
Alacritis is expanding... again!



09-19-2014, 08:10 AM


Yep, you heard it -- another land contest is coming to Alacritis!
Due to increased number of packs, we are desperately in need of more lands, so it's time to throw some suggestions our way! Think along the lines of islands/continents in particular, but all general suggestions will be reviewed.

Players will receive 50 gems for each suggestion used! Have fun and be creative.




4 Years
09-19-2014, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2014, 10:47 AM by Elli.)
Name: Sycamore Butte

Description: WIP


09-19-2014, 11:19 AM
Name: Grapevine Cathedral - A once proud stand of oak and maple trees now stand encumbered, suffocated by a mass of grapevine so think only the barest amount of sunlight can reach the forest floor below. The vines cover the canopy like a cathedral's arching roof. It filters through in drops and dribbles, giving only enough sustenance for the trees themselves. No underbrush mars the soil here, and the air is frequently still and quiet.

Name: Alces Tundra - The only flora found in this northern region are those of a tough nature: short scrub brushes and other hardy things. The rolling landscape has no great hills, nor mountains or trees. Its largest feature may in fact be the creatures who dominate this area in excess: Moose. The massive deer wander through the land in great numbers, browsing and warring with one another.

Name: Iron Range - This range of mountains is cold and harsh no matter the season. It's peaks scratch the sky sky and are continually capped in snow. The mountains are riddled with veins of iron, and the dark metal can be found both oxidized and freshly exposed in almost every nook and crevice. It is a cold and hard place to exist.

Name: Redbud Nook - This young new-growth forest took hold after a large fire burned down the previous grove. The ash of the fallen giants which came before has fertilized the soil and provided an ideal environment for the low shrubs and redbud trees that now abound. Each spring the trees explode into color, vivid pink blossoms overtaking the entire region.

Name - Bluestem Heights: This highland prairie is a prime nesting ground for various game birds of all species. In the nesting season the area rings with all manner of calls. Fox and snakes are also numerous in the area, finding easy meals within the nests. The grassland rolls and sweeps over hills, green and vibrant in the spring, yet cold and bleak in the winter months.

Name: The Fawning Shire - This warm woodland is home to babbling brooks, soft mossy glades, and sandy soil fit for the rearing of young. It is surrounded on all sides with a thick tangle of brambles, with only a few notable points of entrance and egress. Every spring, does flock here to birth their young and rear them until it is time to move on. It is peaceful and tranquil in every season.

Name: Red Sand Wastes - This section of the desert appears at a distance to be coated in blood. The grains of sand are crimson, auburn, scarlet, and their rich coloration absorbs the sun's rays. It grows unbearable during the height of the day, and frigid once the sun sets.

Name: Jewel of the Dunes - Deep within a barren waste sits an unexpected surprise. Cool water bubbles up from within the surface of the earth, giving life to an otherwise lifeless landscape, if only in the immediate area. The pool holds no life within it, but this has not stopped birds and the breeze from carrying in seeds from afar. Moss grows on rocks, small saplings cling to life in a shallow soil. It is a true haven in an otherwise hostile place.

Name: The Ancient Oaks - Ivy dusts the forest floor here, climbing tentatively up and around the gargantuan trunks of thousand year old oak trees. Their sweeping vastness is rivaled only by the famous redwood groves. Many trees bear the scars of lightning strikes yet, and those which have fallen are as impressive as those which still stand, several having hollowed out to form structures all their own.

Name: Mossy Cascades - A beautiful place which hides its inherent danger quite well. The torrent of water that races down this section of the river throws up clouds of mist, casts rainbows, and slickens the rocks. Moss took root on the shore long ago, and now grows as a veritable forest, coat almost every surface from the water's edge to the nearby tree line. While plush, one right step will send you into the torrent, to be washed down stream and bashed about by the stones below.

Name: Cattail Creek - This slow, lazy flow of water is an ideal place to fish or lay about. It is lined with reeds and cattails which harbor numerous species of frog, snake, and waterfowl. This winding stretch is typically calm, excepting flooding and sudden storms. Sycamore trees bend over the cool water, providing shade and shelter amongst their roots.

Name: The God's Garden - All that remains of whatever must have come before are a smattering of stone foundations, well overgrown and worn away, clustering in a cleared field. The thicket of woodland encroaches year by year, but for now the clearing remains choked with herbs of all sorts. Once cultivated and grown in neat clusters they now spread wild, and many otherwise rare plants grow in abundance.

Name: The Barrows - Low, rolling hills crisscross the horizon in unnatural shapes. The smell of death and decay is always faint on the air, though the land is plentiful and lush. If it were possible to see them from above, they would swirl into shapes of birds, serpents, and other strange shapes. If you are lucky and vigilant, you can sometimes find old relics that have worked their way up through the soil.

Name: Shimmer Sand Creek - Flecks of mica dot the substrate of this waterway, bringing this small creek alive with glittering light. Large, smooth boulders border the causeway. The occasional fallen tree makes a peaceful perch over the water: an excellent place to meditate or relax. The water is so clear you can see down to the rocks below, no matter the depth.

Name: The Everforest - Long ago a volcanic eruption buried these trees in ash. Over time the organic matter decomposed and the void was filled with firmer, sturdier materials. As time wore on the rain and wind worked the land excavating the fossilized forest which had been hidden below. At most they seem to be only queer pillars of rock, but occasionally one has retained branches or hollows, betraying their true nature. The land is rocky, with little plant growth, and tends to lend visitors an eery feeling.

Name: The Haunted Mire - This murky, dank bog is a treacherous place indeed. It is shrouded in constant fog, and the sphagnum moss and peat sinks could easily swallow the unwitting. Many say it is most certainly haunted, though by what is unknown. At night, any lost within it's depths might see lights flickering from farther in and be led astray. Eerie calls, moans, and howls whistle through tree branches, which are always bare, no matter the season. This is a good place for dark deeds.

