He was toying with the boy's mind as he waved his banner from side to side in a fierce display of dominance. The wicked glare in his eyes only supported what he had said.

He began to wonder if this boy truly knew who he was. The mottled grey man let his red and yellow stained teeth show with a small snarl. That was one of his favorite things to do. He love to scare children with his display of power. Children, except for his own of course, were the most innocent of them all. His eyes would narrow as his mind raced with ideas of what exactly he could do to the boy who looked no more than maybe two season old.


09-16-2014, 08:16 PM

The male shot like a bullet toward him. As the large brute came to a halt before him, Amarant only coward little with his ears perked up and his eyes wide. He was actually more curious than frightened. Or maybe more frightened than he was curious. Either way, his response may have been quite odd and maybe have even angered the fevered male.

Not even the thought of if he was going to die slipped into his mind. He felt more alive than he had in a while. Everything was so dull all the time, ever since Covari was disbanded.

"No, I don't. But I'm Amarant!" Definitely not the words that would normally come out of a defenseless pup.

Walk "Talk" Think