Name: Wildberry Grove - This small nook in the forest is a perfect place for the young at heart to wander and explore. The sunny meadow is surrounded on all sides by maple trees, and the grasses within its center mingle with a plethora of fruit bearing shrubs. Elderberries, blueberries, cloudberries, strawberries; No one is certain how the seeds were brought to this piece of land, but it is a popular location for rodents, wolves, birds... and bears.

Name: Fossil Ridge - An earthquake struck this rolling plain long ago, and as consequence the sides of several hills and ridges crumbled away into scree piles in their valley basins. No one could have expected the mysteries it would expose. Buried in the black soil and rock are large, ancient bones of all sorts. Skulls, femurs, fangs, vertebrae. A curious wolf might spend hours studying and excavating this area.

Name: The Runestones - The origin of these standing stones is unknown, adding to their fascinating qualities. This moorland is strewn with stones of all sizes, yet a few stand out among the rest. In a clearing otherwise without debris stand a dozen stones, upright and in a perfect circle. Whether it be a naturally occurring boulder or something carved and chiseled into a new shape, all the stones in this mossy area have been inscribed with strange runes. X's, arrows, spikes, forks, spires, all unknown and unreadable, yet beautiful. The stones are made of granite, and seem to shimmer in the moonlight.

Name: The Skylight Caves - All that is left of what was once solid stone is a curving hive of tunnels and tubes, softer materials having been worn out by rain and ice. The labyrinth is mostly unmapped, and quite dangerous for those who are not intimately familiar with the area. For others, it may provide an excellent place to rest or hide. Furthermore, this odd warren boasts of an even stranger location: The peak of a mountain.

Name: The Shimmering Shore - What is no more than a winding coastline during the day comes alive as the sun sets. Hoards of phosphorescent bacteria make their home in this shallow bay, and upon irritation illuminate. Wading through, under the moonlight, produces a trail of shimmering green-blue light.

Name: Ghoul's Fen - This sodden bog is enshrouded in a constant fog. No matter the time of year or sunlight above, it persists. Ironwoods and hawthorn trees, other low shrubs and brambles, grow in great numbers on any clump of land that exists above the pools of murky water. The fog deadens most sounds, and sends them about echoing off

Name: Brimstone Lake - Far below the black soil of this lakeside sits a dormant volcano, one that has not erupted in anyones memory, or that of their ancestors. Still, the signs of it's existence are there for all to see. Cracks in exposed bedrock vent the smell of burning rock and brimstone, and the earth shakes frequently with the inferno?s slumber.

Name: Sulfur Springs - This quiet basin is dominated by bubbling turquoise pools, and the occasional erupting plumes of heated water and steam. Each pool is different, none bearing quite the same color or content. To the keen of mind some hold warm mineral water, while others hold toxic acids in concentrations too high to even bring in contact with your skin. The landscape is safe enough for those who are weary and well educated.

Name: Aspen Dam - This idyllic vale is dominated by three features: a broad grove of aspens, a creek choked with beaver dams, and a grassy flood plain that stretches far in between. The trees will encroach no further than the seasonal floods allow, which grow increasingly more severe when the beavers are left to breed unchecked. The area is also frequent with large herds of elk, which graze on the young grasses, aspens, and the waterway's cottonwood saplings that are not taken first by the rodents.

Name: The Hibiscus Apiary - Trailing vines, tangled tendrils, and beautiful blooms decorate this small grove. The air is filled with the sweet smell of flowers and a lazy buzzing. Numerous hives of honeybees have chosen this region to call as their home, pollinating as they please. It is a calm, serene place to relax... just mind where you step.

Name: Royal Fern Burrows - This forest floor is devoid of most flora, pardoning broad cottonwood trees. The soil rolls and roils, worn away by rivulets and eroded into smoother slopes over time. It is blanketed in a lush carpet of Royal Ferns, some growing taller than a wolf might see over. The soil here is dense and compacted, well suited for building dens.

Name: Sweetgrass Basin - This sweeping depression caters to a wide variety of grasses. Ridges surround the area on all sides, and looking down into the basin is not unlike looking out over the sea. Under the summer heat they bake and broil, giving the entirety of the grassy sea a heady scent.

Name: Avian's Bluff - The ocean rages below this sheer cliff face, it's dark stone jagged and rough, pieces constantly being sloughed off by storms and spray. While topside it is smooth and worn, the only plant life it can boast are low grasses and moss. The true gem of this harsh coastline lies out of sight. Hoards of birds, be them gulls, hawks, or other cliff nesting species, call it home. One might spend a leisurely day watching the fledglings learn to fly, or watching them hunt over the surf.

Name: Manatee Bay - A shallow, warm bay choked with sea lettuce and kelp. There is no riptide, no crushing surf. Mangrove trees dot the white sand beach, and the waters are a popular destination for sea mammals of all kinds. Dolphins, porpoises, and manatees can frequent visitors, and whales can often be seen enjoying the warm waters father out.

Name: Heaven's Caldera - The collapse of a massive magma chamber eons ago has left a deep depression in the land. The soil's volcanic source has left it fertile and ready to host the plethora of life that followed. It is a veritable eden, hosting all manner of flora and fauna. Meadows and swaths of old growth forests carpet the basin like a verdant blanket.

Name: Hermit's Coast - This rocky beach is littered with tide pools, juts of coral, and backed by sandy dunes. For those fond of fish and crustaceans it is a good place to linger. At night the beach seems to whisper and clatter as droves of hermit crabs emerge to begin their nightly forage.

Name: Oxen Esker - An amalgam of coniferous forest, ponds, and glacial alluvium. This northern area is pockmarked with the scars of glacial travel, and dotted with sandy banks. The grassy forage and ambling landscape is home to herds upon herds of musk oxen, who migrate through every year.



8 Years
09-19-2014, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2014, 06:25 PM by Nalyda.)
Name: Shadow Caves

Description: These caves are mostly as dark as shadows of the night, hens the name of the caves. They are usually filled with spooky noises, some wolves have even said to explore this landmark and not return. It is like a labyrinth full of twists and turns, causing many to get lost in the endless maze. You better know the way around the land or you will be lost in this endless place. Bats usually make their homes here, sometimes making loud noises which cause others to be spooked. Even some say that spirits of deceased wolves that have not made it out of this cave haunt the caves, warning or leading those who enter to, or about their demise.

Name: Broken Beach- A once beautiful land haunted by shadows and apparitions. Deceased have said to wander here and die, but some are brave enough to venture onto this beach and just watch the sunset. Despite the tall tales, this place is also beautiful to behold. The moon goes above the horizon, shining the beach with it's shining glow, almost as if causing the damned to vanish almost like a cleansing. The sunlight also helps, but most of the land is draped in fog, leaving spooky auras in this land. But, it is still pretty despite the name and look in the sunlight.

Name: Cactus Valley- This place, surrounded by desert, and mostly cacti. The desert covered landscape is surrounded by beautiful desert flowers, and wonderful fresh scents. Despite the hot temperatures during the day, and the cold at night, it is a place where you can relax and unwind. Desert deer, lizards, and birds are plentiful here, though the only downside being lack of water and shelter from sandstorms.

Name: The Flower Gardens- The serene and breathtaking atmosphere, surrounded by the beautiful flowers and streams that run across this valley, would surely cause anyone to gawk at the breathtaking imagery. During the spring and summer, this land is something that anyone would take a time out of their day to visit and hunt for food. Deer, elk, and moose are plentiful in this region, as well as many streams and lakes for fish. Pine trees, as well as oak and maple, surround the flowers, almost like a ring as if to keep the flowers safe from opposing threats.

Name: Black Forest- This forest is surrounded by blackness. Fog surrounds the trees and other parts of the land, having an ominous feeling about it. The trees and leaves are moved in such a way, that almost no light goes through the forests, perfect for evil wolves or packs that like the dark.



7 Years
09-19-2014, 03:40 PM
There shall be more!

Name: The Glittering Spires
Description: Set along a coastline with golden, sandy beaches, these massive, shiny vertical structures are a mystery to any wolf. What they are? They are remnants of the two legged lives that bustled and milled down what used to be smooth sidewalks, now cracked and filled with weeds. The wild has taken over, and the massive sky scrapers are frozen in time; old hotel doors forever ceased in turning. Rusting cars stand on the streets, hardy vines choking their axles and doors. It is an eerie, desolate feeling place, despite the rampant trees birthed from the decorative maples planted there long ago, and the other flowers growing wild without human care. Step carefully; broken glass litters the ground in places.

Name: The Rolling Hills
Description: Miles upon miles of rolling hills, densely forested by such evergreens as Douglas Fir, Hemlock, Cedar, Giant Sequoia, Holly, and many more. Streams and rivers ripple along rocky beds, sourced from the center gem of these hills. A large mountain, her tallest peak touching the height of ten thousand feet, is the mother of small glaciers, her peaks snow covered almost year round, only becoming bare stone during the hottest months of summer each year. The waters from these glaciers, and the snow melt each year, is sweet, mildly mineral tasting, and clear, save for the rivers, which run wild with silt when the first thaw hits. This place is thick with prey life, and wild with many plants to tickle a Healers fancy. Many glorious surprises await the daring adventurer.

Name: The Starlit Plains
Description: True to its name, these plains stretch for miles, lush in the spring and early summer, drawing many prey animals. But its most striking feature lays not on the ground, but in the sky. The stars and planets shine brilliantly here, casting a faint glow at night over the plains. It?s almost magical, and when the full moon rises, not a shadow can be found, save for the one at your own paws. It is a place that can be romantic; a place to lay back, relax, and watch the stars with a loved one. However in winter, those bright points of light can find the harshest scenes in their sight. For in winter, a lush and beautiful place becomes a prime place for biting cold, blizzards, and death.

Name: The Shrieking Caverns
Description: These caves are well named. Each evening, the bats that make their home in these caves awaken, and add their piercing chattering to the evening noises. They flood out in a rush of leathery wings, ready to deal the end times to the insect population. The mountain the caves sink into is no impressive peak, only a large hill, who?s highest elevation only reaches three thousand feet, but its extent of these caves is its impressive side. The caves, if you can brave your way past the initial bats, are a mysterious, fantastical sight. The gems that sprout from the walls here and there glow with a natural light, though the cause of this light may never be truly found. Take away the bat guano under your paws, and this could be a romantic place.

Name: Hellfire Gorge
Description: Another one of those aptly named places. At the bottom of this gorge roils hot lava, billowing heat and sulfur to the sky above. The walls have been blasted by the heat for so long, they are fairly turned to glass at the points furthest enough away to cool, but not far enough away to cool completely. This lava rolls from the belly of a volcano, as active as a beating heart. Tread carefully, or come not at all. Death can find you here as easily as the flick of an ear.

Name: Crown Isle
Description: This Island rests just off the coast, nearly connected by a land bridge to the mainland. Cliffs rise fifty feet, in alternating points, rather like the points of a kings crown. The beaches are made up of soft white sand, and palm trees dot the shore. A jungle makes up the vegetation of the land mass, and tropical birds make quite the ruckus from within the canopy. Monkeys swing and dally through the canopy, while tapirs make their home on the ground. It?s a good hunting place for predators who can adapt, or were born for this place. Fresh water springs can be found at the isles center; a fresh, salt free drink for the travel weary.

Name: The Hall
Description: It was once a place of wealth and impressiveness. Now it lays in ruins. Almost. It is still a structure, with fine stone columns carved in intricate detail by long past artisans. The interior is still mostly discernible, though Mother Nature has invaded, retaking her territory. Paintings hang on the wall, some completely degraded by time and moisture, others seem to have never been touched by the hands of the wild, as bright and clear as the day they were finished and hung upon the wall. The roof has fallen in at places, and the floors of the stories are dangerously unstable under heavier paws, but for the light footed, or daring, this is a place full of mysteries and wonder.

Name: The Mudpots
Description: This is a place where underground volcanic activity has brought to life these seething fixtures of nature. The smell is a mixture of old egg, sulfur, and gas, all rolled into one. The heat is tolerable from a close distance, but be wary of setting foot into the mud; it?s hot enough to cook your paws.

Name: The Geyser Fields
Description: This place is strife with peril if you enter it at the wrong time. Looks like a watery place with the occasional harmless boulder, eh? Wait a few minutes, maybe an hour. Then the eruption begins. From the roiling bubbling pool of sapphire, super heated water, to the powerful roar of a geyser shooting it?s water over a hundred feet into the sky, this is both a place of beauty, and a place to never let your guard down when you pass through. Prey avoids this place, and maybe predators should, too.

Name: Emerald Forest
Description: As green as its name. Moss grows thick and lush on the ground, ferns spread far and wide. The trees are a mixture of alder, cottonwood, maple, and birch. Herbs and other plants of medicinal uses grow mad here, and the light that filters through the leaves on the trees lends the emerald factor to the forest.

Name: The Forgotten Isle
Description: Shrouded in mist and mystery, this large island should have been unforgettable. However, it lays abandoned. What used to be a thriving city stands silent and despondent. Cruise ships rot in their moorings, and hotels stand open and unguarded. That being said, it is a place full of things for a curious wolf to explore.

Name: Roaring Rapids
Description: True to their name, this stretch of river is rife with large boulders and rocks. The river flows at a steep downhill grade; not enough to become a waterfall, but enough to gain high speeds. The water smashes against these boulders with a roar, sounding for all like a furious lion. The boulders, however, are close enough together, that a daring wolf could conceivably leap from each one to the next, and cross the roaring, churning waters safely. However, with rushing water comes mist and moisture, making footing slippery. A bad landing can send a wolf into the water, to be at the mercy of the churning river.

Name: Starstruck Cliffs
Description: This place was not named for the excellent star gazing opportunities it provides, but for the large crater, front and center of the cliff face. Within can be seen a porous, metallic boulder. It was named by the witness of the meteor strike; a witness long since past, but the name stuck.

Name: The Ice Palace
Description: Frozen in time, built long ago, this ice palace had defied the seasons, and remained frozen. This may have something to do with being far north, where the snow never truly melts away. It is a fantastical structure, each paw step of an explorer chiming like a faint bell. It may survive for many more years to come, or maybe the next summer will see it melting away to become a mere memory, lost by time. Time will only tell.

Name: The Swimming Plains
Description: This lush area is actually a floodplain for a nearby river. Each year, in spring, snowmelt precipitates a great flood. As Summer arrives, the water recedes back into its channel, leaving room for the lush grasses to grow and attract large prey animals. Moose enjoy this feeding ground almost year around.

Name: Elk Valley
Description: This large Valley is a prime feeding ground for Elk. Not only elk, in fact, but bison, deer, and maybe even mustangs graze here. It?s a prime hunting ground for a hungry pack. The vegetation is lush and green in the warmer months, though winter and autumn will find the grass buried under at least a foot of snow. The hills of the valley walls are dense with evergreen trees and herbs a plenty.

Name: The Herbal Garden
Description: This wildly growing morass of herbs was once a well tended garden of some human who long ago passed on with the rest of its kind. Now the herbs have taken off, growing wild; every plant imaginable grows in this small patch of healer paradise.

-- MORE, I SAID!--

Name: Cedar Falls
Description: This river tumbles gaily down a rock face with a gentle hush of water over stone. Surrounding the falls, cedar trees grow thick, giving the air that delicious scent of evergreen and cedar wood. Deer range through the area, though smaller prey is more abundant, and salmon migrate upstream through this river. Bears are a common predator in these times, so it would be best to not let ones guard relax during the salmon run season.

Name: Sapphire Springs
Description: This deep pool of cool water is well named for it?s rich blue color. No one is sure what gives it this color, but no wolf or animal has died from drinking from the water, so whatever it is, the color is harmless.

Name: Star Lake
Description: This lake catches the reflection of the stars and sky perfectly at night. It gives the illusion of a portal to the sky, but the illusion shatters with a mere touch of the paw to the water, sending ripples across the surface, stretching and marring the reflections.

Name: Dove Lake
Description: This lake centers a valley filled with wildflowers and sweet grass. It gets its name from the birds that use it as a water stop on migrations. Doves of all colors; white, blue-grey, green and grey. All kinds of birds pause at this water source, before moving on.

Name: Mustang Meadows
Description: Aptly named, this is the home of a large assortment of wild horses; bands roam the miles of rich grassland, foals frolic and cavort at their dams hips. All is peaceful, until one stallion ruffles the dignity or sanctity of another studs herd. Then all hell breaks loose. This would be a prime hunting place for wolves with a taste for horse flesh.

Name: Walrus Beach
Description: An aptly named beach, this strip of rocky sand is a favorite lounging area for the mighty walruses. From lumpy pups to mighty bulls with long tusks, and everything in between, this beach is usually packed with big bodies. A careful wolf could snag an easy meal in here. Ware the beach master, though. He may look slow, but he can hit like a rhino if a wolf messes with his ladies and children.

Name: Jewelers Shack
Description: Located within a long abandoned and derelict town, this was once the shop of a prosperous jeweler. Rings, watches, necklaces and more lay scattered on the floor, or still set to rest on old, rotting velvet busts. A magpie would have a field day in here. Weeds have grown up around the broken windows, and the door hangs off of hinges ready to fall free of the door frame.

Name: Ghost Town
Description: This was once a small town, long, long ago, even in the time of the humans. This was a ghost town long abandoned in the eighteen hundreds, and taken care of as a tourist attraction later on. Now it lies abandoned again, timbers rotting once more, saloon doors on the rotting floor boards. Tumbleweeds bounce through weed eaten streets, and ramshackle buildings fall in on themselves for a mile in either direction.

Name: Hallucination Caves
Description: These caves twist and turn, carving a path ever deeper into the earth. However, the name comes not from the dizzying turns and switchbacks of the caves, but from the gasses rising up from deep, deep under ground. They aren?t too harmful; meaning only that they won?t kill you. However, they do cause a mind to hallucinate, and depending on how disoriented a wolf gets, getting lost is a likely-hood, and That can kill you, via starvation. There are no prey animals down here. So be careful, adventurer.

Name: Misdirection Forest
Description: This forest is as easy to get turned around in as a cave system. What makes it so easy to get lost in, if you have no ability to track yourself out, is the tightly growing trees and bushes, twisting paths with many forks and intersections, and a thick fog that permeates the area like some noxious substance of evil. A young pup can be lost in these woods, never to be found again.

Name: Dreamers Grove
Description: This is a grove in which young saplings, long ago, somehow grew together on their years long journey to the sky, creating a natural gazebo of sorts. Draped and twining around these now fully grown trees, creating a sweet smelling canopy, are wisteria flowers, climbing roses, clematis, and many other climbing, sweet smelling flowers. Whether this is a natural occurrence, or mankind long ago had a hand in this, it is a romantic spring setting, perfect for matrimonial ceremonies, or simply being by your loved ones side, dreaming of the future.


Name: Putrid Marsh
Description: As foul smelling as its name, this marsh contains some of the rankest smelling water and mud around. No one knows where it gets its horrible smell; a mix of rotting meat, foul eggs, and rank sweat, but one thing is for sure, this place will leave a lasting impression.

Name: Paradise Hills
Description: A lush, forested stretch of hilly land. Wildflowers, herbs, and green grass grow thick in these hills, especially around the small brooks that wind through the dips in the hills, or tinkle over rock faces. Fish are abundant in the water, year around, as this area is only lightly affected by winters cold grasp. Even winter is beautiful, here.

Name: Mistveil Falls
Description: This sixty foot waterfall crashes to its base, sending up a constant misty shroud to veil the base and river, and surrounding areas. The roar is earth shaking, and in winter, this spectacle becomes something even more miraculous. Deep freezes halt the water in it?s tracks, bringing a tremulous silence to the area. Ice coats anywhere the mist touches, and the great icicles that hang, seemingly quivering, promise that movement will return in the spring.

Name: Aurora Tundra
Description: This tundra is a frozen wasteland, or so it seems. It is also the pathway of migratory caribou, and at night, a theater for the Aurora, or the Northern Lights. At night, which can last for a long time, they spread their ribbons and fingers of undulating light across the sky, and if you listen hard enough, maybe you can hear them sing.

Name: Shimmer Vale Forest
Description: This forest, in the summer, is home to millions of fireflies. All night, from evening to morning, they flash and blink, and with so many, it seems as though the air shimmers. During the day in the warm months, prey flock to the forest to feed on the vegetation.

Name: Sonata River
Description: Graceful as a song, this slowly flowing, wide river flows through some of the loveliest countryside in the lands. Large fish; trout, bass, and others, fill this large river, providing tasty meals for the experienced fisher. Reeds and cattails, alders and willows, herbs and grasses. All line this river, making a prime place for land bound prey to eat.

Name: Astronomers Peak
Description: A lone ledge juts out from the side of a tall mountain, with a small cave backing it, and a narrow, singular trail leading down, down, down to the earth below. This single ledge, so high up, seems to brush the stars, each night. This is a place of solitude, meditation, and thought. The small cave would be a perfect den site, facing away from the weather, with a slight bending curve toward the back. The mountain itself sits at that edge of a ripe valley, lively with game.

Name: Aster Canyon
Description: The walls of this canyon are streaked with veins of blue lapis, blue as asters. Stretching for forty miles, with a lazy river at its bottom, this canyon is one of the few water sources in an arid desert bluff. The water is difficult to get to, but rewarding once you manage to reach it.

Name: Delgado Isle
Description: A thin strip of land in the sea, this island lives up to its Spanish name, meaning ?slender?. At only about half a mile wide at it?s widest point, and a mile long, this island doesn?t have much room for a pack, However it does have some interesting features. Such as the Spanish galleon crashed upon its seaward shore, the belly of the ship having caught against the submerged reef in a wild, stormy night long ago.

Name: The Arroyo
Description: A dry, arid desert, with a spark of life at the center. A single, tiny stream runs down the center of this land, a boon to those lucky enough to find it. Plant life grows, just barely, around this stream, marking its location, and tracks of both prey and predator line the stream, giving the chance for a much needed meal.

Name: Switchback Mountain Range
Description: Ten peaks make up the necklace of mountains running northwest to southeast. From the tallest peak, tickling the skys belly at thirteen thousand feet, to the tamer peaks that rise only to three thousand feet, this range is wild, stretching miles, blanketed with evergreen forests, thick with prey, and dotted with hidden meadows and glades here and there. Herbs, flowers, and other plants grow thick in the warmer months, and steep, twisting and turning mountain trails challenge the mountaineering wolf to climb and seek an adventure.

Name: Beartooth Island
Description: A huge, mountainous island, with jagged peaks of white rock at it?s heart, the peaks resembling the teeth of a carnivore. However, a moderate population of black bears gives this island its bear related name. This seems to be a place the bears love. It could be because of the high berry output of the plants here, or because the river that flows through the island is a salmon route. Despite the bear population, this large island boasts a good amount of prey, and it?s relatively easy to reach from the mainland.

Name: The Stone Spur
Description: A claw-like strip of land jutting into the sea on the southeastern coast of the mainland. This spur is bare of vegetation, a mere sea and wind blasted strip of stone. An adventurous soul must walk carefully here; the stone is slippery, and not all that stable, A wrongly placed paw could send a wolf sliding into the churning sea.
[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


09-19-2014, 04:49 PM
(Of course more to come)

Name: Flaming Forest
Location: It will be located very close to Mount Volkan, maybe north of it
Description: A dark forest that hugs around the outskirts of Mount Volkan. The trees provide shade from the dark skies and possible rain, but if the mountain were to erupt, anyone in the large forest may be caught in the pools of lava and burning trees that may kill them.

Name: Tombolo Isle
Location: I'm thinking along the line of between "Nephilim Island and "Obsidian Beach" or The indent between "cryers Ravine" and "Fallers Fjord"
Description: Even though the island is far out from shore, you can get to it by walking along one of the three sandbars that connect the mainland and the island. The island itself is nothing but sand and may only be comfortable enough to come across during fall.

Name: Hail Barricade
Location: Somewhere Northern
Description: Hail Barricade is a long crevice in between mountains that has walls made of nothing but ice. It could be that there was a flood long ago that caught between the stones of the mountain pass and froze over winter. Once you go into the crevice, there's only two ways of coming out: turning back or making a journey for miles to the otherside. Some say it is impossible to get to the otherside.

Name: Ridge Island
Location: --
Description: This large island holds a small mountain and barley a shore around it. The mountain is impossible to climb, no trails have been found to make your way to the top but it hold many caves that wolves can take shelter and seclude themselves from the rest; they may even have their own family take favor as their home.

Name: Aureole Isle
Location: --
Description: Aureole Isle is a small island surrounded by a circle of trees on the shoreline. In the very center of the island is a clearing with a spring, but the forest around it is so heavy it can be easy to get lost in. If you go in, make sure you know how to come out!

Name: Silent Mountain
Location: --
Description: Silent Mountain are a trail of caverns that intertwine with each other. Many talk about the voices and howls they hear and claim it as haunted, but really it is only the wind finding it's way in and out. Or is it? Maybe if you try hard enough, you can find more...




09-19-2014, 05:04 PM
Name: Valley Of The Winds [Valley -- Mainland]
Description: An eerie valley set below [Mount Volkan], the valley is named for the strong winds that can be heard through all times of the year. The rocks there, when the wind passes through them make many sounds, sometimes mistaken for the whisper of another. While much of the terrain is rather rocky, in some places, more like patches of land, flora grow for the use of healers. Because of how low the valley dips, as if part of the earth was scooped out with a spoon, wolves who live here or visit have a lot of climbing to do to get to the rest of the main area of Alacritia.

Name: The Wraithe's Woods [Woodland -- Mainland]
Description: Mystery surrounds these strange woods, where no matter what path you take you always seem to end up right back where you started. The woods are full of twists and turns, a natural maze that leaves wolves lost and confused. There is a path through the woods, however, that would lead to a [valley / some other area] on the other side. Most wolves tend to avoid the woods, however, believing that they are cursed, and if you die within your spirit will never find its way back out. Sightings of ghosts have been heard of, but surely those are just rumors, right?

Name: Fountain Of Miracles [Island]
Description Deep within a wooded area of an island is the fountain of miracles; a grand water structure with the purest crystal clear water. Due to the purity of this water it is said those who are injured that bathe in this water have an easier time healing from their wounds. Drinking from the fountain also rumors to aid wolves who are stressed, and bring calm upon them. Plants of all sorts grow here, making in a nice haven for those learning of herbs.



2 Years
09-19-2014, 06:04 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2014, 07:29 AM by Aksel.)
Name: Dysmal Canyon
Description: Brutally worn away by water into an abstract the walls of the Dysmal canyon stretch nearly 500 ft high. The moulded forms of weathered rock bear steep slops and minimal vegetation making it a difficult place to live in but an excellent hideout. The canyon walls are marked in a deep bluish-black color that comes from heavy deposits of coal strata. The unique color gives rise to many a superstition and the lack of wild life adds to the eerie silence.

Name:: Thermal Hot Springs
Description: Flowing from the nearby mountains, water collects in thermal pools at the mountains base creating the hot springs. The warm water serves not only as an escape from colder temperatures but it also serves as a therapeutic and relaxation "hot" spot. Several small waterfalls careen directly into the larger hot spring that is surrounded by several small ones.

Name:: Heaven's Gates
Description: On the other side of a nearby mountain range lies an open field full of wild grasses and the humming of wind through vegetation. What makes this little prairie so unique is it's location. Nestled near the base of a mountain range the air that flows over the mountains twists and turns above the prairie creating optimal conditions for lenticular cloud formations.

Name:: Dragon's Blood Grove
Description: Raising from the arid ground like otherworldly beacons lies a grove of dragon's blood trees. These unusual trees grow house distinct red resin that will bleed from the tree when the bark is punctured. The dragon's blood trees are one of the few sources of vegetation in the area apart from smaller shrub grasses that survive the arid conditions.

Name: Pillars to the Stars
Description: Columns of rock emerge from the dense vegetation thousands of feet into the sky to form the Pillars to the Stars. The result of years of erosion from wind and ice. Nestled in an area prone to constant moisture the climate is cool and damp and encourages the growth of numerous varieties of plant life.

Name: The Sanguine Stain
Description: Blanketed in the purest white lies a plain far to the north. Climate conditions are such that the land is almost in a constant state of winter. This terra was gifted it's name by the red hills that rise along the souther edge of the plain. Rich in iron oxide these hills bleed during freezing spring rains or when the sun lingers long enough on the snow to melt it causing the area to be stained red like blood.

Name: Cerulean Rainforest
Description: Like most temperate rainforest the Cerulean Rainforest receives most of it's precipitation in the winter when the weather is slightly cooler. Near the ocean, the forest also receives moisture from this large body of water, generally in the form of fog that rolls into the forest in the morning and dissipates by noon. Bordered on all sides by steep sided valley's, the Cerulean Rainforest sits below sea level and acts almost as a rain catcher leading to it's unique climate.

Name: Bellicose Mountains
Description: Towering and jagged the Bellicose Mountains snake their way across the terra. Rocky and cold these mountains aren't the tallest but they do feature many crevices and steep inclines that can trip up or kill unwary travelers. Ancient coniferous trees rise high around the base of this range but they quickly shrink in size leaving the tops of these mountains bare of vegetation. However, while vegetation is scant these mountains still provide a home for high altitude creatures such as mountain goat and pika.

Name: Caves of the Night Sky
Description: Behind a small entrance covered in vines and foliage lie the intricate tunnels and paths of the Caves of the Night Sky. Not only do these caves feature stunning stalactites and stalagmites that criss-cross the main tunnel trail but the ceiling is adorned in glow worms. The eerie blue luminescence these tiny creatures give off seem to dot the cave ceiling like stars. Some even believe the cave to possess healing properties or an enhanced atmosphere to commune with the dead.

Name: Bent Canyon
Description: Carved by an ancient glacial river the Bent canyon bears an unusual shape due to the dramatic bend in it's center. Numerous caves and crevices pock the canyon walls making for excellent densites if patrons aren't to afraid of the steep incline. The walls of the canyon are a mix of various colored rock from warm greys to russet tones to the occasional band of cream hued stone. Affected by the rainshadow of nearby mountain ranges, the weather here is fairly dry and arid. However, remnants of that ancient river still flow through the canyon providing a source of water for it's residents.



7 Years
Extra large
09-19-2014, 06:49 PM
Amron?s Castle,

A towering beast, covered in green vines and other vegetation taking back what was once nature?s domain. Amron?s castle is a large stone structure from when the humans still remained, perhaps even older. Bits and pieces are broken off, making small shelters for animals who seek refuge here. Along with many open rooms and hidden secrets inside. Strange objects left behind from the past remain here, rusting forever more.

Paradigm forest,

As the name stands, this odd forest is covered in petrified tree?s in the same pattern among the land. Completely turned to stone, small streams flow through feeding nothing but living weeds. Small birds like to take their homes in the stone tree?s. The forest is a easy place to get lost in if you do not know its contents well.

Lilac Terrace,

This field is covered in lilac flowers with no tree?s in sight. The place gives off a constant pleasant smell and is known for relaxing the animals that enter it. Many deer come here to eat the lilac flowers and other small plants that grow among the fields. During the winter, it becomes a large blanket of snow.

Square Falls,

In a crevice of land, three water falls cluster into one large pool of water. Instead of a circle, the land is shaped much like that of a square. Small hedges grow near the water, and on the inside is the home to various koi fish. The waterfalls fall all year round, and the temperature stays moderate. Making for a nice place to relax.

Spider Cove,

A cove near the coast of Alacritis that is infested with various species of spiders. Some more venomous than the others, this cove is dangerous and it is best be warned that wolves watch their step. Most of the spiders are not friendly.

Opal Town,

A town that was once filled with life. Now all that remains is a few run down houses and a large mini-mart that is decaying in the life of nature. Canned foods and other objects still sit within the mini-mart. Along with many other curious things on the insides of the house buildings. The town was named after the Opal gems that tend to line the outskirts of the overrun by nature town.

Moon hills,

A cluster of hills that are known for glowing in the dark. A special luminescent mineral within their soil makes them glow a blue color during the nights that the moon is present. The hills themselves during the day look normal with a green color to them. Small field animals like to make their homes here.

New Cast Cellar,

A small forest that has tree?s so collected together that it makes an overhanging capable of housing small monkeys and even climbing wolves. The twigs and branches are strongly intertwined together. Underneath is lush green brush, it rains quite a lot here feeding the forest to make for a beautiful sight.

Pillow?s Ashtray,

The site of an old meteor that impacted with the earth. A crater left behind in it?s wake ash covers the land and scatter igneous rocks. The air is humid and in most cases hot unless it is during the winter when it is under nearly constant rain-fall. The place still makes for a soft pillow though, and animal carcasses tend to litter the land.

Horseman?s Valley,

A western style valley with various brush and joshua tree?s. Named after the wild herds of horses that roam and make their home here. The place has small oasis? scattered in various areas and large dusty structure?s in it?s desert. The valley reaches hot temperatures, the horses taking shelter in the over hanging arches that provide shade. During the nights it is terribly cold, as well as during the winter.

Oil Tavern,

Small collections of caverns with oil stored in them. Sad victims have fallen into the collections of oil and died, leaving skeletons within the caves. It is suggested to watch your step, there are places in the cavern that are dark, and one slip could cause a wolf to fall into the oil and get stuck.

Sundevil Circle,

Home of the Rabbit eaters. This sandy terrain is overseeing the watery edges of land. Home to carnivorous eaters who?s main diet seems to be the rabbits who live in Rabbit?s court nearby. May it be wolves, or other creatures who decide to relax on this sandy beach full of cavern like shelters.

Rabbits Court,

A piece of land that is home to a large population of rabbits of all shapes and colors. The land covered in lush green to feed the animals, and many are a main course for the predators in the Sundevil Circle. The dens however are well hidden, best for the Rabbit?s survival.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



3 Years
09-19-2014, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2014, 11:23 PM by Titania.)
Name: Jagged Moor
Description: A beautiful expanse of luscious green moor covers the hills, though silver blades of rock and boulder stick out from the ground. These stones have interesting formations and can be used as shelter. Prey is plentiful in this moor, as rabbits are a common in this region.

Name: Sunflower Glade
Description: Bright and vibrant sunflowers grow wild in this area, reaching a couple feet in height. Many can lose their way through the tangles and mazes of yellow sunflowers. In the centre of the sunflower forest is a large glade, that may prove to be useful if one is to venture into the sunflowers.

Name: Ember Fields
Description: These fields were once green and fresh, but the heat dried them into hills of orange and yellow. There is not much to do amongst these dry hills, though at sunset these fields transform into a blazing display of fire and ember.

Name: Crystal Caves
Description: Buried in the coldest North, these dark caves offer shelter for those who seek it. Delicate icicles hang from the ceilings, dripping and creating stalagmites. Through twisting tunnels lays the largest cave with a high ceiling, beautiful wall carvings caused by the dripping water and a smooth stone floor. Smaller caves lead from the largest cavern, the perfect size for dens. Stone steps lead to a second level in the cave, along with higher den-sized caves. The ceiling reaches the surface and faint light travels through the thick brambles covering the hole. This palace-like cave is perfect for any wandering traveller or large pack.

Name: Swampland Pools
Description: Small trickling streams and creeks flow through this swampland. Small waterfalls that only reach a few feet in height are scattered amongst the thin rivers and creeks. Carp and many exotic types of fish swim in these streams, making this swamp an ideal hunting place for fishers. Though any can come here to enjoy the peace and serenity.

Name: Bamboo Maze
Description: Grown in a unique way to form a complicated maze, one must be wise not to venture in such a difficult maze. There is no water along the way, and many can lose themselves, growing tired of exhaustion. These special bamboos cannot be broken or torn down, and so the only way out is to find a path. Though every fifty years the bamboo flowers and the maze slowly dies.

Name: The Archipelago
Description: These waters are made of a few tiny islands, quite close together. Great cliffs and lush rainforests cover these small islands, providing a home for birds and interesting lemurs. This archipelago is perfect for those who wish to dwell in islands.

Name: Sinking Paradise (island)
Description: Found quite close to the Eastern shore of Kamui Delta, this island is a beautiful tropical getaway with many exotic beaches and relaxing mangroves and forests. Sadly, this island is slowly sinking, due to the sudden rise in sea level. Soon this island will be sunken underwater, forgotten and unwanted.

Name: Great Sandy Island
Description: If one is to find themselves marooned on this island, there is little hope for survival. Most of this small island is sand, with very little green. A few coconut trees are found in the centre, but there is no fresh water or shelter. In the centre of the island is an entrance to underground tunnels and caves, that might just lead you back to the mainland.

Name: Swift Channel
Description: A narrow stretch of water flows further than the eye can see, leading out to sea. It is a rather dangerous channel with strong and powerful currents that can pull you to the ocean. Steep cliffs surround the channel and one must be careful not to let the water claim their life.
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



5 Years
Extra large
09-19-2014, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2014, 02:47 PM by Laufey.)
Name: Lazuli Falls
Description: Breathtaking crystal blue water cascades down the rock face and with a roar like thunder, collides with the darker shaded water at the bottom. Two shades of royalty mix, creating foaming, swirling patterns in the lively surface. The farther from the base of the waterfall you get, the calmer and bluer the water becomes. It terminates into a gentle pool like no other; resting on stone and raised up from the surrounding forest floor like cupped hands, the edges of the pool are lined with lush greenery, many of which are wildly prized by healers. If one is clever, a hidden space can be found at the base of the falls. Stepping inside, the adventurer is quickly consume in darkness and the roar of the falls, but if she is brave and pushes on, the treasure on the end is worth her while.

Name: Grottes du sucre
Description: Upon braving the cave behind the Lazuli Falls, the adventurer is immediately entombed in darkness. If she is braver still, her paws will lead her to a narrow passageway. If she presses on, the first change in scape that she'll notice is a gentle glowing up ahead. It goes brighter as she nears it, until it fills the spacious expanse ahead with its gentle light. The floors and walls of this cavern are sweet to the taste; massive stalactites hanging from the ceiling overhead are pure sugar and some almost reach the floor. Stalagmites of similar sweetness are just as common. Clear rock candy grows in the small, deep pools that dot the cavern. The source of the glow is the crystallized sugar itself, although don't let that stop up from eating it, it's harmless.

Name:The Lighthouse
Description: Situated near the shore, The Lighthouse is a sight to behold. Time has taken its toll on the structure; the lens are broken, the lantern room is eaten with rust and the brickwork is beginning to crumble. Heavy vines cling to the outside and have succeeded in covering the base, hiding the empty doorway from view. With a bit of effort, it's possible to push through the vines and find your way inside. Once in, you'll find that time has been kinder to the stairs and while a few are a bit iffy, the rest will still take you safely to the lantern room.
This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



5 Years
09-20-2014, 02:00 PM

Taera's Island :
Description: This Island is desolate and holds a unique part in alacritis. The beauty of it masks away the fact that no living creature is able to take residence for a long time. Its usually hot, and theres little to no water to drink from. The water is polluted and murky, and wolves can easily get sick by drinking. Plants and veins are more common here, making it appear more like a jungle then# an island. When night falls the place illuminates, making it appear beautiful, and some may say that it can curse wolves to stay and imprison them at Taeras



7 Years
09-24-2014, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 10:03 PM by Natalya.)

Name: Swallet Ring
Description: At the shoreline, there is a shape that juts out of the land. A short, but wide, bridge connects the mainland to a great circle of land in the ocean. The circle is merely an outline, filled in the middle with salt water. There is a small break in it at the bridge to allow fish to come in and out, but they are much easier to catch in the shallows within the ring. The water just off the inside edge is, indeed, quite shallow, reaching only the knees of an average-sized wolf for a few yards. At the end of the shallows is a sudden drop-off, a sinkhole hundreds of feet deep. The ring can be a peaceful place to rest and a convenient place to fish or cool off, but one must be careful not to be stranded in the deep.
REFERENCE because I suck at describing things right now.